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ATT DEFINITY Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Instructions Manual

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Page 81

Call Promp ting
5-4Issue 4 September 1995
Removing Incorrect Digit Strings
The customer can (and probably should) include an announcement that requests 
the caller to enter di gits.  As an o ption, the announcement can instruct the caller 
to enter an asterisk (*) if he or she enters incorrect data.  When the caller enters a 
‘‘*,’’ the following happens:
1. Digits collected for the current 
collect digits command are deleted.
Also delete d are any dial-ahead digits that are entered and that do...

Page 82

Functions and Examples
Issue 4 September 1995
or ve ctors chained to it, do not contain another collect d igits command, the extra 
d i gits are discarded.
If the caller enters fewer d i gits than the maximum number specified 
and d oes not 
complete the entry with “ #,” a Call Prompting timeout occurs. The timeout 
terminates the command, and any digits collected prior to the timeout are 
available for subsequent vector processing.
A common application involving the entering of variable-length digit...

Page 83

Call Promp ting
5-6Issue 4 September 1995
These functions are illustrate d in the following sections.
Treating Digits as a Destination
Call Prompting allows you to route calls a ccording to the digits collected from the 
caller. Once the digits are collected via the 
collect digits command, the route-to 
 command attempts to route the call to the  destination that the digits 
represent.  The command always routes the call to the destination that is 
indicated by the digits processed by the most...

Page 84

Functions and Examples
Issue 4 September 1995
a p plies, and vector processing terminates.  (Even if the d estination is busy, 
vector processing terminates b e cause coverage call processing takes effect.)
From time to time, all of the system’s TTRs mi ght be in use. As a result, you 
should avoid starting your main vector with a 
collect digits command, since 
the caller in this case receives no audible feedback if he or she has to wait 
for a TTR to b ecome available.  Accordingly, it is a...

Page 85

Call Promp ting
5-8Issue 4 September 1995
nThe “?” represents a single digit. Any number of them can be used at any 
position in the digit string.
Tables are entered on the Vector Routing Table form. Each table can have up to 
100 entries. See 
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Version 4 
, 555-230-655 or DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 
V2/V3 Imp lementation
, 555-230-653 for comp lete instructions for  creating Vector 
Routing Tables.
The following figure gives an example...

Page 86

Functions and Examples
Issue 4 September 1995
The following vector could be used to test a gainst numb ers in this ta ble.
Figure 5-4. Testing for Digits In Vector Routing Table
If the caller enters an account number that is listed in the Vector Routing Table 
the call is routed to vector 8. Likewise, if the caller enters an account number that 
matches the wildcard entry (for example 1345987) the call is route d to vector 8.
If the caller enters an account number that is not listed in the Vector...

Page 87

Call Promp ting
5-10Issue 4 September 1995
Entries in Vector Routing Tables can also be tested against the telephone 
number of the caller (ANI). See  ANI  and II-Digits Routing on  page 7-1 for more 
Using Digits to Select Options
Call Promp ting allows you to provide a menu of options that the caller can use to 
satisfy his or her information needs.  The caller selects the desired option by 
entering the appropriate requested digit. Once the digit is entered, a conditional 
branch to the a...

Page 88

Functions and Examples
Issue 4 September 1995
customer account numb er) before the caller is connected to the agent, thus 
eliminating the need for the agent to ask for this information.
The CALLR-INFO button d isplays information in the following format:
nx is a call appearance letter (for example, a, b, c, etc.)
n1234567890 represents the digits collected from the caller
The d i gits entered by the caller are collected by the most recent collect digits 
command.  Any digits that were...

Page 89

Call Promp ting
5-12Issue 4 September 1995
section (provided the agent is active on the call or the call is still alerting).  
Also, the agent can flip between the collected digits and the ICI by 
alternately pressing the CALLR-INFO and NORMAL buttons.
Passing Digits to an Adjunct
Call Promp ting  allows for the passing of information (in the form of collected 
digits) to an adjunct for further processing. Digits are passed to the a djunct via 
the ASAI Ad junct Routing capability.
An adjunct is any...

Page 90

Functions and Examples
Issue 4 September 1995
Creating Service Observing Vectors
As mentioned in Chapter 4, Service Observing vectors can be constructed to 
allow users to observe calls from a remote location or local station. When 
combined with Call Promp ting, Service Observing vectors can route calls to:
nA Remote  Access extension
nA Service  Observing Feature Access Code (FAC) and extension entered 
by the user
nA Preprogrammed FAC and extension
Remote Access Service Observing Vector
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