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Blackberry Storm 2 Instruction Manual

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Page 271

7. Press the Menu key.
8. Click  Options.
9. Perform one of the following actions: • To download the revocation status of a certificate when you add it to the key store, change the  Fetch Status field to Yes.
• To add a certificate to the key store without downloading the revocation status, change the  Fetch Status field to No.
10. Press the  Menu key.
11. Click  Save.
Change how often a certificate authority profile checks certificate status
Depending on your organization, you might be able to change...

Page 272

Download a personal PGP key from the PGP Universal Server1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the  Options icon.
2. Click  Security Options .
3. Click  PGP.
4. Press the  Menu key.
5. Click  Download Keys .
Download an updated PGP key from an LDAP certificate server 1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the  Options icon.
2. Click  Security Options .
3. Click  Advanced Security Options .
4. Click  PGP keys .
5. Highlight a PGP® key.
6. Press the  Menu key.
7. Click  Fetch Updated PGP Key ....

Page 273

Email Address:This field displays the email address that is associated with the PGP key. Multiple Email Address fields might appear.
Public Key Type: This field displays the standard to which the public key complies. Your device supports RSA®, DSA, and Diffie-Hellman keys.
Key Usage: This field displays approved uses of the PGP key.
Fingerprint: This field displays the PGP key fingerprint in hexadecimal format.
Send a PGP key When you send a PGP® key, your BlackBerry® device sends the public key, but...

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5. Click Clear Universal Cache .
The next time that you send a PGP protected message, your device downloads an updated PGP Universal Server policy and updated PGP public
keys from the PGP Universal Server.
PGP key status
PGP key status indicators
: The PGP® key has a corresponding private key that is stored on your BlackBerry® device.
:The PGP key is trusted and valid, and the revocation status of the PGP key is good.
: The revocation status of the PGP key is unknown or the key is weak.
:The PGP key is...

Page 275

Revoke a PGP keyIf you revoke a  PGP® key, the PGP key is revoked only in the key store on your  BlackBerry® device. Your device does not update the revocation
status on the PGP® Universal Server.
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the  Options icon.
2. Click  Security Options .
3. Click  Advanced Security Options .
4. Click  PGP Keys .
5. Highlight a PGP® key.
6. Press the  Menu key.
7. Click  Revoke.
8. Click  Yes.
9. Change the  Reason field.
10. Click  OK.
PGP key revocation reasons Unknown:...

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6. Press the Menu key.
7. Click  Change Label .
8. Type a display name for the PGP key.
9. Click  OK.
Turn off the display name prompt that appears when you add a PGP key to the key
store 1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the  Options icon.
2. Click  Security Options .
3. Click  Advanced Security Options .
4. Click  PGP keys .
5. Press the  Menu key.
6. Click  Fetch PGP Keys .
7. Press the  Menu key.
8. Click  Options.
9. Change the  Prompt for Label  field to No.
10. Press the  Menu key.

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PGP key troubleshooting
I cannot download a PGP key from an LDAP certificate server Try performing the following actions: •Verify that your organization permits you to download  PGP® keys from an LDAP certificate server. For more information, contact your
• If you changed the connection type that your BlackBerry® device uses to connect to an LDAP certificate server, try using the default connection type.
Certificate servers
Add a certificate server 1. On the Home screen or in a folder,...

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Connection options for LDAP and DSML certificate serversFriendly Name: Type a display name for the certificate server.
Server Name: Type the network address of the certificate server.
Base Query: Type the base query information for the certificate server using X.509 certificate syntax (for example, o=test.rim.net).
Port: Type the port number for your organization’s network. The default port number is 389.
Authentication Type: Specify whether you must log in to the certificate server.
Connection Type:...

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3. Click Advanced Security Options .
4. Click  Certificate Servers .
5. Highlight a certificate server.
6. Press the  Menu key.
7. Click  Delete.
Key stores
About the key store The key store on your BlackBerry® device might store the following items. To access these items in the key store, you must type a key store
• personal certificates (certificate and private key pairs)
• certificates that you download using the certificate synchronization tool of the BlackBerry® Desktop Manager

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4. Click Key Stores .
5. Change the  Synchronize Key Store Password to Device Password  field to Yes.
6. Press the  Menu key.
7. Click  Save.
Change when your device deletes the key store password 1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the  Options icon.
2. Click  Security Options .
3. Click  Advanced Security Options .
4. Click  Key Stores .
5. Change the  Private Key Password Timeout  field.
6. Press the  Menu key.
7. Click  Save.
To access private keys after your BlackBerry® device deletes the...
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