ATT System 25 Call Management System Manual
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Prompt:CHANGE SPLIT ID: Split # (l-6):_ New Split ID: Action:1 Enter the split number (1 through 6). 2 Enter the new split ID (up to 5 letters or numbers), or enter a hyphen (-) to delete the split ID. 3 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”). [F7] Config Screen (Configuration Screen) Press this function key to return to the Configuration screen. [F8] Agent Directory (Agent Directory) Press this function key to return to the Agent Directory screen if you need to refer to or change agent information. Press [F7] on the Agent Directory screen to return to the Configure Splits screen. [F10] Help Press this function key to display a Help screen for the Configure Splits screen. Building or Editing Shift Configurations 4-37

Administering Answer Delay and Force Delay Pressing [F2] (labeled “Ans/Forc Delay”) from the Configuration screen displays the Configure Delay screen, shown below. CONFIGURE DELAYADMIN CMS1.0 3:31p 04/18 AGENT SPLITS ANSWER/FORCE DELAY |-Agent-| |-Agent-| SplitPDCIDSplitPDCIDNumLinesAnswerDelayForce DelayGroup 1 PUBLIC 2 BUSNS 3 CHART 4 SUPPT 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 415 416LINDA JOEL IEN JENNY SCOTT BILLSARAHJOHNJIM BERNE DONALLAN ANDY LOU 4 SUPPT 5 -6 - 417 418 424CRAIG BARB CJA PUBLC B BUSNS C CHARTD - 9 6 5 010s0s 5s 5sOffOnOff Off CALL FLOWFlow |-Splits-|Spl Thresh GpMainSecFlow A B C D1 2 3 -4 3 2 -On Off Off Off 1 2 3 4 5 650s 30s 30s 30s 30s 30s Configuration #1 - DAY ANS/FORCE DELAY: Grp (A-D):___Ans Delay (0-99 sec):___Force Delay (ON/OFF):____F Cancel 1 PromptF Previous5 FieldF Next6 FieldF Enter8 Data From this screen, you can administer two delay options that affect the handling of incoming calls: Answer Delay and Force Delay. Answer Delay The Answer Delay is the number of seconds CMS has a call wait before connecting it to a voice announcement unit when no agents are available to service the call. You may want to get some experience with CMS call management before you change the answer delay from its initial setting of 5 seconds. Think of Answer Delay as a trade-off between the time a customer spends listening to ringing and the time the customer spends on hold. You can set a different Answer Delay value for each line group, depending on the type of lines in the group and the amount of time the caller is likely to wait before an agent is available. 4-38 Building or Editing Shift Configurations

CONFIGURE DELAY SCREEN Consider these factors when choosing an Answer Delay value for a line group: l If you have toll lines (such as 800 lines), you begin paying for a call as soon as the line is answered by CMS. If calls are likely to be on hold before an agent is available, increasing the Answer Delay value decreases the time on hold, and, hence, the cost of the call. l You can increase the Answer Delay if you know callers will have to wait for an agent. Callers may be less likely to hang up if they wait longer for CMS to answer but spend less time on hold. Force Delay The Force Delay option controls the transfer of calls to and from the voice announcement unit. If Force Delay is on, calls that arrive for a line group will not be transferred to an agent until callers have heard the entire message, even if an agent is available. This means that calls may be queued up waiting to hear the delay message even when agents are available. If Force Delay is off, they will be transferred to an agent as soon as one becomes available. IMPORTANT: You must assign a voice announcement unit to a line group before you can turn on Force Delay for that line group. To administer Answer Delay or Force Delay: Press [F2] (labeled “Ans/Fore Delay”) from the Configuration screen to select this function. The screen title changes to “Configure Delay,” a box appears around the Answer/Force Delay area of the screen and the following prompt appears: Prompt: ANS/FORCE DELAY: Grp (A-D): __ Ans Delay (0-99 sec): __Force Delay (ON/OFF):___ Action:1 Enter a line group letter (A through D). 2 Enter the Answer Delay, the number of seconds (0 through 99) you want calls to ring before CMS connects them to an announcement unit if no agent is available to service the call. Leave this field blank if you don’t want to change it. The initial answer delay setting is 5 seconds, the approximate time from the beginning of one ring to the beginning of the next. 3 Type on to turn Force Delay on, or off to turn it off. Leave this field blank to keep the current value. The initial setting is off. 4 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”). Building or Editing Shift Configurations 4-39

