Brother Lh4-b814-2 Instruction Manual
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INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR BROTHER MODEL LH4-B814-1 ,-2,-3 High Speed Buttonhole Sewing Machine BROTHER INDUSTRIES, LTD. NAGOYA, JAPAN. From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

1 . Features and S pecif icatin o s .................... ...... ..................................................................... 1 1. Main Speci f ications .................................................................... ................................. .. 1 2. S titch formation .. ...... .......................... ... .... ........................... ..... ................................... 1 3. Features ........................................ ...... ..... ..... ........ ................................................ ....... . 2 . Setting up and running ................................................................... ............................. ..... ) 1. How to fix t h e motor ................................... ........ .............................................. .. ... ..... 2 2. Setting the machine head on table top .. .. .... ... ....... ................ ....................................... 2 3. How to us e the machine ................................................................. ........................... ...... 4 1. C leanin g up ................ .......................... .... ..... .......................... ..................... ..... ... ..... .... ·I 2 . Needl e and its setting .. ..... ............................................. .... ... ......... ................. ..... ......... 4 3. Selectio n of thread threadin g ... .... ...................... .................................... ....................... 4 4. Winding lower thread ............................................................ ........ .... .... ............ ..... ...... 5 5. Threading bobbi n case .................................................................................................. 5 6. Regu lating lower thread te n sion ............................................................................. .... .. 6 7. Inserting bobbin case i nto hook ... ... ..... .... .................................................... .... ............. 6 8 . R un n i ng .................... .................... ..... ......... .... ... .......... ........ ...... ...... ........ ...................... 6 9 . Operating knife lockin g device ............................................. ........ .... ..... ... ..... ....... ........ 6 1 0. Emergency stop .. ..... ............................ ... .................................................. ........... ... ....... 7 I I. Operating manual fe ed ing le v e r .................................................................................... 7 4 . Adjustment. ................... .... ..........................................................................\ ....................... 7 1. Regulating upper thread tensio n ........................................................................... .... .... 7 2 . R egulating the thread take -up spring ... ..... ........... ... ...... .... ............................ .. .... ..... .... 8 3. Timing the hoo k and need le .... .......... ..... .............................. ............................. ._ .......... 8 4. Adju s ting th e width of buttonhole and position of buttonhole ................................. : .... 8 5. Buttonhole slot and length .......... .. ............................. .... ........ ................................... .... 9 6. Nun1be r of stitches ......... .............................................................................................. 10 7. Setting positi on of cutter ...................... .. ...................................................................... 1 0 8. A dj ustin g upper th read trimmer ...... ....... ... ... .... ............... ............... ........................ ... .... 11 9. Replaci ng lower thread tri m mer ... .... .. ............ ........ ... .... ........ .......... ............. ..... ... ........ 12 1 0. A dju stin g automatic thread breakage perceiving device ........ ....................................... 12 l 1. R eleasing te nsio n on main te ns io n regulator .................................................... ...... .... ... 12 12. Releasing te n sio n on lower tension regulator .................................... ....................... ..... 