ADT Security Services Safewatch Pro 3000 User Manual
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– 11 – )XQFWLRQVRIWKH7RXFKSDGV&RQWLQXHG ARMEDREADY 6BYPASS 7INSTANT 1OFFAWAY STAY23 4 TEST CODE CHIME READY 9 85 # 0 A C D B 1 4 3 2 175 18 8 1115 14 16 6 7 9 10 12 13 English Display Touchpad ARMED READY 6BYPASS 7INSTANT 1OFFAWAY STAY23 4 TEST CODE CHIME READY 9 85 # 0 A C D B KEYPAD SHOWN WITHOUT SWING-DOWN FRONT DOOR 1 4 3 2 175 18 8 1115 14 16 6 7 9 10 12 13 Custom English Display Touchpad (Touchpads shown without swing-down front door) IMPORTANT! •When entering codes and commands, sequential key depressions must be made within 10 seconds of one another. If 10 seconds elapse without a key depression, the entry will be aborted and must be repeated from its beginning. Be sure to observe this precaution when performing any of the procedures in this manual. •If you make a mistake while entering a security code, stop, press the [Q] key, and then start over. If you stop in the middle while entering a code, and then immediately start the entry over, an erroneous code might be entered.
– 12 – (QWU\([LWHOD\V Your system has preset time delays, known as exit delay and entry delay. ([LWHOD\ Exit delay gives you time to leave through the designated exit door without setting off an alarm. