Antares AutoTune Live user manual
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1 Auto-Tune ® Live Ultra Low Latency Pitch Correction and A\fto-T\fne Vocal \bffect Owner’s Manua\f
2 ©2012 Antares Audio Tec\fnologies. All rig\fts reser\bed. Certified Isinglass-free™ All trademarks are property of t\feir respecti\be owners. www.antarestec\ Printed in USA Re\b 1.0 PN P28031-0612-M01
3 The Obligatory Legal Mumbo-\fumbo T\fe Antares Auto-Tune Li\be software and t\fis User’s Manual are protected by copyrig\ft law. Making copies, adaptations, or deri\bati\be works wit\fout t\fe prior written aut\forization of Antares Audio Tec\fnologies, is pro\fibited by law and constitutes a punis\fable \biolation of t\fe law. Antares Audio Tec\fnologies retains all owners\fip rig\fts to t\fe Auto-Tune Li\be software and its documentation. Use of Auto-Tune Li\be is limited by t\fe following license agreement. Please carefully read all t\fe terms and conditions of t\fis license agreement. At t\fe time of installation of t\fe Auto-Tune Li\be software you will be pre - sented wit\f a copy of t\fe agreement and asked w\fet\fer or not you agree to it. Continuing wit\f t\fe installation process beyond t\fat point constitutes suc\f agreement. A\fto-T\fne Live License Agreement Antares Audio Tec\fnologies grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusi\be license to use Auto-Tune Li\be under t\fe terms and conditions stated in t\fis agreement. Use of Auto-Tune Li\be indicates your agreement to t\fe follow - ing terms and conditions. License You may: 1. Use Auto-Tune Li\be on only one computer at a time. You may not: 1. Make copies of Auto-Tune Li\be or of t\fe user manual in w\fole or in part except as expressly pro\bided for in t\fis agreement. Your rig\ft to copy Auto-Tune Li\be and t\fe user manual is limited by copyrig\ft law. Making copies, \berbal or media translations, adaptations, deri\bati\be works, or telecommunication data transmission of Auto-Tune Li\be wit\fout prior written aut\forization of Antares, is pro\fibited by law and constitutes a punis\fable \biolation of t\fe law. 2. Make alteration or modifications to Auto-Tune Li\be (or any copy) or disassemble or de-compile Auto-Tune Li\be (or any copy), or attempt to disco\ber t\fe source code of Auto-Tune Li\be. 3. Sub-license, lease, lend, rent, or grant ot\fer rig\fts in all or any portion of Auto-Tune Li\be (or any copy) to ot\fers.
4 Term of the Agreement T\fis agreement is effecti\be until terminated by you or Antares. You may terminate t\fe agreement at any time by notifying Antares and destroying all copies of t\fe manual, and erasing Auto-Tune Li\be from all mac\fine- readable media, w\fet\fer on-line or on arc\fi\bal copies. In t\fe e\bent of breac\f of any of t\fe terms of t\fis agreement, you s\fall pay t\fe attorney’s fees of Antares t\fat are reasonably necessary to enforce t\fe agreement plus resulting damages. Limited Warranty And Disclaim\Aer AUT o-T UNe LIve AND ACC oMPANYING MAT eRIALS AR e PR ovIDeD “AS IS” WITH oUT WARRANTY oF ANY KIND, eITH eR eXPR eSS oR IMPLI eD, INCLUDING, BUT N o T LIMIT eD T o, TH e IMPLI eD WARRANTI eS o F M eRCHANTABILITY AND FITN eSS F o R A PARTICULAR PURP oSe . Antares Audio Tec\fnologies does not warrant t\fat t\fe functions contained in t\fe program will meet your requirements. T\fe entire risk as to t\fe use, quality, and performance of Auto-Tune Li\be is wit\f you. So M e JURISDICTI oNS D o N oT ALL oW LIMITATI oNS oN H oW L oNG AN IMPLI eD WARRANTY LASTS, S o TH e AB ove LIMITATI oN MAY N oT APPLY T o Y oU. THIS WARRANTY GI veS Y oU SP eCIFIC L eGAL RIGHTS. Y oU MAY ALS o HA ve o TH eR RIGHTS WHICH vARY FR oM JURISDICTI oN T o JURISDICTI oN. Limitation of Liab\Aility IN N o eve NT WILL ANTAR eS B e LIABL e F oR ANY DAMAG eS, INCLUDING L oSS o F DATA, L oST PR oFITS oR oTH eR SP eCIAL, INCID eNTAL, C oNS eQU eNTIAL o R INDIR eCT DAMAG eS ARISING FR oM TH e US e o F AUT o-T UNe LIve o R ACC oMPANYING MAT eRIALS. THIS LIMITATI oN WILL APPLY eveN IF ANTAR eS o R ITS AUTH oRIZ eD AG eNT HAS B eeN AD vIS eD oF TH e P oSSIBILITY oF SUCH DAMAG e. Y o U ACKN oWL eDG e THAT TH e LIC eNS e F ee ReFL eCTS THIS ALL oCATI oN oF RISK. S o M e JURISDICTI oNS D o N oT ALL oW LIMITATI oN oR eXCLUSI oN oF LIABILITY F o R INCID eNTAL oR C oNS eQU eNTIAL DAMAG eS, S o TH e AB ove LIMITATI oN MAY N o T APPLY T o Y oU. W\few! Now t\fat t\fat’s o\ber, let’s get on to t\fe good stuff.
5 54 6 3 2 1 Contents C\fapter 1 Getting Started 07 Installing and Aut\forizing 07 Tec\fnical Support 08 C\fapter 2 Introd\fcing A\fto-T\fne Live 10 Some background 10 So w\fat exactly is Auto-Tune Li\be? 10 A little bit about pitc\f 11 How Auto-Tune Li\be detects pitc\f 13 How Auto-Tune Li\be corrects pitc\f 14 Formant Correction 16 Latency 17 C\fapter 3 A\fto-T\fne Live Controls 18 C\fapter 4 A\fto-T\fne Live T\ftorials 40 1: Pitc\f Correction Basics 40 2: Targeting Ignores vibrato Function 42 3: Natural vibrato Function 43 C\fapter 5 The A\fto-T\fne Vocal \bffect 44 C\fapter 6 The A\fto-T\fne Live Scales 46 Index 49
6 o \belcome! on be\falf of e\beryone at Antares Audio Tec\fnologies, we’d like to offer bot\f our t\fanks and congratulations on your decision to purc\fase Auto-Tune Li\be, an ultra low latency \bersion of t\fe worldwide standard in professional pitc\f correction and manipulation optimized for real time operation and control. Before you proceed any fart\fer, we’d like to strongly encourage you to register and aut\forize your copy of Auto-Tune Li\be. (You can skip a\fead to t\fe Aut\forization and Installation instructions on pages 6 and 7. We’ll wait.) Also, if you’re planning on discarding t\fat lo\bely Auto-Tune Li\be box, it’s probably a good idea to write down t\fe serial number t\fat appears on t\fe bottom of t\fe box for future reference. At Antares, we are committed to excellence in quality, customer ser\bice, and tec\fnological inno\bation. Wit\f your purc\fase of Auto-Tune Li\be, you \fa\be created a relations\fip wit\f Antares w\fic\f we \fope will be long and gratifying. Let us know w\fat you t\fink. You can count on us to listen. Again, t\fanks. T\fe W\fole Antares Crew
7 I Chapter 1: Getting Started If you are new to Auto-Tune, we encourage you to read t\fis manual and work t\froug\f t\fe tutorials in C\fapter 4. It’s t\fe quickest way to become familiar wit\f w\fat Auto-Tune Li\be does and \fow it does it. If you’\be used or are currently using a fairly recent \bersion of Auto-Tune’s real time Automatic Mode, you will find t\fat w\fat you’re already doing will continue to work in Auto-Tune Li\be, only wit\f minimal latency and wit\f MIDI control of all t\fe key parameters. The contents of this ma\An\fal Chapter 1: Getting Started T\fe c\fapter you are reading. Chapter 2: Introducing Auto-Tune Live T\fis c\fapter presents some basic facts about pitc\f and \fow Auto-Tune Li\be functions to correct pitc\f errors. T\fe basic functionality of Auto-Tune Li\be is discussed, and information you need in order to use it effecti\bely is pro\bided. Chapter 3: Auto-Tune Live Controls T\fis c\fapter is reference information for all of t\fe controls used in t\fe Auto-Tune Li\be interface. Chapter 4: Auto-Tune Live Tutorials T\fis c\fapter introduces you to details of \fow Auto-Tune Li\be works by guid- ing you t\froug\f se\beral tutorials. T\fe tutorials will gi\be you insig\ft into \fow and w\fen to use eac\f of Auto-Tune Li\be’s key functions. Chapter 5: The Auto-Tune Vocal Effect W\fat it is. How to do it. Chapter 6: The Auto-Tune Live Scales Brief descriptions of t\fe \barious scales a\bailable in Auto-Tune Li\be. Installing A\fto-T\fne Live Auto-Tune Li\be is designed to work wit\f a wide \bariety of digital audio applications. Please refer to your \fost application’s user manual for more information on installing and using plug-ins. (Alt\foug\f in most cases, sim - ply double-clicking t\fe Auto-Tune Li\be installer and following t\fe resulting directions will be all you need to do.)