13 1 3. Adjus ting oiling ..................................... ........................................................................ l3 14. The cutter fa lls on the scissors ................... ...... ... ....... ..... ............................... ... ..... ..... l-1 1 5 . In stallin g the tape win der ............... ....................................... .... ................. ............... ... l-1 5. Trouble s ho otin g .... ......................................................................... .................................. 15 1. l h read breaks ...... ... .............................................................. ........................... .... ...... .. 15 2. Stitch skipping ................................. ... .... ...................................................................... IS 3. Irregular stitches ............................................... ......................... .... ............................... 15 4. Threading of. ................................ ......... .... ...... .......................... ................................... IS 5. Ir regu la r stitch at begin ning .. ............................ .......................................................... . IS 6. P arts list ..................................................................................... ..... .................................. I() From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

1. FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. M ain Spec ification s \lode I S ub -class - 1 Ll 1-1 - BSl-1 s ingl e needle lock stitch buttonholer -2 -3 Use general materia ls general mater ia ls knitted materals 3 .300 spm Max. sewing speed Length of buttonhole \\idth of button hole 6.-lmm -25mm( 1 •1 - 1 ) 6.-lmm -32mm (J,{ - I),{ ) 6.-lmm-32mm( ,l.{ -11 •1 ) 2m m --lm m(%;-\/) 2mm-6m m( %;-1~;n 2mm -6mm(%;-).;;) Tape wind ing dc,·ice Feeding mechanism t\il Equipped Equipped uppe r upper & lo,,·er uppe r & IO\\·er Buttonhole stitc hes 60-%0 stitc hes I I e ight of presser foot l2 .5mm (Yzl 2. Stitch formation I) \\hip stitch ..... same stitch formation as ordinar~· l ock stitch zigzag formation. name ly. zigza,g s titch of uppe r thread o n lop and zigzag stitch of lower th read on bottom. 2) P url s tit ch ..... Strong te nsio n on upper thread applied. thu s. the upper thread seem s to be straight raised up o n the lo·e r thread. Thi s is applie d for buttonhole \\·o rk s o n shirts . pyajamas and the like. This mode l L! 14-88 14 can be done either whip stitch or p u rl sti tch. depending on, the sewing materi a ls. and it is general!~· used ,,·ith purl s titc h buttonho le on shirts. pyajamas and the lik e. and used with ,,-hip stitch buttonhole on knitted fabrics. With this machine. if i t is used with purl stitch. both ends of buttonhole. portion of bar tacking can be clon e with ,,·hip stitc h in order to be abl e to get the beautiful and s table quality o f butto nholes. As m entioned abO\· e. on the knitted fabrics and je rseys. it is recommend e d to do wi th whip s ti tch. It is ver~· easy to change th e stit ch formation fro m p url stitch to whip stitch onl~· by changing the t e n sio n on the upper thread tensio n regulator. 3. Feature s 1) Thi s model is ,-cry fa st to se,,· and can be obtained good qual it~-bu ttonholes w ith easy adjustm ents. 2 ) Automatic lubrication can a,·oid th e oili ng to the machines in e \·ery mornin g. :1) It can raise up the producti,·ity a s it ensures less thread breaks and thread off. -1) ide working space can ensure e asy sewing opera lion. ;)) A specially se lected belt makes no fine adjustment of belt te nsion. 61 .- automatic knife locking de,·ice enables to pre,·ent the mater ial s from damage in c ase of the thread b reakage. 7) Specially designed speed reduction mechanis m enables no iseless and le ss ,-ibrat ion ,,·ork s. Hl It is ,·c ry easy to change t h e le n g th . wi dth of buttonho le s. n umber of stitches and amount of oil. 9) Emerge ncy in stant stop lever can guaran tee th e lo ng durab ilit y of this machin e and also can protect the breakage of important parts . !OJ B obbi n \\indi ng can be clon e eYen if machine stops. II) The applicable thickness of th e materials is ensureclupt o4. 5- Smm. 1 21 This mac hin e is eq uipped \\ ilh adjustable rulers either to the direction o f back a nd forth or left and rig ht. - 1 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

