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Apple power mac g4 quicksilver User Manual

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Page 91

 Take ApartHard Drive, Ultra2 LVD SCSI  -   69
1. Disconnect the Ultra2 
LVD SCSI cable from the 
Ultra2 LVD SCSI card.  

Page 92

 Take ApartHard Drive, Ultra2 LVD SCSI  -   70
2. Disconnect the SCSI hard 
drive power cable (P5). 
Caution: Pull the SCSI 
power cable straight out 
of the connector on the 
drive. Any up or down 
motion to the connector 
could damage the drive.
Replacement Note: The 
power cables attach to 
drives as follows:
P5 attaches to bay 1
P2 attaches to bay 2
P3 attaches to bay 3
3. Disconnect the Ultra2 
LVD SCSI data cable from 
the hard drive.   

Page 93

 Take ApartHard Drive, Ultra2 LVD SCSI  -   71
4. Remove the hard drive 
carrier mounting screw.
5. Pull the drive carrier 
back and lift up at an 
angle to release the 
carrier tabs from the 
slots in the chassis.
6. Remove the carrier and 
drive from the 

Page 94

 Take ApartHard Drive, Ultra2 LVD SCSI  -   72
7. If youÕre returning the 
drive to Apple, remove 
the SCSI data cable and 
terminator (black 
plastic housing) from 
the top of the drive. The 
cable and terminator are 
attached to the drive 
with double-stick foam 

Page 95

 Take ApartHard Drive, Ultra2 LVD SCSI  -   73
8. If youÕre returning the 
drive to Apple, you must 
also remove the hard 
drive carrier. Remove 
the four screws from the 
carrier and lift out the 
Note:  Drives must be 
returned to Apple in Apple 
packaging, without cables or 
carriers. Failure to comply 
with this requirement may 
result in a packaging 
noncompliance charge. For 
more information, refer to 
the service parts database. 

Page 96

 Take ApartHard Drive, Ultra2 LVD SCSI  -   74
9. If youÕre replacing the 
thermal pad on the 
drive, remove the old 
pad and apply the new 
pad to the same area on 
the drive.
Important: Before 
installing a new 36 GB 
drive, you must apply a 
thermal pad, part 
number 922-3863. 

Page 97

 Take ApartUltra2 LVD SCSI Card  -   75
Ultra2 LVD SCSI Card
Before you begin, open the 
side access panel.

Page 98

 Take ApartUltra2 LVD SCSI Card  -   76
1. Remove the Ultra2 LVD 
SCSI card mounting 
2. Disconnect the Ultra2 
LVD SCSI cable from the 
PCI card. 
Note:  Make sure no 
external cable is 
attached to the card. 
3. Gently lift up on the 
Ultra2 LVD SCSI card to 
remove it from the PCI 

Page 99

 Take ApartCarrier Support Plate - 77
Carrier Support Plate
Note: Perform this 
procedure only if you must 
replace the support plate or 
the cables below the plate.
Before you begin, do the 
¥ Open the side access 
¥ Remove the hard drive 
carrier in drive bay 1. 

Page 100

 Take ApartCarrier Support Plate - 78
1. Remove the two support 
plate mounting screws 
from the bottom of the 
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