Anaheim Stepper MBC10P31 Users Guide
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August 2012 L010184 Functions Hard Limit Switches: When a hard limit switch is encountered, the pulses will stop. Hard limits are intended as an emergency stop for your system. Soft Limit Switches: These switches cause the pulse generator to ramp down to the base speed and continue to run as the run input is still activated, unless encountering a hard limit switch. Run Input: This input is used to begin the specifi ed motion profi le. Max1/Max2: This input is used to select which profi le runs when the run input is activated. To use profi le 1, then this input needs to be inactive (open). To use profi le 2, then this input needs to be active. Motion Profi les: The indexer will accept two different speed or motion profi les. Each profi le has its own programmable Accel/Decel, Base speed and Max speed. These values are stored in EEProm for standalone use and must be programmed before the pulse generator is ran. Acceleration/Deceleration: The acceleration and deceleration are by default the same value. This function controls the time that the motor will take to move from base speed to max speed. The higher the value, the faster the motor will accelerate. The same principle applies for the deceleration which is controlling the time it takes to go from maximum speed to base speed. The higher the value, the faster the pulses will decelerate. The different accel/decel profi les are stored in EEprom for standalone use. (Range: 100 to 9,999,999) Base Speed: The base speed is the speed at which motion starts and stops. It is entered directly as the number of steps per second. This speed must always be less than the max speed. The different base profi les are stored in EEprom for standalone use. (Range:1 to 5000) Max Speed: The max speed is the top speed the user wants the pulses to run at. This speed must always be equal or greater than the base speed. It is entered directly as the number of steps/ second. The different max profi les are stored in EEprom for standalone use. (Range:1 to 50,000) Direction Input: If this input is open then the unit will be running in the clockwise direction. If this input is active then the unit will be running in the counterclockwise direction. This pin can be overridden by the programmable software direction. It will activate the direction output when the pin is changed. This means, that if you start the profi le from the software, the unit will look at the software direction. If you start the indexer from the inputs, then the unit will look at the direction input. Busy Input: This output will be pulled low when the pulse generator is operating. It is an open drain output so when the pulse generator is not running the pin is open. Clock Output: This output will pulse at the same frequency as the internal clock to the motor driver. It is an open drain output and pulled low during the active pulse of the pulse generator. When the pulse generator is not running this output is open.

August 2012 L010184 SMPG-SMSI Software The SMPG-SMSI software is a handy utility that supports Anaheim Automation’s programmable pulse generators and simple indexers. Connecting your PC to the MBC10P31, via a USB cable, the software can easily perform the following tasks: • Exercise and monitor the MBC10P31 • Directly communicate with the MBC10P31 • Program the profi le values for the MBC10P31 Installation Software • The SMPG-SMSI software is supplied on a CD, containing the setup program and the software. • SMPG-SMSI software is compatible with all versions of Windows including Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7. Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP Installation Option 1 1. Insert the CD into the drive 2. From the Program Manager select Start │ Run 3. Enter D:\setup and click OK - use the appropriate drive letter (i.e. D or E) Option 2 1. Open Windows Explorer 2. Open CD Drive Folder (D: or E:) 3. Double Click the setup Icon Getting Started 1. Double click on the SMPG-SMSI icon to run the software. 2. Apply power to the MBC10P31 unit. 3. Set the appropriate communication setting by selecting Setup │ Communication Set- ting from the menu bar. 4. Establish communications with the MBC10P31 by clicking on the Connect Icon, or select Setup│Connect. If the unit is connected properly, the program will notify you when communication has been established and the correct programming tab will be enabled to let you work with the unit. After the 1st initial setup of the comport and axis settings, the MBC10P31 should connect to the software when the software is launched. Changing the COM Port Number of the USB Port 1. From DeviceManager, select “View devices by type”, then “Port (COM & LPT)”. Select the USB serial port and click Properties. Select the “Port Settings” tab, then click Advanced. 2. Choose the required COM port number from the list and click OK.

August 2012 L010184 File Menu Setup Menu Toolbar Exit Exit the SMPG10WIN Software Connect Establish communications with the controller. Disconnect Discontinue communications and release the comport for use by other devices. Communication Settings... COM port Selection (Ports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10) Exit Exit the SMPG-SMSI Software Connect Establish communications with the controller. “The Unit is Connected” / “The Unit is Not Connected” On the right of the Toolbar, the user will fi nd the communication status of the pulse generator. If communications is not established, please refer to the troubleshooting section.

August 2012 L010184 Program Window Motion Profi le Select motion profi les 1 or 2. Send Accel/Decel Send the acceleration & deceleration parameter to the indexer. (steps/sec 2) Send Base Spend Send the base speed parameter to the indexer. (steps/sec) Send Max Speed Send the maximum speed parameter to the indexer. (steps/sec) Begin MotionMotor will ramp up to maximum speed and keep moving until a limit switch is triggered or the index is complete. Soft Limit Motor will ramp down to base speed stop. Hard Limit Stop any motor motion. Direction Set direction to clockwise or counter-clockwise. Reduced Current Set reduced current on or off. Ramp Down Set ramp down option to yes or no. Verify Parameters Updates and displays controllers parameters and resets the error codes.

August 2012 L010184 Direct Talk Mode Direct mode is used to directly control the motion for real time movements through serial com- munication. The pulse generator has 13 command which are easy to remember for direct move- ment of a step motor. COM Port Settings Baud Rate: 115200 Parity: None Data Bits: 8 Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: Xon/Xoff Unit Selection In order to select a unit the @ command followed by 0 (address of the unit) must be sent. NOTE: There should be no spaces between the @ and the 0. How to select the unit: @0 (Unit is selected) How to get a response from the unit: @0$ (Carriage Return) After the $ command, the pulse generator will return a SMSI40 + the current version number Note: In direct talk mode each command is followed by a carriage return. The unit communicates in half duplex mode, therefore proper setup of hyper terminal is neces- sary to view characters, if characters are to be echoed back to the screen. Instructions All instructions require that no spaces be sent between the command and the parameter followed by a carriage return. The commands are also case sensitive and are all sent as capitals. Command Summary: A - Acceleration/Deceleration S - Soft Limit B - Base Speed V - Verify C - Current Reduction + - Clockwise Direction D - Ramp Down - - Counterclockwise Direction G - Go (Run) $ - Version Number Register H - Hard Limit ! - Error Codes Register M - Max Speed

August 2012 L010184 $ - Versions Number Register Format: $ Description: This command request the pulse generator to return the version number. ! - Error Codes Register Format: ! Description: This command requests the pulse generator to get the current error code and print it to screen. +/- - Direction Format: + or - Description: This command sets the direction output. A “+” sets the output to clockwise, and a “-” set the output to counterclockwise. This must be done when the indexer is not busy. This value is saved in the EEprom for standalone use. A - Acceleration/Deceleration Format: A#_[value] - where # is the motion profi le number 1 or 2 Sample: A1_10000 Accel of profi le 1 equals 10000 Description: This command sets the acceleration profi le which can be an integer value between 100 and 9,999,999. These values are saved in the EEProm for standalone use. Range: 100 - 9,999,999 B - Base Speed Format: B#_[value] - where # is the motion profi le number 1 or 2 Sample: B2_500 Base Speed of profi le 2 equals 500 Description: This command sets the base (start) speed for motion. This value must be set before motion begins and be less then the maximum speed. The pulses will ramp down to this speed after a soft limit is triggered and run at this speed until a hard limit is triggered or the index has fi nished. These values are saved in the EEProm for standalone use. Range: 1 - 5000

August 2012 L010184 C - Current Reduce Option Format: C# - where # is 0 or 1 Description: This command enables the driver to reduce current after pulses are done being sent. A 1 will enable current reduction, and a 0 will disable current reduction. This value is saved in the EEProm for standalone use. D - Ramp Down Format: D# - where # is 0 or 1 Description: This command enables the driver to ramp down or stop hard once the run input is released. A 1 will cause the motor to ramp down, and a 0 will cause the motor to stop hard. This value is saved in the EEProm for standalone use. G - Go Slew (Run) Format: G# - where # is the speed profi le number 1 or 2 Description: This command will send clocks out to the pulse generator. There are only 2 commands that can stop the clocks. One is the H (stop motion). The other is the S (soft limit) command which will make the pulses go from max speed to base speed and then stop the motor. Motion can also be stopped by using the limit switch inputs. The ramp profi le is specifi ed by the B (base speed), M (max speed), and A (acceleration/deceleration) com- mands. H - Hard Limit or Stop Motion Format: H Description: This command will stop all motion. It can only be used when pulses are running. M - Max Speed Format: M#_[value] - where # is the motion profi le number 1 or 2 Sample: M2_10000 Max Speed of profi le 2 equals 10000 Description: This command sets the maximum (running) speed for motion. This value must be set before motion begins and be equal or greater than the base speed. The motor will run at this speed until a soft limit or a hard limit is triggered. These values are saved in the EEProm for standalone use. Range: 1 - 50,000

August 2012 L010184 S - Stop Soft Format: S Description: This command will cause the pulse generator to ramp down to base speed and stop. It can only be used when pulses are running. V - Verify Description: This command can be used with most commands to verify the register con- tents. This is a read only command. Valid Commands are: A, B, C, D, M, R, and +. Format: V[command] This format is good for C, D, R, and +. C - If a 1 is sent back then the driver is in reduced current mode. If a 0 is sent back then the driver is not in reduced current mode. D - If a 1 is sent back then the pulse generator will ramp down to stop when the Run/Stop input is released. If a 0 is sent back then the pulse generator will stop hard when the Run/Stop input is released. + - If a 1 is sent back then the direction is clockwise. If a 0 is sent back then the direction is counterclockwise. Sample: V+ Verifi cation of Direction is prompted. Format: V[command]# - Where # is the speed profi le number 1 thru 4 This format is good for A, B, and M. A# - Verify Acceleration/Deceleration for given speed profi le. B# - Verify Base Speed for given speed profi le. M# - Verify Max speed for given speed profi le. Sample: VB2 Verifi cation of Base Speed in Profi le 2 is prompted.

August 2012 L010184 Visual Basic Direct Mode Programming Examples Example 1: This Example is for Axis=0, and Profi le=1 DimConst DefaultTimeout As Single = 0.5 frmMain.MSComm1.Output = “@0A1_100000” & Chr$(13) ‘SetAcceleration Pause DefaultTimeout frmMain.MSComm1.Output = “@0B1_1000” & Chr$(13) ‘Set Base Speed Pause DefaultTimeout frmMain.MSComm1.Output = “@0M1_4000” & Chr$(13) ‘Set Maximum Speed Pause DefaultTimeout frmMain.MSComm1.Output = “@0+1_500” & Chr$(13) ‘Set Direction CW Pause DefaultTimeout frmMain.MSComm1.Output = “@0D1_100” & Chr$(13) ‘Set Ramp Down On Pause DefaultTimeout frmMain.MSComm1.Output = “@0G1” & Chr$(13) ‘Start the Index Pause DefaultTimeout Example 2: This Example receives the error code and Version Number from Axis3 DimConst DefaultTimeout As Single = 0.5 frmMain.MSComm1.Output = “@3!” & Chr$(13) Pause ShortTimeOut MsgBox RecieveAscii() frmMain.MSComm1.Output = “@3$” & Chr$(13) Pause ShortTimeOut MsgBox RecieveAscii() Function ReceiveAscii() As String ‘wait for the incoming data to get to the buffer Dim BeginTime as Single Dim A As Integer Dim B As Integer BeginTime = Timer While Main.MSComm1. InBufferCount = 0 DoEvents If Timer - BeginTime > 0.1 Then GoTo ExitRoutine1 Wend A = 0: B = Main.MSComm1.InBufferCount While A B A = Main.MSComm1.InBufferCount Pause 0.02 ‘ Fixed time value B = Main.MSComm1.InBufferCount Wend ReceiveAscii = Main.MSComm1.Input Exit Function

August 2012 L010184 Troubleshooting Problem: Can not establish communications with the unit. Possible Solutions: 1. Make sure the indexer has power. Is the Green LED on. 2. Check USB connections. 3. Check for loose cable connection either on the pulse generator or USB Port. 4. Was the software installed successfully? 5. Go to Setup│ Communication Settings and verify COM Port settings. 6. Click on Connect icon to communicate with the unit. 7. If problems still exist, contact Anaheim Automation Tech Support. Problem: There is no power to the indexer. Possible Solutions: 1. Is the Indexer connected to the appropriate power supply? 2. Check for any blown fuses in line with the unit. 3. If problems still exist, contact Anaheim Automation at 714-992-6990. Problem: The indexer has a fault condition. Possible Solutions: 1. To Clear an error use either the SMPG-SMSI software or the direct mode command. 2. The SMPG-SMSI software can clear an error in the motion tab section by clicking on the Verify Parameters button. 3. The direct mode command “!” can clear an error by prompting indexer to serially send the error code back to the user. Example: @0! (carriage return) Description: Address the unit by typing @ followed by a 0 (address number) an ! (Error Codes Register) and a carriage return. Note: The error code is returned in binary coded decimal format. If two errors were received their binary values would be added together.