American Audio CDMp3 PLAYER Encore 2000 User Manual
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©American Audio® - - Encore 2000 Instruction Manual Page 21 BASIC OPERATIONS (CONT.) 3) You may also use the SEARCH BUTTONS (17) to set a cue point. While a disc is in PAUSE or CUE mode, use the SEARCH BUTTONS (17) to scan through a track to find your desired starting point. Once you have found your desired position press the PLAY BUTTON (13) to set your cue point. Pressing the CUE BUTTON (15) will now return you to this exact point. Figure 16 2) Press the IN BUTTON (12). This will set the starting point of the SEAMLESS LOOP. The IN BUTTON (12) LED will light. 1) Press PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (13) to activate playback mode. Figure 18 Figure 17 3) Press the OUT BUTTON (12) to set the ending point for your LOOP (Figure 19). The IN BUTTON (12) and OUT BUTTON (12) LEDs will immediately begin to flash rapidly, indicating the SEAMLESS LOOP mode has been activated. LCD LOOP INDICATORS - During a loop, the RELOOP INDICATOR (53) will flash in the LCD DISPLAY (20) indicating a loop is active. Figure 19 9. CREATING AND PLAYING A SEAMLESS LOOP A seamless loop is a sound loop that plays continuously without sound in\ terruption. You can use this loop to create dramatic effect in your mixing. This loop has no time limit and you could actually \ loop the entire length of disc. You create a seamless loop between two continuous points of a disc.

©American Audio® - - Encore 2000 Instruction Manual Page 22 REPLAY LOOP - The RELOOP function allows you to return to your stored loop at any time. The IN BUTTON (12) and OUT BUTTON (12) LEDs will indicate a loop is stored in memory, and may be played at any time. To replay the loop, press the RELOOP BUTTON (12). The IN BUTTON (12) and OUT BUTTON (12) LEDs will again begin to flash indicating SEAMLESS LOOP mode has been activated and your loop will immediately begin to play.Figure 21 10. CHANGING THE TIME DISPLAY (50)/TIME BAR (49): DURING NORMAL PLAYBACK, pressing the TIME BUTTON (3), will change the time display information in the LCD (20). The following is a break down of the time settings and their definitions: 1) REMAIN - This details the time in the LCD (20) as the current tracks’ remain- ing running time. 2) ELAPSED - This details the time in the LCD (20) as the current tracks’ elapsed running time. 3) TOTAL REMAIN - This details the time in the LCD (20) as the current CD total remaining running time (this is for CDs only). TIME BAR INDICATOR - This details the time defined in the TIME METER (50) as a visual bar icon. As with the TIME METER (50) this bar is also dependent on the selected time function [REMAIN, ELAPSED, OR TOTAL REMAIN (CD ONLY)]. This bar will begin to flash when a track is ending regardless of which time function you are in. Use the flashing bar as a visual reminder that a track is ending. MEMORY STATUS INDICATOR - The memory status indicator is the thin line bar that is located underneath the TIME BAR INDICATOR (49). The memory status is represented by the line bar being filled or emptied. Each bar in the line bar represents 2 second of play memory buffer. Figure 22 BASIC OPERATIONS (CONT.) EXITING A LOOP - To exit a SEAMLESS LOOP, press the OUT BUTTON (12). Music playback will resume normal play. The IN BUTTON (12) and OUT BUT- TON (12) LEDs will remain lit to remind you that a loop is in memory. Figure 20 LOOP DIVIDE & MULTIPLY - When a loop is active you can use the SEARCH BUTTONS (17) to alter the length of a loop. The loop lengths are 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1/1, 2/1, and 4/1 of the originall loop length.

