ATT At32112 Manual
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20 Appendix Ope ra ting ra ngeThis cordless telephone operates with the maximum power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Eve n so, this handse t and te le phone base can communicate ove r only a ce rtain distance - which can vary with the locations of the te le phone base and handse t, the we athe r, and the layout of your home or oce. Whe n the handse t is out of range, the handse t displays CONNECTING ... If the re is a call while the handse t is out of range, it might not ring, or if it doe s ring, the call might not conne ct well when you press /FLASH . Move closer to the telephone base, then press /FLASH to answer the call.If the handset moves out of range during a telephone conversation, there might be interference. To improve reception, move closer to the telephone base. Ma inte na nceTa k ing ca re of your te le phone Yo u r co rd l e s s te l e ph o n e co n tai n s s o ph i s ti cate d e l e ctro n i c parts , s o i t m u s t be tre ate d wi th care. Avo i d ro u g h tre a tm e n t Place the handset down gently. Save the original packing materials to protect your telephone if you ever need to ship it. Avo i d wa te r Your te le phone can be damage d if it ge ts we t. Do not use the handse t outdoors in the rain, or handle it with we t hands. Do not install the te le phone base ne ar a sink, bathtub or showe r. E l e ctri ca l s to rm s Electrical storms can sometimes cause power surges harmful to electronic equipment. For your own safety, take caution whe n using e le ctrical appliance s during storms. Cle a ning your te le phone Your te le phone has a durable plastic casing that should re tain its luste r for many ye ars. Cle an it only with a soft cloth slightly dampe ne d with wate r or mild soap. Do not use exce ss wate r or cle aning solve nts of any kind. Remember that electrical appliances can cause serious injury if used when you are wet or standing in the wate r. If the telephone base should fall into the water, DO NOT RETRIEVE IT UNTIL YOU UNPLUG THE POWER CORD AND TELEPHONE LINE CORD FROM THE WALL. Then remove the telephone by the unplugged cords. A bout cordle s s te le phone s• Privacy: The same features that make a cordless telephone convenient create some limitations. Telephone calls are transmitted between the telephone base and the cordless handset by radio waves, so there is a possibility that the cordless telephone conversations could be intercepted by radio receiving equipment within range of the cordle ss handse t. For this re ason, you should not think of cordle ss te le phone conve rsa- tions as being as private as those on corded telephones. • E l e ctri ca l p o we r: The telephone base of this cordless telephone must be connected to a working electrical outlet. The electrical outlet should not be controlled by a wall switch. Calls cannot be made from the cordless handset if the telephone base is unplugged or switched of, or if the electrical power is interrupted. • Potential TV interference: Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interference to televisions and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, do not place the telephone base of the cordless telephone near or on top of a TV or VCR. If interference is experienced, moving the cordless telephone farther away from the TV or VCR often reduces or eliminates the interference. • Rechargeable batteries: Exe rci s e care i n h an d l i n g batte ri e s i n o rd e r n o t to cre ate a s h o rt ci rcu i t wi th conducting mate rial such as rings, brace le ts, and ke ys. The batte ry or conductor may ove rhe at and cause harm. Observe proper polarity between the battery and the battery charger. • Nickel-metal hydride rechargeable batteries: Dispose of these batteries in a safe manner. Do not burn or puncture the battery. Like other batteries of this type, if burned or punctured, they could release caustic material which could cause injury.
21 Limited WarrantyTh i s pro du ct i s di s tri bu te d n e w by AI T, I n c. (”AI T ”) to th e o ri g i n al co n s u m e r pu rch as e r an d i s warran te d by AI T ag ai n s t de fe cts i n m ate ri al an d wo rkm an s h i p fo r a pe ri o d o f o n e ye ar fro m yo u r date o f pu rch as e (” W arran ty ”). In the unlikely event that this product is defective, or does not perform properly, you may within one year from yo u r o ri g i n al date o f pu rch as e re tu rn i t to th e au th o ri ze d s e rvi ce ce n te r fo r re pai r o r exch an g e. TO O B TAI N W AR R AN T Y S E R VI CE : - Provide proof of the date of purchase within the package (Dated bill of sale) - Prepay all shipping costs to the authorized service center, and remember to insure your return. - Include a re turn shipping addre ss (no P.O. Boxe s), a te le phone contact numbe r, and the de fe ctive unit within th e p ackag e. - Describe the defect or reason yo u are re tu rn i n g th e pro du ct. Yo u r pro du ct wi l l be re pai re d o r re pl ace d, at o u r option, for the same or similar model of equal value if examination by the service center determines this product is defective. Products received damages as a result of shipping, will require you to fle a claim with the carri e r. The shipping address of the authorized service center is: AIT, Inc. AT TN .: R e tu rn s D e partm e n t 14-C 53rd Street Brooklyn, NY 11232 Should you have any questions or proble m s co n ce rn i n g th i s pro d u ct, pl e as e co n tact o u r cu s to m e r s e rvi ce d e partm e n t at: Cu s to m e r S u p p o r t: 1-877-768-8483 (Toll Free) www.s outhe rnte l e T M o n d ay - Th u rs d ay: 9 AM - 5 P M ( EST ) Fri day: 9 AM - 3 P M (EST ) Tech n i cal sp eci f cat i o n s Frequency control Crystal controlled PLL synt hesizer Transmit frequency Handset: 1921.536-1928.448 MHz Telephone base: 1921.536-1928.448 MHz Channels 5 Nominal e ective range Maximum power allowed by FCC and IC. Actual operating range might vary according to environmental conditions at the time of use. Size Handset: 6.46 X 1.91 X 1.11 in (164.20 X 48.50 X 28.20 mm) Telephone base: 4.81 X 4.13 X 2.13 in (122.20 X 105.00 X 54.00 mm)Charger: 3.24 X 3.31 X 1.91 in (82.40 X 84.00 X 48.50 mm) Weight Handset: 4.92oz (139.40g) (including battery) Telephone base: 4.95oz (140.20g) Charger: 1.85oz (52.40g) Power requirements Handset: 2.4V 500mAh Ni-MH battery Telephone base: 6V AC @ 300mA C harger: 6V AC @ 300mA Memory Handset directory: 50 memory locations; up to 30 digits and 15 characters Handset call log: 50 memory locations; up to 24 digits and 15 characters