AOR AR5000 Wideband Reciever Instructions
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AR5000 OPERATING MANUAL PAGE 21 Select receive bandwidth: For point-to-point communications a bandwidth of 15 kHz usually provides best results, however if adjacent channel interference is experienced a bandwidth of 6 kHz may provide better results. Press t o access the I.F. bandwidth menu then use the SUB DIAL to make the selection (in this example select 15 kHz). Press to accept the selection and return to VFO mode. If the MAIN DIAL is rotated the frequency will increment in 10 kHz...
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PAGE 22 AR5000 OPERATING MANUAL LCD inviting you to enter the value for step-adjust (2 kHz in the example). Press Press once more to return to VFO mode. You will note the static legend “STEP-ADJ” to confirm that step-adjust is in operation. Key in the start frequency (145.210 MHz in this example) by pressing . Change frequency using the MAIN DIAL, or keys to confirm correct operation. 6-8 FREQUENCY OFFSET This facility enables receive frequency to be quickly SHIFTED (two key...
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AR5000 OPERATING MANUAL PAGE 23 used on any frequency within the set’s range. In normal operation AUTOMODE should be used. The legend “AUTO” is displayed above the right hand (last) digit of the frequency readout when automode is in operation. Activating AUTOMODE To activate automode, press and hold the key for more than one second. The receive mode, I.F. filter bandwidth, step, step-adjust and frequency offset will then be automatically read from the automode bandplan data pre-programmed...
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PAGE 24 AR5000 OPERATING MANUAL LSB Lower Side Band - is a form of Single Side Band (SSB). LSB tends not to be used commercially but is extensively used by Radio Amateurs on frequencies below 10 MHz. This assists the separation of Commercial and Amateur users on traditionally shared bands and prevents them from speaking to each other. SSB is a very efficient method of transmission as the unwanted second sideband and carrier have been removed. This allows the full transmitter power to be...
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AR5000 OPERATING MANUAL PAGE 25 Manually selecting I.F. bandwidth. The sequence activates the I.F. bandwidth menu. In normal operation the word “AUT” will be displayed in the upper right of the LCD to signify that automode is in operation and the I.F. bandwidth, receive mode and channel step will be automatically selected by the AR5000 from its detailed pre-programmed bandplan data. Selecting a new bandwidth from the list of 220, 110, 30, 15, 6 and 3 kHz is accomplished using the SUB DIAL,...
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PAGE 26 AR5000 OPERATING MANUAL The audio high pass filter selection is accessed via a sub menu. A-LPF 3.0 kHz A-HPF 0.05 kHz
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AR5000 OPERATING MANUAL PAGE 27 3. Press to accept the changes, to abort or to move on to the audio internal / external selection. 6-12 Audio tone eliminator (T-ELMT) Various utility radio users are permitted to transmit their signals with an accompanying continuous tone (pilot tone) which is over ridden by the operator ’s audio (voice). This type of tone is transmitted continuously in order to provide advanced security for radio communication system and to ensure that important radio...
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PAGE 28 AR5000 OPERATING MANUAL 6-13 DTMF decoder DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) tones are used by many VHF/UHF communications services and amateur radio operators to control switching devices and to enable selective calling. The AR5000 has the capability to decode all 16 DTMF tones. All 16 characters can be displayed including “1” to “0”, “ABCD”, “#” and “*”. The decoded DTMF characters will automatically be displayed when the facility has been enabled and will be removed from the display...
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AR5000 OPERATING MANUAL PAGE 29 The CONFIG menu provides access to: lamp, keypad beep tone, external IF output, remote RS232 baud rate, aerial automatic switching and internal / external frequency reference. 6-16 CONFIG - LAMP To switch the LCD backlight ON and OFF, the CONFIG menu is used. To access the CONFIG menu press . The first item on the CONFIG menu is “LAMP ON”. LAMP ON
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PAGE 30 AR5000 OPERATING MANUAL Use the keys to scroll through the menu until the REMOTE BPS menu is displayed. LAMP ON BEEP 4 EXT-IF OFF BPS 9600