8 A\fthorizing A\fto-T\fne Live Aut\forization is t\fe process by w\fic\f Auto-Tune Li\be is allowed to permanently run on your computer. Detailed instructions co\bering t\fe a\bailable aut\forization options will be found in t\fe file “Aut\forization Read Me” w\fic\f is included on t\fe installation DvD R oM or wit\f your software download. NOT\b: You will need to au\Lthorize Auto-Tune Li\fe before you \ban run it in your host. If you pl\Lan to follow along with t\Lhe manual (a good idea), go do it now. Technical S\fpport In t\fe unlikely e\bent t\fat you experience a problem using Auto-Tune Li\be, try t\fe following: 1. Make sure you \fa\be t\fe latest \bersion of t\fe plug-in. You can download and install t\fe latest \bersion of Auto-Tune Li\be from t\fe following web page: \fttp://www.antarestec\\ftml 2. If you are \fa\bing problems aut\forizing your software, be sure t\fat you \fa\be t\fe latest \bersion of t\fe PAC e Interlok dri\bers. You can download and install t\fe latest \bersion for your operating system by going to ilok. com and clicking t\fe “Download” tab. If your problem is not resol\bed after taking t\fe abo\be actions, try t\fe following: 1. Make anot\fer quick scan t\froug\f t\fis manual. W\fo knows? You may \fa\be stumbled onto some feature t\fat you didn’t notice t\fe first time t\froug\f. 2. Consult our searc\fable knowledgebase at: \fttp://www.antarestec\\ftml 3. C\feck our web site for tips, tec\fniques, or any late-breaking information: \fttp://www.antarestec\ 4. Join t\fe Antares online Community. T\fe Antares online Community is a place w\fere Antares product users can gat\fer to exc\fange information, compare notes, and get to know ot\fer Antares users from around t\fe world. C\feck it out at: \fttp://www.antarestec\
9 5. For t\fe quickest access to new de\belopments, follow us on Twitter and “Like” our Facebook pages: \fttp:// \fttp:// Antares-Audio-Tec\fnologies/6852445Li\be680 \fttp://
10 I Chapter 2: Introducing Auto-Tune Live Some backgro\fnd In 1997, Antares Audio Tec\fnologies first introduced t\fe ground-breaking Auto-Tune Pitc\f Correcting Plug-In. Auto-Tune was a tool t\fat actually cor- rected t\fe pitc\f of \bocals and ot\fer solo instruments, in real time, wit\fout distortion or artifacts, w\file preser\bing all of t\fe expressi\be nuance of t\fe original performance. Recording Magazine called Auto-Tune t\fe “\foly grail of recording.” And went on to say, “Bottom line, Auto-Tune is amazing… e \beryone wit\f a Mac s\fould \fa\be t\fis program.” (In fact, we know of quite a few people back t\fen w\fo boug\ft kilo-buck Pro Tools™ systems just to be able to run Auto-Tune.) In t\fe inter\bening years, Auto-Tune \fas establis\fed itself as t\fe worldwide standard in professional pitc\f correction. Today, it’s used daily by tens of t\fousands of audio professionals around t\fe world to sa\be studio and editing time, ease t\fe frustration of endless retakes, sa\be t\fat ot\ferwise once-in-a-lifetime performance, or to create w\fat \fas become t\fe signa - ture \bocal effect of our time. Now, wit\f Auto-Tune Li\be, we’\be created a \bersion of Auto-Tune optimized for real-time use in performance or w\fen tracking in t\fe studio. So what exactly is\A A\fto-T\fne Live? Auto-Tune Li\be is a real-time tool for correcting intonation and timing errors or creati\bely modifying t\fe intonation of a performance. Auto-Tune Li\be pro\bides world professional standard Auto-Tune pitc\f correction optimized for tracking and li\be performance wit\f ultra-low latency and compre\fensi\be MIDI control. T\fanks to its ultra-low latency, Auto-Tune Li\be allows \birtually instant response in performance or w\fen tracking in t\fe studio. And wit\f its MIDI control capabilities, you can control all of Auto-Tune Li\be’s key performance parameters in real time, for t\fe ultimate in creati\be pitc\f processing. Auto-Tune Li\be employs state-of-t\fe-art digital signal processing algo - rit\fms (many, interestingly enoug\f, drawn from t\fe geop\fysical industry) to continuously detect t\fe pitc\f of a periodic input signal (typically a solo \boice or instrument) and instantly and seamlessly c\fange it to a desired pitc\f (defined by any of a number of user-programmable scales or by MIDI input).