Candy Cwb 1307 User Instructions
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4041CHAPITRE 7 FR CHARGE MAXIkg TEMP. °C 90° 60° 40° 30° 60° 50° 40° 40° 40° 30° - - - 40° 50° T ABLEAU DES PROGRAMMES Tissus résistantsCoton, lin, chanvre Coton, mixte Tissus mixtes et synthétiquesMixtes résistants Synthétiques (Nylon, mixtes de coton)Tissus très délica ts Laine Synthétiques acryliques ❙ ❙ ❙●● ● ●● ●● ●● ●● ● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ● ●● ●●CHARGE DE LESSIVE Notes importantes Si les sous-vêtements sont très sales ,réduire le char gement à 4 kg m axi. ** Programmes en accord CENELEC EN 60456. P...
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4243CAPITOLO 7 Note da considerare In caso di biancheria con elevato grado di sporco é consigliata la riduzione del carico a non più di 4 kg. ** Programma di prova secondo CENELEC EN 60456. In tutti i programmi è possibile regolare la velocità della centrifuga secondo il consiglio del fa bbricante del tessuto. Se l’etichetta non riporta alcuna indicazione è possibile centrifugare alla massima veloc ità prevista dal programma. Quando solo alcuni capi presentano macchie che richiedono un trattamento con...
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4445 Observações importantes Se pretender lavar roupa interior muito suja, será recomendável não carregar a máquina com mais de 4 kg de roupa. Em todos os programas, é possível regular a velocidade da centrifugação de acordo com as recomendações de lavagem indicadas na roupa. Se a etiqueta não trouxer qualquer indicação, pode usar-se a centrifugação à velocidade máxima prevista pelo programa. **) Programas em conformidade com a norma EN 60456. Quando só um número limitado de peças de roupa têm nódoas que...
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4647 Notas a considerar: En caso de ropa con un alto grado de suciedad, se aconseja la reducción de la carga a máximo 4 kg. ** Programas según normas CENELEC EN 60456. En todos los programas es posible regular la velocidad de centrifugado según el consejo del fabricante de la prenda. Si la etiqueta no posee ninguna indicación se puede centrifugar a la máxima velocidad prevista en el programa. Cuando solo algunos tejidos presentan manchas que necesitan un tratamiento con productos blanqueadores líquidos,...
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4849 Please read these notes When washing heavily soiled laundr y it is recommended the load is reduced to 4 kg m aximum. ** Programmes according to CENELEC EN 60456. The spin speed may also be reduced, to match any guidelines suggested on the fabric label, or for very delicate fabrics cancel the spin completely this option is available with a spin speed button. When only a limited number of articles have stains which require treatment with liquid bleaching agents, preliminary removal of stain can be...
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EN 51 CHAPTER 8SELECTIONFor the various types of fabrics and various degrees of dirt the washing machine has 4 different programme bands according to: wash cycle, temperature and lenght of cycle (see table of washing cycle programmes). 1 RESISTANTS FABRICS The programmes have been designed for a maximum wash and the rinses, with spin intervals, ensure perfect rinsing. The final spin gives more efficient removal of water. 2 MIXED AND SYNTHETIC FABRICS The main wash and the rinse gives best results thanks...
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52 53 EN 4. SPECIALS SPECIAL “RINSE” PROGRAMME This programme carries out three rinses with a intermediate spin (which can be excluded by using the correct button). It can be used for rinsing any type of fabric, eg. use after hand- washing. This program can be also used as cycle of Bleaching (see table of washing cycle programmes). SPECIAL “FAST SPIN” PROGRAMME Programme “FAST SPIN” carries out a maximum spin (which can be reduced by using the correct button). DRAIN ONLY This programme drains out the...
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54 EN 55 “MIX & WASH SYSTEM” PROGRAMME This is an exclusive Candy system and involves 2 great advantages for the consumer: • to be able to wash together different type of fabrics (e.g. cotton + synthetic etc…) FAST COLOUREDS; •to wash with a considerable energy saving. The Mix & Wash programme has a temperature of 40°C and alternate dynamic phases (the basket that turns) to static phases (fabrics in soak in phase of rest) with a duration programme that almost reaching the 2 hours. The energy consumption...
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56 57 FR CHAPITRE 9TIROIR A LESSIVE Le tiroir à lessive est divisé en 3 petits bacs: –le bac marquée du symbole “I”sert pour la lessive destinée au prélavage; –le bac marquée du symbole “ ✿ ✿ ”sert pour des additifs spéciaux: adoucisseurs, parfums, amidon, produits pour l’azurage, etc; –le bac marquée du symbole“II”sert pour la lessive destinée au lavage. Si vous souhaitez utiliser une lessive liquide, un récipient spécial peut être inséré dans la section “II”du tiroir à lessive. Grâce à ce système,...
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FR EN 5859 CHAPITRE 10LE PRODUITATTENTION: si vous devez laver des tapis, des couvre-lits ou d’autres pièces lourdes, nous conseillons de ne pas essorer. Pour laver à la machine des vêtements et de la lingerie se reporter à l’étiquette qui doit mentionner “pure laine vierge” et l’indication “ne se feutre pas” ou “peut être lavé en machine”.ATTENTION: Au cours de la phase de sélection vérifier que:-aucun objet métallique ne se trouve dans le linge à laver (boucles, épingles de nourrice, épingles,...