Brother Pe Design 7 Manual
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255 Creating Custom Fonts (Font Creator) 3.Drag the handle to adjust the selected background image to the desired size. Moving the background image 1. Click Display, then Modify Template. →The background image is selected. 2.Move the pointer over a selected background image. →The shape of the pointer changes to . 3.Drag the background image to the desired location. Changing the grid settings The line spacing in the grid displayed in the work area can be adjusted. 1.Click Display, then Grid Setup. →The Grid Setting dialog box appears. 2.To display the grid, select the Show Grid check box. To hide the grid, clear the Show Grid check box. 3.To input the font in a uniform thickness or match vertical and horizontal positions, select the Snap to Grid check box. 4.In the Grid Interval box, select the grid spacing. To select a grid interval of 1/15 of a work area’s edge, click Wide. To select a grid interval of 1/30 of a work area’s edge, click Medium. To select a grid interval of 1/90 of a work area’s edge, click Narrow. 5.To display the grid as solid lines, select the with Axes check box. 6.Click OK to apply the changes and to close the dialog box. bMemo: This function is not available if no template image has been imported into the work area. bMemo: This function is not available if no template image has been imported into the work area. bMemo: The pointer will move by the amount set in Grid interval. The snap feature works whether or not the grid is displayed. aNote: When the Show grid check box is selected and the with Axes check box is cleared, only the intersecting points of the grid will be displayed. bMemo: To close the dialog box without applying the changes to the grid, click Cancel.

256 Creating Custom Stitch Patterns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Opening a Pattern File A previously saved programmable stitch file can be opened to be edited. Toolbar button: 1.Click , or click File, then Open. →An Open dialog box similar to the one shown below appears. 2.Select the drive and the folder. 3.To view the contents of the .pas and .pmf files in the currently selected folder, click Browse.→A Browse dialog box similar to the one shown below appears. 4.To open a file, select it, and then click Open, or double-click the file’s icon. →If the current work area has already been saved or has not been edited, the contents of the selected file immediately appear in the work area. →If the current work area has not been saved, you will be asked whether you want to save the changes. bMemo: • If the Preview check box is selected, the contents of the selected file will appear in the Preview box. To quit the operation and close the dialog box, click Cancel. aNote: To open a fill/stamp stitch pattern, be sure to select a folder that contains .pas files. To open a motif stitch pattern, be sure to select a folder that contains .pmf files. bMemo: To return to the Open dialog box, click Cancel. A green arrow through the middle of the stitch pattern indicates motif stitch patterns (.pmf). Otherwise, the data is a fill/stamp stitch pattern (.pas). Stamps are identified by the red- (engraving effect sewn with the fill stitch) and blue-filled areas (embossing effect sewn with satin stitching). bMemo: The mode will automatically change to match that of the selected pattern (Fill/Stamp for .pas files or Motif for .pmf files).

257 Creating Custom Stitch Patterns (Programmable Stitch Creator) c“Creating a New Pattern” on page 258, “Overwriting” on page 272 and “Saving with a new name” on page 272 Opening an image in the background You can open a background image that can be used as a guide to draw a new fill/stamp and motif stitch pattern. The file name extension must be one of the following: Windows bitmap (.bmp), Exif (.tif, .jpg), ZsoftPCX (.pcx), Windows Meta File (.wmf), Portable Network Graphics (.png), Encapsulated PostScript (.eps), Kodak PhotoCD (.pcd), FlashPix (.fpx), JPEG2000 (.j2k). 1.Click File, then Template Open. →An Open template file dialog box similar to the one shown below appears. 2.Select the drive, the folder and the desired file. 3.Click Open to open the file. →The image fills the work area. bMemo: To save the work area, click Yes. To abandon the work area, click No. To return to the work area, for example, to modify it or save it with another file name, click Cancel. bMemo: If the Preview check box is selected, the contents of the selected file will appear in the Preview box. bMemo: Double-clicking the file name also opens the file and closes the dialog box. To quit the operation, click Cancel. To display, hide, or display a faded copy of the image that remains in the work area, click Display, then Template, and then click the desired display setting. To display the template image, click On (100%) . To display a faded copy of the image, click the desired density ( 75%, 50% or 25%). To hide the template image, click Off. aNote: With .pcd and .fpx files containing many pages, only the first page can be opened. Tiff files with LZW compression cannot be opened. Only one image can be added to the work area. If you try to display a different image, it will replace the previous one.