2. SETTING UP AND RUNNING 1. How to fix the motor (Fig. 1) 1357 ~0 oW I (Fig. 2) As shown in Fig. 1, it is the measure· m enl of the location of constant run ning ind uction motor, made by Brother. ( 4 pole. 1.440 /1,720 rpm , 25 0W). If you purc hased thi s machine as head only . plea se use w ith the con stant running ind uc ti on motor of 4 pole. 250W or more wattage a nd in this case, th e m otor mo unt ing bracket is differe nt from o ur Brother motor, thus, please follow th e instructio n below: (Fig. 3 ) Firstl y, pu t the two sp eed p ulley wh ic h is suppli ed with the machine hea d to th e motor shaft and se l th e po siti on apart 357mm fr om th e ce n tr e of th e machine. Set the po sition apart 107 .5 mm from the edge of the table top to the end of pu lley as shown in F ig 2. Drill the hol es at th e correct positio n. S e condly , put th e motor to table top. Al that t im e, please make sure to insert th e washers between t abl e top and m otor mounting bracket and fasten secure ly w it h set bol ts . The correct motor rotation is c ounter clockwis e \·ie we d fr o m th e pulley side and if not. ple a se gel the corre c t rota ti on. 2. Setting the machine head on table top I) S et th e base . (Fig. 4) Put th e base on th e table lo p as pe r Fig. 4 and put tw o b elts as s hown in Fig . 3. In the district o f 50 Hz, use with 4 2 for larger diamete r pulle y and 43 fo r smaller diameter pulley . In th e district of 60 Hz, use with b oth -ll s. A t th e prop e r tensio n of t\\ O be ll s, fasten th e ba se w ith woo d screws to table lop securely . Un l ess you may put th e position correctly , it causes lo lessen the lif e o f belt s. 2) Put t h e hin ges in the bed and place th e machin e head on the base. 3 ) Put th e ten sio n pulley as shown in Fig. 5. 4) Put th e head res t. 5 ) A s s hown in Fig. 6, connect the oil tu bes w ith tube joi nt. The n , pu t t he flat belt betw ee n base pulley and te n sio n pull ey as s how n in Fig . 5. - 2 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

(Fig . 5) (Fig. 6) ( F ig. 7j 6) Put the bobbin winder assembly as per Fig. 7. At that time, please make sure to be right angl e b etween belt and pulle y. This is because yo u can get the even bobbin winding when you may wind t h e bobbin threads on bobbin ac tually. The fine adjustment can be clone at the positi on of thread guide. 7) Put the bel t cove r with flat he ad scre w s. 8) Put the flat belt to the machine pulley and push the tension lever and re lease it at the position in lin e ·ith indicator. (Fig. 8) (Fig. 9) 9 ) All the above procedures are compl eted . th en pour oil int o th e oil rese rvoi r and oil to the s lidin g parts taking off the face plate, side cover and b elt cover. Please also make sure to \\ ·ip c out all the dusts of packing in transit , if any. (F igs 8. 9) - 3 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Lower line I I (Fig. 1 0) (Fig. 11 ) 10) Oilin){ into oil reservoi r. Thi s model is constructed that oil reser vot r is a part o f bed p l ate which is seen underneath the table top. Oili ng is made as per F ig. 6 and pour oil o n to the oil filter. Pour oil until the upper line of oil gauge windO\\ . Ch eck in the oil gauge \\indo\\ before starting jobs \\hethcr proper oil is contained or not and in case that oil may s h o \\ und er th e lower line, fulfil oil properly. II) Checking the lubricating system. Turn the oil flo\\ regulating \ah·e on the right sid e of the bed \\ith a screwdri\·er so that when th e motor is S \\itched o n oil may be visible in the pip e in the oil gauge window in t h e l op CO\·er. (Fig. 11) 3. HOW TO USE THE MACHINE 1. Cleaning up It is absolutely necessary to maintain the hook and race cleaning up in order lo get the beautiful buttonhole stitches. Please remove all the dus ts and lints to get th e constant beautiful stitches. I) Remov e all the dusts or lints which will be accu mu lated between needle plate and hook al least o nce a day after jo b fini sh. 2 ) Remov e all the du sts or lint s \\hi ch will be accumulated on the presser fool and thread trimming mechani sm whenever you may recognize the necessity. 