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BenQ Mw519 Users Manual

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    Operation 31
    6. You have successfully assigned a new password 
    to the projector. Remember to enter the new 
    password next time the projector is started.
    7. To leave the OSD menu, press  MENU/EXIT.
    Disabling the password function
    To disable password protection, go back to the  SYSTEM SETUP: Advanced > 
    Security Settings > Power on lock  menu after opening the OSD menu system. Select 
    Off  by pressing  / . The message  INPUT PASSWORD  displays. Enter the current 
    • If the password is correct, the OSD menu returns to the  Security Settings 
    page with  Off shown in the row of  Power on lock. You will not have to enter 
    the password next time you turn on the projector.
    • If the password is incorrect, the password error message displays lasting for three  seconds, and the message  INPUT PASSWORD displays for your retry. You 
    can press  MENU/EXIT  to cancel the change or try another password.
    Though the password function is disabled, you need to keep the old password in hand should you 
    ever need to re-activate the password  function by entering the old password.
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    Switching input signal
    The projector can be connected to multiple devices at the same time. However, it can only 
    display one full screen at a time. When starting up, the projector automatically searches for 
    the available signals.
    Be sure the  Quick Auto Search  function in the SOURCE menu is On (which is the 
    default of this projector) if you want the pr ojector to automatically search for the signals.
    You can also manually cycle through the available 
    input signals.
    1. Press  SOURCE on the projector or 
    remote control. A source selection bar 
    2. Press  /  until your desired signal is  selected and press  MODE/ENTER.
    Once detected, the selected source 
    information will display on the screen for 
    seconds. If there is  multiple equipment 
    connected to the projector, repeat steps 1-2 
    to search for another signal.
    • The brightness level of the projected image will  change accordingly when you switch between 
    different input signals. Data (graphic) PC 
    presentations using mostly stat ic images are generally brighter than Video using mostly 
    moving images (movies).
    • The input signal type effects the opti ons available for the Picture Mode. See Selecting a 
    picture mode on page 35  for details.
    For best display picture results, you should select and use an input signal which 
    outputs at this resolution. Any other resolutions will be scaled by the projector 
    depending upon the aspect ratio se tting, which may cause some image 
    distortion or loss of  picture clarity. See  Selecting the aspect ratio on page 33  
    for details.
    Changing Color Space
    In the unlikely event that you connect the projector to a DVD player via the projectors 
    HDMI input and the projected picture displays  wrong colors, please change the color space 
    to YUV.
    1. Press  MENU/EXIT  and then press   /  until the  SOURCE  menu is highlighted.
    2. Press  to highlight  Color Space Conversion  and press  /  to select a 
    suitable color space.
    This function is only available when the HDMI input port is in use.
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    Operation 33
    Magnifying and searching for details
    If you need to find the details on the projected picture, magnify the picture. Use the 
    direction arrow keys for navigating the picture.
    • Using the remote control
    1. Press Digital Zoom +/-  to display the Zoom 
    2. Press  Digital Zoom +  to magnify the center 
    of the picture. Press the key repeatedly until 
    the picture size is suitable for your need.
    3. Use the directional arrows ( ,  ,  ,  )  on the projector or remote control to 
    navigate the picture.
    4. To restore the picture to its original size,  press  AUTO . You can also press  Digital 
    Zoom - . When the key is pressed again, the 
    picture is further reduced until it  is restored to the original size.
    •Using the OSD menu
    1. Press  MENU/EXIT  and then press  /  until the  DISPLAY menu is highlighted.
    2. Press
      to highlight  Digital Zoom  and press MODE/ENTER . The Zoom bar 
    3. Repeat steps 2-4 in the section of  Using the remote control above. Or if you are 
    using the projector control panel, continue to the following steps.
    4. Press   on the projector repeatedly to magnify the picture to a desired size.
    5. To navigate the picture, press  MODE/ENTER to switch to the paning mode and 
    press the directional arrows ( ,  ,  ,  ) to navigate the picture.
    6. Use the directional arrows ( ,  ,  ,  ) on the projector or remote control to  navigate the picture.
    7. To reduce size of the picture, press  MODE/ENTER to switch back to the zoom in/
    out functionality, and press  AUTO to restore the picture to its original size. You can 
    also press   repeatedly until it is restored to the original size.
    The picture can only be navigated after the pict ure is magnified. You can further magnify the 
    picture while searching for details.