258 Creating Custom Stitch Patterns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Creating a New Pattern You can begin with a blank work area in order to design a new stitch pattern. Toolbar button: 1.Click , or click File, then New. →If the current work area has already been saved or has not been edited, a new work area appears immediately. →If the current work area has not been saved, you will be asked whether you want to save the changes. c“Opening a Pattern File” on page 256, “Overwriting” on page 272 and “Saving with a new name” on page 272 Selecting the Type of Stitch Pattern To Be Created You can use Programmable Stitch Creator to create patterns for programmable fill stitches, stamps, motif fill stitches, motif line stitches. The method and work area are slightly different for each. Use the commands on the Mode menu to select the type of pattern that you want to create. 1.To enter Fill/Stamp mode, click Mode, then Fill/Stamp. To enter Motif mode, click Mode, then Motif. →If the current work area has already been saved or has not been edited, a blank work area immediately appears in the selected mode.→If the current work area has not been saved, you will be asked whether you want to save the changes. Fill/Stamp mode In Fill/Stamp mode, you can make a stitch pattern out of a single line or sets of lines, and you can then choose to fill the areas enclosed by the lines to create an embossing/engraving effect. Both types of stitch patterns can be set as a programmable fill stitch in addition to being applied as individual stamps to regions of patterns in Design Center as well as Layout & Editing. The Line tool in the Tool Box allows you to draw the lines of a fill stitch pattern or a stamp, and the Region (engrave), the Region (emboss) and the Region (reset) tools allow you to fill and edit the enclosed areas of the stitch or stamp that you draw. The sewing method for a programmable fill stitch is different from the regular fill stitch, where the thread is constantly sewn in a set direction. Instead, the pattern will be sewn in such a way that the needle drops directly over the created pattern. bMemo: To save the work area, click Yes. To abandon the work area, click No. To return to the work area, for example, to modify it or save it with another file name, click Cancel. bMemo: To save the work area, click Yes. To abandon the work area, click No. To return to the work area, for example, to modify it or save it with another file name, click Cancel.

259 Creating Custom Stitch Patterns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Motif mode In Motif mode, you can create custom stitch patterns by changing the shape of a single line. These stitch patterns can be applied in line sewing and region sewing in Layout & Editing, and region sewing in Design Center. A green arrow appears at the rignt center edge of the work area, showing the direction that the pattern (stitch) will be sewn. A single pink line appears along with the green arrow. This line indicates the base for the motif stitch, which can be altered by inserting points with the Edit Point tool, and then moving them to form custom designs.The blue square at the left edge of the work area indicates the start point of that line and the red square at the right edge indicates the end point of the stitch. The start and end points cannot be deleted, and they must be aligned vertically. Therefore, if you move one point up or down, the other point will automatically move in the same direction. bMemo: To display the Preview Window, click Display on the menu bar, and then click Preview. Example of a pattern bMemo: To display Preview Window, click Display on the menu bar, and then click Preview. Example of a pattern Line sewingRegion sewing

260 Creating Custom Stitch Patterns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Viewing the Stitch Pattern While Creating It You can display the Preview window to view a repeating image of the stitch pattern as you create it. 1.If the Preview window isn’t displayed, click Display, then Preview. The Preview window for the selected Mode setting appears, as shown in the examples below, and a check mark appears to the left of the menu command Display Preview. The image in the Preview window is updated as you enter the changes in the work area. 2.To close the Preview window, click its close button, or click the menu command Display Preview to remove the check mark. bMemo: The Preview window can be resized. The setting for displaying the Preview window is retained, until it is changed. Fill/Stamp mode Motif mode

261 Creating Custom Stitch Patterns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Creating a Stitch Pattern for Region Sewing (Fill/Stamp Mode) The Line tool allows you to draw broken lines to create your fill/stamp stitch pattern. A broken line is made of one or more connected straight lines with the end point of one straight line being the start point of the next line. The horizontal and vertical lines that you draw on the work area always follow the grid. The points that you create by clicking the mouse button are inserted at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines of the grid, enabling you to draw diagonal lines as well. Regardless of where you click, a point will automatically be inserted at the nearest intersection. Depending on the stitch pattern that you want to draw, you may need to select a grid of a different size. In addition, by selecting None, the point will no longer be inserted at the nearest intersection, allowing you to create curved patterns. For details on the grids and adjusting them, refer to “Changing the grid settings” on page 273. 1.Click on the Tool Box. →When the pointer is moved over the work area, the shape of the pointer changes to . 2.Click in the work area to specify the start point. 3.Click in the work area to specify the next point. 4.Continue clicking to specify every point, and then double-click the last point. 5.Repeat the entire procedure until the fill/stamp stitch pattern is completed. aNote: This tool can only be used in Fill/Stamp mode. bMemo: To remove the last point that was entered, click the right mouse button.

