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Amanda Work Group 7xx Installation Manual

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Page 291

Chapter 14: Configuration Reference 181
sec_code_displayControls whether security codes are visible from the User screen on Amanda stan-
dalone and from Amanda Administrator.
True or False. The default is False.
When True, the security codes are visible.
When False, they are replaced by asterisks.
The default appears in install.cfg as:
set sec_code_display false 
security_min_lengthThe minimum length of a user’s security code (when changed by a user over the 
telephone or when using Amanda Messenger)....

Page 292

182 Installing [email protected]/DOS
shutdownThe day and time that Amanda performs her weekly automatic shutdown for disk 
maintenance and/or tape backup. 
A day of the week followed by a space and a time of day. The default is 2 130 
(Tuesday, at 1:30 a.m.).
For the day of the week, 0 means Sunday, 1 is Monday, ..., 6 is Saturday, and -1 is 
The time is in the 24-hour format. For example, 9:30 p.m. is 2130 without the colon 
The default appears in install.cfg as:
set shutdown 2 130...

Page 293

Chapter 14: Configuration Reference 183
tmo_dir_transferControls whether the caller hears the 411 directory information prompt with 
the instructions about how to be transferred to an extension. If the value is 
0, the prompt is not played. If you use a number greater than 0, Amanda 
waits that number of seconds for a response from the caller. The default is 2.
The prompt after each match is: “To be transferred to this extension, press 
*. Otherwise, press # to continue.”
If you are selecting a recipient...

Page 294

184 Installing [email protected]/DOS
tmo_idleNumber of seconds of inactivity after which Amanda decides that the port is idle. 
The default is 0. The range is 0-999. 
When greater than 0, Amanda goes off-hook and back on-hook after deciding that 
the port is idle. This is necessary when a telephone system does not release a station 
that is connected to Amanda even after Amanda has gone on-hook (a rare occur-
When 0, Amanda does not go off-hook and back on-hook if a port is idle. 
The default...

Page 295

Chapter 14: Configuration Reference 185
tmo_silenceThe maximum seconds of silence before Amanda decides that the caller or user is 
finished recording a message or greeting. 
The post record menu plays if the record_menu option is True. The caller can press 
3 to append the message if he was just pausing too long. 
If the number is 0, Amanda does not use silence to determine completion.
Number of seconds from 0 to 255. The default is 5.
The default appears in install.cfg as:
set tmo_silence 5...

Page 296

186 Installing [email protected]/DOS
use_tutorialControls whether Amanda uses the tutorial for setting up mailboxes when 
users use the telephone user interface for the first time.
True or False. The default is True.
When True, Amanda suggests that the user use the tutorial to set up his or 
her mailbox. Amanda continues to make this suggestion until the mailbox 
has been set up.
When False, Amanda does not suggest that the user use the tutorial. 
Regardless of the setting, Amanda retains information...

Page 297

Chapter 14: Configuration Reference 187
Fax Options
Configuration OptionDescription
connectThe string to send (after AT) to the fax modem to make it connect to a ringing tele-
phone, play the CNG tone, and send the fax. Use a maximum of 20 characters. This 
option defaults to H1O0 which some Zoom modems require.
The value of H1O0 contains four distinct characters:  alphabetic H, numer-
ic one, alphabetic O, and numeric zero.
The default appears in install.cfg as:
set fax_direct_connect...

Page 298

188 Installing [email protected]/DOS
fax_id_padControls whether 1111 is added to the front of the fax_id. Many older fax modems 
need some extra characters as padding. Otherwise, part of the identifying string is 
cut off.
True or False. The default is True, but if 1111 appears on the receiving fax machine, 
change this option to False (so no padding characters are added).
The default appears in install.cfg as:
set fax_id_pad true
fax_initString sent to initialize a fax modem (give it a known starting...

Page 299

Chapter 14: Configuration Reference 189
fax_receive_reverseTrue or False. Depends solely on the fax modem you are using. For most Rockwell-
chipset-based Class 2 modems, this parameter should be True. For most other mo-
dems (including Class 2.0), it should be False.
If set incorrectly, received faxes cannot be retransmitted or viewed at all. Setting it 
to True reverses the bits within each received byte, correcting for an oddity in the 
Rockwell firmware.
The default appears in install.cfg as:

Page 300

190 Installing [email protected]/DOS
fax_send_speedThe maximum speed that Amanda uses to send faxes. 
The value can be 0, 1, 3. Use 0 for 2400, 1 for 4800, and 3 for 9600 bps. Nor-
mally a value of 3 works for 486 CPUs at 25MHz or higher (and is the default), but 
it depends on your computer.
If you experience data loss on your faxes, lower this setting.
The default appears in install.cfg as:
set fax_send_speed 3
fax_start_charControls whether the system waits for the start character or not.
True or...
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