Brother Lh4-b814-2 Instruction Manual
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(! l :\cecile S\\·tng mg. This machine swings the needle from right to left eithe r going forward o r backward. for tacking o n b oth ends. Fig. 26.

6. Number of stitches. ) . ~ ~s, t ... ¥ -+- -+-t---+--+-11-JB I .. . . .. ( Fig . 31) Please use with this machine in proper numbe rs of stitches pe r cycle depending on the length of buttonhole. You c an obtain the predetermined number of stitches chan g ing the combin ati on of the gears includ ing wit h this machine. (Fi g. 31) ( I) Changing the number of stitche s (Fig. 32) (Fig . 33) llere is an example to obtain th e desi re d numbe r of stitches pe r cycle. To obtain 119 stitc hes pe r cycl e. please refer Fig s. 32. 3:3. a . Put 3·1 g ear into L shaft. b. lut ··-12 gear into I~ shaft tu rni ng gear slig htl y pushing and you can ea sily p u t it in to the pin ions \\·ithin 180 rotation. c. C lose th e cover not so as to drop o u t. 7 . Setting positio n of cutter (Fig . 34) The posit ion of cutter is adjus te d by the move ment of cutler ho lder. 1 that time. please make sure to ha\·e 0.2mm or more clearance between needle bar and c utt er edge. T he height of cutter must b e set as its lowest po in t (front) is :3mm belcl\\. the needl e plate surface on its \\·ay clo\\n. (Fi g. 3-1) 10 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

8. Adjusting upper thread trimmer T he upper thread trimmer plays the follo\\·ing three roles. a . Trim the upper thread b. I lolc l the th read e nd after trimming c. Se\\·in.~ on the thread end at th e beginn in g of next buttonh ole . ( F ig. 3 5) I) a. If the trimming mechanism \\·o rk s pro perly \\ ithout good trimming re sult. it is con side red a s th e defect of back and fo rth position of th e trimme r. At that tim e. loosen the s e re \\ and adjust the correct posit ion. b. \\hen t h e thread is trimm ed a nd it remained th e e nd of thread on th e materia ls . the posit io n of blades is consider e d to b e too high. Therefo re . fix it to the \\Ork clamp as ncar as possible. (F ig. 35) (F ig . 36) (Fig. 37) 2) a. If the thre ad is trimmed pno r to th e blade ac tion. and it fails to ho ld th e thread encl. pl ease re move th e upp er blade and reshape the b lade as p er Fig. 36. b. In case of thread o ff at the beg innin g of ne x t buttonhole being t rimmed correctly. it is con side re d to be \\eak spring action of uppe r blade or faulty shape. therefore. ple ase remo\·e and be nd it so as to get the correct contact. (Fig. 37) c. In c ase of fa ilin g to co\·er th e thread e nd o n the next buttonhole . it IS consid ere d to be earlier or later ti mi ng of blade opening. T herefore. p lease correct th e timing b~· moving blade guid e back and fo rth . Pushing fo rward, the blade opening timing \\ill be ea rlie r and \ic c \·e rs a . -11 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

9. Replacing lower thread trimmer {Fig. 38) Ir you ,,·ill find that t h e IO\\·e r thread trimmer kni,·e s arc dull. unscrew th e stud scre w and needle plate screws a s shown in Fig. 3R. th en re m ove th e needle plate assem blr and replace t h e defecti\·e parts th e reof. 10. Adjusting automatic thread breakage perceiving device {Fig . 39) {Fig . 40) {Fig. 41) If the re latiYe positi on between cutter preventor and thread b reakage percei,· ing ,,·ire will be ou t of o rd er. although th e upp er thread does not break. the cutter will not drop in some occasions. In this c a se, please make sure to be as per Fig. 39 o n th e condi tion of correc t th reading a nd con ·cct tensio ns. This re lation can be obtained by adjusting th e fas te n in g screw as pe r Fig. 40 loosened. Also t h e correct re latio n between cutter preventor and cutler pre ven to r lever must be adjusted so as to be 0.5mm clearance as per Fig . ..JO wh en the cutter clutch bar moves to th e directi on shown arrow mark. and cutter lever r emoves from cutter clut ch to c utter clutch bar. (Fig . ..J I) 11. Releasing tension on main tension regulator {Fig. 42) r; High speed tJsew 1ng mStop ~positio n The thread on main te ns ion regulato r is tight at hig h spe ed sewi ng . releases 0.5m m clearance al low speed se\\· ing and releases freely at stop position. This can be adjusted b~· setting the upper tensio n releaser. (Fig. -f2) -12 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

