Aimco Brakes AcraDyne Torque Cart Manual
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- 19 - Too lsTrac Inventory / Informat ion Manage ment (c ont. )Assets: ToolsTrac was desi gned to ke ep track of a varie ty of inven tory. There are 4 device types that ToolsTr ac specifically handle s: Tools, Torque Carts, Transducers, and Joint Simulators . On the Main screen there are two sh ortcut bu ttons for Ass ets: T he De vice Inven tory button pulls up the i nventory screen for a ll devices . The Tool Inventory button pulls up the inventory screen f or only too ls. You may a lso select In vento ry from the top p ull-do wn me nu, select Dev ice, an d sele ct All, or select the specific category you wish to mana ge . Ch oos ing the Export Invento ry Detail button wi ll allow you to export yo ur device i nventory to a co mma sep arated (CSV), tab separated (TSV), or XML spreadsheet which can be opene d in M icro so ft Excel . Adding a Tool (Must be done from Tool or Al l Menus): a)Click the Add button on the bottom of the window. b)Select the Manufacturer and Model Number from the drop down menus. If the Manufacturer/Model is not listed, see Adding a New Model section. c)Click the Device Info ta b d)Enter the information listed. Only an Asset Number is required, however it is recommended you fill out as much information as possible . e)(The window will stay open in-case you need to change the information j ust entered. You may press update to save any chang es) f) Then Click the Back button.

- 20 - Note: Any enabled Custom Fields will appear below the Notes field. Too lsTrac Inventory / Informat ion M anageme nt (c ont. ) Editing a Tool: a)Select the tool you wish to change. b)Click the Edi t button on the bottom of the window. c)Make the desired changes. Note: The Summary page cannot be modified. d)Click the Update button to save any chang es. e)Then Click the Back button. Tip : You may also choose to only view this by clicking the View button from the main Device Menus. This will protect your asset information from being changed acciden tly . Note: Users who have a security le vel of View will only have access to the View button. Tool Operations: ToolsTrac supports tool operations . You can associate any number of tools to an operation for which they will perform . An asset may be applied to multiple operations simultaneously. 1. Click on Co nfigure from the top pull-down menu. 2. Click on Operation in the pull-down menu.

- 21 - Too lsTrac Inventory / Informat ion M anageme nt (c ont. )Adding a New Operation: a) Click the A dd button on the bottom of the window. b)Enter the Operation Information. The Operation Name, Control Specification, Joint Type, Tool Type, Tool Design, Torque Unit and Frequency filter fields are all required. c) Click Ad d to save the Operation. d)(The window will stay open in-case you need to change the information j ust entered. You may press upda te to save any chang es. Note: The Torque High must be greater than Torq ue Low. The Torque Target must be in-bet ween Low a nd High . Note: If the operation does not specify an angle high /low or a pulse cou nt high/low, j ust leave these va lues at 0. This is important in-ord er to provide correct statistical v alues . Note: T he Torque High/Low a nd Target values are used for statistic al anal ysis and Torq ue Ve rification, so it is important to pro vide cor rect values . This is also true of Angle High/Low a nd Pulse H igh/Low if they are to be used for statistical a nalys is . Note: Any c ustom fields will display below t he Load Unit field.

- 22 - Too lsTrac Inventory / Informat ion M anageme nt (c ont. )Associating Tools to an Operation: a) Choose the operation you wish to associate a tool with. b)Click Edit button from the bottom of the window. c) Click Associate Tools fro m the bottom of the window. d)Select the tool, from the “Tool List” at the bottom, which you wish to associa te with the operation. e) Click Add Tool at the bottom of the window to add it to the tools associated with the operation. f) Then Click the Back button when you are done. Tip : You may also choose to only view this by clicking the View button from the main Operation Menu. This will protect your operation information from being changed accidently . No te: Users who have a security le vel of View will only have access to the View button.

- 23 - Too lsTrac Inventory / Informat ion Manage ment (c ont. )Associating Operations to A pp lication s: ToolsTrac also supports Applications. This allows operations to be organized further into applicati ons. Th is might be used to separate different manufacturing models, manufacturing pl ants, etc. 1. Click on Co nfigure from the top pull-down menu. 2. Click on Application in the pull-down menu. Adding a New Application: a) Click the A dd button on the bottom of the window. b)Enter the Application Information. The Application Name is the only required field. c) ToolsTrac will then prompt if you want to Associate Opera tions now . If you wish to do so th en click the Yes button, and follow directions for Associating Operations to an Application fro m st ep d . Associating Operations to an Application: a) Select the Application you wish to associate operations to. b)Click the Edi t button at the bottom. c) Click the Associate Opera tions button in the new window. d)Select the operation from the Operations List at the bottom of the screen th at you’ d like to associa te. e) Click the A dd button at the bottom to add the Operation to the Appl ication. f) Click the Back button when you are done.

