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AEG S 73600 Csw0 User Manual

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    							ProblemPossible causeSolution
    The compressor operates
    continually.The Temperature regulator may
    be set incorrectly.Set a warmer temperature.
     The door is not closed correctly.Refer to Closing the door.
     The door has been opened too
    frequently.Do not keep the door open longer
    than necessary.
     The product temperature is too
    high.Let the product temperature de-
    crease to room temperature be-
    fore storage.
     The room temperature is too
    high.Decrease the room temperature.
     The FROSTMATIC function is
    switched on.Refer to FROSTMATIC function.
     The COOLMATIC function is
    switched on.Refer to COOLMATIC function.
    Water flows on the rear
    plate of the refrigerator.During the automatic defrosting
    process, frost defrosts on the
    rear plate.This is correct.
    Water flows into the re-
    frigerator.The water outlet is clogged.Clean the water outlet.
     Products prevent that water
    flows into the water collector.Make sure that products do not
    touch the rear plate.
    Water flows on the
    ground.The melting water outlet does
    not flow in the evaporative tray
    above the compressor.Attach the melting water outlet
    to the evaporative tray.
    There is too much frost
    and ice.Products are not wrapped prop-
    erly.Wrap the products better.
     The door is not closed correctly.Refer to Closing the door.
     The temperature in the refriger-
    ator is too low.Set a higher temperature.
    The temperature in the
    appliance is too high.The door is not closed correctly.Refer to Closing the door.
     The product temperature is too
    high.Let the product temperature de-
    crease to room temperature be-
    fore storage.
     Many products are stored at the
    same time.Store less products at the same
    The temperature in the re-
    frigeration is too high.There is no cold air circulation in
    the appliance.Make sure that there is cold air
    circulation in the appliance.
    The temperature in the
    freezer is too high.Products are too near to each
    other.Store products so that there is
    cold air circulation.
    What to do if…41
    							ProblemPossible causeSolution
    The appliance does not
    operate.The appliance is switched off.Switch on the appliance.
     The mains plug is not connected
    to the mains socket correctly.Connect the mains plug to the
    mains socket correctly.
     The appliance has no power.
    There is no voltage in the mains
    socket.Connect a different electrical ap-
    pliance to the mains socket. Con-
    tact a qualified electrician.
    The lamp does not work.The lamp is in stand-by.Close and open the door.
    dEMo appears on the
    display.The appliance is in demonstra-
    tion mode.Keep pressed approximately 10
    sec the OK button since a long
    sound of buzzer is heard and the
    display shut off for a short while:
    appliance start works regularly.
    As much as the advice does not lead to result, call the nearest brand-mark service.
    Closing the door
    1. Clean the door gaskets.
    2. If necessary, adjust the door. Refer to Installation.
    3. If necessary, replace the defective door gaskets. Contact the Service Center.
     Height1850 mm2010 mm
     Width595 mm595 mm
     Depth658 mm658 mm
    Rising Time 20 h20 h
    Voltage 230 - 240 V230 - 240 V
    Frequency 50 Hz50 Hz
    The technical information are situated in the rating plate on the internal left side of the
    appliance and in the energy label.
    Read the Safety Information carefully for your safety and correct operation of the appli-
    ance before installing the appliance.
    42Technical data
    Install this appliance at a location where the ambient temperature corresponds to the cli-
    mate class indicated on the rating plate of the appliance:
    Climate classAmbient temperature
    SN+10°C to + 32°C
    N+16°C to + 32°C
    ST+16°C to + 38°C
    T+16°C to + 43°C
    The appliance should be installed well away from
    sources of heat such as radiators, boilers, direct
    sunlight etc. Ensure that air can circulate freely
    around the back of the cabinet. To ensure best
    performance, if the appliance is positioned below
    an overhanging wall unit, the minimum distance
    between the top of the cabinet and the wall unit
    must be at least 100 mm . Ideally, however, the
    appliance should not be positioned below over-
    hanging wall units. Accurate levelling is ensured
    by one or more adjustable feet at the base of the
    It must be possible to disconnect the appliance
    from the mains power supply; the plug must therefore be easily accessible after installation.
