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American Audio CD Player CDI500 User Manual

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    Changing the Sample Parameters: 
    Changing  the  sample  parameters  allows  you  to  change  the  sample's  volume  (
    SV) and  pitch  (SP). The 
    parameter values for the pitch range from -10:00 to +10:00 (-10:00 being the lowest) and volume val
    ues range from 00:00 to 02:55 (00:00 being the lowest). A higher value will increase the pitch percent
    age  or  volume.  It's  important  to  understand  that  the  pitch  value  is  basically  a  speed  adjustment  and 
    has nothing to do with tonal quality. The values can be either a momentary change or set adjustment. 
    The sample values are changed in three easy steps, while in sample playback mode:  
    Figure 27
    Figure 28
    Figure 29
    Changing the Sample Parameters - Speed
    While  a  sample  is  playing  push  the PARAMETER  TIME  KNOB  (29). One 
    tap will display
      SP +0 00 in the LCD DISPLAY (30). SP will signify the pitch 
    percentage  (speed)  of  the  sample.  +0  00  is  your  default  setting  -  Normal 
    playback. Any adjustments will be based on this default setting. Turning the 
    knob in a clockwise direction will increase your pitch. Turning the knob in a 
    counter-clockwise direction will decrease the parameters value.
    Changing the Sample Parameters - Hold Function
    Hold  Function  -  This  mode  will  allow  you  to  save  and  lock  your  param-
    eter  adjustments,  if  the  hold  function  is  not  activated  before  you  set  your 
    parameters,  your  parameter  adjustments  will  be  momentary.    If  you  select 
    the  HOLD  BUTTON  (19)  all  parameters  will  remain  until  changed  again  or 
    power is shut off, unless they are stored in to the unit's memory.
    Changing the Sample Parameters - Volume
    While  a  sample  is  playing  push  the  PARAMETER  RATIO  KNOB  (25). One 
    tap will display
      SV 10 00 in the LCD DISPLAY (30). SV will signify the volume 
    of the sample. 02 55 is your default setting - Normal playback. Any adjust
    ments will be based on this default setting. Turning the knob in a clockwise 
    direction  will  increase  the  volume. Turning  the  knob  in  a  counter-clockwise 
    direction will decrease the parameters value.
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 21 
    Figure 30
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 22
    14.  BANK BUTTONS (12): 
    These buttons are used to store your samples and cue points. Only a sample or 
    a cue point can be stored into each of these four banks. When a sample is stored 
    in of the banks you may use the sample starting point as a cue point. The 
    BUTTONS instantly recall and play any of your stored samples or cue points with-
    out  interrupting  music  playback. When  in  sample  mode,  (see  "Using  the  Built-In 
    Sampler" on page 20) and during playback, pressing any of the
    that stores a sample, will immediately begin to play that sample without interrup
    tion of music. If the unit is in sample mode and the drive is not in playback mode, 
    pressing any of the
      BANK BUTTONS  that stores a sample, will immediately begin 
    to play that sample.
    15.  BANK PROGRAM BUTTON (23): 
    Once  you  store  samples  in  the  four  (4)  Bank  Buttons,  the  CDI-500  can  be  programmed  to  play  the  stored 
    samples in a d
    esired  order. You can program the four (4) banks up to 12 times. The  programmed samples can 
    be  played  in  your  desired  order  without  interrupting  music  playback. The  programmed  samples  can  be  played 
    when the player is in Pause mode and even when the disc has been removed.  If the unit is in sample mode and 
    the drive is not in playback mode, pressing any of the
      BANK BUTTONS  that stores a sample, will immediately 
    begin to play that sample.
    To program samples:
    1)   Once  you  have  one  or  more  samples  stored.  Press  the BANK 
    PROGRAM BUTTON  (23). The PITCH/BPM  METER (41) will  now 
    display +1. 
    2)  Program your Banks (Samples) in your desired order. 
    EXAMPLE:  Bank  3;  Bank  1;  Bank  2;  Bank 3;  Bank  3; Bank 
    4;  Bank  1
    .  To  end  programming,  press  the  BANK  PROGRAM 
    BUTTON (23). 
    3)   To play your programmed samples, press the  SAMPLE BUTTON 
    (18) then press the  BANK PROGRAM BUTTON (23).  
    Figure 31
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 23
    The CDI-500 can store all your programmed cue points and effect parameters in to memory. These setting may 
    be recalled at any time, even when a disc has been removed and loaded at a later time. To recall the memory on 
    a specific disc; 1) Be sure a CD is not loaded in to the drive. 2) Press the MEMORY BUTTON (16) down until the 
    yellow memory LED begins to flash. 3) Insert the CD. "RECALL" will appear in the  LCD (30) while the memory 
    is being installed and the yellow  MEMORY BUTTON (16) 
    LED will turn off.
    You may display the units firmware version. Firmware is the units internal programming code. To view the firm-
    ware  version: While  main  power  is  turned  off,  turn  the  SEARCH  KNOB  (28)  in  a  clockwise  direction. While  the 
    search knob is turned in a clockwise direction turn main power on. The firmware version will  appear in the 
    (30)  as long as the search wheel is held in the clockwise postion.  
    You  may  clear  the  system  memory  at  any  time. This  will  erase  all  your  programmed  memory  and  restore  the 
    unit to it's default settings. To clear the memory: While main power is turned off, turn the  SEARCH KNOB (28) in 
    a counter-clockwise direction. While the search knob is turned in a counter-clockwise direction turn main power 
    on. The  LCD (30)  will flash three times and default memory will be restored. 
    The CDI-500 comes with an incredible memory system. The CDI-500™ can memorize virtually every customized 
    setting  for  a  particular  CD. The  unit  can  memorize  all  customized  effect  parameters,  cue  points,  and  samples 
    used  on  a  particular  disc. To  store  all  your  setting  for  a  CD,  press  and  hold  down  the  MEMORY  BUTTON  (16)
    for at least three seconds. When the memory has been stored properly the yellow  MEMORY LED (16) will flash 
    then turn off. The memory is full the outline of the  MEMORY BUCKET (39) in the LCD (30) will disappear. 
    Details the time defined in the  TIME METER (44, 45, & 46) as a visual bar icon. 
    As with the  TIME METER (44, 45, & 
    46) this bar is also dependent on  the selected time function [TOTAL REMAIN 
    (48), REMAIN (47) OR ELAPSED]
    .  This bar will begin to flash when a track is ending regardless  of which time 
    function you are in. Use the flashing bar as a visual reminder that a track is ending.
    16.  CHANGING THE TIME DISPLAY (44, 45, & 46)/TIME BAR (43):
    DURING  NORMAL  PLAYBACK,  pressing  the  TIME  BUTTON  (9),  will  change  the 
    time display information (44, 45, 46, & 43) in the LCD (30). The following is a break 
    down of the time settings and their definitions:    
    1) ELAPSED - This describes the time in the LCD (44, 45, & 46) as the current  
      TRACKS Elapsed running time.
    2) REMAIN  (47) - This describes the time in the LCD (44, 45, & 46) as the  
      current TRACKS  remaining running time.  
    3) TOTAL REMAIN (48) - This describes the time in the LCD (44, 45, & 46) as 
      the disc total remaining running time.   
    Figure 33
    Figure 34
    BOP EFFECT: The Bop Effect is a stutter effect that is similar to turntable scratching. You can use this effect 
    to create tricks in your mixing. 
    JOG WHEEL TOUCH SENSITIVITY: This function works with the SCRATCH effects. This function allows the 
    play and cue commands to be controled by tapping on the touch sensitive jog wheel.
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 24
    (13) to  control  the  play  and  cue  commands  you  must  first  activate  the  jog 
    wheel  touch  sensitivity. To  activate  the  touch  sensitivity  mode,  be  sure  the 
    FX  SELECT  LED  (21)  is  glowing  green.  Once  the  FX  SELECT  LED  (21)  is 
    glowing green, press and hold the  SCRATCH BUTTON (19) until it begins to  
    flash red repeatedly. This will activate touch sensitivity mode. 
    IN  PLAYBACK  MODE: While  in  play  mode  and  when  the  touch  sensitivity 
    function  is  active,  the  JOG  WHEEL  (13)  can  be  used  to  return  the  unit  to 
    last cue point. Simply touch the  JOG WHEEL (13) and unit will immediately 
    return  to  the  last  set  cue  point  and  playback  without  music  interruption. 
    Essentially the  JOG WHEEL (13) becomes a  BOP EFFEC
    : While in cue mode and when the touch sensitivity function 
    is active, tapping on the  JOG WHEEL (13) can be used to start playback. The 
    unit  will  continue  to  playback  until  the  JOG  WHEEL  (13)  is  released.  Once 
    the JOG WHEEL (13)  is released the unit will return to the last cue point.
    Figure 35
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 25
    1. PITCH SLIDER (7):
    This  function  will  increase  or  decrease  the  tracks  playback  speed  or  "PITCH." 
    The  maximum  pitch  percentage  manipulation  in  this  function  is  +/-100%.  The
    is  used  to  decrease  or  increase  the  playback  pitch.  If  the  slider 
    is  moved  up  (towards  the  top  of  the  unit)  the  pitch  will  decrease,  if  the  slider  is 
    moved  down  (towards  the  bottom  of  the  unit)  the  pitch  will  increase. The
    SLIDER  adjustment  can  be  changed  to  range  from  +/-4%,  +/-8%,  +/-16%,  or 
    +/-100%  (See  changing  "PITCH  SLIDER  PERCENTAGE  RANGE"  on  the  next 
    page). The pitch adjustments will effect normal playback and loops only when the
      is  turned  on. The  pitch  adjustments  will  not  affect 
    your samples.
    Figure 37
    Figure 39 Figure 38
    Using the Pitch Slider (7): Be sure the pitch function has been activated as 
    described  above. To  use  the
      PITCH  SLIDER  (7) slide  the  slider  up  and  down. 
    Down will increase the pitch and up will decrease the pitch. 
    Activating the Pitch Slider (3): To activate the  PITCH SLIDER (7)  you must 
    turn  on  the  pitch  adjustment  function.  Press  the
      ON/OFF  BUTTON  (3) located 
    at  the  top  right  of  the  unit. The  ON/OFF  BUTTON  (3) 
    LED  will  glow  when  the 
    function is activated. If the pitch function is not activated the
      PITCH SLIDER (7) 
    will not function.
    The different pitch adjustments allow a track's or a loop's playback speed to be manipulated. This speed manipu-
    lation is commonly used to beat match between two or more music sources such as a turntable or another CD 
    player. The  playback  speed  may  be  increased  or  decreased  by  a  factor  of  +/-100. The  next  section  details  the 
    different pitch manipulation schemes.
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 26
    Unlike the
     PITCH SLIDER (7) adjustment this function will  momentarily increase or decrease a tracks speed 
    during playback. There are two ways to operate this function, with the (-) & (+) PITCH BUTTONS (11)
      or with the 
    JOG WHEEL (13)
    .  The maximum pitch bend percentage allowed is +/- 100%. The pitch bend function will work 
    in  conjunction  with  the
      PITCH  SLIDER'S  (7) pitch  setting.  For  example,  if  the PITCH  SLIDER  (7) is  set  to  a  2% 
    pitch gain the pitch bending process will begin at 2% and wi
    ll continue to the maximum of +/- 100%.
    NOTE: A -100% pitch manipulation will stop playback entirely. 
    Holding  down  or  tapping  on  the (+) 
     (11)  will provide 
    a speed bump in the playback pitch. Holding  down  or  tapping  on  the
      (11)  will provide 
    a slow down in the playback pitch.
    The  (+)  PITCH  BEND  BUTTON (11)  will  increase  track  playback  speed  and  the (-)  PITCH  BEND  BUTTON  (11) 
    will  decrease  track  playback  speed. The  extent  to  which  the  speed  changes  is  proportionate  to  the  amount  of 
    time  the  button  is  pressed.  For  example,  if  the  (+)  PITCH  BEND  BUTTON  (11)
      is  held  down  continuously  as  in 
    figure 42, the disc speed will increase and will continue to increase until it reaches a maximum of 100% speed 
    gain. When you release the
      (+) PITCH BEND BUTTON (11) the disc speed will automatically return to it’s previ-
    ous set speed.
    Figure 40
    Adjusting  the  PITCH  SLIDER'S  RANGE  (7): You  may  change  the 
    PITCH  SLIDER'S  (7)  operating  range  at  any  time.  To  change  the  operat
    ing  range  be  sure  the  pitch  function  is  turned  on,  see  figure  38.  The  pitch 
    percentage range can be changed between +/-4%, +/-8%, +/-16%, and +/- 
    100%.  4%  will  allow  the  least  amount  of  pitch  manipulation  and  100%  will 
    allow the most amount of pitch manipulation. To adjust the different ranges, 
    press the
      PITCH ON/OFF BUTTON (3)  and tap on the PITCH RANGE BUT-
    TON (1)  until your desired value is reached, see figure 40. 
    Figure 42 Figure 41 
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 27
    Figure 43
    3. JOG WHEEL (13):
    The JOG WHEEL  will temporarily bend the pitch if a track is in playback mode 
    Rotating  the  wheel  in  a  clockwise  direction  will  increase  your  track  pitch  and 
    rotating  the  wheel  in  a  counter-clockwise  direction  will  decrease  your  track 
    pitch. The speed you rotate the
      JOG WHEEL will determine pitch bend percent-
    age (%). For example, if the
      JOG WHEEL is continuously turned in a counter-
    clockwise direction the playback speed will steadily decrease and will continue 
    to  decrease  until  playback  reaches  a  maximum  of  -100%  and  playback  stops 
    entirely. When you stop turning the
      JOG WHEEL the disc speed will automati-
    cally return to it’s previous set speed.
    NOTE:  To  use  the  JOG  WHEEL in  a  pitch  bend  function  when  the 
    SCRATCH EFFECT (19) is activated you must use the outer ring of the jog 
    wheel where the clear rubber insulator is attached.  
    The  CDI-500™  comes  with  nine  built  in  effects. These  effects  can  be  used  one  at  a  time  or  you  may 
    choose  to  overlap  the  effects  and  use  up  to  four  at  a  time. The  Built-in  effects  include  Scratch,  Skid, 
    Filter, Phase, Flanger, Echo, Robot, Pan, and Trans. It is important to understand that only one effect 
    per an effect bank can be turned on at one time, but all four effects banks can be used at a time. 
    EXAMPLE: the Flanger, Echo, and Robot are all stored in the same effects bank but only one can be 
    used at a time. You can choose to use the effects with their default parameters or you may choose to 
    customize each effect by changing the parameters.
      The parameter values for all the effects will range. 
    Some  effects  will  have  more  adjustable  parameters  than  others.  The  parameters  have  two  adjust
    able  values,  PR  (Parameter  Ratio)  and  PT  (Parameter Time).
      All  parameters  will  be  reset  to  there 
    default values when power is shut off!
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 28
    SCRATCH/SKID EFFECT:  The Scratch  Effect simulates real time turntable 
    scratching.  The Skid effect simulates the sudden platter stop of a turntable, 
    like  pressing  the  stop  button  on  a  turntable.  When  the  Scratch  Effect  is 
    activated the SCRATCH LED  will flash green. Once the Scratch Effect has 
    been  activated  the  JOG  WHEEL  (13)  may  be  used  in  the  same  fashion  a 
    turntable platter is used. Use the  JOG WHEEL (13) to simulate the scratch 
    motion  on  a  turntable  platter  and  to  manipulate  playback.  When  the  skid 
    effect is activated the SKID LED will flash blue. Both the Skid and Scratch 
    time parameters can be adjusted from 0010 to 9990. 9990 will give you the 
    longest Skid times.  The Skid value ranges from a 10ms to ten seconds. 
    Figure 45
    FX SELECT: The FX SELECT BUTTON (21) allows you to toggle back and 
    forth  between  the  two  effects  banks. When  the 
    FX  SELECT  BUTTON  (21) 
    LED  is  glowing  green  you  have  access  to  the  top  bank  of  effects  which 
    include;  scratch,  filter,  echo,  robot,  and  trans. When  the 
    TON (21)
     LED  is glowing blue you have access to the bottom bank of effects 
    which include; skid, phase, flanger, and pan. To toggle to the next bank of 
    effects press the 
    FX  SELECT BUTTON (21) more than once.
    Figure 44 
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 29
    Figure 47
    FLANGER/ECHO/ROBOT EFFECT: The Flanger effect distorts the output 
    signal  and  creates  an  effect  similar  to  the  frequency  phasing  in  and  out  of 
    each other. The Echo effect adds an echo to your output signal. The Robot 
    effect  distorts  the  output  to  simulate  a  sci-fi  robot  voice. When  the  Flanger 
    effect is selected the FLANGER LED will flash blue, when the Echo or Robot 
    effect is selected the ECHO LED (19)  will flash green. 
    ROBOT  EFFECT:  The  Robot  effect  distorts  the  output  to  simulate  a  sci-
    fi  robot  voice.  The  Robot  effect  is  activated  in  the  echo  parameters 
    "Parameters"  in  the  next  section).   To  activate  the  Robot  effect  select  the 
    echo  effect.  After  the  Echo  effect  is  activated  turn  the  HOLD  (19)  function 
    on. Use the PARAMETER TIME KNOB (29) and set the (PT) value to 0010. 
    After  "PT"  value  has  been  set,  use  the  PARAMETER  RATIO  KNOB  (25)  to 
    create the effect by turning it back and forth.
    FLANGER  EFFECT:  The  Flanger  effect  distorts  the  output  signal  and  cre
    ates  an  effect  similar  to  frequencies  phasing  in  and  out  of  each  other. 
    FLANGER  Effect has two adjustable parameters, Parameter Time (PT) and 
    Parameter  Ratio  (PR).  The  PT  will  adjust  the  Flanger  Mode  and  The  PR 
    will adjust the Flanger Frequency Range (see "Parameters" in the next sec
    ECHO  EFFECT:  The  Echo  effect  adds  an  echo  to  your  output  signal. 
    Echo effect  has  two  adjustable  parameters,  Parameter  Time  (PT)  and 
    Parameter  Ratio  (PR). The  PR  will  adjust  the  length  of  the  Echo  (drop  off 
    time), and the PT will adjust the echo gap length  (see "Parameters" in the 
    next section).
      off time), and the PT will adjust the Echo gap length.
    FILTER/PHASE EFFECT: The Filter and Phase effects  tweak the original 
    sound to add different tonal definition. When the Filter Effect is activated 
    the  FILTER  LED  will  flash  green,  when  the  Phase  Effect  is  selected  the 
    PHASE LED will flash blue. 
    Figure 46 
    ©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   CDI-500™ Instruction Manual Page 30
    Figure 48Figure 50
    HOLD  BUTTON:  Use  the HOLD  BUTTON  (19)  to  lock  your  customized 
    parameters. If the hold button is not activated any changes to your param
    eters  will  be  momentary.  To  activate  the  hold  function  press  the 
    BUTTON (19)  as in figure 50. When the hold function becomes activated, 
    the hold button will begin to glow red.
    All the effects have adjustable parameters. The parameters change the way 
    the  effects  will  react. To  enter  the  parameter  menus  for  any  of  the  effects, 
    press or turn either of the two  PARAMETER KNOBS (25 OR 29). When the 
    parameter mode is selected the time display in the LCD (30)  will change to 
    indicate the parameter your are adjusting. All effects except the pan effect 
    have two adjustable parameters.  PARAMETER TIME (29) and PARAMETER 
    RATIO (25). Use these knobs to customize the effects to your liking. 
    Figure 49
    TRANS/PAN  EFFECT:  The Trans  effect  simulates  a  real-time  mixer  trans-
    former  effect. When  the  "Transformer"  effect  is  activated  the TRANS  LED 
    will  flash  green,  when  the  "Pan"  effect  is  selected  the  PAN  LED  will  flash 
    blue. The  Pan  effect  allows  you  to  pan  the  output  from  the  left  channel  to 
    the right channel. 
    TRANS  EFFECT:  The  Trans  effect  has  two  adjustable  parameters, 
    Parameter Time  and  Parameter  Ratio. The  PT  will  adjust  the Trans  Speed 
    and The PR will adjust the Trans Audio Length. The lower the PT value the 
    faster the Trans effect (PT 0500 = 1/2 second, PT 1000 = 1 second).
    PAN  EFFECT:  The  Pan  effect  uses  the  PT  value  to  pan  left  to  Right.  PT 
    0500 is the default setting which is center pan.  The Pan Value ranges from 
    10ms to ten seconds. 
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