Administering Call Flow Administering call flow includes the following tasks: l Assigning a main split and a secondary split (optional) for each line group l Turning intraflow on or off for a line group l Setting an Intraflow Threshold for each split Intraflow is the process of transferring calls from a main split’s queue to an available agent in the secondary split. A main split has primary responsibility for answering calls for a line group (or groups). A secondary split covers calls to a line group only if all the agents in the main split for that line group are busy or unavailable, the Intraflow Threshold has been reached, and intraflow is on. The Intraflow Threshold is the number of seconds the oldest call in a main split’s queue must wait before it can be sent to an available agent (if there is one) in the secondary split. This waiting time begins when the call first rings. However, if calls already in the secondary split’s queue have exceeded its Intraflow Threshold, the secondary split will not accept intraflowed calls until these queued calls have been answered. For a detailed description of how and when calls are intraflowed, see “How Intraflow Works” later in this section of the manual. Consider these points when establishing your Intraflow Threshold(s): l How long do you want your callers to wait for an agent in the main split if there are agents available in your secondary split? (The waiting time starts as soon as the call begins ringing.) Answering this question helps determine a reasonable Intraflow Threshold for the main split. l If your secondary split serves as a main split for another line group, you may not want that split to accept intraflowed calls if it is busy with its own calls. The secondary split’s Intraflow Threshold determines how long its own calls may wait before the split refuses to accept intraflowed calls. (If a secondary split is not a main split as well, you don’t need to set a threshold for that split.) Pressing [F3] (labeled “Call Flow”) on the Configuration screen selects the following Configure Call Flow screen. 4-40 Building or Editing Shift Configurations

CONFIGURE CALL FLOWADMIN CMS1.0 3:32p 04/18 AGENT SPLITSANSWER/FORCE DELAY |--Agent--| |--Agent--|NumLinesAnswerDelayForce DelaySplitPDCIDSplitPDCIDGroup 1 PUBLC 2 BUSNS 3 CHART 4 SUPPT401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 415 416LINDA JOEL IEN JENNY SCOTT BILLSARAHJOHN JIM BERNE DON ALLAN ANDY LOU 4 SUPPT 5 -6 - 417 418 424CRAIG BARB CJA PUBLC B BUSNS C CHART D - 9 6 5 010s 0s 5s 5s Off On Off Off CALL FLOWFlow |-Splits-| GpIntraFlowSplThresh MainSec A B C D1 2 3 -4 3 2 -On Off Off Off 1 2 3 4 5 650s 30s 30s 30s 30s 30s Configuration #1 - DAY F10 - Help F Assign 1 SplitsF Flow 2 On/Off F Set 3 Thresh F Config 7 Screen How Intraflow Works This example assumes there are main and secondary splits assigned to the line group and no agent is available in the main split. If an agent became available at any step, CMS would immediately transfer the call to that agent. This example also assumes that Force Delay is off. If a call comes in and no agent is available in the main split, the call is treated as follows: 1 2 3 4The call continues to ring for the Answer Delay interval you have established. CMS answers the call and connects it to the voice announcement unit for a delay message. NOTE: If the Answer Delay for a line group is longer than the Intraflow Threshold for the line group’s main split, the call may be intraflowed to the secondary split before the delay message is played. The call is put on hold (or connected to Music-on-Hold) and is put into the main split’s queue of waiting calls. The call is intraflowed (sent) to an agent in the secondary split if all these conditions are met: - Intraflow is turned on for the call’s line group. – The call is the oldest call eligible for intraflow to the secondary split. - The amount of time the call has waited (that is, from the time the call started ringing until now) has exceeded the Intraflow Threshold for the main split. - There is no available agent in the main split. Building or Editing Shift Configurations 4-41

– There is an available agent in the secondary split. CALL FLOW SCREEN – The oldest call in the secondary split’s queue has not waited longer than the Intraflow Threshold for the secondary split. 5 If there is no agent available in the secondary split, the call stays in the main split’s queue. The call will be answered by the first available agent in either the main split or the secondary split (if the secondary split’s Intraflow Threshold is not exceeded by another call). To administer call flow, press the function key for the activity you want to perform: HINT: If you are administering call flow for a new shift configuration, perform the activities in this order: assign splits, set thresholds, then change intraflow. [F1] Assign Splits Press this function key to display the prompt that allows you to assign a main split and, optionally, a secondary split, to a line group. Initially, all splits are unassigned; you choose which split answers calls for each line group. Prompt: ASSIGN SPLITS for Call Flow: Line Group (A-D): _ Main Spiit: _ Secondary Split: _ Action:1 Enter a line group letter (A through D). 2 Enter the number of the main split number (1 through 6) that will answer calls for the line group. 3 Enter a split number to assign to a secondary, or enter a hyphen (-) if you do not want to assign a secondary split or if you want to delete a previously assigned secondary split. 4 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data“). [F2] Flow On/Off (Turn Intraflow On/Off) Press this function key to display the prompt that allows you to turn intraflow on or off for a particular line group. Each line group’s intraflow status appears in the Intraflow column of the Call Flow area of the screen. The initial intraflow setting for each line group is Off. Prompt:CHANGE INTRAFLOW: Line Group (A-D):__ Action:1 Enter a line group letter (A through D). 2 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”). The intraflow designation for that line group automatically changes from On to Off or vice versa. 4-42 Building or Editing Shift Configurations