12. Releasing tension on low er tension regulator (Fig . 43) Adjusting screw ~?J -(Fig . 44) 13. Adjusting oiling (Fig. 45) The thread on lower tens ion regulator can be re leased by the ca m of te nsio n re l easer. This adjustment is obtained by loosen ing t h e adjust ing screw as s h own in Fig. 44 and moving tension rel ease p in to the direct io n indicated arrow sh o wn in F ig. 43 and set the tensio n dis cs to be lmm gap . And the timing of tension re lease can be adjusted by the pos i tion of cam of thread tension re lease in the fee d cam to be calicr o r later. (1) This mac hine features automatic lubrication to all sliding p arts and th e adjustment of oiling to all those par ts exce pt to hook can b e clon e by the adjusting sere\\. loca ted in the right of b ed. Thi s can be clone by sere\\ . clri\·er. and if you will turn cloc k wise. th e oi I feeds less and \·ice versa. Please mak e sure to adjust to lubricate to all necessary po in ts with proper amount of oil feeding in order to avo id oil l e akag e clue to much oil or seizi ng up clue to less oil. (2) Adjustin g oiling to h oo k ca n be done by movi ng the scre w locate d in front of mach ine. Less oil to t h e hook is recom· m endable. (Fig. 45) -13 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Upper thread cutter lever release I Clearance (0 .2 0.4mm) • - Overlapped more than I mm : (Fig. 46) thread cutter actuator 14. The cutter f alls on the sc 1ssors: * The sc1ssors work before the machine stop::; :>o the c utle r falls a nd is damaged. This kind of tr ouble occurs 11·hen the scissors arc not set in the correct position. To adjust it. first turn the cam dri1·c handle from the normal slop position of the machine until the scissor guide o1·erlap s 11·ith the sc1ssors as much as lm111 or more. Then adjust the pos itio n of the upper thread cutter le1·er releas e until there is a clearance of 0 .2 - 0.-1111111 b et·een the upp er thread cutter le1·er re lease and the upper thread cutter actuator. (F ig. -Hi) 15 . Insta lling the tape winder (Applicable to the Lll..t-B-81-1·2 &. ·3 spec ifications) r . (Fig . 4 7) - 14 - *When sewing elastic fabrics such as knittings. use a tape on th e wrong side of the fabric to r einforce holes. From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

5 TROUBLE SHOOTING 1. Thread breaks a. Needle blunt or bent b. Needle too thin c. Needle plate damaged d. Poor quality of thread used e. Too strong tension on upper thread f. Improper threading g. Hook point damaged h. Out of timing the hook I. Dusts or lints in hook 2. Stitch skipping a. Needle bent b. Incorrect setting the needle, height and angle c. Too thick or thin needle size d. Out of timing the hook and needle 3. Threading off a. \Veak spring action of blades b. Incorrect trimming upper thread by upper blade c. Uneven _lower thread winding or too strong tension on bobbin d. Too much or less clearance between hook and hook nosition bracket e. Out of timing the hook 4. Threading uff a. \Veak spring action of blades b. Incorrect trimming upper thread by upper blade ·5. Irregular stitch at beginning a. Upper thread blade position too high b. Incorrect position of sub tension release cam· -15- From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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