Antares Vocal Express user manual
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® Vocal Express 5 Five easy-to-use plug-ins give you everything you need for recording great vocal tracks. Optimized for GarageBand and other leading Mac and Windows recording software. Production Tools for Vocalists Owner’s Manual Auto-Tune EFX 2 Real-time pitch correction and Auto-Tune Vocal Efect PUNCH Evo Vocal Impact Enhancer DUO Evo Stereo Vocal Modeling Auto-Doubler WARM Tube Saturation Generator MUTATOR Evo Extreme Vocal Designer From the makers of Auto-Tune® pitch correction

ii ©2012 Antares Audio Techno\fogies. A\f\f rights reserved. \bertified Ising\fass-free.™ A\f\f trademarks are property of their respective owners. 041012

iii The Obligatory Legal Mumbo-\fumbo The Antares Voca\f Express software and this User’s Manua\f are protected by copyright \faw. Making copies, adaptations, or derivative works without the prior written authorization of Antares Audio Techno\fogies, is prohibited by \faw and constitutes a punishab\fe vio\fation of the \faw. Antares Audio Techno\fogies retains a\f\f ownership rights to the Voca\f Express software and its documentation. Use of Voca\f Express is \fimited by the fo\f\fowing \ficense agreement. P\fease carefu\f\fy read a\f\f the terms and conditions of this \ficense agreement. At the time of insta\f\fation of the Voca\f Express software you wi\f\f be presented with a copy of the agreement and asked whether or not you agree to it. \bontinuing with the insta\f\fation process beyond that point constitutes such agreement. Vocal Express License Agreement Antares Audio Techno\fogies grants you a non- transferab\fe, non-exc\fusive \ficense to use Voca\f Express under the terms and conditions stated in this agreement. Use of Voca\f Express indicates your agreement to the fo\f\fowing terms and conditions. License You may: 1. Use Voca\f Express on on\fy one computer at a time. You may not: 1. Make copies of Voca\f Express or of the user manua\f in who\fe or in part except as express\fy provided for in this agreement. Your right to copy Voca\f Express and the user manua\f is \fimited by copyright \faw. Making copies, verba\f or media trans\fations, adaptations, derivative works, or te\fecommunication data transmission of Voca\f Express without prior written authorization of Antares, is prohibited by \faw and constitutes a punishab\fe vio\fation of the \faw. 2. Make a\fteration or modifications to Voca\f Express (or any copy) or disassemb\fe or de-compi\fe Voca\f Express (or any copy), or attempt to discover the source code of Voca\f Express. 3. Sub-\ficense, \fease, \fend, rent, or grant other rights in a\f\f or any portion of Voca\f Express (or any copy) to others.

iv \ferm of the Agreement This agreement is effective unti\f terminated by you or Antares. You may terminate the agreement at any time by notifying Antares and destroying a\f\f copies of the manua\f, and erasing Voca\f Express from a\f\f machine-readab\fe media, whether on-\fine or on archiva\f copies. In the event of breach of any of the terms of this agreement, you sha\f\f pay the attorney’s fees of Antares that are reasonab\fy necessary to enforce the agreement p\fus resu\fting damages. Limited \barranty And Disclaimer VO\bAL EXPRESS AND A\b\bOMPANYING MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN\bLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER\bHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTI\bULAR PURPOSE. Antares Audio Techno\fogies does not warrant that the functions contained in the program wi\f\f meet your requirements. The entire risk as to the use, qua\fity, and performance of Voca\f Express is with you. SOME JURISDI\bTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPE\bIFI\b LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHI\bH VARY FROM JURISDI\bTION TO JURISDI\bTION. Limitation of Liability IN NO EVENT WILL ANTARES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, IN\bLUDING LOSS OF DATA, LOST PROFITS OR OTHER SPE\bIAL, IN\bIDENTAL, \bONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRE\bT DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF VO\bAL EXPRESS OR A\b\bOMPANYING MATERIALS. THIS LIMITATION WILL APPLY EVEN IF ANTARES OR ITS AUTHORIZED AGENT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SU\bH DAMAGE. YOU A\bKNOWLEDGE THAT THE LI\bENSE FEE REFLE\bTS THIS ALLO\bATION OF RISK. SOME JURISDI\bTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATION OR EX\bLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR IN\bIDENTAL OR \bONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Whew! Now that that’s over, \fet’s get on to the good stuff.

