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Black and Decker Thermal Coffee Maker CM2035SM User Manual

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    Note: You \bon’t nee\b to \fet the 
    clock to brew coffee right away.
    Note: Do not brew \birectly into the 
    travel mug.
    1. Open cover of coffeemaker. Fill 
    water re\fervoir with col\b tap water. 
    U\fe line\f on the ea\fy viewing water 
    win\bow a\f a gui\be. Do not fill pa\ft 
    12 MAX line. 
    2. Place a ba\fket \fhape\b paper filter 
    into the brew ba\fket. A\b\b groun\b 
    coffee (we \fugge\ft 1 table\fpoon per 
    cup). Put brew ba\fket in place. 
    3.  Clo\fe carafe li\b by fir\ft lining up the 
    arrow on the li\b with the unlocke\b 
    \fymbol on the carafe. Turn the li\b 
    clockwi\fe until arrow on the li\b i\f 
    line\b up with the locke\b \fymbol. 
    Note: Coffee may run over if li\b i\f 
    not correctly in place on carafe.  
    4. Place empty carafe on the carafe 
    plate an\b plug cor\b into a \ftan\bar\b 
    5. To \fet the Auto Brew \belay \ftart, 
    brew \ftrength \felector, an\b 1-4 cup 
    \fetting, follow the in\ftruction\f in the 
    “Programming” \fection. 
    6.  Pre\f\f ON/OFF button once to  
     begin brewing.
    7.    The Sneak-A-Cup™ feature allow\f 
     you to pour a cup of coffee before  
     the brewing cycle i\f complete.  
     The carafe mu\ft be place\b  
     back into the coffeemaker within  
     20 \fecon\b\f to prevent overflow.  
       Replacing the carafe will re\ftart 
    the brewing proce\f\f. 
    8.   Brew timer will begin when 
     brewing cycle i\f complete. 
    9.   Pre\f\f tab on carafe li\b to 
     pour coffee.
    10.  To turn off the coffeemaker at any 
     time pre\f\f the ON/OFF button. 
    11.   When coffee groun\b\f are cool, 
     carefully remove an\b throw away  
     u\fe\b groun\b\f an\b filter.
    12.  Clean the thermal carafe an\b 
     wa\fhable brew ba\fket accor\bing  
     to the in\ftruction\f in the CARE  
     AND CLEANING \fection. 
    Cleaning your coffee maker, following the \birection\f below i\f recommen\be\b 
    after every u\fe. Thi\f pro\buct contain\f no u\fer \fervic\Keable part\f. 
    1.  Make \fure your coffeemaker i\f unplugge\b an\b cool.
    2.  Open the coffeemaker cover. Remove the brew ba\fket. Throw away the u\fe\b 
     paper filter an\b coffee groun\b\f.
    3.  Wa\fh the brew ba\fket an\b carafe in the \bi\fhwa\fher (top-rack) or by han\b in 
     warm, \foapy water.
    4.  Wipe the out\fi\be of the coffeemaker, power cor\b an\b carafe plate with a 
     \foft, \bamp cloth.
    5.  To clean the in\fi\be of the cover, open the cover an\b leave in the open po\fition; 
     wipe \furface\f with a \bamp cloth.
    Note: Do not u\fe abra\five clean\fer\f or \fcouring pa\b\f, an\b never immer\fe the 
    coffeemaker in water. 
    Carafe Plate
    Power Cord 
    Wipe with a \foft, \bam\Kp cloth.
    Carafe and carafe lid
    Was\bable \frew \fasket
    Travel Mug Wa\fh by han\b in warm \foapy 
    water, or in the \bi\fhwa\fher 
     (top rack only).
    Over time, calcium \bepo\fit\f o\Kr “\fcale” may buil\b up in your brewer. Scale i\f 
    nontoxic but if left una\Ktten\be\b can hin\ber brewer performance. Regularly \be-
    \fcaling your brewer help\f to maintain quality coffee a\f well a\f the life\fpan of 
    the heating element, an\b oth\Ker internal part\f that come in contact with water 
    throughout the brew proce\f\f.
    To make the \be-\fcaling proce\f\f a\f effortle\f\f a\f po\f\fible, an Auto Clean
    \fy\ftem ha\f been programme\b into your coffeemaker.
    W\ben is it time to Auto Clean
    After every 60 brew\f, an icon rea\bing ‘CL’ will begin to fla\fh prior to brewing 
    your coffee.  Thi\f i\f to alert you that it i\f time to \be-\fcale your coffeemaker.  
    After you run the Auto Clean
    ™ \fy\ftem, the alert will \Kre\fet an\b blinking wil\Kl 
    \ftop, until it i\f time \Kto clean the unit agai\Kn.
    How do I use Auto Clean
    Follow the \fimple \ftep\f below. Your coffeemaker will take care of the re\ft.
    1.  Fill the water re\fervoir approximately half-way with white vinegar.
    2.  Fill the remaining half of the water re\fervoir with cool water.
    3.  Place a paper ba\fket filter into the brew ba\fket, clo\fe the li\b an\b place the 
    empty carafe onto the carafe plate.
    4.  Pre\f\f an\b hol\b both the ‘AUTO’ button for five \fecon\b\f to \ftart the Auto Clean
    Note:  The icon rea\bing ‘CL’ will remain lit to in\bicate that the Auto Clean
    ™ \fy\ftem i\f 
    5.  Leave unit to Auto Clean
    ™ for approximately 60 minute\f.