©American Audio® - - Encore 2000 Instruction Manual Page 23 PITCH ADJUSTMENTS 1. PITCH SLIDER (5): This function will increase or decrease the tracks playback speed or "PITCH." The maximum pitch percentage manipulation in this function is +/-100%. The PITCH SLIDER (5) is used to decrease or increase the playback pitch. If the slid- er is moved up (towards the top of the unit) the pitch will decrease, if the slider is moved down (towards the bottom of the unit) the pitch will increase. The PITCH SLIDER (5) adjustment can be changed to range from +/-4%, +/-8%, or +/-16% (See changing "PITCH SLIDER PERCENTAGE RANGE" on the next page). This pitch adjustments will effect normal playback and loops only when the PITCH ON/OFF BUTTON (6) is turned on. Note: 100% Pitch Adjustment works with CDs only, not Mp3 CDs. Figure 23 Figure 25 Figure 24 Using the PITCH SLIDER (5): Be sure the pitch function has been acti- vated as described above. To use the PITCH SLIDER (5) slide the slider up and down. Down will increase the pitch and up will decrease the pitch. Activating the PITCH SLIDER (5): To activate the PITCH SLIDER (5) you must turn on the pitch adjustment function. Press the ON/OFF BUTTON (6) located at the top right of the unit. The ON/OFF BUTTON (6) LED will glow when the function is activated. If the pitch function is not activated the PITCH SLIDER (5) will not function. PITCH ADJUSTMENTS: You can activate the PITCH SLIDER (5) by pressing the PITCH ON/OFF BUTTON (6). When the button LED is lit, the PITCH SLIDER (5) is active and the pitch can be adjusted. When the button LED is not lit PITCH SLIDER (5) is not active. The different pitch adjustments allow a track's or a loop's playback speed to be manipulated. This speed manipulation is commonly used to beat match between two or mo\ re music sources such as a turntable or another CD player. The playback speed may be increased or decreased by a factor of +/-100. The next section details the different pitch manipulation schemes. Note: 100% Pitch Adjustment works with CDs only, not Mp3 CDs.

©American Audio® - - Encore 2000 Instruction Manual Page 24 PITCH ADJUSTMENTS 2. PITCH BENDING: Unlike the PITCH SLIDER (5) adjustment this function will momentarily increase or decrease a tracks speed during playback. There are two ways to operate this function with the (-) & (+) PITCH BEND BUTTONS (10) or with the JOG WHEEL (11). The maximum pitch bend percentage allowed is +/- 100%. The pitch bend function will work in conjunction with the PITCH SLIDER (5) pitch setting. For example, if the PITCH SLIDER (5) is set to a 2% pitch gain the pitch bending process will begin at 2% and will continue to the maximum of +/- 100%. Holding down or tapping on the (+) PITCH BEND BUTTON (10) will provide a speed bump in the playback pitch. Holding down or tapping on the (-) PITCH BEND BUTTON (10) will provide a slow down in the playback pitch. PITCH BEND BUTTONS (10): The (+) PITCH BEND BUTTON (10) will increase track playback speed and the (-) PITCH BEND BUTTON (10) will decrease track playback speed. The extent to which the speed changes is proportionate to the amount of time the button is pressed. For example, if the (+) PITCH BEND BUTTON (10) is held down continuously as in figure 28, the disc speed will increases and will continue to increase until it reaches a maximum of 16% speed gain. When you release the (+) PITCH BEND BUTTON (10) the disc speed will automatically return to it’s previ- ous set speed. Note: 100% Pitch Adjustment works with CDs only, not Mp3 CDs. Figure 26 Adjusting the PITCH SLIDER'S RANGE: You may change the PITCH SLIDER'S (5) operating range at any time. To change the operating range be sure the pitch function is turned on, see figure 24. The pitch percent- age can be changed between +/-4%, +/-8%, +/-16%, & 100%. 4% will allow the least amount of pitch manipulation and 100% will allow the most amount of pitch manipulation. To adjust the different ranges, press the PITCH ON/OFF BUTTON (6) and tap on the PITCH RANGE BUTTON (7) until your desired value is reached, see figure 26. Note: 100% Pitch Adjustment works with CDs only, not Mp3 CDs. Figure 28 Figure 27

