ATT System 25 Call Management System Manual
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Key to Line Status Screen Data LINE STATUS The numbers in the following list correspond to the numbers circled in the above screen. The statistics described on this screen reflect information for the current hour only. 1 GpThe letter assigned to the line group. 2 SubGpThe sub-group ID of the line. 3 LineThe ID of the line. 4 PLine priority status. A + in this column indicates that the line is a priority line. Priority lines are answered before nonpriority lines in the line group. 5-28 Monitoring Call Management
5 StatusThe line status, which can be one of the following: Ring: A call ringing on the line, but CMS has not answered it. Idle: The line is not in use. Queued:The call is in the CMS hold state. The call has already been played the announcement and is on hold, waiting for an agent to become available. AGTID: The call has been transferred to an agent with the ID, AGTID, but the call has not yet been answered by an agent. « AGTID: The agent with the ID, AGTID, has answered and is handling the call. ANNCX: The call is being played announcement number “X“. Othr: The line is being used by an incoming or outgoing non-CMS call. NOTE: When a CMS call that comes in on a CMS line (Central Office trunk) is transferred by an agent to a transfer-queue line, the status of the CMS line changes from « AGTID to “Othr” when the agent who transfers the call goes on- hook. 6 Calls NumThe number of CMS calls that came in on a particular line in the current hour. This includes serviced and abandoned calls. Calls answered by stations other than agent stations are not included. Outgoing calls are also not included. 7 Calls HldTThe amount of time between the moment a call begins ringing at System 25 and the time it is disconnected. Calls HldT includes completed calls only. It includes both serviced and abandoned calls. It does not include calls connected to non- agents nor does it include data on outgoing calls. LINE GROUP SUMMARYA line group summary line appears below the data for the lines in the line LINEgroup. The summary line is displayed in reverse video (dark letters on a light background). 8 XX BusyThe number of lines (XX) in the line group that are currently in use for incoming or outgoing calls. 9 XX TotalThe total number of lines (XX) in the line group. 10 XX CallsThe total number of completed CMS calls (XX) to the line group during the current hour. Both serviced and abandoned calls are included. Monitoring Call Management 5-29
SPLIT STATUSThe top right section of the screen summarizes calls waiting for all splits. 11 SplitThe number and ID of the split. 12 WaitingThe number of CMS calls that are waiting to be Numtransferred to an agent in the split. 13 WaitingThe number of seconds the current oldest call has Oldbeen waiting to be transferred to an agent in a particular split. Call waiting time ends when the call begins ringing at the station of the agent who answers it. CALL FLOW INFORMATIONThe bottom right section of the screen shows how splits are assigned to line groups and whether intraflow is turned on or off for each line group. 14 Gp 15 Splits Main 16 Splits Sec 17 IntraFlowThe line group letter. The number of the main split assigned to the line group. A hyphen (-) indicates that there is no main split assigned to the line group. The number of the secondary split assigned to the line group. A hyphen (-) indicates that there is no secondary split assigned to the line group. The intraflow status for the line group (On or Off). 5-30 Monitoring Call Management
Using the Events Log Screen The Events Log screen displays the last 19 exception, warning, and system error messages with the time and date they occurred. For more information about exception messages, see “Setting Exceptions” in Section 4 of this manual. Pressing [F4] (labeled “Events Log”) on any status screen or the Configuration screen selects the Events Log screen.A sample Events Log screen is shown below. EVENTS LOGDAY CMS1.0 3:46p 04/20 Time Date Event 3:02p 05/18 *** Split 2 - Agent JOHN - Talk Time > = 480 seconds 4:25p 05/18 *** Split 1 - Agent LINDA - Refused Calls 4:30p 05/18 *** Split 1 - Oldest Call Waiting > = 45 seconds 5:35p 05/18 Night Service Now In Effect 5:43p 05/18 Normal Call Management Shutdown 5:47p 05/18 REPORT ABORTED - Check Printer 8:0la 05/19 CMS for System 25 PBX Version 1.0 Call Management Started 8:02a 05/19 Firmware Version 2.1. Clock Type 18.205 8:lla 05/19 Day Service Now In Effect 9:15a 05/19 *** Group C - All Lines Busy >= 240 seconds9:27a 05/19 *** Split 1 - Agent JOEL - Refused Calls 10:03a 05/19 *** Group A - Line L3071 - Hold Time >= 8 minutes 10:21a 05/19 *** Split 3 - Agent DON - Talk Time >= 480 seconds 11:20a 05/19 *** Split 2 - #Abandoned Calls >= 3 ll:32a 05/19 *** Split 1 - Oldest Call Waiting >= 45 seconds ll:54a 05/19 *** Split 1 - Agent JENNY - Refused Calls12:44p 05/19 *** Group A - Line L3072 - Hold Time >= 8 minutes l:33p 05/19 *** Split 3 - Oldest Call Waiting >= 30 seconds l:45p 05/19 *** Split 2 - Agent BERNE - Refused Calls l:56p 05/19 *** Split 1 - #Abandoned calls >= 4 F10 - Help F LineF SplitF Con figF System 5 Status 6 Status 7 Screen8 Status You must select the specific exceptions your CMS monitors. If you have not selected any exceptions, the Events Log screen lists only system and warning messages. If an exception indicates a problem that needs immediate correction, you can do so through dynamic reconfiguration.For more information, see Dynamic Reconfiguration,later in this section. To access another screen from the Events Log screen, press the corresponding function key: [F5] Line Status Press this function key to select the Line Status screen, which displays information about every line in every line group. For more information, see “Using the Line Status Screen” and “Key to Line Status Screen Data,“ earlier in this section. Monitoring Call Management5-31
[F6] Split Status Press this function key to view the Split Status screen for a particular split. (You are prompted for the split number.) The Split Status screens give you a detailed picture of the activity in each split. You can also make an agent available or unavailable for CMS calls by logging the agent in or out from this screen. For more information, see “Using the Split Status Screens” and “Key to Split Status Screen Data,” earlier in this section. [F7] Config Screen (Configuration Screen) Press this function key to select the Configuration screen. From that screen you can begin dynamic reconfiguration of your system. For more information, see “Dynamic Reconfiguration,” later in this section. [F8] System Status Press this function key to select the System Status screen, which summarizes the activity in each split and line group. For more information, see “Using the System Status Screen” and “Key to System Status Screen Data,” earlier in this section. [F10] Help Press this function key to display a Help screen for the Events Log screen. 5-32 Monitoring Call Management
Supervising Your Agents As the CMS Supervisor, you may find the CMS Service Monitoring and Assist features useful in supervising your CMS agents. These features require System 25 button administration on your voice terminal. SERVICE MONITORINGThe CMS Service Monitoring feature provides a means of monitoring agents’ calls without being detected by the agent or the caller. This feature can be very useful in the agent training process. You can also use the Service Monitoring feature to join a call when an agent requests help with a customer. For this feature, your multiline voice terminal must have one Personal Line button administered for each CMS and transfer-queue line you want to monitor. ASSIST BUTTONSProviding your agents with an Assist button gives them a means of visually signaling you when they need help. To do so, an agent presses a System 25 Station-to-Station Message Waiting button, labeled “Assist,” administered on his or her voice terminal. When the agent presses the Assist button, the green light next to that button on the agent’s voice terminal goes on, as does a corresponding Station-to-Station Message Waiting (Assist) button on your voice terminal. You can also use the Assist button on your voice terminal to turn on the light next to the corresponding Assist button on the agent’s voice terminal. If either person presses the Assist button when the green light is on, the Assist button lights at both voice terminals go off. You need one Assist button for each agent whom you want to signal or who may need to signal you. For more information about these features, see Section calls.“ 6, “Handling CMS Supervising Your Agents 5-33
Dynamic Reconfiguration Once you activate a shift configuration (as described earlier in “Startup Procedures”), you can modify it through dynamic reconfiguration. For example, you can reassign agents or turn on intraflow to handle unexpected increases in incoming call traffic. Such changes are immediately activated in the current configuration. If you want, you can save the changes before you shut down CMS or before you select another shift configuration. Otherwise, the changes are not saved when the current configuration is no longer active. You use the following screens during dynamic reconfiguration: These screens are almost identical to the configuration screens you use for CMS administration. During administration, however, CMS is not managing calls. CMS is managing calls during dynamic reconfiguration. Pressing [F1] (labeled “Config Screen”) from the Initialization screen or [F7] (labeled “Config Screen”) from any status screen selects the Configuration screen. It displays the current configuration, as shown in the example below. CONFIGURATIONDAY CMS1.0 3:20p 04/18 AGENT SPLITSANSWER/FORCE DELAY x --Agent-- x x --Agent-- x Num Answer ForceSplit PDC IDSplit PDC IDGroup Lines Delay Delay1 PUBLC4 SUPPT417 CRAIG418 BARB424 CJ A PUBLC B BUSNS C CHART D - 9 6 5 010s 0s 5s 5sOff On Off Off 5 - 6 - 2 BUSNS 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 415 416LINDAJOEL IEN JENNY SCOTT BILLSARAHJOHNJIMBERNEDONALLANANDYLOU CALL FLOWFlowx -Splits- x IntraSpl Thresh 3 CHARTGp Main Sec Flow 4 SUPPT A B C D1 2 3 -4 3 2 -OnOff Off Off 1 2 3 4 5 650s 30s 30s 30s 30s 30s Configuration #1 - Day F Splits 1 FAns/Forc 2 Delay F Call 3 FlowF Events 4 LogF Line5 Status F Split 6 StatusF10 - Help F Config 7 List F System 8 Status 5-34 Dynamic Reconfiguration
