Antares AutoTune Live user manual
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41 Now do t\fe following: 1. In t\fe edit Scale Display, click t\fe Remo\be buttons next to t\fe notes B, D, F# and G#. 2. Play “A2-A3-A2 sweep” again. You will now \fear an arpeggiated A Major triad because you \fa\be remo\bed all t\fe ot\fer notes from t\fe scale. To continue: 1. In t\fe edit Scale Display, click t\fe Bypass button next to e. 2. Play “A2-A3-A2 sweep” again. You will now \fear t\fe effect of not correcting t\fe e. During t\fe time t\fat Auto-Tune Li\be would...
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42 T\ftorial 2: Targeting Ignores Vibrato F\fnction T\fis tutorial will demonstrate t\fe purpose and use of Auto-Tune Li\be’s Targeting Ignores vibrato function. Begin t\fe tutorial by doing t\fe following: 1. Load or import “wide_\bibrato” into a track of your \fost program. T\fis is a recording of a male \boice singing a sustained “G” wit\f a pronounced \bibrato. Play t\fe track so t\fat you are familiar wit\f t\fe original audio. Despite t\fe wide \bibrato, you will notice t\fat t\fe...
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43 T\ftorial 3: Nat\fral Vibrato F\fnction T\fis tutorial will demonstrate t\fe use of t\fe Natural vibrato function using t\fe same audio file we used in t\fe pre\bious tutorial. Begin t\fe tutorial by doing t\fe following: 1. Load or import “wide_\bibrato” into a track of your \fost program. T\fis is a recording of a male \boice singing a sustained “G” wit\f a pronounced \bibrato. Play t\fe track so t\fat you are familiar wit\f t\fe original audio. 2. Set up Auto-Tune Li\be to be an...
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44 I Chapter 5: The Auto-Tune Vocal Effect In addition to its adoption as t\fe worldwide standard in professional pitc\f correction, Auto-Tune \fas also gained renown as t\fe tool of c\foice for w\fat \fas become one of t\fe signature \bocal sounds of our time. Since t\fere seems to be a lot of myt\fology about \fow it’s accomplis\fed, we t\foug\ft we’d pro\bide t\fe official Antares \bersion \fere. What is it? Quite simply, t\fe Auto-Tune vocal effect is w\fat is tec\fnically known as “pitc\f...
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45 5. Don’t forget your \fost’s Bypass function. Limiting t\fe Auto-Tune vocal e ffect just to specific p\frases can pro\bide sonic contrast in your song.
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46 T Chapter 6: The Auto-Tune Live Scales T\fe following are brief descriptions of t\fe scales a\bailable in Auto-Tune Li\be: MOD\bRN \bQUAL T\bMP\bRAM\bNT T\fese first t\free equal-tempered scales are t\fe ubiquitous scales typically found in Western tonal music: Major: A se\ben-tone equal tempered major scale. Minor: A se\ben-tone equal tempered minor scale. \bq\fal Tempered chromatic: A twel\be-tone equal tempered c\fromatic scale. HISTORICAL TUNINGS Ling L\fn: A twel\be-tone scale dating...
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47 Vallotti & Yo\fng chromatic: A twel\be-tone scale. Anot\fer deri\bati\be of t\fe Pyt\fagorean scale designed to allow arbitrary keys. Barnes-Bach (chromatic): A twel\be-tone scale. A \bariation of t\fe vallotti & Young scale designed to optimize t\fe performance of Bac\f’s Well- Tempered Cla\bier. \bTHNIC TUNINGS Indian: T\fis 22-tone scale is used in India to perform ragas. Slendro: T\fis fi\be-tone Indonesian scale is played by ensembles called gamelans. Pelog : T\fis se\ben-tone Indonesian...
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48 Carlos Alpha: Wendy Carlos performed extensi\be computer analysis to de\bise a number of equal tempered scales wit\f good approximations for t\fe primary \farmonic inter\bals and t\feir in\bersions. T\fis scale is good at approximating t\fe primary inter\bals including Li\be/4. T\fis scale di\bides t\fe octa\be into 15.385 steps forming inter\bals of Li\be8.0 cents. Carlos Beta: T\fis scale di\bides t\fe octa\be into 18.809 steps forming inter\bals of 63.8 cents. Carlos Gamma: T\fis scale...
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49 Index A Amplitude Amount \c38 Antares Audio Tec\fnologies 2 Auto-Tune vocal effect 44 B Bypass 25, 29 W\fy set Scale notes\c to “Bypass?” 29 Bypass All 31 C Cents 30 Continuous Controls 18 Controls Bypass 25 Continuous Controls 18 edit Scale Display \c28 Formant Correction 22 Input Type 19 Key Selection 20 options 23 Pitc\f Correction Functions 25 Sample Rate Displa\cy 33 Scale Detune 21 Scale Selection 20\c Select Pitc\f Reference 20 Targeting Ignores vibrato 27 T\froat Lengt\f...
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50 L Latency 17 Learn Scale From MIDI 34 M MIDI Control Assignments 24 MIDI Functions 33Instance ID 34 Learn Scale From MIDI 34 octa\be As Played/All octa\bes 36 Target Notes via MIDI 35 MIDI Input C\fannel 25 N Natural vibrato 26 O octa\be As Played/All octa\bes 36 onset Delay 37 onset Rate 37 options 23 Knob Control 24 MIDI Control Assignments 24 MIDI Input C\fannel 25 Sa\be as default 25\c P Pitc\f Amount 38 Pitc\f C\fange Amount \cIndicator 39 Pitc\f C\fange Meter \c39Hold Button...