01 Contents Getting Started 03 Chapter 1 \futo-Tune \bFX 2 04 Tutorials 11 \futo-Motion Vocal Pattern Generation 13 Chapter 2 PU NCH \bvo 14 Chapter 3 DU O \bvo 16 Chapter 4 W\f RM 20 Chapter 5 MU T\fTOR \bvo 25

02 We\fcome! On beha\ff of everyone at Antares Audio Techno\fogies, we’d \fike to offer both our thanks and congratu\fations on your decision to purchase Antares Voca\f Express, a bund\fe of five powerfu\f, but easy-to-use p\fug-ins for recording great voca\f tracks. Before you proceed any farther, we’d \fike to strong\fy encourage you to register and authorize your copy of Voca\f Express. (You can skip ahead to the Authorization and Insta\f\fation instructions on page 03. We’\f\f wait.) If you’re p\fanning on discarding that \fove\fy Voca\f Express box (keeping in mind that we spent quite a bit of time and effort designing it), it’s probab\fy a good idea to write down the seria\f number that appears on the bottom of the box for future reference. A\fso, your Registration \bode (on the ye\f\fow card, if you bought a boxed copy, or in your confirmation emai\f if your purchased via down\foad) shou\fd be stored in a safe p\face for future reference. At Antares, we are committed to exce\f\fence in qua\fity, customer service, and techno\fogica\f innovation. With your purchase of Voca\f Express, you have created a re\fationship with Antares which we hope wi\f\f be \fong and gratifying. Let us know what you think. You can count on us to \fisten. Again, thanks. The Who\fe Antares \brew

03 Getting Started Insta\f\fing Voca\f Express Voca\f Express is designed to work with a wide variety of digita\f audio app\fications. P\fease refer to your host app\fication’s user manua\f for more information on insta\f\fing and using p\fug-ins. (A\fthough in most cases, simp\fy doub\fe-c\ficking the Voca\f Express insta\f\fer and fo\f\fowing the resu\fting directions wi\f\f be a\f\f you need to do.) Authorizing Voca\f Express Authorization is the process by which Voca\f Express is a\f\fowed to permanent\fy run on your computer. Detai\fed instructions covering the avai\fab\fe authorization options wi\f\f be found in the fi\fe “Authorization Read Me” which is inc\fuded on your insta\f\fation DVD ROM or with your software down\foad.Voca\f Express authorization requires an iLok USB smart key. If you a\fready own other audio p\fug-ins, you probab\fy a\fready have one. If not, they can be purchased from many \foca\f music stores as we\f\f as most on\fine music techno\fogy retai\fers. NOTE: You will need to authori\fe Vocal Ex\bress before you can run it in your host. If you \blan to follow along with the manual (a good idea), go do it now. Technica\f Support In the un\fike\fy event that you experience a prob\fem using Voca\f Express, try the fo\f\fowing: 1. Make sure you have the \fatest version of the p\fug-in. You can down\foad and insta\f\f the \fatest version of Voca\f Express from the fo\f\fowing web page:\foad/update.shtm\f 2. If you are having prob\fems authorizing your software, be sure that you have the \fatest version of the PA\bE Inter\fok drivers. You can down\foad and insta\f\f the \fatest version for your operating system from: IMPORTANT! Windows users: After down - loading and installing the PACE drivers, you must reboot your com\buter before running your software. If your prob\fem is not reso\fved after taking the above actions, try the fo\f\fowing: 1. \bonsu\ft our searchab\fe know\fedgebase at:\f 2. \bheck our web page for tips, techniques, or any \fate-breaking information: 3. Submit a question direct\fy to our \bustomer Support department at: 4. Join the Antares on\fine \bommunity. The Antares On\fine \bommunity is a p\face where Antares product users can gather to exchange information, compare notes, and get to know other Antares users from around the wor\fd. \bheck it out at: 5. For the quickest access to new deve\fopments, fo\f\fow us on Twitter and “Like” our Facebook pages: Audio-Techno\fogies/68524457680

05 1 Auto-Tune EFX 2 Some background In 1997, Antares first introduced the ground-breaking Auto-Tune Pitch \borrecting P\fug-In and Recording Magazine ca\f\fed Auto-Tune a “ho\fy grai\f of recording.” In the intervening years, Auto-Tune has estab\fished itse\ff as the wor\fdwide standard in professiona\f pitch correction. Today, it’s used dai\fy by tens of thousands of audio professiona\fs to save studio and editing time, ease the frustration of end\fess retakes, or save that otherwise once-in-a-\fifetime performance. But in addition to its use in pitch correction (and now, with Auto-Tune 7, time correction as we\f\f), Auto-Tune has a\fso gained renown as the too\f of choice for what has become one of the signature voca\f sounds of our time. First heard on \bher’s 1998 mega-hit “Be\fieve,” variations of the Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect have gone on to appear on songs from a huge variety of artists in a\fmost every music genre. This has generated intense interest in the effect and introduced the magic of Auto-Tune to an even \farger community of musicians and producers. As a resu\ft, we have created Auto-Tune EFX 2, an affordab\fe, easy-to-use too\f for basic rea\f- time pitch correction, creating the Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect and, now in version 2, our new Auto-Motion™ Voca\f Pattern Generation. What’s it do? Auto-Tune EFX 2 \fets you choose between two different flavors of the Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect and rea\f-time pitch correction. Additiona\f\fy, Auto-Motion Voca\f Pattern Generation \fets you add a variety of intricate musica\f patterns to your track for an entire\fy new (and sonica\f\fy dramatic) voca\f effect. Pitch Correction Auto-Tune EFX 2 pitch correction works by continuous\fy tracking the pitch of your voca\f and comparing it to the notes in the (user- customizab\fe) sca\fe of your song. The sca\fe note c\fosest to the input pitch is identified as the target note. If the voca\f’s pitch exact\fy matches the target note, no correction is app\fied. If the voca\f’s pitch varies from the target note, either sharp or flat, the output pitch is smooth\fy corrected to the target note. Auto-Tune Vocal Effect The Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect is what is technica\f\fy known as “pitch quantization.” That is, instead of a\f\fowing a\f\f of the sma\f\f variations in pitch and the gradua\f transitions between notes that are a norma\f part of singing (and speaking, for that matter), the Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect \fimits each note to an exact pitch, stripping out any variation, as we\f\f as forcing instantaneous transitions between notes. The process of choosing the pitches to quantize to is the same as described above for pitch correction. The difference is that for pitch correction, the correction is done smooth\fy in order to make the process as transparent as possib\fe. For the Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect, the correction is instantaneous. Auto-Motion Vocal Pattern Generation Auto-Motion Voca\f Pattern Generation is a new effect that takes advantage of Auto-Tune’s superb pitch-shifting abi\fity to add intricate musica\f patterns to a voca\f performance. Patterns are se\fected from a bui\ft-in (and expandab\fe) \fibrary in a variety of sty\fes and can be synced to your host’s tempo at various beat divisions. At any point in your voca\f track, simp\fy c\fick the Auto-Motion Trigger button to send your voca\f on a me\fodic adventure.

06 How to do it Auto-Tune EFX 2 has been designed to make a\fmost everything automatic. Simp\fy fo\f\fow the steps be\fow: Pitch Correction or Auto-Tune Vocal Effect 1. Select an effect type Auto-Tune EFX 2 provides two a\fternative versions of the Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect as we\f\f as rea\f-time pitch correction. Hard EFX: This is the c\fassic Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect. Sung notes wi\f\f be restricted to the exact sca\fe pitches and transitions between notes wi\f\f be instantaneous. Soft EFX: This version of the Auto-Tune Voca\f Effect a\f\fows s\fight pitch variations and s\fight\fy \fess instant note transitions. Pitch Correct: This setting provides high- qua\fity, rea\f-time pitch correction of your voca\f, whi\fe preserving a\f\f of the expressive nuance of the origina\f performance. To se\fect an effect, either c\fick and ho\fd on the Effect Type switch and move it to the desired setting or simp\fy c\fick on the desired setting to move the switch to that position. Your choice. 2. Set Tracking In most cases, simp\fy \feaving the Tracking switch at its defau\ft setting of “Norma\f” wi\f\f ensure accurate pitch detection and tracking. In the rare event that you encounter a prob\fem (e.g., a voca\f p\faying back at the wrong octave), moving the switch to “\bhoosy” shou\fd make everything right. 3. Select Vocal Type In order to do its magic, Auto-Tune EFX 2 needs to figure out exact\fy what pitches are being sung. It wi\f\f do its best job of pitch detection if it knows the genera\f range of the voca\f part. You can he\fp it out by c\ficking on the Voca\f Type popup menu and se\fecting your track’s voca\f type. The choices are: • Soprano Voice • A\fto/ Tenor Voice • Baritone/Bass Voice • Instrument (anything that isn’t actua\f\fy a voice) 4. Select Key and Scale Use the Key and Sca\fe popup menus to set the Key and Sca\fe of your track. The appropriate Note buttons wi\f\f \fight b\fue to indicate that they are in the sca\fe and that the input voca\f can be corrected or forced to those notes.