    Electrical connection
    Before plugging in, ensure that the voltage and frequency shown on the rating plate corre-
    spond to your domestic power supply.
    The appliance must be earthed. The power supply cable plug is provided with a contact for
    this purpose. If the domestic power supply socket is not earthed, connect the appliance to a
    separate earth in compliance with current regulations, consulting a qualified electrician.
    The manufacturer declines all responsibility if the above safety precautions are not ob-
    This appliance complies with the E.E.C. Directives.
    							Rear spacers
    You can find the two spacers in the bag with doc-
    Do these steps to install the spacers:
    1. Release the screw.
    2. Engage the spacer below the screw.
    3. Turn the spacer to the right position.
    4. Tighten again the screws.
    When placing the appliance ensure that it stands
    level. This can be achieved by two adjustable feet
    at the bottom in front.
    							Removing the shelf holders
    Your appliance is equipped with shelf retainers
    that make it possible to secure the shelves during
    To remove them proceed as follows:
    1. Move the shelf holders in the direction of the
    arrow (A).
    2. Raise the shelf from the rear and push it for-
    ward until it is freed (B).
    3. Remove the retainers (C).
    Door reversibility
    Before carrying out any operations, remove the plug from the power socket.
    To carry out the following operations, we suggest that this be made with another person
    that will keep a firm hold on the doors of the appliance during the operations.
    1. Open the doors. Unscrew the middle
    hinge (m2). Remove the plastic spacer
    2. Remove the spacer (m6) and move to
    the other side of the hinge pivot (m5).
    3. Remove the doors.
    4. Remove the left-hand cover pin of the
    middle hinge (m3,m4) and move to the
    other side.
    5. Fit the pin of the middle hinge (m5) into
    the left-hand hole of the lower door.
    m3m4 m5m6
    							6. Remove using a tool the cover (b1). Un-
    screw the lower hinge pivot (b2) and the
    spacer (b3) and place them on the op-
    posite side.
    7. Re-insert the cover (b1) on the opposite
    8. Remove the plugs (t1) on the upper side
    of both doors and move them to the
    other side.
    9. Re-insert the lower door on the lower
    hinge pivot (b2).
    10. Insert the middle hinge (m2) into the
    left drill of the lower door.
    11. Unscrew the upper hinge pivot (t1) and
    place it on the opposite side.
    12. Fit the upper door on the upper door
    13. Re-insert the upper door on the middle
    hinge pivot (m5) slightly tilting both
    14. Re-screw the middle hinge (m2). Do not
    forget the plastic spacer (m1).
    							15. Remove the covers (h1). Remove the
    cover pins (h2).
    16. Unscrew the handles (h3) and fix them
    on the opposite side.
    17. Re-insert the cover pins (h2) on the op-
    posite side.
    Do a final check to make sure that:
    • All screws are tightened.
    • The magnetic seal adheres to the cabinet.
    • The door opens and closes correctly.
    If the ambient temperature is cold (i.e. in
    Winter), the gasket may not fit perfectly to
    the cabinet. In that case, wait for the natural
    fitting of the gasket.
    In case you do not want to carry out the above mentioned operations, contact the nearest
    After Sales Service Force. The After Sales Service specialist will carry out the reversibility of
    the doors at your cost.
    The symbol  on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be
    treated as household waste. Instead it should be taken to the appropriate collection point
    for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is
    disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the
    environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste
    handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product,
    please contact your local council, your household waste disposal service or the shop where
    you purchased the product.
    H1 H2
    Environmental concerns47
    Merci davoir choisi ce produit AEG. Nous lavons créé pour vous offrir la
    meilleure performance pour une longue durée, avec des technologies innovantes
    qui vous simplifient la vie - autant de caractéristiques que vous ne trouverez pas
    sûrement pas sur dautres appareils. Veuillez prendre quelques instants pour lire
    cette notice afin dutiliser au mieux votre appareil.