©American Audio® - - Encore 2000 Instruction Manual Page 25 PITCH ADJUSTMENTS Figure 29 3. JOG WHEEL (11): The JOG WHEEL will temporarily bend the pitch if a track is in playback mode. Rotating the wheel in a clockwise direction will increase your track pitch and rotating the wheel in a counter-clockwise direction will slow your track pitch. The speed you rotate the JOG WHEEL will determine pitch bend percentage (%). For example, if the JOG WHEEL is continuously turned in a counter- clockwise direction the playback speed will steadily decrease and will con- tinue to decrease until playback reaches a maximum of -100% and playback stops entirely. When you stop turning the JOG WHEEL the disc speed will automatically return to it’s previous set speed. This feature is a kind of “auto pilot”. When you are using the Encore 2000 system, you can have one player begin playback when the other ends. You can RELAY single tracks, the entire disc, or a combination of the two. This feature is sometimes referred to as Flip-Flop playback. To RELAY single tracks: 1) By default the two players are set to playback in single mode, SINGLE (61) will be indicated in the LCD (20). 2) Set the mixer's crossfader to the center position, and press the RELAY BUTTON (27). 3) Load your two players with audio discs. 4) After they have both cued, press the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (13) on one player to begin playback. 5) After the first player’s single track has ended the second player’s track will immediately begin playback. 6) RELAY (FLIP-FLOP™) will continue until you stop it or power is interrup\ ted. To RELAY entire CDs: Be sure your players are both in continuous play mode, make sure SINGLE MODE (61) does not appear in the LCDs (20) of both players. Follow all directions for single track relay above. When one player’s disc ends the other player will immediately begin playback. Note: You may combine relay single and continuously playback modes by selecting either single o\ r continuous playback on your units. In RELAY mode the decks are set single play mode by default. Make sure that neither deck has REPEAT mode activated during RELAY mode. REPEAT mode has priority over RELAY mode. RELAY PLAYBACK LOCK MODE In this mode you are able to lock the player functions of the Encore 2000 so that there are no accidental mis- takes. The mixer functions will not be locked so that adjustments can be made to the audio levels. To lock the player functions please follow the directions below. 1. To lock the Encore 2000 player press the RELAY BUTTON (27) for at least 3 secs. When the Encore 2000 is locked the RELAY BUTTON (27) and the LOCK INDICATOR (53) will flash. 2. To unlock the Encore 2000 press the RELAY BUTTON (27) for at least 3 secs. NOTE RELAY MODE: Activate RELAY MODE first, then "LOCK" the Encore 2000.

©American Audio® - - Encore 2000 Instruction Manual Page 26 MIDI MODE To use the Encore 2000 MIDI controls make sure that the USB cable is properly connected to your com- puter. PC user's install the ASIO drivers before initial operation. To enable MIDI press and hold the SOURCE SELECT BUTTON (14) for 3 seconds. Depending on the software you are using the MIDI may have to be mapped. SW nameType MIDIMIDI2(TAP) Remarks JOG SW/ENC20/205F/5F GAIN VR21 60 TREBLE VR22 61 MID VR23 62 BASS VR24 63 CH F ADER VR25 64 PITCH F ADER PITCH BEND/VR PITCH BEND 26 SEARCH > SW140 TRACK |>| SW1554 +10 SW544 TIME SW1251 SGL/CTN SW1655 OPEN SW0E4D PITCH Bend + SW104FT AP+PITCH Bend+ to increase Channel PITCH Bend - SW847T AP+PITCH Bend- to decrease Channel RELOOP SW0C 4B T AP/BPM SW4-- FOLDER SW/LED0D/0D 4C/-- CUE SW/LED13/1352/-- SCRA TCH SW/LED 07/0746/-- TEMPO LOCK SW/LED06/0645/-- PITCH RANGE SW/LED02/0241/-- PITCH ON/OFF SW/LED0A/0A49/-- PLA Y/PAUSE SW/LED 17/1756/-- IN SW/LED0F/0F4E/-- OUT SW/LED0B/0B4A/-- RANGE 4 LED19 -- RANGE 16 LED1A -- Level Meter LEVEL1B-- 0~10 CROSSFADER ASW 3574 Mix CH CROSSFADER BSW 3675 Mix CH MIC VR30 6F Mix CH MASTER VR31 70 Mix CH MIDI TABLE