262 Creating Custom Stitch Patterns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Editing a Stitch Pattern for Region Sewing (Fill/Stamp Mode) Selecting patterns 1.Click on the Tool Box. →The shape of the pointer changes to . 2.Click the pattern that you want to select. →Handles appear around the pattern to show that it is selected. 3.To select an additional pattern, hold down the key and click the other pattern. Selecting all patterns 1. Make sure that on the Tool Box is selected. 2.Click Edit, then Select All. Moving patterns 1.Move the pointer over a selected pattern or group of selected patterns. →The shape of the pointer changes to . 2.Drag the pattern to the desired location. Scaling patterns 1.Move the pointer over one of the handles of a selected pattern or group of patterns. →The shape of the pointer changes to , , or , depending on the handle that the pointer is over. aNote: A pattern will not be selected if you do not click one of its lines. bMemo: To deselect the pattern, select a different one, click a blank area of the work area, or click a button in the Tool Box other than . bMemo: You can also select patterns by dragging the pointer across the pattern that you want to select. As you drag the pointer, a selection frame is drawn. All patterns that are contained in that selection frame are selected when the mouse button is released. If you selected patterns that you did not want, click a blank area of the work area to deselect all patterns, and start again. Ctrl bMemo: To move the pattern horizontally or vertically, hold down the key while dragging it. Pressing the arrow keys moves the selected pattern one grid mark in the direction of the arrow on the key. If the grid is not displayed, the pattern moves a distance smaller than the smallest grid interval in the direction of the arrow on the key. Shift

263 Creating Custom Stitch Patterns (Programmable Stitch Creator) 2.Drag the handle to adjust the selected pattern(s) to the desired size. Deleting patterns 1.Select the pattern to be deleted. 2.Press the key, or click Edit, then Delete. Cutting out patterns Selected pattern(s) can be removed from the screen while saving a copy in the Clipboard. Toolbar button: 1.Select one or more patterns. 2.Click , or click Edit, then Cut. →The selected patterns are removed from the work area. c“Copying patterns” on this page, “Pasting a cut or copied pattern” on this page and “Deleting patterns” on this page Copying patterns Selected pattern(s) can be saved on the Clipboard without being removed from the work area. Toolbar button: 1.Select one or more patterns. 2.Click , or click Edit, then Copy. →The selected patterns are copied onto the Clipboard and are ready to be pasted. c“Cutting out patterns” on this page, “Duplicating patterns” on this page and “Pasting a cut or copied pattern” on this page Duplicating patterns A copy of the selected pattern(s) can be added to the work area. 1.Select one or more patterns. 2.Click Edit, then Duplicate. →A copy of the pattern(s) are added to the work area. c“Copying patterns” on this page and “Pasting a cut or copied pattern” on this page Pasting a cut or copied pattern The patterns on the Clipboard can be pasted into the work area. Toolbar button: 1.Click , or click Edit, then Paste. →The patterns saved on the Clipboard (using the Cut or Copy command) are pasted into the work area. c“Cutting out patterns” on this page, “Copying patterns” on this page and “Deleting patterns” on this page bMemo: is for scaling the width. is for scaling the height. and are for scaling both dimensions at the same time. (The height- to-width proportion is maintained.) If the key is held down while a handle is dragged, the image is enlarged or reduced from the center of the image. bMemo: Since the removed patterns are saved on the Clipboard, you can paste them back using the menu command Edit – Paste. Shift Delete

264 Creating Custom Stitch Patterns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Flipping patterns vertically You can flip the selected pattern(s) vertically (up/ down). Toolbar button: 1.Select one or more patterns. 2.Click , or click Edit, then Mirror, then Horizontal. →The selected pattern(s) are replaced by their horizontal mirror image (top and bottom inverted). c“Flipping patterns horizontally” on this page and “Rotating patterns” on this page Flipping patterns horizontally You can flip the selected pattern(s) horizontally (left/ right). Toolbar button: 1.Select one or more patterns. 2.Click , or click Edit, then Mirror, then Vertical. →The selected pattern(s) are replaced by their vertical mirror image (left and right inverted). c“Flipping patterns vertically” on this page and “Rotating patterns” on this page Rotating patterns You can manually rotate the selected pattern(s) by an arbitrary angle. Toolbar button: 1.Select one or more patterns. 2.Click , or click Edit, then Rotate. →The handles around the selected pattern are replaced by empty squares at the four corners of the selected pattern. 3.Move the pointer over one of the four rotation handles. →When the pointer is moved over a rotation handle, the shape of the pointer changes to . 4.Drag the rotation handle clockwise or counterclockwise to rotate the pattern to the desired angle. bMemo: To restore the image to its original orientation, select the menu command Edit – Mirror – Horizontal again. bMemo: To restore the image to its original orientation, select the menu command Edit – Mirror – Vertical again.