From the Configuration screen you can perform the types of reconfiguration described below or select other screens. detail later in this section. Reconfiguring Splits Press [F1] (labeled “Splits”) to reach Each of these the Configure topics is described in Splits screen. Through this screen you can add, move, or remove the agents in splits. You can also change the ID of a split. Changing Answer Delay or Force Delay Press [F2] (labeled “Ans/Fore Delay”) to display the Configure Delay screen. Through this screen, you can change the number of seconds calls to a line group ring before CMS answers them and connects them to a delay message if no agents are available to answer the calls (the Answer Delay). You can use the Force Delay option to indicate if you want all callers to a line group to hear a delay message before being transferred to agents. Reconfiguring Call Flow Press [F3] (labeled “Call Flow”) to reach the Configure Call Flow screen. Through this screen you can reassign splits to line groups, change Intraflow Thresholds, and turn intraflow on or off. Using the Configuration List Press [F7] (labeled Config List) to reach the list of stored shift configurations. With this screen, you can select a different configuration for call management, save your changes either in the current configuration or in another configuration, rename a configuration, or select a startup configuration. You can also reach the status screens from the Configuration screen. Once you are familiar with dynamic reconfiguration, you can use the “Quick Reference Guide to Dynamic Reconfiguration,” later in this section. T O see how the CMS Supervisor at Bon Voyage Travel uses dynamic reconfiguration during a typical day, see “Day-to-Day Operation of CMS, later in this section. Dynamic Reconfiguration 5-35
Reconfiguring Splits Pressing [F1] (labeled “Splits”) from the Configuration screen selects the Configure Splits screen, shown below. It looks the same as the Configuration screen except that a box appears around the Agent Splits portion of the screen and the function keys are relabeled. Use this screen to reassign, add, or remove agents in the active configuration. CONFIGURE SPLITSDAY CMS1.0 3:27p 04/18 AGENT SPLITS ANSWER/FORCE DELAY |--Agent--| |--Agent--|NumLinesAnswerDelayForce DelaySplitPDCIDSplitPDCIDGroup 1 PUBLC 2 BUSNS 3 CHART 4 SUPPT401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 415 416LINDAJOELIEN JENNY SCOTT BILLSARAHJOHN JIM BERNEDONALLAN ANDY LOU 4 SUPPT 5 - 6 -417 418 424CRAIG BARB CJ A B C DPUBLC BUSNS CHART -9 6 5 0 10s 0s 5s 5s Off On Off Off CALL FLOW Flow|-Splits-|IntraFlowSplThresh GpMainSec A B C D1 2 3 -4 3 2 -OnOff Off Off 1 2 3 4 5 650s 30s 30s 30s 30s 30s Configuration #1 - DAY F Add1 AgentF Remove2 AgentF Move3 AgentF Replace4 AgentF New5 AgentF Change6 Split ID F Config 7 ScreenF10 HelpF Agent8 Directry To reconfigure splits, press the function key for the activity you want to perform and follow the instructions: [F1] Add Agent Press this function key to assign an agent already listed on the Agent Directory screen to the active configuration. When you add agents, they are automatically placed in the Logged Out state. They must make themselves available for calls by pressing the Available button. No report statistics are collected for an agent until this is done. Prompt:ADD AGENT: ID:PDC:to Split #:___ Action:1 Enter an ID of an agent already entered in the Agent Directory. 2 Enter the System 25 PDC of an agent station that is already entered on the Administer Stations screen. 3 Enter a split number (1 through 6). 4 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”). 5-36 Dynamic Reconfiguration
[F2] Remove Agent Press this function key to remove an agent from the active configuration. (The agent entry remains on the Agent Directory screen.) Prompt:REMOVE AGENT: ID: Action:1 Enter the agent’s ID. 2 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”). 3 When the confirmation prompt appears, type y to confirm your request or n to cancel it. 4 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”). [F3] Move Agent Press this function key to move an agent from one agent station to another and/or from one split to another. (This is equivalent to removing the agent from one agent station or split and adding the agent to another agent station or split.) NOTE: The agent is automatically placed in the Logged Out state, and no statistics are collected for the agent until the agent makes himself or herself available or until you make the agent available by logging in the agent from the Split Status screen. See “Using the Split Status Screen”, earlier in this section. Prompt:MOVE AGENT: ID:New PDC:New Split #: _ Action:1 Enter the ID of the agent you want to move. 2 You may enter a new PDC, a new split number, or both. To skip a field, press [F6] (labeled “Next Field”). 3 Press [F8] (labeled “Enter Data”) after your last entry. Check the Splits section of the screen to make sure you moved the agent as you intended. Moving an agent to a different station in the same split does not affect the data being collected for that agent. Moving an agent from one split to another, however, results in partial collected data for the hour in which the move was made. To keep the agent’s data as accurate as possible, do not use the Move Agent function key to move an agent to a different split. Instead, remove the agent from the first split and add the agent to the second split with a different ID. (If the Agent Directory screen does not already have more than one ID for that agent, use the New Agent function key to add the agent with a different ID.) For example, an agent named Hal might have the ID HAL1 when he works in split 1 and HAL2 when he works in split 2. If you use a separate ID for him for each split in which he works, the data will show Hal’s work in each split separately. Dynamic Reconfiguration 5-37