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Apple power mac g4 quicksilver User Manual

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Page 121

 Take ApartCD/DVD Drive, PCI/AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio  -   99
3. Disconnect the following 
cables from the back of 
or DVD-RAM drive:
¥power cable (P7)
¥IDE data cable
¥Power Mac G4 (PCI 
Graphics): audio cable
4. If shielding tape connects 
the ribbon cable and the 
carrier, detach the tape 
from the carrier.
5. Disconnect the following 
cables from the back of 
the Zip drive:
¥power cable (P6)
¥IDE data cable   

Page 122

 Take ApartCD/DVD Drive, PCI/AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio  -   100
6. Continue sliding the 
drive carrier out of the 
computer. Important:  
The drive carrier may 
be difficult to push 
forward due to the EMI 
gasket and tape located on 
the underside of the 
carrier (directly below 
the Zip drive).
7. When the carrier is out 
of the computer, remove 
the EMI shield from the 
back of the CD-ROM, 

Page 123

 Take ApartCD/DVD Drive, PCI/AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio  -   101
Note:  Perform  the  following 
procedure if you are 
replacing the CD-ROM, 
Zip drive.
8. Using a Phillips 
screwdriver, remove 
the drive carrier 
mounting screws.
9. Slide the drive(s) out of 
the carrier.
Replacement Note: The 
DVD-RAM drive is not as 
tall as the CD-ROM and 
DVD-ROM drives. Before 
screwing the DVD-RAM  

Page 124

 Take ApartCD/DVD Drive, PCI/AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio  -   102
drive back into the carrier, 
lift the back of the drive 
slightly so that the drive is 
flush against the carrier.
Replacement Note: When 
inserting the drive carrier 
into the computer, make 
sure the carrier tab slides 
into the hole on the 
stationary drive shelf. 

Page 125

 Take ApartZip Drive, PCI/AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio  -   103
Zip Drive, PCI/AGP 
Ethernet/Digital Audio
If removing the Zip drive, 
follow the procedures for 
removing the CD/DVD Drive.  
Important:  After you remove 
the screws mounting the 
Zip/CD/DVD carrier to the 
chassis, the carrier may be 
difficult to push forward due 
to EMI tape on the carrierÕs 
underside holding it in place. 
Continue pushing forward 
until the carrier is released.  

Page 126

 Take ApartFan, Power Mac G4 (QuickSilvers)  -   104
Fan, Power Mac G4 
Before you begin, open the 
side access panel. 

Page 127

 Take ApartFan, Power Mac G4 (QuickSilvers)  -   105
1. Press the small locking 
tab on the power-to-fan 
cable connector and 
disconnect the cable. 

Page 128

 Take ApartFan, Power Mac G4 (QuickSilvers)  -   106
2. Remove the two screws 
that mount the fan 
bracket to the chassis.
Replacement Note: Use 
the longer of the two 
screws to secure the 
cable holder and the fan 
3. Lift the fan bracket out 
of the computer. 

Page 129

 Take ApartFan, Power Mac G4 (QuickSilvers)  -   107
Perform the following 
procedure only if you are 
replacing the fan.
4. Using a Phillips 
screwdriver, remove 
the four screws securing 
the fan to the fan 
5. Lift the fan from the fan 

Page 130

 Take ApartFan, Power Mac G4 (QuickSilvers)  -   108
Replacement Note: When 
replacing the fan in the 
bracket, make sure the 
arrows on the side of the fan 
point away from the bracket. 
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