AEG Induction hob HKP87420FB User Manual
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9. INSTALLATIONWARNING! Refer to Safety chapters.9.1 Before the installation Before you install the hob, write down the information bellow from the rating plate. The rating plate is on the bottom of the hob. Serial number ........................... 9.2 Built-in hobs Only use the built-in hobs after you assemble the hob into correct built-in units and work surfaces that align to the standards.9.3 Connection cable • For a single phase or two phase connection use the following (orhigher) mains cable...
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9.5 Protection boxIf you use a protection box (an additional accessory), the front airflow space of 2 mm and the protective floor directly below the hob are not necessary. The protection box accessory may not be available in some countries. Please contact your local supplier.You can not use the protection box if you install the hob above an 5mm min. 55mm490+1 mm750 +1 mm min. 38 mm min. 2 mm min. 12 mm min. 2 mm
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10. TECHNICAL DATA10.1 Rating plateModel HKP87420FBPNC 949 597 139 00Typ 60 GBD CC AU220 - 240 V 50 - 60 HzInduction 7.4 kWMade in GermanySer.Nr. .................7.4 kWAEG 10.2 Cooking zones specificationCooking zoneNominal power (maximum heat setting) [W]Power function [W]Power function maximum dura- tion [min]Cookware diam- eter [mm]Middle rear2300320010180 - 210Right front1800280010145 - 180Flexible induc- tion cooking area2300320010125 - 210 1)1) You can use a roaster pan for the Big Bridge and...
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Energy consumption per cooking zone (EC electric cooking)Middle rear Right front172.3 Wh / kg 181.8 Wh / kgEnergy consumption of the cooking area (EC electric cooking)Left184.2 Wh / kgEnergy consumption of the hob (EC electric hob) 181.3 Wh / kgEN 60350-2 - Household electric cooking appliances - Part 2: Hobs - Methods for measuring performance11.2 Energy saving You can save energy during everyday cooking if you follow below hints. • When you heat up water, use only the amount you need. • If it is...