2. Needle and its setting i\lo de l LH 4 -B 814 is used with DP X 5 needle. Use the n eedle as t h in as poss ible. It must be matching t h e th ickness of thread and ne ed le eye so that t h e thread may pass through the need le eye smoothly. I n general. fo r purl stitch. the recommended needl e size is upto ::II. \\·herea s for whip stit ch. upto ;:9. To set th e need le to the needle bar, please re fe r to Fi g. 12 . S ho rt groove in front of you and faste n the ne ed le set screw confirmin g that the need le comes all th e way upto th e need le bar hole. *The r ecomme nded ang le of the need le s is a bit left direc tion against the centre of needle bar. Al thi s se tting position, it is effec tive to eliminate skip stitc hes. 3. Selection of thread and threading F or good quality buttonholes. use for uppe r thread with onl y high grade threads. preferably cotton threads in sixe of ~40-#60, 4-6 ply thread, le ft hand tw is ted, unifo rm in diameter without k not or slub s. This mode l LH 4 -B 814 can be sewn wit h th e syntheti c threads as well as cotton threads. Right hand twis te d thread or poor quality threads cause thread breakage w hich drop the productivity. T he refore, please make sure to us e high grade threads lo use with this machin e. Use for l ower thread with high grade thread s as well in size of # 50-# 100. - 4 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

To thread the upper thread. please follow the following steps. 1) Thread retainer 2) l.;pper tension regulator discs :~) Thread guide ·l l t.;ppe r thread guide 5) Thread retainer 6J Lower tension regulator disc~ 7) Thread ta ke·up spring H) Thread guide 9) Thread breakage percetnng wire I 0) Arm thread guide II) Thread take· up le,·er 12) Ann thread guide I:~) 1 m thread guide II) :\eedle bar thread guide L)) l\ceclle (!lease pass the thread to needle c~·e from behind the nccclle) • Threads and gimp passes (please refer to Fig. 1:!). 4 . Winding lowe r thread 5 . Threading bobbin case -- -> t... .• -~ (F ig. 12) For lower thread. it is recommend ed to use with ±::50·::: I 00 cotton thread. but it can be assured to get sewing perform· ance with synthetic threads as well. To wind the thread in bobbin , please refer to Fig. 13. vVind 4-5 times around the empty bobbin counter clockwise. and push th e lever to start to wind. Wh en sufficient amount of threads will be wound. the bobbin winder will stop auto matically. The amoun t o f threads to be wound is adjusted by t he screw. To thread on th e bobbin case. please refer to Fig. 14. a. b. c & d. ( Fig . 14 a) (Fig . 14b) (F ig . 14C) (Fig. 14d) - 5 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

6. Regulati ng lower thread tension (Fig. 15) (Fig. 16) It can be regulated the lower thread tension by adjusting the sc rew A. In case that ~·ou may tighte n the scre w A. th e te n sio n will be stronge r. and ,·ice ,·ersa. The correct te ns io n of lo wer thread is that when you pick the thread encl. th e bobbi n will slowly go down by its own ,,·eight as pe r Figs 15. 16. !lease be careful not to ha,·e stronger tension in order to a\·oicl thread breakage. 7 . Inserting bobbin case into hook 8. Running Please refer to Fig. I/ to inser t the bobbin case into hook. At that time. please make sure to pull the thread end toward you in order to a void thread jamming. Wh en you will slarl the ma.chin e. please make sure to be normal stop positio n, t hat is , the stopper is e n gaged in the stopper cam. Unless you may be acquainted with this machine. please refrain the machine from starting by the motor. Fi g 19. The best way to comprehend the machine mechanism thoroughly, please start the machine by hand d ri vi ng the pulley slow ly to observe the respective move ment s. At first. remove thread, need le, bobbin case and culler then start t o run. \\ith left treadl e pedal. you can lift the presser foot and with righ t treadle pedal. you can start the machine. This mac h ine is des ig ned with safely devi ce, ,,·hich prevents the machine from startin g whi le the presser foot i s lift ed and prevents the presser foot from lifting up while machine runs. There fo re. if you depresseright treadle pedal on the half way of left pedal engagement. the machine will not start to run , and left treadle ped al will not engage in lifting presser foot while machin e is runn ing. (NO TE) Please be car e fu l that when machine is going to slop if you w ill depress left treadle pedal. the machine will not slop. 9. Operating cutter locking device (I ) On upp er thread breaking } (2) 0 I h d · h d b k. you can ha\·e machine restart without culling · n o w er t rea runnmg out o r t rea rea ·m g 0\I::Wie (Fig. 18) t h e butto nh ole wi th cutter. W ith this mod el, Ll-1 4 -B 814 in case of (1) t h e cutter moveme nt will be l ocked automatically and in case of (2) . as th e cutter will be engaged in, please depress th e cutter slop lever un til the machine s lo ps automatically. vVith this s te p, it ensu res to p rev e nt the materials fr o m damage and yo u can have machine r estart. Fig 18. - 6 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