©American Audio® - - Encore 2000 Instruction Manual Page 27 MIDI TABLE CUE LEVELVR32 71 Mix CH CUEMIX VR33 72 Mix CH CROSSF ADER VR 34 73 Mix CH RELA Y SW/LED 14/1453/-- Mix CH -- ---- -- CC-ABSOLUTE (VR) Control Change messages are sent with status 0xBn, where n is the channel, for the specified CC controlle r. Thus the controller MIDI ID is indicated with the channel along with the CC numbe r. The value from 0x00 to 0x7 F, directly related to the location of the controller . CC-RELA TIVE (ENC) Control Change messages are status 0xBn, where n is the channel, for the specified CC controlle r. Thus the controller MIDI ID is indicated with the channel along with the CC numbe r. The value from 0x40 to indicate the change in the controlle r. This is an of fset to 0x40 “one’ s complement” notation. A message with data 0x43 indicates a positive change of 3. A messages with data 0x31 indicates a negative change of 15. SWITCH ON/OFF (SW,CENTER,CW ,CCW) These messages are used for switches. Control Change messages are sent with status 0x9n, SWITCH On and O ff value are 0x7F and 0x00, where n is the channel. LED ON/OFF (LED) These messages are used for LED. Control Change messages are sent with status 0x9n, LED On and Of f value are 0x7F and 0x00, where n is the channel. PITCH BEND Pitch Bend messages are status 0xEn, where n is the channel, for the specified controlle r. Thus the controller ID is indicated only by the channel. For accurate changes, the 14 bit data in a pitch bend message is reserved for absolute controllers which require more than 7 bits of data. LEVEL LED (LEVEL) These messages are used for LEVEL. Control Change messages are sent with status 0x9n, LED Of f value is 0x00 and On value is related to LED amount, 0x01 with one LED, 0x02 with two LED…., where n is the channel.

©American Audio® - - Encore 2000 Instruction Manual Page 28 DVS SET UP CD TimecodeCD Timecode Encore 2000 DVS Set Up: The Encore 2000 can be used with DVS software and an audio interface using the software's time code CD's to control the music loaded onto the software's decks. Load the time code CD's to the CD player tray of the Encore 2000. Set the Encore 2000 OUTPUT MODE SWITCH (43) to Deck route mode, then route the DECK 1 and DECK 2 OUTPUTS (41 & 42) to the software's Audio Interface inputs. Route the Audio Interface outputs to the Encore 2000's LINE 1 and LINE 2 INPUTS (38 & 39), and set the Encore 2000's SOURCE SELECTOR SWITCH (14) to Line. Note: Please see DVS software user instructions for sound card configuration and CD time- codes.

©American Audio® - - Encore 2000 Instruction Manual Page 29 ACCESSING MP3 FOLDERS ACCESS MP3 FOLDERS : Use this function to access the different folders (files) located on your Mp3 disc. 1) Press the FOLDER BUTTON (2) so that the FOL- DER LED lights up. The artist and song title should appear in the CHARACTER DISPLAY (58) and the Folder number will appear in the FOLDER INDICATOR (48). 2) Now, press the TRACK BUTTONS (18) to scroll forward or backwards through the folders. Figure 30 Figure 31

©American Audio® - - Encore 2000 Instruction Manual Page 30 MIXER SET-UP CASSETTE DECK This image details a typical DJ Set Up consisting of a microphone, Mp3 player, CD players, and a tape deck. Note: Turntables cannot be connected to the ENCORE 2000.