Apple mac pro mid 2010 User Manual
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Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Take Apart — General Troubleshooting 21 2010-12-06 • Quick power cycle causes Memory Processor Board Diagnostic LEDs and CPU Overtemp LEDs to illuminate solidly Important: Since the SMC firmware is stored on both the backplane board and processor board, it is important that the version of SMC firmware is the same on both boards. Please follow the steps outlined in KnowledgeBase article HT1557, “About Firmware Updates for Intel-based Macs,” to perform an EFI and/or SMC firmware update. Information about firmware versions for Intel Macs can be found in KnowledgeBase article HT1237, “EFI and SMC Firmware Updates for Intel-based Macs.”
Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Take Apart — General Troubleshooting 22 2010-12-06 Memory Configuration Mac Pro (Mid 2010) comes with a minimum of 3 GB of memory in single-processor configurations, or a minimum of 6 GB memory in dual-processor configurations, installed as 1 GB unbuffered ECC dual inline memory modules (UDIMMs). DIMMs must fit these specifications: • PC3-10600E,1333 MHz, DDR3 SDRAM UDIMMs • Error-correcting code (ECC) • 72-bit wide, 240-pin ECC modules • 36 memory ICs maximum per ECC UDIMM For proper operation of Mac Pro (Mid 2010) computers, Apple recommends using only Apple- approved DIMMs. Refer to GSX for Apple DIMM service part numbers. Memory from older Macintosh computers is not compatible with Mac Pro (Mid 2010). Single-Processor Configuration A quad-core or 6-core Mac Pro (Mid 2010) has one processor and four memory slots. You can install 1 GB, 2 GB, or 4 GB DIMMs for a total of up to 16 GB of memory. You can install different size DIMMs in Mac Pro (Mid 2010). However, for best performance, Apple recommends you install equal-size DIMMs (all 1 GB, all 2 GB, or all 4 GB) filling the slots in the order listed in this table. Note that you cannot place a DIMM in slot 4, without first placing a DIMM in slot 3. If you haveFill these slots Two DIMMs1 and 2 Three DIMMs1, 2, and 3 Four DIMMs1, 2, 3, and 4 See also “Memory Slot Utility” below.
Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Take Apart — General Troubleshooting 23 2010-12-06 Dual-Processor Configuration An 8-core or 12-core Mac Pro (Mid 2010) has one processor and eight memory slots. You can install 1 GB, 2 GB, or 4 GB DIMMs for a total of up to 32 GB of memory. You can install different size DIMMs in Mac Pro (Mid 2010). However, for best performance, Apple recommends you install equal-size DIMMs (all 1 GB, all 2 GB, or all 4 GB) filling the slots in the order listed in this table. Note that you cannot place a DIMM in slot 4, without first placing a DIMM in slot 3; you also cannot place a DIMM in slot 8 without a DIMM in slot 7. If you haveFill in these slots Two DIMMs1 and 2 Three DIMMs1, 2, and 3 Four DIMMs1, 2, and 5, 6 Six DIMMs1, 2, 3 and 5, 6, 7 Eight DIMMs1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6, 7, 8 See also “Memory Slot Utility” below. Memory Slot Utility If you install different-size DIMMs in single-processor or dual-processor Mac Pro (Mid 2010) computers, follow the order in the tables above. If the DIMM configuration you install doesn’t provide optimized performance, the Memory Slot Utility appears on screen and recommends an improved configuration. To use the Memory Slot Utility again, go to /System/Library/Core Services.
Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Take Apart — General Troubleshooting 24 2010-12-06 Memory Diagnostic LEDs The single-processor and dual-processor boards include a set of diagnostic memory LEDs. The following illustrations show the location of each LED and its associated DIMM slot. Single-Processor Board Dual-Processor Board To diagnose memory issues, start up the computer and check the diagnostic memory LEDs. An illuminated, red LED indicates its associated DIMM may be poorly seated or failed. Note that Apple System Profiler does not report unseated or failed memory. You must use the memory LEDs to locate DIMM issues.
Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Take Apart — General Troubleshooting 25 2010-12-06 Troubleshooting Memory LEDs Follow this procedure when troubleshooting each DIMM identified by a red LED: 1. Remove and reseat DIMM. 2. Restart computer. If associated LED is no longer illuminated, issue is resolved. 3. If associated LED remains illuminated, replace DIMM with new DIMM. 4. Restart computer and verify LED is no longer illuminated. There is one exception. If two LEDs illuminate at the same time for the 3 DIMM and 4 DIMM slots or for the 7 DIMM and 8 DIMM slots, check both DIMMs using this process: CheckResultAction 1. Remove both DIMMs identified by illuminated LEDs. Set DIMM 4 (or DIMM 8) aside, and reseat DIMM 3 (or DIMM 7). Restart computer. Is DIMM 3 (or DIMM 7) LED illuminated? YesReplace DIMM 3 (or DIMM 7) with new DIMM. Go to step 2. NoGo to step 2. 2. Reinstall DIMM 4 (or DIMM 8). Restart computer. Is one or both LEDs illuminated? YesReplace DIMM 4 (or DIMM 8) with new DIMM. NoIssue resolved.
Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Take Apart — General Troubleshooting 26 2010-12-06 PCIe/Graphics Cards The Mac Pro (Mid 2010) backplane board includes one double-wide PCI Express (PCIe) graphics slot and three PCIe expansion slots, for a total of four slots. The computer comes with a graphics card installed in slot 1. You can install additional PCIe graphics and expansion cards in the remaining three expansion slots. All four slots support 16-lane cards. Slot electrical specifications: • Slots 1 and 2: x16 PCIe 2.0 • Slots 3 and 4: x4 PCIe 2.0 For more information on Mac Pro (Mid 2010) graphics cards, refer to Important: Graphics cards from previous Power Mac G5 and Mac Pro models are not software- compatible with Mac Pro (Mid 2010) models. Important: Combined maximum power consumption for all four PCIe slots must not exceed 300 W.
Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Take Apart — General Troubleshooting 27 2010-12-06 Functional Overview Processor Board CPU A Heatsink Fan and Ther ma\f Sensor* Inter mitt ent shut down * Fr eeze s * Noisy or \fast \fans\y * Slo w or r edu\bed per \for man\b e CPU A* Pow er & F ans, no bo ot/video * Fr eeze s * K ernel pani\b Nor th\br idge , Hea tsink and Ther ma\f Sensor * Inter mitt ent shut down * Fr eeze s or unstable sy stem * Noisy or \fast \fans\y * Slo w or r edu\bed per \for man\b e Back p\fane In ter connec t* No pow er * No bo ot * In ter mitt ent \fr eeze s * Ker nel p ani\b Memor y S\fots 5-8 (D ua\f CPU c onfguration on\fy) * K ernel pani\b * R edu\b ed or slo w system p er\for man\b e * Ther mal issue s * Fr equen t appli\ba tion \brashes CPU B (Dua\f CPU c onfguration on\fy) * Only 1 CPU det e\bted b y system * Fr eeze s * K ernel pani\bCPU B Hea tsink Fan and Ther ma\f Sensor (D ua\f CPU c onfguration on\fy) * In ter mitt ent shut down * Fr eeze s * Noisy or \fast \fans\y * Slo w or r edu\bed per\for man\b e Memor y S\fots 4-1 * Pow er and \fans , no bo ot/video * K ernel pani\b * R edu\b ed or slo w system p er\for man\b e * Ther mal issue s * Fr equen t appli\ba tion \brashes
Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Take Apart — General Troubleshooting 28 2010-12-06 Backplane Board Hard Dr ive Ther mal Sensors (1 per dr ive) * In ter mitt ent shut down * Fr eeze s or unstable sy stem * Noisy or fast fans * Slo w or r educed perfor manc e * Dr ive s pin-do wn Back plane In ter connec t* No Pow er * No bo ot * In ter mitt ent fr eeze s * Ker nel Panic AirPor t* A irPor t not det ected in Sy stem Pr ofiler * K ernel panic on bo ot or wi-fi da ta transfer Inter nal Sp eaker* No bo ot chime * N o or dist orted sound Processor Cage Fan - Fr ont* In ter mitt ent shut down * Fr eeze s * Fast or noisy fans * Sy stem runs hot Processor Cage Fan - R ear* In ter mitt ent shut down * Fr eeze s * Fast or noisy fans B luet ooth* Bluet ooth not det ected in Sy stem Pr ofiler * In ter mitt ent B luet ooth a vailabilit y * Da ta transfer or pair ing issue s Fron t Panel B oard (including fr ont USB , F ireWir e and headphone por ts) * No p ow er * C onnec tivity issue s with fr ont p orts * No a udio * In ter mitt ent po wer off Optic al Drive P o w er and SA TA * Optical dr ive(s) not det ected in Sy stem Pr ofiler * No star tup from D VD Optic al Drive and P o w er S upply Fan * In ter mitt ent shut down * Fr eeze s * Fast or noisy fans * Sy stem runs hot SA TA Ha rd Dr ive 1* Har d drive not det ected in Sy stem Pr ofiler * No star tup from har d drive * B oot t o flashing ? DC P ow er S upply c onnec tion * No p ow er * In ter mitt ent p ow er-off * P ow er-off dur ing heavy CPU/GPU/P CI load PCIe Fan* Inter mitt ent shut down * Fr eeze s, gr aphics glit ches * Fast or noisy fans * Sy stem runs hot SA TA Ha rd Dr ive 2* Har d drive not det ected in Sy stem Pr ofiler * Har dw ar e R AID issue s SATA Ha rd Dr ive 3* Har d drive not det ected in Sy stem Pr ofiler * Har dw ar e R AID issue s SATA Ha rd Dr ive 4* Har d drive not det ected in Sy stem Pr ofiler * Har dw ar e R AID issue s PCI Aux Pow er* N o video (wher e requir ed P CIe video car ds) * P CI car ds not det ected PCIe S lots 1-4* No video * Fr eeze s or unstable sy stem * Fr eeze s dur ing bo ot * K ernel panic * N o har dware R AID (N o boot)USB 2.0 F ir ewir e 800 Dig ital A \fdio A nalog\fe A \fdio \bigabit E thernet
Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Take Apart — General Troubleshooting 29 2010-12-06 Block Diagram Optical D riv e T op P CIe G en1 2.5GT/s 1 Lane s Each D irec tion 0.3GB/s B andwidthPCIe G en1 2.5GT/s 1 Lane E ach Direc tion 0.3GB/s B andwidth Gb E net A 1 x16 G en2 P CIe Slot 2 x16 G en2 P CIe Slot PCIe G en2 5GT/s 1 6 Lane s Each D irec tion 1 0GB/s B andwidth Mac P ro (M id 2010) S yst em B lock D iagram CPU A X eon PCIe G en2 5GT/s 1 6 Lane s Each D irec tion 1 0GB/s B andwidth 4 x4 G en2 P CIe Slot / R AID PCIe G en2 5GT/s 4 Lane s Each D irec tion 2.5GB/s B andwidth CPU B X eon DDR3 1 333 MHz 3 C hannels 1 or 2 DIMM S lot/Channel DDR3 1 333 MHz 3 C hannels 1 or 2 DIMM S lot/Channel Nor th B ridge QPI20 Lane s Each D irec tion6.4GT/s QPI20 Lane s Each D irec tion6.4GT/s QPI20 Lane s Each D irec tion6.4GT/s PCIe G en1 2.5GT/s 4 Lane s Each D irec tion 1 .2 5GB/s B andwidth Voltage M onit orTemp S ensors P rimar y Syst em M anagemen t C on trollerPo w er butt on/SIL Po w er Supply80A @ 1 2V (S0) 5A @ 5V (S5) FW800 Optical D riv e B ott om P CIe G en1 2.5GT/s 1 Lane E ach Direc tion 0.3GB/s B andwidth HD A udio C odec In ter nal Sp eak er Rea r I/O P anel Line In Digital In D igital Out Headphone / M ic / i Phone headset S outh B ridge Ether net 1 0/1 00/1 000 Mbit x1 G en1 M iniPCIe S lot Fron t I/O on enclosur e Line Out Main C lock G ener ator PCIe S wit ch 3 x4 G en2 P CIe Slot PCIe G en2 5GT/s 4 Lane s Each D irec tion 2.5GB/s B andwidth PCIe G en2 5GT/s 4 Lane s Each D irec tion FW800 FW800PCIe C lock B uff er Fans Gb E net B 4MB Voltage M onit orTemp S ensorsFans FW C ur ren t M onit or Sec ondar y S yst em M anagemen t C on troller To P rimar y SMC C ur ren t M onit or 1 2 3 4 DIMM S lots 5 68 7 DIMM S lots To S ec ondar y SMC USB 2.0 USB 2.0 4 channels @ 0.3 GB/s B andwidth each 1x 0.3 GB/s channel t o each drive SA TA/ SAS M ux 4 channels @ 0.3 GB/s B andwidth each 1 2 34 FW800 FW800 P o w er B utt on/ SIL 1 2 Airp or t Bluet ooth 2. 1 PROCESSOR BO ARD BACKPL ANE Dual-CPU P ro ce ssor B oard Only 1x 0.3 GB/s channel to each dr ive ?+6C:&5: C2 D 2*8IVX!-JOHTTLRX EC3)% !)694:# ( )V UW YX 8:?X CP?4 UW L )% 0 *89_ !UW* %* *89_CPTNRL4E ( )3
Mac Pro (Mid 2010) Take Apart — General Troubleshooting 30 2010-12-06 Common Reset Procedures The following reset procedures are often helpful in troubleshooting Mac Pro issues. Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) The System Management Controller (SMC) controls all power functions for the computer. If the computer is experiencing any power issue, resetting the SMC may resolve it. The SMC controls several functions, including: • Telling the computer when to turn on, turn off, sleep, wake, idle, and so forth • Handling system resets from various commands • Controlling the fans It is also recommended that the SMC be reset after a backplane board or processor board is replaced as part of a repair. Note that resetting the SMC does not reset the PRAM. Resetting the SMC will not resolve issues in which the computer is unresponsive—in these situations, restarting the computer generally works. If the computer isn’t responding, perform these steps one at a time, in the following order, until the issue has been resolved: 1. Force Quit (Option-Command-Escape) 2. Restart (Control-Command-Power) 3. Force Shut Down (press the power button for 10 seconds) Resetting the SMC can resolve some computer issues such as not starting up, not displaying video, sleep issues, fan noise issues, and so forth. If the computer still exhibits these types of issues after you’ve restarted the computer, try resetting the SMC by removing AC power: 1. From the Apple menu, choose Shut Down (or if the computer is not responding, hold the power button until it turns off ). 2. Unplug the AC power cord. 3. Wait at least 15 seconds. 4. Plug the power cord back in, making sure the power button is not being pressed at the time. 5. Press the power button to start up the computer. For more information: HT1411—Mac Pro: How to reset the System Management Controller (SMC)