[F3] Set Thresh (Set Intraflow Threshold) Press this function key to display the prompt that allows you to set the Intraflow Threshold for a split. This threshold sets the number of seconds the oldest call waits in a main split’s queue before becoming eligible for intraflow. You need reasonable thresholds for your main splits. For more information on choosing your thresholds, see “Administering Call Flow” earlier in this section. The initial setting is 30 seconds. Prompt: SET CALL FLOW THRESHOLD: Split # (1-6):__ Threshold (0-999 sec):__ Action:1 Enter a split number (1 through 6). 2 Enter a number of seconds (0 through 999). 3 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”). [F7] Config Screen (Configuration Screen) Press this function key to return to the Configuration screen after you have finished administering call flow. [F10] Help Press this function key to display a Help screen for the Configure Call Flow screen. Building or Editing Shift Configurations 4-43

Clearing a Configuration Pressing [F5] (labeled Clear Config) on the Configuration screen displays the prompt that allows you to clear the contents of a shift configuration. You might want to do this if you have made several data entry errors and want to begin again instead of making changes. If you clear the contents of the configuration, the values on the Configuration screen return to their initial settings. Prompt: CLEAR CONFIG: This deletes contents of config. Clear Config? (Y/N): __ Action:1 Type y or n. 2 Press [F8] (labeled Enter Data). If you clear the contents of the configuration, the values on the Configuration screen return to their initial settings. NOTE: If you accidentally clear a configuration, you can restore the configuration by doing the following immediately after you’ve cleared it: Press [F7] (labeled Config List) to select the Configuration List screen. On this screen, press [F1] (labeled “Select Config”) to select a configuration. A prompt asks if you want to save your previous editing changes (which include clearing the configuration). Type n, and press [Enter] to restore the cleared configuration to the state it was in the last time it was saved. Returning to Other Screens You can select two other screens from the Configuration screen: the Configuration List screen and the Administration Menu. You may want to go to the Configuration List screen to save your new configuration or an old one you have edited. Pressing [F7] (labeled Config List) selects the Configuration List screen, from which you can: l Select a configuration to view, build, or edit l Save your editing changes (or save a new configuration you’ve just built) l Rename a configuration l Select a startup configuration You can return to the Administration Menu from the Configuration screen by pressing [F8] (labeled Admin Menu). 4-44 Building or Editing Shift Configurations

Saving an Edited (Changed) Configuration When you build a new shift configuration or make changes in an existing one, the word (edited) appears on the Configuration List screen to the left of the configuration number. You can store the last edited configuration in a previously unused configuration or store it in place of another configuration. For example, you could edit configuration 1 (DAY in our example) and replace the original with the updated copy. If, on the other hand, you want to keep the original configuration 1 as well as the edited copy, store the copy in an unused configuration number. Pressing [F2] (labeled Save Config ) on the Configuration List screen displays the prompts that allow you to save the last selected configuration. The name of the configuration is highlighted. If you edit the selected configuration, the word (edited) appears to the left of the configuration name. Prompt:SAVE CONFIGURATION: in Config #:__ Action:1 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”) to save the edited configuration under the same configuration name and number as the original (in other words, to replace updated copy). or Enter a configuration number, then pressthe original with the[F8] (labeled “Enter Data”) to save the edited configuration under a different configuration number. A second prompt appears: SAVE CONFIGURATION: Replace Contents of Config #X - NAME? (Y/N):__ The number of the configuration (X) you want to replace and its name (NAME) appear in this prompt. 2 Type y to confirm your request or n to cancel it; then press [F8] (labeled Enter Data). IMPORTANT: If you accidentally cleared a configuration with [F5] (labeled “Clear Config”) on the Configuration List screen, do not press [F2] (labeled “Save Config”) on the Configuration List screen. For information on restoring a configuration that has been accidentally cleared, see Clearing a Configuration earlier in this section. Building or Editing Shift Configurations 4-45

Renaming a Shift Configuration To name or rename a configuration, press [F3] (labeled “Rename Config” ) on the Configuration List screen. Configuration names can contain up to 10 letters, numbers, or special characters. Spaces are not allowed, so you may want to use hyphens or underlines instead. Renaming a configuration UNUSED, will clear the configuration. Prompt: RENAME CONFIGURATION: Config # (1-6): _ New Name: Action:1 2 3Enter the configuration number (1 through 6). Enter the new name (up to 10 letters, numbers, or special characters). NOTE: A startup configuration cannot be renamed “UNUSED,” and results in an error message if you attempt to do so. Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”). Selecting a Startup Configuration You can select one of the six shift configurations to be invoked automatically during the CMS call management startup procedure. Don’t select a startup configuration, however, if you want to choose a configuration each time you begin call management. Press [F4] (labeled “Choose Startup”) on the Configuration List screen to choose this activity. Prompt: CHOOSE STARTUP CONFIGURATION: Config # (1-6 or ‘-’ for none):___ Action:1 Enter the number of the configuration you want to use as the startup configuration, or enter a hyphen (-) if you don’t want a startup configuration. 2 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”). The word (Startup) appears to the right of the configuration you selected. 4-46 Administering CMS