    Selecting the aspect ratio
    The aspect ratio is the ratio of the image wi dth to the image height. Most analog TV and 
    computers are in 4:3 ratio,and digital TV  and DVDs are usually in 16:9 or 16:10 ratio.
    With the advent of digital signal processing, digital display devices like this projector can 
    dynamically stretch and scale the image output to a different aspect than that of the image 
    input signal. 
    To change the projected image ratio (n o matter what aspect the source is):
    • Using the remote control
    1. Press  ASPECT to show the current setting.
    2. Press  ASPECT repeatedly to select an aspect  ratio to suit the format of the video 
    signal and 
    your display requirements.
    •Using the OSD menu
    Downloaded From projector-manual.com BenQ Manuals 
    34 1. Press 
    MENU/EXIT  and then press  /  until the  DISPLAY menu is highlighted.
    2. Press
      to highlight  Aspect Ratio .
    3. Press  /  to select an aspect ratio to suit the format of the video signal and your  display requirements.
    About the aspect ratio
    1.Auto : Scales an image proportionally to fit the projectors native resolution in its 
    horizontal or vertical width. This is suitab le for the incoming image which is neither 
    in 4:3 nor 16:9 and you want to make most  use of the screen without altering the 
    images aspect ratio.
    Real : The image is projected as its original re solution, and resized to fit within the 
    display area. For input signals with lower resolutions, the projected image will display 
    smaller than if resized to full screen. You  could adjust the zoom setting or move the 
    projector towards the screen to increase the image size if necessary. You may also 
    need to refocus the projector after making these adjustments.
    3. 4:3: Scales an image so that it is displaye d in the center of the screen with a 4:3 
    aspect ratio. This is most suitable for  4:3 images like computer monitors, standard 
    definition TV and 4:3 aspect DVD movies, as it displays them without aspect 
    4. 16:9: Scales an image so that it is displayed in the center of the screen with a 16:9 
    aspect ratio. This is most suitable for im ages which are already in a 16:9 aspect, like 
    high definition TV, as it displays  them without aspect alteration.
    5. 16:10 : Scales an image so that it is displayed in the center of the screen with a 16:10 
    aspect ratio. This is most suitable for im ages which are already in a 16:10 aspect, like 
    high definition TV, as it displays  them with out aspect alteration.
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    Operation 35
    Optimizing the image
    Selecting a picture mode
    The projector is preset with several predefined 
    picture modes so that you can choose one to suit 
    your operating environment and input signal 
    picture type.
    To select an operation mode that suits your need, 
    you can follow one of the following steps.
    •Press MODE/ENTER  on the remote control 
    or projector repeatedly until your desired mode is selected.
    • Go to the  PICTURE > Picture Mode  menu and press  /  to select a desired 
    The picture modes are listed below.
    1. Dynamic mode : Maximizes the brightness of the  projected image. This mode is 
    suitable for environments where extra-high brightness is required, such as using the 
    projector in well lit rooms.
    2. Presentation mode (Default) : Is designed for presentations. The brightness is 
    emphasized in this mode.
    3. sRGB mode : Maximizes the purity of RGB colors to provide true-to-life images 
    regardless of brightness setting. It is most  suitable for viewing photos taken with an 
    sRGB compatible and properly calibrated camera, and for viewing PC graphic and 
    drawing applications such as AutoCAD.
    4. Cinema mode :  Is appropriate for playing colorful  movies, video clips from digital 
    cameras or DVs through the PC input for best viewing in a blackened (little light) 
    5. User 1/User 2 mode : Recalls the settings custom ized based on the current 
    available picture modes. See  Setting the User 1/User 2 mode on page 35  for details.
    Setting the User 1/User 2 mode
    There are two user-definable modes if the current available picture modes are not suitable 
    for your need. You can use one of the picture modes (except the  User 1/User 2 ) as a 
    starting point and customize the settings.
    1. Press  MENU/EXIT  to open the On-Screen Display (OSD) menu.
    2. Go to the  PICTURE > Picture Mode  menu.
    3. Press /  to select  User 1 to User 2 .
    4. Press   to highlight  Reference Mode .
    This function is only available  when User 1 or User 2 mode is se lected up in the Picture Mode 
    sub-menu item.
    5. Press  /  to select a picture mode that is closest to your need.
    6. Press   to select a sub-menu item to be ch anged and adjust the value with  / . 
    See  Fine-tuning the image quality in user modes  below for details.
    7. When all settings have been done, highlight  Save Settings and press MODE/
    ENTER  to store the settings.
