Anaheim Stepper DPE25601 Users Guide
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41 Troubleshooting Problem:Can not establish communications with the DPE25601. Possible Solutions: 1. Make sure the DPE25601 controller has power. Is the controller’s Green LED on? 2. Check RS232/RS485 connections. 3. Check for loose cable connection either on the DPE25601 controller or CO\ M Port. 4. Was the software installed successfully? 5. Go to Setup│Com Port Settings and verify COM Port settings. 6. Go to Setup│Axis and verify address settings are the same. 7. Click on Setup │Connect...
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42 Problem: The DPE25601 controller has a fault condition. Possible Solutions: 1. Verify your program for improper syntax that may cause an error code. 2. Physically press the reset button on the DPE25601 to clear an error. 3. Another way to clear an error is by using either the SMC60WIN software o\ r the direct mode command instructions set. 4. The SMCWIN can clear an error in the real time motion tab section by clicking on the verify parameters button. 5. The direct mode command “!” can clear...
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43 Section 7: Sample Programs Sample Program 1: Sample Program 1 illustrates a typical application where a system moves to a specific position required. The sample program shows how to use motion and go to instruction command\ s. August 2012L010199
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44 Sample Program 2: Sample Program 2 illustrates a typical application where a system is first sent home to a datum or 0 position. This sample program shows how a motor will move to a 3 different positions utilizing some of the motion commands, loop routines and encoder routine. August 2012L010199
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45 Sample Program 3: Sample Program 3 illustrates the setup and operation of the output on the fly function, and the use of the if/then statement. The system is first home using home type 0, waits for input 1 to be a value of 0 (grounded) and then is indexed 10,000 steps. During this index, output 1 needs to be turned on every 1000 steps 5 times starting at position 2000. At the end of the index, output 1 is then turned on again for 1 mS and the unit is then sent back the 10,000 steps to position...
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46 Sample Program 4: Sample Program 4 illustrates the setup of the analog speed function and \ the use of “indexing- on-the-fly.” The system is first homed using home type 1. The next step is to wait for the input register to read 110111 (input 2 must be high while input 3 is low, all other inputs are not used and input 1 is masked high due to analog function being used). The third step is to slew using the analog input as the maximum speed between 5000 and 10000 steps/revolution. When input 2 is...
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47 Sample Program 5: Sample Program 5 illustrates a typical 3 axis application where one DPE25601 (Axis 0) is control- ling the other two axes (Axis 1 and Axis 2) by using the send text string commands. The program first sets the accelerations, base speeds and maximum speeds for each axis. It then is enabling Axis 0 and Axis 1 to use the thumbwheel switch that is connected to each unit for indexing. The direction is then set for Axis 0 and Axis 1 and these two axes are then told to index the...
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48 Appendix 1: ASCII Table for Direct Mode ASCII SymbolHex ValueASCII Symbol Hex ValueASCII Symbol Hex Value 0 30 J4A #23 1 31 K4B $24 2 32 L4C %25 3 33 M4D “27 4 34 N4E (28 5 35 O4F +2B 6 36 P50 ,2C 7 37 Q51 -2D 8 38 R52 .2E 9 39 S53 :3A A 41 T54 ;3B B 42 U55 @40 C 43 V56 [5B D 44 W57 ]5D E 45 X58 ^5E F 46 Y59 {7B G 47 Z5A }7D H 48Carriage Return 0D~7E I 49 !21 Appendix 2: Firmware Revisions Versions 1.00 - Initial Release. Versions 1.10 - Fixes lockup on RS485 Communication. Added capability to...
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49 ANAHEIM AUTOMATION COPYRIGHT Copyright 2012 by Anaheim Automation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated in\ to any language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Anaheim Automation, 910 E. Orangefair Lane, Anaheim, CA 92801. DISCLAIMER Though every effort has been made to supply complete and...