Rev. 07/2011 - 24 - ToolsTrac Inventory / Information Management (cont.) Setting up and Configuring Transducers Note: • This must be done before automatic (or manual data entry) verification will work. • Also, the appropriate Transducer model must be in the system under models. 1. Click on Inventory from the top pull-down menu. 2. Click on Device in the pull-down menu. 3. Click on Transducers in the Device pull-down menu. 4. Click on the Add button at the bottom. 5. Select the Manufacturer and Model of transducer from the drop-down menus. 6. Select the Device Info Tab. 7. Make sure to enter an Asset Number. 8. Make sure the Device Torque Low and Device Torque Hi are entered according to the transducer manufacturer’s specification in order to get proper readings from the transducer. 9. Make sure to enter a Factory Cal Value. If you do not know what it is, then choose 1.0 for now, and see the section on calibrating a transducer. 10. Click the Add button. 11. Then Click the Back button when you are done.

- 25 - Too lsTrac Inventory / Informat ion Manage ment (c ont. )Setting up and Configur ing a Tor que Cart Not e: •This must be done before automatic or manual verification will work. •Also, transducer(s) must be added to the inventory. 1.Click on Inventory from the top pull-down menu. 2.Click on Device in the pull-down menu. 3. Click on Torque Cart in th e Device pull-down menu. Adding a Torq ue Ca rt: a) Click the A dd button at the bottom. b)Enter the Asset Number and Na me. c) In order for automatic verification to work, you must choose at least 1 transducer for one of the ports on the torque cart. d)Click the Add button to add the Torque Cart to your inventor y. Note : Clicking the X button will clear the associated transducer port of [it’s] selection.

- 26 - Too lsTrac Inventory / Informat ion M anageme nt (c ont. )Configuring a Torque Cart: Note: The torque cart USB cable must be plugged into the computer. a) Select the Torque Cart you wish to configure. b)Click the E dit button at the bottom. c) Click the Configure Hard ware button. You will see each of the green status lights li ght up on the Torque Cart. Note: Once this screen pops-up, you may click back if you wish to use the default configuration settings . Your torque cart will now be “Conf igured”. d)Select each Transducer being configured e) Click the Calibrate Transducer button. f) Enter the Actual TQ / Verification TQ for the Transducer . If you do not know it, then enter 1.0 and refer to the Transducer Calibration se cti on g) Click the Save button. h)Repeat steps d through g until all transducers are configured.

- 27 - i) Options and Read/Write EEPro ms Tabs.a. There are options here that you may change. If you do not know how to us e them, then it’s best not to change anything here.j) Click the Back button when you are do ne. Tool a nd Ope ration Verific ation: Tool Verification No te: •A torque cart and transducer(s) must be added and configured before automatic verifi cation can be used. •Make sure the Transducer is hooked up to the Torque Cart in the appropr iate port. 1. Click on Verification from the top pull-down menu. 2. Click on Torque Verification in the pull-down menu. 3. Select the tool from the list that you wish to run verification on. 4. Click the Verify button or double click the tool. 5. The Torque Verification Settings Window wi ll pop up. Select the Transducer port for the appropriate transduc er.

- 28 - No te: For step 3, only the Torque High & Target are requir ed. Additional Targets may be selected. Note: The Torque +/- % selector will auto-populate the High/Low Torque Targets based of f the Target Torque value select ed . 6. Click the Confirm button. 7. The Torque Verification Readings Screen will pop up, and you’re ready to take readin gs. 8. The Left Torque Readings Chart will display the samples’ torque re ading. The chart to the right displays the torque statistics for the sa mple. If an external transducer is used, another tab beside the Master Readin gs tab will display the External Transducer Readin gs an d Stati stics . 9. The Left Angle Readings Chart will display the samples’ angle re ading. The chart to the right displays the angle statistics for the sample. 10. The Left Pulse Readings Chart will display the samples’ pulse count re ading. The chart to the right displays pulse statistics for the sample . 11. The large chart will display the torque vs. sample number. No te: If you left click on the Torque/Angle/Pulse readings in one of the cells, a popup will ask if you wish to delete the latest rundown . No te: The Change Sample Size button and the ability to delete rundowns will be disab led upon saving the verific ation r un. No te: The Get Curve button will be available for all automatic verifi cations . If there are no rundowns fo r the verification, you will not be able to retrieve the last curve data. No te: If you wish to save multiple verifications for the same tool without re-opening the window, after saving you may use the Reset Acquisition button to start a new verification with the same Torque High/Low and Target specifi cati ons .