1 0. Emergency stop (Fig. 19) It is essential to slop the mac hin e instantaneously e\·en if the machin e run s wh en the needl e breaks or thread jam ming in lhc hook. This preve nts the ma chine and materials fr om d amage. In t h is case, de pr ess dmm the emergenc y slop lever by hand a nd re l ease il. (This operation of th e emergency stop leve r m ean s that machine speed w ill be redu ced t o 80 0 rpm by press ing th e leve r and \\ill be reduced to zero by releasi ng the lever.) 11. Operating manual feeding handle \\h en you will use the emergency stop lever or whe n the thread breakage causes during its ope rati on, yo u would lik e to restart the machin e ju st before th e defec tive stitch. At that time. turn the feed cam clo ckwi se by means of th is manual feeding handl e al your des ir e d positio n. Fig 19. (l\OTE) 1. At the repairing of th is machin e. on th e co ndi tion that the s top cam may b e off fr o m s topper whic h is on the co ndi tio n of depress the right treadle pedal. after turni ng the pu lley by hand. there causes so meti mes th e cutter be ing operated to drop at the machin e s tarting to run. This can be avoi ded by starting the machin e from norma l stop positi on o r depress ing the cutter stop lever as sh own in F ig. 18. 2. The manual fee ding handl e sh ould be used when the need le is apart f r om the materia ls. It i s saf e to operate the manual feedin g handle at that positio n that stop cam stops at the c orrect angl e . 4. ADJUSTMENT 1. Regulating upper thread tension This mod el LH 4-B814 has t\\O upp er thread ten sion regu lators. As shown in Fig. 12. th e upper tension regu l ator play s a ro le of regulating the uppe r thread tension on th e bar tacking on both ends of button ho les and the lower ten sion regula tor on the parallel zigzag tension. a) In cas e of purl stitch 1) Regulating the upper te n sion regul ato r, please obtai n the te n sion so as to be whi p sti tch on the part of bar tacking. 2) Regulating the lower te nsion regu la to r, please obtain t h e te nsio n so as to be stra ig ht raised stitch on the part of z igzag in parallel. The stronger the tension , th e more beau tif ul th e seams. However, there exists th e limit and if it w ill exceed th e limit , it causes the upper thread breakage, s o please be careful to obtain th e proper tens io n. b ) In case of whip stitch 1) Tighten the tension of bobbin case and obtain the stronger tension in comparison with the ten sion f o r purl s titch. 2) L oose n the te nsio n on lower te n sio n r egu lator properly. (NOTE) On whip stitch, same threads o n uppe r and lower are reco mmendabl e. - 7 - From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

2. Regulating the thread take -up spring I Thi~ model Ll l-I·BH14 feature~ that the thread take-up spring -f';l(g~"the height of thread , ..... .----take ·up spr in g Lower the h thread take -up (Fig . 21) p~ay~ two ro les. one fo r regulating the tension and the other fo r percei,·ing the upper thread breakage as well. Therefore. the amount of movement of take-up spring is recommendable in th e range of;) 7mm for cotton thread and 2-3mm fo r synthetic thread. !lease refer to Fig . 20. (Fig. 22) *\\hen the height of thread take-up spring is i ncorrect pos ition. loosen the screw and turn the upper te nsion regulator assembl~·. *The thread take-up spring must b e adjustld to correct ten sion as \\·eak a s poss ibl e. * To change the tension. turn the stud screw. Fig n 3 . Timing the hook and needle 1 L- 25- \,,; I --- 1.8 - (Fig. 23) (Fig . 24) To make adjustment of tJmm.~~; the hook and needle. plea~c make sun : to be at th e posit ion o f the needle coming down to the centre of need lc plate. \\hen th e needle comes up 2.5mm from it s lowest position. it i~ correct timing that the point of hook is located at behind th e centre of needl e. ! that time. the correct h e ight of needle bar is determine d at the 1.:1- l.Srnm between the poin t of hook and the top of needle eye. Fig. 23. (Fig. 25 ) (I) To make adju stment of timi ng the hook. loosen the ;:Lt ~crew as per Fig. 24. (2) T o make adj ustm en t of needle bar he ig ht. loo~en the needle bar clamp scre w . Fig. 2:1. 4. Adjusting the width of buttonhole a nd position of buttonhole backward ! A line B line ( F ig . 26) (Fig. 27) 8 (Fig. 28) From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC