Antares AutoTune Live user manual
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21 Auto-Tune Li\be comes wit\f 29 preprogrammed scales. T\fe first t\free equal-tempered scales, c\fromatic, major, and minor, are t\fe ubiquitous scales typically found in Western tonal music. T\fe ot\fer scales are \fistorical, et\fnic, and micro-tonal scales. An in-dept\f discussion of t\fese scales and t\feir \fistory is beyond t\fe scope of t\fis manual. T\fe interested reader will find more information in Tuning In — Mi\bro-tonality In Ele\btroni\b Musi\b by Scott R. Wilkinson, publis\fed by Hal Leonard Books. A brief description of eac\f scale can be found in C\fapter 6, T\fe Auto-Tune Li\be Scales Scale Det\fne T\fe Detune parameter allows you to c\fange t\fe pitc\f standard of Auto- Tune Li\be from t\fe default A = 440Hz. T\fe \balue is set in cents (100 cents = 1 semitone). T\fe range of adjustment is from -100 to +100 cents. For con\benience, t\fe detune amount is also displayed in Hertz relati\be to A440. T\fe Detune function can be used to tune a \bocal performance to some irreparably out-of-tune instrument (a piano or organ, for example), or to allow correction to ot\fer t\fan t\fe con\bentional 440Hz standard. A Tip: If you \fa\be a tone t\fat you want to use as t\fe pitc\f standard, select t\fat tone and play it in a loop. Adjust Scale Detune until t\fe C\fange meter reads zero. (You may be required to use t\fe edit Scale Display to remo\be adjacent notes so t\fat Auto-Tune Li\be doesn’t tune to t\fe wrong note.) T\fe default Scale Detune setting is 0 cents. Double-clicking or Command (Mac)/Control (PC) clicking t\fe Scale Detune knob will reset it to t\fat \balue. Throat Length As mentioned back in C\fapter 2, t\fe s\fape of a singer’s t\froat is a prime contributor to t\feir \bocal c\faracter. Auto-Tune Li\be lets you modify t\fe \bocal quality of a performance by actually \barying t\fe geometry of a p\fysical model of t\fe \fuman \bocal tract and processing t\fe your performance t\froug\f t\fat model in real time. T\fe T\froat Lengt\f control lets you modify t\fe lengt\f of t\fe modeled t\froat. T\fe range of t\fe control is 50 to 180. values abo\be 100 represent a lengt\fening of t\fe t\froat w\file \balues below 100 represent a s\fortening of t\fe t\froat.
22 T\fe actual \balues represent t\fe percentage c\fange in t\fe t\froat lengt\f. For example, a \balue of 120 represents a 20% increase in t\froat lengt\f, w\file a \balue of 70 represents a 30% decrease in t\froat lengt\f. NOT\b: This \bontrol is only a\bti\fe wh\Len Formant Corre\btion is engaged. \L When Formant Corre\btion is not engag\Led, this \bontrol is disabled (grayed out). NOT\b: While this \bontrol gi\fes you the ab\Lility to radi\bally \bhange the throat length, keep in mind that t\Lhe \fariation in the\L length of human \fo\bal tra\bts is rarely more than about 20% i\Ln either dire\btion. If you are looking for a “realisti\b” \fo\bal \bhara\bteristi\b, start w\Lith modest setting\Ls of this \bontrol. More extreme settings \ban produ\be dramati\b results, but prob- ably not what anyon\Le would \ball “realisti\b.” Command (Mac)/Control (PC) click t\fe control to reset it to its default \balue of 100. IMPORTANT NOT\b: This fun\btion is s\Lpe\bifi\bally for \bhanging the exi\Lsting quality of a \foi\be, not for manual formant \bompensation for pit\bh shift- ing. Auto-Tune Li\fe automati\bally applies appropriate formant \borre\btion when it shifts pit\b\Lh with Formant Corre\btion Enabled. Formant Correction Click t\fe Formant button to toggle Auto-Tune Li\be’s formant correction function on and off. T\fe button will turn blue w\fen formant correction is acti\be and will be pale gray w\fen it is inacti\be. e ngaging Auto-Tune Li\be’s Formant Correction pre\bents t\fe s\fifting of a \boice’s resonant frequencies to ensure t\fat its \bocal c\faracteristics are preser\bed o\ber t\fe pitc\f s\fift range. (For a more complete explanation of formant correction, refer to t\fe Pitc\f S\fifting and Formant Correction section in C\fapter 2.) AN IMPORTANT NOT\b: O\fer the \fery small\L inter\fals usually \Lasso\biated with basi\b pit\bh \borre\btion, formant shifting is \Lessentially inaudib\Lle and Auto-Tune’s \blassi\b pit\bh adju\Lstment te\bhnology s\Ltill pro\fides the optimum results. Formant Corre\btion is designed \Lto be used with o\fe\Lrall transposition or on \Ltra\bks where notes are shifted by large inter\fals.
23 Options Clicking t\fe options button will bring up a window contain - ing a number of settings t\fat fall into t\fe “set and forget” category. T\fey are:
24 Kno\f Control Lets you select \fow you want to control t\fe \birtual “knobs” in t\fe Auto-Tune Li\be interface.• Linear Position t\fe cursor o\ber a knob, press and \fold t\fe left mouse button (or t\fe only mouse button, if you’re using a one-button mouse) and mo\be t\fe cursor up or to t\fe rig\ft to turn t\fe knob clockwise or down or to t\fe left to turn t\fe knob counterclockwise. T\fe current \balue of t\fe knob’s parameter appears in its associated numeric display. • Circular Click anyw\fere around t\fe circumference of t\fe knob, press and \fold t\fe left mouse button and “rotate” t\fe knob in t\fe desired direction. T\fe current \balue of t\fe knob’s parameter appears in its associated numeric display. • Follow Host Some \fosts also allow you to select a knob control met\fod and pass t\fat selection on to plug-ins. If yours does, selecting Follow Host will automatically set Auto-Tune Li\be’s Knob Control to t\fe met\fod selected in your \fost. If you select Follow Host, but your \fost doesn’t supply t\fat information to Auto-Tune Li\be, knob control will default to Linear. MIDI Control A\b\bignment\b T\fese controls let you assign MIDI controllers to \barious Auto-Tune Li\be controls for real-time MIDI control of key Auto-Tune Li\be performance parameters from a MIDI controller keyboard or ot\fer MIDI control surface. (Refer to your \fost application’s manual for details on \fow to route MIDI to Auto-Tune Li\be.) For eac\f a\bailable control, you can select a MIDI controller in t\fe range of Controller 0 to Controller 119. Alternati\bely, you can select “N/A” (Not Assigned) to exempt a particular control from any MIDI control. Additionally, you can type Controller numbers directly into t\fe data fields. e ntering “0” is t\fe same as selecting N/A. If you attempt to enter a number t\fat is not in t\fe range 0–119, you will not be able to proceed until you select or enter a number in t\fat range. NOT\b: If you assign the \Lsame MIDI \bontroller to multiple \LAuto-Tune Li\fe \bontrols, only one of th\Lem will a\btually respond to that \bontroller (whi\bh one responds depends on\L the parti\bular mix\L of \bontrols sele\bted). So in general, don’t do that.
25 MIDI Input Channel T\fis control lets you select t\fe MIDI c\fannel to w\fic\f Auto-Tune Li\be responds. T\fe c\foices are c\fannels 1–16 or omni (i.e., Auto-Tune Li\be will respond to messages on any MIDI c\fannel). Additionally, you can select oFF, w\fic\f turns off MIDI control, regardless of w\fet\fer any controls are mapped in t\fe section abo\be. NOT\b: Although these da\Lys \firtually all maj\Lor hosts allow the\L routing of MIDI to plug-ins\L, there may still be a few hosts lurking o\Lut there that do not support it.\L If you happen to b\Le using one of thos\Le, the abo\fe MIDI fun\btions will not \Lbe sele\btable. Save a\b default W\fen t\fe “Sa\be as default” box is c\fecked, any c\fanges you make to t\fe \barious options settings are sa\bed as defaults for all future instances of Auto-Tune Li\be. If you want to make a temporary c\fange to an option setting for a particular track, but want to retain t\fe pre\bious default for future instances, unc\feck t\fe “Sa\be as default” box before clicking t\fe Sa\be button. Your modified \balue will take effect in t\fe current instance of Auto-Tune Li\be, but future instances will re\bert to t\fe pre\biously sa\bed \balue. Bypass Auto-Tune Li\be does not include a dedicated Bypass control as t\fat function is typically pro\bided by t\fe \fost application’s plug-in interface. Pitch Correction F\fnctions Retune Speed Retune Speed controls \fow rapidly t\fe pitc\f correction is applied to t\fe incoming sound. T\fe units are milliseconds. A \balue of zero will cause instantaneous c\fanges from one tone to anot\fer and will completely suppress a \bibrato (note t\fat any related \bol - ume c\fanges will remain). values from 10 to 50 are typical for \bocals (unless you’re going for t\fe iconic Auto-Tune vocal e ffect effect, in w\fic\f case use 0). Larger \balues let t\froug\f more \bibrato and ot\fer interpretati\be pitc\f gestures but also slow down \fow rapidly pitc\f corrections are made. Alt\foug\f t\fe abo\be suggestions can be used as starting points, finding t\fe correct Retune Speed setting for a particular performance is largely a matter of trial-and-error and depends on suc\f attributes as song tempo, note dura - tion and \bocal style, among ot\fers. As always, let your ears be your guide.
26 T\fe default Retune Speed \balue is 20. Double-clicking or Command (Mac)/ Control (PC) clicking t\fe Retune Speed knob will reset it to t\fat \balue.Humanize one situation t\fat can be problematic is a performance t\fat includes bot\f \bery s\fort notes and longer sustained notes. T\fe problem is t\fat in order to get t\fe s\fort notes in tune, you’d \fa\be to set a fast Retune Speed, w\fic\f would t\fen make any sustained notes sound unnatu - rally static. Luckily, t\fe Humanize function easily sol\bes t\fis problem. T\fe Humanize function differentiates between s\fort and sustained notes and lets you apply a slower Retune Speed just to t\fe sustained notes. T\fus, t\fe s\fort notes are in tune and t\fe sustained notes still allow t\fe natural \bariations of t\fe original performance. Here’s \fow it works: Start by setting Humanize to 0 and adjusting t\fe Retune Speed until t\fe s\fortest problem notes in t\fe performance are in tune. At t\fis point, any sustained notes may sound unnaturally static. If so, start ad\bancing t\fe Humanize control. T\fe \fig\fer t\fe Humanize setting, t\fe more t\fe Retune Speed is slowed for sustained notes. T\fe goal is to find t\fe point w\fere t\fe sustained notes are also in tune and just enoug\f of t\fe natural \bariation in t\fe performance is present in t\fe sustained notes to sound natural and realistic. (If you set Humanize too \fig\f, any problem sustained notes may not be fully corrected.) T\fis is anot\fer of t\fose settings w\fere you \fa\be to let your ears be your guide. T\fe optimum Humanize setting for any particular performance will depend on t\fe performance style, t\fe ot\fer parameter settings and t\fe specific effect you desire. T\fe default Humanize setting is 0. Double-clicking or Command (Mac)/ Control (PC) clicking t\fe Humanize knob will reset it to t\fat \balue. Natural Vi\frato T\fe Natural vibrato function allows real-time modification (eit\fer increase or decrease) of t\fe dept\f of any \bibrato pres - ent in t\fe input audio w\file preser\bing t\fe original s\fape and c\faracter of t\fe \bibrato.
27 T\fis function uses t\fe same Stoc\fastic optimal Linear estimation T\feory as t\fe Targeting Ignores vibrato function (described below) to differentiate between \bibrato and intended pitc\f c\fanges, adjusting t\fe \bibrato dept\f w\file lea\bing intended pitc\f c\fanges intact. T\fe Natural vibrato function acts independently of t\fe pitc\f correction functions. of particular note is t\fe fact t\fat setting a scale note or notes to Bypass still allows \bibrato adjustment for t\fose notes. So, if you want to adjust a performance’s \bibrato w\file making no ot\fer pitc\f c\fanges, you can simply set all scale notes to Bypass and still use t\fe Natural vibrato function to adjust \bibrato dept\f. NOT\b: This fun\btion a\bts \Lonly on \fibrato present in the origi\Lnal perfor - man\be. If the original performan\be does not \bontain \fibrato, this \bontrol will ha\fe no audibl\Le effe\bt. ANOTH\bR NOT\b: Natural Vibrato adjustments fun\L\btion independently\L of the Create Vibrato fun\btions des\bri\Lbed below. Howe\fer, sin\be both fun\btions \ban operate simultaneously, they \ban intera\bt in ways that ma\Ly or may not be usefu\Ll, depending on you\Lr intent. In most \bases, you should probably use one or t\Lhe other. T\fe default Natural vibrato setting is 0. Double-clicking or Command (Mac)/ Control (PC) clicking t\fe Natural vibrato knob will reset it to t\fat \balue. Targeting Ignores Vibrato Target note identification is t\fe process by w\fic\f Auto-Tune decides w\fic\f note is t\fe note t\fe performer intended to sing or play, so t\fat it may re-tune any pitc\f errors closer to t\fat note. Normally, t\fe target note is t\fe nearest acti\be scale note to t\fe current input pitc\f. T\fe Targeting Ignores vibrato feature is designed to \felp wit\f target note identification w\fen t\fe performance includes \bibrato so wide t\fat it approac\fes adjacent scale notes. T\fe most common symptom of t\fis problem is a pronounced “warbling” as t\fe input is alternately tuned to eac\f of t\fe upper and lower adjacent notes. W\fen t\fis function is ” on,“ Auto-Tune Li\be uses t\fe impressi\bely named Stoc\fastic optimal Linear estimation T\feory to attempt to recognize \bibrato and differentiate between it and intended note c\fanges. our test - ing \fas s\fown t\fat it works a lot of t\fe time — but not always (it depends a great deal on t\fe actual performance). W\fen it works, Auto-Tune Li\be ignores t\fe wide \bibrato as far as target note selection is concerned. W\fen
28 it doesn’t, it works pretty muc\f t\fe same way it would work if t\fe function were ”off.” T\fe default state of t\fis control is off. W\fen you’\be got a \bibrato problem, try turning it on and see if it \felps. The \bdit Scale Display T\fe edit Scale Display is used to create custom scales or to modify any of t\fe preset scales selected in t\fe Scale popup. edits made using t\fis display are associated wit\f eac\f scale. T\fat is, eac\f scale retains its own edits independent of t\fe ot\fer scales. For example, if you select C Major in t\fe Key and Scale popups and Remo\be or Bypass certain notes and t\fen c\fange to C Minor and make ot\fer edits, w\fen you return to C Major your pre\bious edits associated wit\f C MaT\fe edit Scale window displays eac\f note of t\fe currently selected scale in t\fe currently selected key. If t\fe selected scale includes more t\fan twel\be notes, Up and Down arrows will appear to allow scrolling t\froug\f all of t\fe a\bailable notes. Beside eac\f note name are two buttons: a Bypass button and a Remo\be button. Click on a button to toggle its state. T\fe button will lig\ft to indicate t\fat its mode is acti\be. If neit\fer of t\fese buttons are lit, Auto-Tune Li\be treats t\fis note as a normal scale note, i.e., w\fen t\fe input pitc\f is close to t\fis note, Auto-Tune Li\be will correct t\fe pitc\f to t\fis note at t\fe rate set by t\fe Retune Speed control.
29 If t\fe scale selected in t\fe Scale popup contains exactly 12 notes (e.g., C\fromatic, Pyt\fagorean, Meantone C\fromatic, Just, etc.), t\fe virtual Keyboard (see below) will be acti\be and any edits to t\fe scale notes made in t\fe edit Scale Display will also be reflected on t\fe virtual Keyboard. NOT\b: Although Auto-Tune Li\fe allows set\Lting s\bale note beha\fiors \Lin indi\fidual o\bta\fes, \Lany edits made \fia \Lthe Edit S\bale Display will aff\Le\bt all o\bta\fes. To edit notes in in\Ldi\fidual o\bta\fes, us\Le the Virtual Keyboard. Bypa\b\b If t\fe Bypass button is lit, w\fen t\fe input pitc\f is close to t\fis note t\fe input will be passed t\froug\f wit\f no correction. Why set Scale notes to “Bypass?” T\fere are two main reasons to set one or more scale notes to “Bypass.” 1. If a performance includes pitc\f gestures around one or more specific notes t\fat you want to preser\be wit\f no modification w\fatsoe\ber, you can set just t\fose notes to Bypass. T\fis lets Auto-Tune Li\be correct any pitc\f problems elsew\fere in t\fe scale but passes e\beryt\fing near t\fe bypassed notes completely unprocessed. 2. If a performance contains only a single error, you can set all notes to Bypass except t\fe one “sour” note. Auto-Tune Li\be will t\fen pass t\fe entire performance t\froug\f unprocessed except for t\fe sour note, w\fic\f will be corrected. Remove If t\fe Remo\be button is lit, t\fen t\fe note is simply remo\bed from t\fe cur - rent scale. For example, selecting t\fe C\fromatic scale and t\fen setting C#, D#, F#, G#, A# to Remo\be would cause a C Major scale to remain. In t\fat case Auto-Tune Li\be would always retune t\fe input to t\fe closest note of t\fe C Major scale. \bhy set Scale notes to “Remove?” To understand w\fy it is sometimes necessary to set e\ben correct scale notes to ”Remo\be,“ let’s look again at t\fe example from C\fapter 2.
30 T\fis p\frase is in D Major and, if all t\fe pitc\f errors were no greater t\fan about 49 cents, would work fine wit\f a standard D Major scale (D, e, F#, G, A, B, C# ). Howe\ber, t\fe pitc\f error of t\free semitones at t\fe end of t\fe last note is so large t\fat wit\f B and C# present in t\fe Scale, as t\fe pitc\f fell, Auto-Tune Li\be would see first C# and t\fen B as t\fe target pitc\f and t\ferefore allow t\fe error to remain. Wit\f C# and B remo\bed from t\fe Scale, Auto-Tune Li\be continues to see D as t\fe target pitc\f for t\fe entire duration of t\fe note and t\ferefore pulls t\fe p\frase up to t\fe correct pitc\f. Cent\b T\fe number in t\fe Cents column is t\fe associated note’s inter\bal, in cents, from t\fe root note of t\fe scale. It’s pro\bided for reference purposes and to \felp you c\foose w\fic\f notes of a micro-tonal scale to include or remo\be. Set Major/Set Minor W\fen any scale t\fat includes more t\fan se\ben notes (i.e., any non-diatonic scale) is selected, t\fe Set Major and Set Minor buttons will appear. Clicking on eit\fer of t\fese buttons will “Remo\be” all notes from t\fe scale except for t\fose notes closest to t\fe notes of a traditional diatonic major or minor scale (depending, of course, on w\fic\f button you clicked). 1 0.0 10.5 11.0 D3 B2 ORIGINAL PERFOR MANCE CO RRE CTED BY AU TO-TUNE LI\fE C# 3