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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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Page 381

Configuring WINS
Windows  Internet  Name Service (WINS) is  a name resolution service that  associates  a NetBIOS  name (a computer  or printer name in an
SMB network) with an  IP  address. To enable  WINS, the  WINS server  must be specified.
In order to  specify  WINS server  settings,  NetBIOS  name and  workgroup name are  required to  be set. Configuring  SMB
The function is  not  available in an  IPv6  network.
Start  the Remote UI  and  log  on in System Manager Mode.  Starting...

Page 382

[WINS  Resolution]
Select the  check  box to  use WINS for  name resolution.  When  not  using WINS, clear the  check  box.
[WINS  Server Address]
Enter the  IP  address of the  WINS server.
If  the  IP  address of the  WINS server  is  obtained from a DHCP server, the  obtained IP  address overrides the  IP  address entered  in
the  [WINS Server  Address] text box.
[Scope ID]
If  the  network is  divided into several groups with scope  IDs  (identifiers for  groups of devices in the...

Page 383

Registering LDAP Servers (MF8580Cdw / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn /
MF8280Cw Only)
If  an  LDAP server  is  implemented  in the  network, you can search the  server  for  fax  numbers  or e-mail
addresses,  and  then  specify  them as destinations or register  them in the  Address Book.  You  can register  a
maximum  of five LDAP servers to  the  machine. Register LDAP servers via  the  Remote  UI.
LDAP servers that  are  supported by the  machine are  Windows  Server  2003/Server  2008/Server...

Page 384

To edit  registered  server information
Click a text link  under [Server  Name] for  the  edit screen.
To delete registered  server information
Click [Delete] on  the  right of the  server  name you want to  delete  
click [OK].
Specify  the required settings.
[Server Name]
Enter up  to  24 alphanumeric  characters  for  identifying the  LDAP server.
[Server Address]
Enter the  IP  address of the  LDAP server  or enter up  to  47 alphanumeric  characters  for  the  host  name of the  server...

Page 385

server. When  [Use] or [Use (Security Authentication)]  is  selected,  the  user  name and  password must be specified.[Do Not Use] Select not  to  authenticate the  machine using the  login information.
[Use] Select to  authenticate the  machine using the  login information.
[Use (Security
Authentication)] Select to  use data obtained by Kerberos,  a network authentication protocol, for  the  authentication
password. If  this setting is  selected,  the  clock of the  machine needs to  be synchronized...

Page 386

Configuring SNTP
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)  enables you to  adjust the  system clock by using the  time  server  on  the
network. The protocol is  typically used for  synchronizing the  machine and  a server, such as when the  machine
needs to  access an  LDAP server  with the  security authentication that  was  enabled.  The time  is  adjusted based
on  Coordinated  Universal Time (UTC),  so specify  the  time  zone setting before configuring SNTP
Date/Time Settings). SNTP settings...

Page 387

[Use SNTP]
Select the  check  box to  use SNTP for  synchronization.  If  you do not  want to  use SNTP,  clear the  check  box.
[NTP Server Name]
Enter the  IP  address of the  NTP or the  SNTP server. If  DNS is  available on  the  network, you can enter a host  name (or FQDN) of
up  to  255 alphanumeric  characters  instead (example:  ntp.example.com).
[Polling  Interval]
Specify the  interval  between  one synchronization and  the  next. Specify an  interval  from 1  to  48 hours.
Click [OK].

Page 388

Monitoring and Controlling the Machine with SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)  is  a protocol for  monitoring and  controlling communication devices in a network by using
Management Information Base  (MIB). The machine supports SNMPv1 and  security-enhanced SNMPv3.  You  can check  the  status of the
machine from a computer  when you print documents or use the  Remote  UI. You  can enable  either SNMPv1 or SNMPv3,  or both  at the
same time. Specify the  settings for  each version...

Page 389

Click [Edit...].
Specify  SNMPv1 settings.
If  you do not  need to  change SNMPv1 settings,  proceed to  the  next step.
[ Use SNMPv1]
Select the  check  box to  enable  SNMPv1.  You  can specify  the  rest  of SNMPv1 settings only when this check  box is  selected.
[ Use Community  Name  1 ]/[ Use Community  Name  2 ]
Select the  check  box to  specify  a community name.  If  you do not  need to  specify  a community name,  clear the  check  box.
[Community  Name]
Enter up  to  32 alphanumeric...

Page 390

[ Use Dedicated Community ]
Dedicated Community  is  a preset  community, intended exclusively  for  Administrators using Canon  software, such as imageWARE
Enterprise Management Console. Select the  check  box to  use Dedicated Community. If  you do not  need to  use Dedicated
Community, clear the  check  box.
Enabling  SNMPv1
Disabling  SNMPv1
Clear the  [Use SNMPv1]  check  box.
Specify  SNMPv3 settings.
If  you do not  need to  change SNMPv3 settings,  proceed to  the  next step.
[ Use SNMPv3]
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