Aiphone RYIP44 Instructions User Manual
Here you can view all the pages of manual Aiphone RYIP44 Instructions User Manual. The Aiphone manuals for Telephone are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.
Page 12
12 | RY-IP44 Programming Manual • Open the IX Support Tool and log in to the system being programmed. Expand the 1 Station Information tree and click on 2 ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ. 2QWKHQH[WDYDLODEOHOLQH assign a Number*, Name*, and select Master Station as the Ty p e for the mobile app. WREHDGGHGWRWKHV\VWHP • Expand the 4 Network Settings tree and click on 5 IP Address. 7KH,3$GGUHVVRIWKHDGGHGGHYLFHVZLOOEHEODQN(QWHUDQ6 IP Address* and Subnet Mask 12 456 Click the...
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14 | RY-IP44 Programming Manual RZQORDG,;0RELOHIURPWKHApp StoreSM Connect to the WiFi network associated with the IX Series system installation. Once connected, tap on the connected network. Tap Static and enter the ,3$GGUHVV that was assigned when FRQ
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15 RZQORDG,;0RELOHXVLQJGoogle PlayTM Connect to the WiFi network associated with the IX Series system installation. Once connected, tap and hold on the connected network. A pop-up will appear. Tap 0RGLI\QHWZRUNFRQ¿J. Check the box beside Show advanced options. 8QGHU IP settings, select Static and enter the ,3$GGUHVV that Tool. Once entered, tap Save. the ixapp_settingsIROGHU3DVWHWUDQVIHUWKHFRQ
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RY-IP44 Wiring 16 | RY-IP44 Programming Manual Aiphone Corporation RY-IP44 Dimensions ´ ´ Mounting: The RY-IP44 adaptor mounts to an Aiphone :,1PRXQWLQJUDLOVROGVHSDUDWHO\ HSWK ´ Door release: External signaling: Inputs: Connect a normally open (N/O) contact across any input and ground. Power: 8VHD9&P$#9&SRZHUVXSSO\WR power the RY-IP44 adaptor. 8VHWKH$LSKRQH 368/SRZHUVXSSO\VROGVHSDUDWHO\ R1 NO...