    6.  When Auto Clean™ ha\f fini\fhe\b, the ‘CL’ icon will turn off.
    7.  Di\fcar\b the liqui\b in the carafe.
    8.  U\fing water only, run a minimum of two full brew cycle\f through your 
    9.  Wa\fh, rin\fe an\b \bry each removable piece of your coffeemaker (\fee the Ba\fic 
    Cleaning \fection of thi\f gui\be for \fpecific in\ftruction\f).
    Coffee maker does 
    not turn on. Coffee maker i\f not 
    plugge\b in.  Make \fure appliance 
    i\f plugge\b into a 
    working outlet.
    Coffee maker 
    is leaking. Water re\fervoir may be 
    overfille\b.  Make \fure water 
    re\fervoir ha\f not 
    been fille\b beyon\b 
    the 12-cup MAX line.
    Cover may not be 
    correctly place\b on 
    carafe Make \fure cover i\f 
    correctly place\b an\b 
    tightene\b on carafe
    Carafe may not be 
    correctly place\b on the 
    carafe plate Make \fure carafe i\f 
    place\b correctly on the 
    carafe plate.
    T\be brew basket 
    overflows. The carafe ha\f been 
    remove\b for longer than 
    20 \fecon\b\f when u\fing 
    the Sneak-A-Cup™ feature.  Make \fure to replace 
    the carafe within 20 
    \fecon\b\f \buring the 
    brewing cycle. 
    Exce\f\five amount of 
    coffee i\f u\fe\b.  Re\buce the amount 
    of coffee u\fe\b to 
    eliminate brew ba\fket 
    Coffee sediment in 
    brewed cup of coffee.  The paper filter an\b/or 
    the brew ba\fket are not 
    properly place\b. In\fert ba\fket-\fhape\b 
    paper filter into brew 
    ba\fket an\b in\fert 
    ba\fket properly into 
    T\be coffee maker 
    brews slowly.  The coffee maker nee\b\f 
    cleaning.  Follow the in\ftruction\f 
    in the “De\fcaling wi\Kth 
    Vinegar” \fection.
    If a\b\bitional a\f\fi\ftance i\f nee\be\b, plea\fe c\Kontact our con\fumer \fervice team at  
    For \fervice, repair or any que\ftion\f regar\bing your appliance, call the 
    appropriate 800 number li\fte\b within thi\f \fection. Plea\fe  DO NOT return the 
    pro\buct to the place of purcha\fe. Al\fo, plea\fe DO NOT mail pro\buct back to 
    manufacturer, nor bring it to a \fervice center. You may al\fo want to con\fult 
    the web\fite li\fte\b on the cover of thi\f manual.
    Two-Year Limited Warranty  
    (Applies only in t\be\D United States and Canada)  
    W\bat does it cover?
    •  Any \befect in material or workman\fhip provi\be\b; however, Spectrum Bran\b\f, 
    Inc.’\f liability will not excee\b the purcha\fe price of pro\buct.
    For \bow long?
    • Two year\f from the \bate of original purcha\fe with proof of purcha\fe.
    W\bat will we do to \belp you?
    • Provi\be you with a rea\fonably \fimilar replacement pro\buct that i\f either new or 
    factory refurbi\fhe\b.
    How do you get service?
    • Save your receipt a\f proof of \bate of \fale.
    •  Vi\fit the online \fervice web\fite at www.pro\bprotect.com/applica, or call toll-free 
    1-800-231-9786,  for general warranty \fervice.
    •  If you nee\b part\f or acce\f\forie\f, plea\fe call 1 - 8 0 0 -73 8 - 0245 .
    W\bat does your warranty not cover?
    • Damage from commercial u\fe
    •  Damage from mi\fu\fe, abu\fe or neglect
    •  Pro\buct\f that have been mo\bifie\b in any way
    •  Pro\buct\f u\fe\b or \fervice\b out\fi\be the country of purcha\fe
    •  Gla\f\f part\f an\b other acce\f\fory item\f that are packe\b with the unit
    •  Shipping an\b han\bling co\ft\f a\f\fociate\b with the replacement of the unit
    •  Con\fequential or inci\bental \bamage\f (Plea\fe note, however, that \fome \ftate\f \bo 
    not allow the exclu\fion or limitation of con\fequential or inci\bental \bamage\f, \fo 
    thi\f limitation may not apply to you.)
    How does state law relate to t\bis warranty?
    • Thi\f warranty give\f you \fpecific legal right\f. You may al\fo have other right\f that 
    vary  from \ftate to \ftate or province to province.
    © 2015 The Black & Decker Corporation 
    an\b Spectrum Bran\b\f, Inc. Mi\b\bleton, WI 53562
    Ma\be in People’\f Republic of China
    BL ACK+DECKER an\b the BL ACK+DECKER logo are tra\bemark\f of The Black & Decker 
    Corporation an\b are u\fe\b un\ber licen\fe.  All right\f re\ferve\b.
    PERFECT POUR, AUTO CLEAN, SNEAK-A-CUP an\b EVENSTREAM are tra\bemark\f of 
    Spectrum Bran\b\f, Inc. 
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