    Dans la boutique en ligne dAEG, vous trouverez tout ce quil vous faut pour que
    vos appareils AEG fonctionnent parfaitement. Sans oublier une vaste gamme
    daccessoires conçus et fabriqués selon les critères de qualité les plus élevés qui
    soient, des articles de cuisine spécialisés aux range-couverts, des porte-bouteilles
    aux sacs à linge délicats...
    Visitez la boutique en ligne sur
    50 Consignes de sécurité
    53 Bandeau de commande
    58 Première utilisation
    58 Utilisation quotidienne
    60 Conseils utiles
    62 Entretien et nettoyage
    64 En cas danomalie de
    66 Caractéristiques techniques
    66 Instructions d’installation
    70 En matière de sauvegarde de
    Les symboles suivants sont utilisés dans ce
    Informations importantes pour votre sécurité
    et pour éviter d’abîmer l’appareil.
    Informations générales et conseils
    Informations écologiques
    Sous réserve de modificationsSommaire
    Pour votre sécurité et garantir une utilisation correcte de lappareil, lisez attentivement cet-
    te notice, y compris les conseils et avertissements, avant dinstaller et dutiliser lappareil
    pour la première fois. Pour éviter toute erreur ou accident, veillez à ce que toute personne
    qui utilise lappareil connaisse bien son fonctionnement et ses fonctions de sécurité. Con-
    servez cette notice avec lappareil. Si lappareil doit être vendu ou cédé à une autre person-
    ne, veillez à remettre cette notice au nouveau propriétaire, afin quil puisse se familiariser
    avec son fonctionnement et sa sécurité.
    Pour la sécurité des personnes et des biens, conservez et respectez les consignes de sécurité
    figurant dans cette notice. Le fabricant décline toute responsabilité en cas de dommages
    dus au non-respect de ces instructions.
    Sécurité des enfants et des personnes vulnérables
    • Cet appareil nest pas destiné à être utilisé par des enfants ou des personnes dont les
    capacités physiques, sensorielles ou mentales, ou le manque dexpérience et de connais-
    sance les empêchent dutiliser lappareil sans risque lorsquils sont sans surveillance ou en
    labsence dinstruction dune personne responsable qui puisse leur assurer une utilisation
    de lappareil sans danger.
    Empêchez les enfants de jouer avec lappareil.
    • Ne laissez pas les différents emballages à portée des enfants. Ils pourraient sasphyxier.
    • Si lappareil doit être mis au rebut, veillez à couper le câble dalimentation électrique au
    ras de lappareil pour éviter les risques délectrocution. Démontez la porte pour éviter que
    des enfants ne restent enfermés à lintérieur.
    • Cet appareil est muni de fermetures magnétiques. Sil remplace un appareil équipé dune
    fermeture à ressort, nous vous conseillons de rendre celle-ci inutilisable avant de vous en
    débarrasser. Ceci afin déviter aux enfants de senfermer dans lappareil et de mettre ainsi
    leur vie en danger.
    Consignes générales de sécurité
    Veillez à ce que les orifices de ventilation, situés dans lenceinte de lappareil ou la structure
    intégrée, ne soient pas obstrués.
    • Les appareils sont destinés uniquement à la conservation des aliments et/ou des boissons
    dans le cadre d’un usage domestique normal, tel que celui décrit dans la présente notice.
    • Nutilisez pas dappareils électriques, dagents chimiques ou tout autre système artificiel
    pour accélérer le processus de dégivrage.
    • Ne faites pas fonctionner dappareils électriques (comme des sorbetières électriques, ...) à
    lintérieur des appareils de réfrigération à moins que cette utilisation nait reçu lagré-
    ment du fabricant.
    • Nendommagez pas le circuit frigorifique.
    50Consignes de sécurité
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