    8. The confirmation message  Setting Saved displays.
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    Using Wall Color
    In the situation where you are projecting on to a colored surface such as a painted wall 
    which may not be white, the  Wall Color feature can help correct the projected picture’s 
    color to prevent possible color difference between the source and projected pictures.
    To use this function, go to the  DISPLAY > Wall Color  menu and press  /  to select 
    a color which is the closest to the color of the projection surface. There are several 
    precalibrated colors to choose from:  Light Yellow, Pink , Light Green , Blue , and 
    Blackboard .
    Fine-tuning the image quality in user modes
    According to the detected signal type and  selected picture mode, some of the below 
    functions may not be available. Based on yo ur needs, you can make adjustments tothese 
    functions by highlighting them and pressing   /   on the projector or remote control.
    Adjusting Brightness
    The higher the value, the brighter the image. And the 
    lower the setting, the darker the image. Adjust this 
    control so the black areas of the image appear just as 
    black and that detail in the dark areas is visible.
    Adjusting Contrast
    The higher the value, the greater the contrast. Use this 
    to set the peak white level after you have previously 
    adjusted the Brightness setting to suit your selected 
    input and viewing environment.
    Adjusting Color
    Lower setting produces less saturated colors. If  the setting is too high, colors on the image 
    will be overpowering, which makes the image unrealistic.
    Adjusting Tint
    The higher the value, the more reddish the picture becomes. The lower the value, the 
    more greenish the picture becomes.
    Adjusting Sharpness
    The higher the value, the sharper the picture becomes. The lower the value, the softer the 
    picture becomes.
    Adjusting Brilliant Color
    This feature utilizes a new color-processing algorithm and system level enhancements to 
    enable higher brightness while providing truer,  more vibrant colors in picture. It enables a 
    greater than 50% brightness increase in mid- tone images, which are common in video and 
    natural scenes, so the projector reproduces im ages in realistic and true colors. If you 
    prefer images with that quality, select  On. If you don’t need it, select  Off.
    When  Off is selected, the  Color Temperature  function is not available.
    Selecting a Color Temperature
    The options available for color temperature* settings vary according to the signal type 
    1.Cool:  Makes images appear bluish white.
    2. Normal:  Maintains normal colorings for white.
    3. Wa r m :  Makes images appear reddish white.
    +50+30 +70
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    Operation 37
    *About color temperatures:
    There are many different shades that are cons
    idered to be white for various purposes. 
    One of the common methods of representing white color is known as the “color 
    temperature”. A white color with a low color temperature appears to be reddish white. A 
    white color with a high color temperature appears to have more blue in it.
    Setting a preferred color temperature
    To set a preferred color temperature:
    1. Highlight  Color Temperature  and select Wa r m, Normal  or Cool  by pressing 
    /   on the projector or remote control.
    2. Press  to highlight  Color Temperature Fine Tuning  and press MODE/
    ENTER . The Color Temperature Fine Tuning page displays.
    3. Press  /  to highlight the item you want to change and adjust the values by 
    pressing /  .
    •R Gain/G Gain/B Gain : Adjusts the contrast levels of Red, Green, and Blue.
    • R Offset/G Offset/B Offset : Adjusts the brightness levels of Red, Green, and 
    4. Press  MENU/EXIT  to exit and save the settings
    3D Color Management
    In most installation situations, color mana gement will not be necessary, such as in 
    classroom, meeting room, or lounge room situations where lights remain on, or where 
    building external windows allow daylight into the room. 
    Only in permanent installations with controlle d lighting levels such as boardrooms, lecture 
    theaters, or home theaters, should color ma nagement be considered. Color management 
    provides fine color control adjustment to allow for more accurate color reproduction, 
    should you require it.
    Proper color management can only be achiev ed under controlled and reproducible viewing 
    conditions. You will need to use a colorimete r (color light meter), and provide a set of 
    suitable source images to measure color reproduction. These tools are not provided with 
    the projector, however, your projector supplier should be able to provide you with suitable 
    guidance, or even an experienced professional installer.
    The Color Management provides six sets (RGBC MY) of colors to be adjusted. When you 
    select each color, you can independently adjust  its range and saturation according to your 
    If you have purchased a test disc which cont ains various color test patterns and can be 
    used to test the color presentation on monitors, TVs, projectors, etc. You can project any 
    image from the disc on the screen and enter the  3D Color Management menu to make 
    To adjust the settings:
    1. Go to the  PICTURE menu and highlight  3D Color Management .
    2. Press  MODE/ENTER  and the 3D Color Management  page displays.
    3. Highlight  Primary Color  and press  /  to select a color from among Red, 
    Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, or Magenta.
