Aimco Brakes AcraDyne Torque Cart Manual
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- 9 -ToolsTrac Insta llat ion: Step 1: Installing AIMCO ToolsTrac Software Note: Make sure the USB CAN-dong le is not co nnected to the computer during ins tallation. You may plug i t back in after installa tion of Too lsTrac is comp lete. 1. Insert the media MemoryStick/ CD labeled “ToolsTrac” ( Media is Provided) 2.Double click the file “ ToolsTrac.msi” 3. Depending on the status of the PC, you may need to cl ick “Accept” on one or mor e “License Agreement” windows to install ToolsTrac dependenci es. 4. Follow the installation wizard by clicking “Next” in all subsequent windows. 5.Click the “Finish” button to complete installa tion. NOTE: When re-installing ToolsTrac or installing another version you must go to St art Co ntr ol Panel Add / Remove Prog rams Select ToolsTrac and perform an uninstall before inst allation of new version. Local Database Installation: If there is a SQL Server 2005 Instance and it is already installed in the Sytem Please go to next step. Step 2: Installing S QL Se rve r 20 08 Express 1. Download SQL Express 2008 from: And save it to your hard disk. Note: for Windows XP, Double click the fil e “SQLEXPRWT_x86_ENU.exe” 2. Select “New Installation” 3. Check the “I accept the License ter ms” 4. Click “Next” Button 5. Setup will run. 6.In the Feature Selection window click “Next” 7. In the Instance Configuration window click “Next” 8.In the Server Configuration window select “N T AUTHORITY\NETWORK Se rvice” and click “Next” 9. In the Database Window under Configuration a. For Authentication Mode, Select “Mixed Mode” b.Enter “sql_admin” for Password, without quotes, and Confirm Password. 10.Follow the wizard by clicking “Next” in all other w indows. 11. Wait for the installation to complete 12.You will receive a message stating “SQL Server R2 installation Completed successfully”.

- 10 - Too lsTrac Insta llation (cont.)Step 3: Creat ing Too lsTrac databa se and databa se us er 1. Open start->Programs->SQL Server 2008 R2->SQL Server Management Studio. 2. Make sure “Windows Authentication” is selected for au thentication. 3.Click “Conn ect ” 4. File->Open->File- > “C:\Program Files\Aimco\ToolsTrac\Database Scripts\ ToolsTrac_seed_data_en_MX” for Spanish database and “C: \Program Files\Aimco\ToolsTrac\Database Scripts\ToolsT rac_seed_data_en_US” for English database. 5. Press “! Execute” or “Query ->Execute” in the menu. ToolsTrac is now ready to be used. J ust double click the Icon “ToolsTrac” on the desktop and use it. Note: If you have Changed the SQL Server Instance Name in Step 2.7 then you need to follow the steps below. 1. Locate the ToolsTrac.exe.config fil e. It is in the ToolsTrac Intall Directory ( C:\Program Files \Aimco \T oolsTrac ) 2. Right click on the file, select open with and selec t Wo rdP ad. If neither shows up under the menu, select the “Choose program…” option and selec t WordPad . Or if you prefer, you may use your own choice of editor, one that is meant for HTML/XML is recommended if possibl e 3. You will see a section Labeled 4. You will see a section under connectionStrings that looks similar to thi s example : Replace “ Data Sourc e= ./SQLEXPRESS” with “ Data Sourc e= ./Instance Name” Instance Name is the Instance name you entered in step 2.7. 5. Save and close the file. Centralized Database Installation For the Server: 1. Installation of SQL Server Express is not recommended. It is recommended to install the full version of SQL Server on the server machine in-order to make maximum use of your setup . 2. ToolsTrac requires Microsoft SQL Server Professional or Enterprise, unless it is a local

- 11 - installation only, which allows for Microsoft SQL Server Exp ress. For the Client: 1. Navigate the Start Menu to My Computer 2. Go to C:\Program Files\ Aimco \ToolsTrac 3. Locate the ToolsTrac.exe.config fil e. 4. Right click on the file, select open with and select WordPad. If neither shows up under the menu, select the “Choose program…” option and selec t WordPad . Or if you prefer, you may use your own choice of editor, one that is meant for HTML/XML is recommended if possibl e 5. You will see a section Labeled 6. You will see a section under connectionStrings that looks similar to thi s example : 7.Change SERVERNAME to your central server’ s name or IP address. If the server has a named instance, change INSTANCE to the servers instance name, otherwise leave out the \INST ANCE part. 8. Change T OOLSTRAC in “Initial Catalog=TOOLSTRAC” to the name o f the database in t he SQL server. 9. Change USERNAME to the login username of the SQL server, and PASSWORD to the login password. 10.Examples are listed belo w:

- 12 - Too lsTrac Insta llation (cont.)If … •The server’s name on the network is “TTS erv” •Ru nning a default i nstallation of SQL Serve r Pr o •The userna me is “to olstrac” and the password is “serv er” • The database is loaded and was not renamed from T OOLSTR AC T he configuration line should l ook similar to this: If … •The server’s name on the network is “TTS erv” •The SQL i nstance na me is “ S HOP1 ” •The userna me is “to olstrac” and the password is “serv er” • The database is loaded and was rena me d to NORTHTRAC T he configuration line should l ook similar to this:

- 13 - ToolsTrac Op erating P roce dures: Log ging In 1. Obtain your login password from your administrator. 2. Open ToolsTrac by double clicking the icon on the desktop. 3. Type your username in the User Name field. 4. Type your password in the Password field . 5. Press the Ok button or pre ss En ter on your keyboard. Note: If you have not registered ToolsTrac, just click Ok to login. Note: If your trial period has expired, or if you wish to register ToolsTrac cl ick the Regis ter button, call AIMCO Customer Service and provide the code given in the ToolsTrac Registration window . When you are provided with the Serial from customer service, type it in the boxes under Serial . This Serial number will only work on the system for which the code has be en given.Se curity Leve ls There are four different security levels for ToolsTrac a. View - May only view records and print reports ; May not run torque verification b. Advanced User - May only view records and print reports ; Ma y run torque verification c. Power User - May add, edit, and delete records and print repo rts. ; May run torque verification d. Administrator - An Administrator has full permission to perform any action a llowed

- 14 - in ToolsTrac ; Change users/accounts ; Advanced settings: change alerts, configure lookups To ols Trac Operati ng Procedures (cont .) Chan ging Passwor ds To change current user’s password: 1. After logging in 2. Click on System Administration from the top pull-down menu. 3. Click on Change Password in the pull-down menu. 4. Type the current password in the Old Password fi eld . 5. Type your new password in the New Password field. 6. Confirm your new password by typing your new password a gain in the Confirm Password field. 7. Click Save to finish changing your new password. To chan ge a User ’s Pas sword (must be Administrator): 1. Click on System Administration from the top pull-down menu. 2. Click on Users in the pull -down menu. 3.Select the user from the table which you’d like to change the password for. 4. Click the Edi t button on the bottom of the window. 5. Type the new password in the New Password fi eld . 6. Confirm the new password by typing the new password again in the Confirm Password field.

- 15 -7. Click Update to change the passwo rd. To ols Trac Operati ng Procedures (cont .) Addi ng / E diting User A ccounts New User: 1. Click on System Administration from the top pull-down menu. 2. Click on Users in the pull -down menu. 3. Click the Add button. 4. Make sure to enter a Username, Password, Confirm the password, Fir st Name and Last Name . All other fields are optional. 5. Click A dd button to finish adding the new user. Editing a User Account: 1 .Click on System Administration from the top pull-down menu. 2.Click on Users in the pull-down menu. 3.Select the user from the table which you’d like to change. 4.Click t he Ed it button on the bottom of the window. 5.Change the information that you wish to upda te. 6.Click Update to save changes.

- 16 - Too lsTrac Inve ntory / Informati on Management: A dd ing / E diting / Remo ving Inventory and In formati on Manufacturers: 1.Click on Co nfigure from the main screen’s top pull -down menu. 2. Click on Manufactur er in the pull-down menu. Adding a Manufacturer: a)Click the Add button on the bottom of the window. b)Enter the manufacturer’s information. (Note: Only the manufacturer’s na me is required) c)Click Add to save the manufacturer. d)(The window will stay open in-case you need to change the information j ust entered. You may press update to save any chang es) Editing a Manufacturer: a)Select the Manufacturer from the list that you wish to change. b)Click the Edi t button on the bottom of the window. c)Change the information that you wish to update. d)Click Update to save chang es. Deleting a Manufacturer: a)Select the Manufacturer from the list that you wish to delete. b)Click the Delete button on the bottom of the window. c)A popup will appear, verifying that you wish to delete the record.

- 17 -d)If you are sure you wish to delete the record, click the Yes button. Too lsTrac Inventory / Informat ion M anageme nt (c ont. ) Viewing and Editing Contacts: e)Select the Manufacturer from the list that you wish to view contacts for. f) Click the View Contacts button on the bottom of the window. g) A new window will appear listing the contacts for that manufacturer. h)You may Add, Edit and Delete Contacts just as you would manufacturers. Suppliers: Procedures are the same as that of Manufa ctu rer s. Just Selec t Sup plier from the Configure me nu on the main screen inste ad. Tip : You may also choose to only view detailed information by clicking the View buttons for any of these menus. This will protect your asset information from being changed accidently. No te: Users who have a security le vel of View will only have access to the View button s. Device Models: 1. Click on Co nfigure from the top pull-down menu. 2. Click on Model in the pull-down menu.

- 18 - Too lsTrac Inventory / Informat ion M anageme nt (c ont. )Adding a New Model: a)Click the Add button on the bottom of the window. b)Enter the model information. The Manufacturer Name, Model Number, Device Category, Device Type, Device Design, Pulse/Continuous, Torque Unit, Torque High, Torque Low, and Frequency Filter are all required fields. Note: Torque high and low reflects usable range of the tool not test specification limi ts . c)Click Add to save the model. d)(The window will stay open in-case you need to change the information j ust entered. You may press update to save any chang es) Editing a Model: a)Select the Manufacturer from the drop down list. b)Select the Model you wish to change. c)Click the Edi t button on the bottom of the window. d)Change the information that you wish to update. e)Click Update to save chang es. Deleting a Model: a)Select the Manufacturer from the drop down list. b)Select the Model you wish to delet e. c)Click the Delete button on the bottom of the window. d)A popup will appear, verifying that you wish to delete the record. e)If you are sure you wish to delete the record, click the Yes button. Tip : You may also choose to only view this by clicking the View button from the main Model Menu. This will protect your device information from being changed accidently. No te : Users who have a security le vel of View will only have access to the View button.