American Audio Mixer QSD User Manual
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Press the in bUttOn (35). This will set the starting point of the SEAMLESS LOOP. The in bUttOn (35) LED will blink. Press pLa Y/paUsE bUttOn (33) to activate playback mode. Figure 10 Figure 9 9. creatinG anD pLa YinG a seaMLess Loop A seamless loop is a sound loop that plays continuously without sound interruption. You can use this loop to create dramatic effect in your mixing. This loop has no time limit and you could actually loop the entire length of the SD Card. You create a seamless loop between two continuous points on a SD Card. 2) Press the OUt bUttOn (35) to set the ending point for your SEAMLESS LOOP (Figure 11). The in bUttOn (35) and OUt bUttOn (35) LEDs will immediately begin to flash rapidly, in- dicating the SEAMLESS LOOP mode has been activated. Figure 11 3) 1) ©American Audio® - - Q-SD Instruction Manual Page 21 Q-SD SD PLAYER bASIC OPERATIONS (CONT.)

10. eXitinG a Loop - To exit a SEAMLESS LOOP, press the OUt bUttOn (35). The in bUttOn (35) and OUt bUttOn (35) LEDs will remain on, but will stop flashing. Music play- back will resume normal play (Figure 12). The in bUttOn (35) and OUt bUttOn (35) LEDs will remain on to remind you that a loop is stored. Figure 12 11. rep La Y Loop - The r ELOO p (35) function allows you to return to your stored loop at any time. The in b U tt On (35) and OU t b U tt On (35) LEDs will indicate a loop is stored in memory, and may be played at any time. To replay the loop, press the rELOO p b U tt On (35) (Figure 13). The in b U tt On (35) and OU t b U tt On (35) LEDs will again begin to flash indicating SEAMLESS LOOP mode has been activated and your stored loop will immediately begin to play. stutter effect: You can use your loop to create a stutter effect. When a loop is playing press the in b U tt On (35) repeatedly to create this effect.Figure 13 ©American Audio® - - Q-SD Instruction Manual Page 22 Q-SD SD PLAYER bASIC OPERATIONS (CONT.) Figure 14 tiMe Bar inDicator - Details the time defined in the tiME MEtEr (46) as a visual bar icon. As with the tiME MEtEr (46) this bar is also dependent on the selected time function. This bar will begin to flash when a track is ending regardless of which time function you are in. Use the flashing bar as a visual reminder that a track is ending. 12. chanGinG the tiMe DispLaY (46)\tiMe Bar (40): DURINg NORMAL PLAYBACk, pressing the tiME bUttOn (32), will change the time display information (40 & 46) in the LCd (10) see figure 14. The following is a break down of the time settings and their definitions: 1) eLapseD - This describes the time in the LCD (46) as the current TRACkS Elapsed running time. 2) reMain (48) - This describes the time in the LCD (46) as the current TRACkS remaining running time.

4. Pressing the adV. traCk bUttOn (27) at anytime, will cancel this function. 13. aDVance track search You can find the desired track you would like to play next time during the playback/pause. 1. Press the adV. traCk bUttOn (27) to enter advance track search mode. The FOLdEr & traCk indiCatOrs (39 & 51) will flash in the LCD. Turn the FOLdEr knOb (37) to search for your desired folder. Then turn the traCk knOb (25) to search for your desired track within the folder. 2. Press the traCk knOb (25) to select your desired track, ”SEARCH” will now be displayed in the LCD. 3. When ”FOUND” is displayed in LCD, press the traCk knOb (25) again to play your selected track. Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 ©American Audio® - - Q-SD Instruction Manual Page 23 Q-SD SD PLAYER bASIC OPERATIONS (CONT.)

repeat: Enter PRESET mode, and then turn the FOLDER kNOB (37) until REPEAT is displayed. Press the FOLDER kNOB (37) to toggle REPEAT between ON or OFF. Once you have selected press the FOLDER kNOB (37) to lock in your selection. 14. preset Menu: The Q-SD has a PRESET menu that lets you con- trol the SINgLE/CONTINUOUS PLAY, REPEAT, AUTO CUE, "Q" START function, and lets you "display" the FIRMWARE VERISION. Press and hold the FOLDER kNOB (37) for 2 secs. to enter PRESET mode. Figure 21 Figure 19 auto cue: Enter PRESET mode, and then turn the FOLDER kNOB (37) until AUTO CUE is displayed. Press the FOLDER kNOB (37) to toggle AUTO CUE between ON or OFF. Once you have selected press the FOLDER kNOB (37) to lock in your selection. Figure 22 sinGLe: Enter PRESET mode, and then turn the FOLDER kNOB (37) until SINgLE is displayed. Press the FOLDER kNOB (37) to toggle SINgLE mode ON or OFF. Once you have selected press the FOLDER kNOB (37) to lock in your selection. Figure 20 ©American Audio® - - Q-SD Instruction Manual Page 24 Q-SD PRESET MENU

FirMWare Version: Enter PRESET mode, and then turn the FOLDER kNOB (37) until VER.XXXXXX is displayed. "X's" are the version number. Once you have seen the version number you can press the FOLDER kNOB (37) to exit PRESET mode. Figure 23 "Q" start : Enter PRESET mode, and then turn the FOLdEr knOb (37) until "Q" START is displayed. Press the FOLdEr knOb (37) to toggle between Player A, B, or OFF. Once you have selected press the FOLdEr knOb (37) to lock in your selection, and exit PRESET mode. Figure 24 15. VieW the titLe content : You are able to view the ARTIST, BIT RATE, TITLE NAME, and FILE NAME of the current song play- ing. To view this information press the TRACk kNOB (25). Figure 25 ©American Audio® - - Q-SD Instruction Manual Page 25 Q-SD PRESET MENU (CONT .)

Figure 28 using the pitch slider (26): Be sure the pitch function has been engaged as described above. To use the pitCh sLidEr (26) slide the slider up and down. Down will increase the pitch and up will decrease the pitch. Q-SD PITCH ADJUSTMENTS 1. pitch sLiDer (26): This function will increase or decrease the tracks playback speed or "PITCH." The maximum pitch per- centage manipulation in this function is +/-16%. The pitCh sLidEr (26) is used to decrease or increase the playback pitch. If the slider is move up (towards the top of the unit) the pitch will decrease, if the slider is moved down (towards the bottom of the unit) the pitch will increase. The pitCh sLidEr (26) adjustment can be changed to range from +/-4%, +/-8%, or +/- 16% (See changing "PITCH SLIDER PERCENTAgE RANgE" on the next page). This pitch adjustments will effect normal playback and loops only when the pitCh function is activated. Figure 26 Figure 27 activating the pitch slider (26): To activate the pitCh sLidEr you must turn on the pitch adjust- ment function. To activate the pitCh sLidEr (26) press the pitCh pErCEntagE bUttOn (28). The pitCh indiCatOr in the LCD will glow when the function is activated. If the pitch function is not acti- vated the pitCh sLidEr will not function. pitch aDJustMents: The different pitch adjustments allow a track's or a loop's playback speed to be manipulated. This speed manipulations is commonly used to beat match between two or more music sources such as a turntable or CD player. The playback speed may be increased or decreased by a factor of +/-16. The next section details the different pitch manipulation schemes. ©American Audio® - - Q-SD Instruction Manual Page 26

2. pitch BenDinG: Unlike the pitCh sLidEr (26) adjustment this function will momentarily increase or decrease a tracks speed during playback. To operate this function use the (-) & (+) pitCh bEnd bUttOns (29). The maximum pitch bend percentage allowed is +/- 16%. The pitch bend function will work in conjunction with the pitCh sLidEr (26) pitch setting. For example, if the pitCh sLidEr (26) is set to a 2% pitch gain the pitch bending process will begin at 2% and will continue to the maximum of +/-16%. pitch BenD Buttons (29): The (+) pitCh bEnd bUttOn (29) will increase track playback speed and the (-) pitCh bEnd bUt- tOn (29) will decrease track playback speed. The extent to which the speed changes is proportion- ate to the amount of time the button is pressed. For example, if the (+) pitCh bEnd bUttOn (29) is held down continuously as in figure 31, the speed will increases and will continue to increase until it reaches a maximum of 16% speed gain. When you release the (+) pitCh bEnd bUttOn (29) the speed will automatically return to it’s previous set speed. Holding down on the (-) pit Ch b End bUt- tO n (29) will provide a slow down in the play- back pitch. Figure 29 using the pitch slider percentage selector (28): You may choose a pitch operating range at any time. To change the operating range be sure the pitch function is turned on, see figure 27. The pitch percentage can be changed between +/-4%, +/-8%, or +/-16%. 4% will allow the least amount of pitch manipulation and 16% will allow the most amount of pitch manipulation. To adjust the dif- ferent values, hold the % bUttOn (28) until your desired value is reached. Figure 30 Holding down on the (+) pitCh bEnd bUt- tOn (29) will provide a speed bump in the playback pitch. Figure 31 ©American Audio® - - Q-SD Instruction Manual Page 27 Q-SD PITCH ADJUSTMENTS (CONT.)

©American Audio® - - Q-SD Instruction Manual Page 28 This image details a typical DJ Set Up consisting of a microphone, turn- tables, CD players, and a tape deck. note: Turntables can only be connected to the PHONO LEVEL RCA JACkS. Be sure the LINE LEVEL SELECTOR SwITCHES are in the "PHONO" position when using turntables. Q-SD TYPICAL MIXER SET-UP C A S S E T T E D E C K TURNTABLE TURNTABLE RCA Cables are connected from the rear of the DCD-PRO1000 transport unit. Flip-Flop cables are conncected from the rear of the DCD-PRO1000 player unit. See Flip-Flop connections on page 30.

©American Audio® - - Q-SD Instruction Manual Page 29 Q-SD TYPICAL MIXER SET-UP Balanced XLR male to XLR female Cables American Audio V4001™ Typical Balanced Output Set-up This image details a typical stereo output layout. Note the use of the Balanced XLR Jacks on both the mixer and the amplifier. Always use the balanced output jacks whenever possible. The balanced output jacks should always be used for cable runs in excess of 15 feet. \ Using the balanced jacks will ensure a clean signal through out the entire audio system. RCA to RCA Patch Cables C A S S E T T E D E C K Speaker Cables

"fLIP-fLOP" (RELAY) CONNECTED TO A "Q" START MIXER Q-SD "fLIP-fLOP" SET UP INSTRUCTIONS ©American Audio® - - Q-SD Instruction Manual Page 30 After these connections are made please see the Flip-Flop instructions in your American Audio CD player user manual.