    4. Press   to highlight  Hue and press  /  to select its range. Increase in the range 
    will include colors consisted of more proportions of its two adjacent colors.
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    38 Please refer to the illustration to the right 
    for how the colors relate to each other.
    For example, if you select Red and set its 
    range at 0, only pure red in the projected 
    picture will be selected. Increasing its range 
    will include red close to yellow and red close 
    to magenta.
    5. Press   to highlight  Saturation and adjust 
    its values to your preference by pressing  / . Every adjustment made will reflect to 
    the image immediately.
    For example, if you select Red and set its 
    value at 0, only the saturation  of pure red will be affected.
    Saturation  is the amount of that color in a video picture. Lower settings produce 
    less saturated colors; a setting of “0” remo ves that color from the image entirely. If 
    the saturation is too high, that color will be overpowering and unrealistic.
    6. Press  to highlight  Gain and adjust its values to your preference by pressing  /
    . The contrast level of the primary color you select will be affected. Every 
    adjustment made will reflect to the image immediately. 
    7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for other color adjustments.
    8. Make sure you have made all of the desired adjustments.
    9. Press  MENU/EXIT  to exit and save the settings.
    Resetting current or all picture modes
    1. Go to the  PICTURE menu and highlight  Reset Picture Settings .
    2. Press  MODE/ENTER  and press  /  to select  Current or All.
    • Current : returns current picture mode to the factory preset settings.
    • All: returns all settings, except  User 1/User 2 in the PICTURE  menu to the 
    factory preset settings.
    Ye l l o w
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    Operation 39
    Setting the presentation timer
    The presentation timer can indicate the presentation 
    time on the screen to help you achieve better time 
    management when giving presentations. Follow these 
    steps to utilize this function:
    1. Press Timer Set up  on the remote control or 
    go to the  SYSTEM SETUP: Basic > 
    Presentation Timer  menu and press MODE/
    ENTER  to display the  Presentation Timer  
    2. Highlight  Timer Period  and decide the timer 
    period by pressing  / . The length of time can be set from 1 to 5 minutes in 1-
    minute increments and 5 to 240 minutes in 5-minute increments.
    3. Press  to highlight  Timer Display and choose if you want the timer to show up 
    on the screen by press
    ing /.
    4. Press  to highlight  Timer Position and set the timer position by pressing  /.
    Top-Left Bottom-Left Top-Right Bottom-Right
    5. Press  to highlight  Timer Counting Direction  and select your desired counting 
    direction by pressing /
    6. To activate the presentation timer, press   and press  /  to select  On and press 
    7. A confirmation message displays. Highlight  Yes and press  MODE/ENTER  to 
    confirm. You will see the message “ Timer is On” displaying on the  screen. The 
    timer starts counting at th e time the timer is on.
    Always Displays the timer on screen  throughout the presentation time.
    3 min/2 min/1 min Displays the timer on screen in the last 3/2/1 minute(s).
    Never Hides the timer throughout the presentation time.
    Count Up Increases from 0 to the preset time.
    Count Down Decrease from the preset time to 0.
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    To cancel the timer, perform the following steps.
    • Using the remote control. 
    Press  Timer On  and press  /  to highlight  Off and press  MODE/ENTER .
    •Using the OSD menu.
    1. Go to the 
    SYSTEM SETUP: Basic >  Presentation Timer  menu and highlight 
    Off .
    Press  MODE/ENTER . A confirmation message displays.
    2. Highlight  Yes and press  MODE/ENTER  to confirm. You will see the message 
    “Timer is Off!” displaying on the screen.
    How to use the Timer On key?
    Timer On  is a multi-functional key.
    • If the presentation timer is off, pressing this key  displays a confirmation message. You can decide 
    whether to activate the timer or not by 
    following the on-screen instruction.
    • If the timer is already on, pressing this key  displays a confirmation message. You can decide 
    whether to restart, cont inue or turn off the 
    timer by following the on-screen instruction.
    Remote paging operations
    Connect the projector to your PC or notebook 
    with a USB cable prior to  using the paging function.
    You can operate your display software program (on 
    a connected PC) which responds to page up/down 
    commands (like Microsoft PowerPoint) by pressing 
    Page Up/Down on the remote control. 
    If remote paging function  doesnt work, check if the 
    USB connection is correctly made and the mouse 
    driver on your computer is updated to the latest 
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