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Amcrest IP2M-841 ProHD User Manual

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Page 111

111 Abnormality 
This menu has 3 tabs: SD Card, Network, and Illegal Access SD Card 
This tab allows the user to set the camera’s response to an SD card related abnormality. Below is a screenshot of 
the SD card tab screen:  
Below is an explanation of the fields on the SD Card settings tab: 
● Event Type: This dropdown box allows the user to select which SD card abnormality to set event triggers for. 
The 3 options are No SD Card, SD Card Error, and Capacity Warning. 
● Enable:...

Page 112

112 Network 
This tab allows the user to set the camera’s response to a Network related abnormality. Below is a screenshot of 
the Network tab screen:  
Below is an explanation of the fields on the Network settings tab: 
● Event Type: This dropdown box allows the user to select which Network abnormality to set event triggers for. 
The 2 options are Disconnection and IP Conflict. 
● Enable: This checkbox enables the Network abnormality trigger for the camera. 
● Record: This checkbox...

Page 113

113 Illegal Access 
This tab allows the user to set the camera’s response to an Illegal Access related abnormality. Below is a 
screenshot of the Illegal Access tab screen:  
Below is an explanation of the fields on the Illegal Access settings tab: 
● Enable: This checkbox enables the Illegal Access abnormality trigger for the camera. 
● Login Failure: This field allows the user to specify how many failed login attempts must be attempted in order 
to trigger an Illegal Access abnormality...

Page 114

5.4.4 Storage 
This menu section allows the user to change storage settings for the camera. Schedule 
The schedule menu manages the recording schedule for the camera. This menu has 3 tabs: Record Schedule, 
Snapshot Schedule, and Holiday Schedule. Record Schedule 
This tab is where video recording settings are configured. Below is a screenshot of the Record Schedule settings 
Below is an explanation of the fields on the Record Schedule settings tab: 
● Record...

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o Alarm: Alarm recording means that the camera captures only footage when an alarm is activated. 
Alarm recording is represented by the color red. 
● Video Recording Schedule: To specify a video recording range, first select the type of recording desired, then 
click and drag on time bar for the desired date. To edit multiple days at once, drag the cursor further up or 
down to cover the other days. 
o Setup: Clicking this button opens a screen that allows for recording periods to be set for each...

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● Snapshot Recording Schedule: To specify a snapshot range, first select the type of snapshot desired, then click 
and drag on time bar for the desired date. To edit multiple days at once, drag the cursor further up or down to 
cover the other days. 
o Setup: Clicking this button opens a screen that allows for snapshot periods to be set for each day and 
for each snapshot type. There are a total of 6 periods that can be set. 
To reset to default settings, click the Reset Defaults button. To...

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o Snapshot: This checkbox is referring to snapshot recording. 
● Calendar: This calendar allows the user to select days to designate as holidays. Once a day is designated, it can 
be customized to stop recording or snapshots for that day by using the Record and Snapshot checkboxes. 
To refresh the page, click the Refresh button. To save the settings, click the Save button. 

Page 118

118 Destination 
This menu controls where recorded media is stored. There are 4 tabs in this menu: Path, SD Card, FTP, and NAS. Path 
This tab is where the user can designate a path for recorded video and snapshots to reside in. Below is a 
screenshot of the Path tab:  
Below is an explanation of the fields on the Path settings tab: 
● Event Type: This column designates storage options available to the camera. The options are SD Card, FTP, 
and NAS. 
● Record Type: These...

Page 119

Below is an explanation of the fields on the SD Card settings tab: 
● Device Name: This column designates the name of the SD card that is currently in the camera. 
● Status: This column designates the status of the SD card. 
● Attribute: This column designates the read/write attributes for the SD card. By default this is Read & Write. 
● Used Capacity/Total Capacity: This column shows the available memory on the SC card. 
● Read Only: This button allows the user to designate an SD card as read...

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120 NAS 
This tab is where the user can change NAS settings. Below is a screenshot of the NAS tab: 
Below is an explanation of the fields on the NAS settings tab: 
● Enable: This checkbox allows the user to enable NAS uploading for the camera’s recorded media. 
● Server Address: This field allows the user to designate a DDNS address for the NAS server/device. 
● Remote Directory: This field allows the user to specify a remote directory on the NAS to send the recorded 
media to. 
To reset...
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