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Canon I Sensys Lbp6030b User Guide

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Page 241

Setting Up a Print Server
You  can lessen the  burden on  computers that  request  printing services by setting up  a print server. You  can also  use the  print server  to
install printer drivers on  other computers, so that  users  of those computers do not  need to  install the  printer driver  from the  CD -
Configuring Settings on the Print Server  Computer
Configure printer sharing  settings on  the  computer  that  you want to  use as the  print server. Configuring  Settings...

Page 242

Configuring Settings on the Print Server Computer
Configure printer sharing  settings on  the  computer  that  you want to  use as the  print server. The following  procedure assumes that  you
have already  installed the  printer driver  on  the  computer  that  you plan to  use as the  print server. If  you have not  installed the  printer
driver  already, see  
Setting Up a Print Server during Printer Driver  Installation.
It may  not  be possible to  install printer drivers over the  network...

Page 243

During the  procedure explained in Installing Drivers via the Print Server (Client  Settings), this step is  necessary  if  you
want to  use the  print server  to  install printer drivers on  computers that  use different  processor  versions  (32-bit or 64-bit) of the
operating  system.
1Click [Additional Drivers].
2Select the additional drivers, and  click [OK].
Select additional drivers as follows, according to  the  operating  system of the  print server.
Print  Server Additional Drivers
32-bit OS...

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Click [OK].
Setting Up a Print Server  during Printer Driver Installation
If  you are  using a printer connected by wireless LAN, you can set up  a print server  at the  time  when you install the  printer driver. To set
the  computer  onto  which you are  installing the  print driver  as a print server, select [Use as Shared  Printer] in the  [Printer I nformation]
screen, which is  displayed when you install the  printer driver.
If  you are  using a printer connected by USB,  you cannot  set up  a...

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Installing Drivers via the Print Server (Client Settings)
You  can use the  print server  to  install printer drivers for  a shared  printer on  other computers (clients) on  the  same network. Because the
printer drivers are  installed via  the  print server, users  of the  other computers do not  need to  use the  printers  CD -ROM/DVD -ROM.
Log on to the computer  with an administrator account.
Open [Windows Explorer] or [File Explorer].
Windows XP/Vista/7/Server  2003/Server 2008

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Updating and Uninstalling
This section  explains how to  update  and  uninstall  printer drivers. It also  explains how to  uninstall  the  Product Extended Survey Program.
You  can update  installed printer drivers to  the  latest  versions. Updating
When  you no  longer  need installed printer drivers or the  Product Extended Survey Program,  you can uninstall  (delete) them.Uninstalling

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Proceed as follows to  download  the  latest  printer driver  from the  Canon  website and  update  the  printer driver  installed on  your
Log on to the computer  with an administrator account.
Download the printer  driver from the Canon  website (http://www.canon.com/).
For more information  about  how to  download  the  printer driver, see  the  driver  download  page for  your printer.
Unzip  the downloaded file.
Open the folder where  the printer  driver is  stored.

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Check  the printer  information  in [Printer  List for Driver Installation], and  click [Start].
Updating of the  printer driver  starts. 
Select [Restart  My Computer Now], and  click [Restart].

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When  you no  longer  need installed printer drivers or the  Product Extended Survey Program,  you can uninstall  them to  delete  them from
your computer.
Uninstalling Printer Drivers
Uninstalling the Product Extended  Survey Program
Log on to the computer  with an administrator account.
Display [Programs and  Features]  or [Add  or Remove  Programs]. 
Displaying [Programs and Features]  or  [Add or
Remove  Programs]
Select the printer  driver that  you want to uninstall, and...

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Select the printer  that  you want to uninstall, and  click [Delete].
If  you click [Cleanup],  then  all files, directory information  and  other data related to  all printers are  deleted, not  only for  the
selected printer but for  all printers in the  list. Normally you should use [Delete] to  uninstall  printer drivers. Click [Cleanup] when
no  printer is  displayed in the  list.
Click [Yes].
The uninstall  starts.
When  the  following  screen appears, click [Yes]  or [Yes To All].
Click [Exit]....
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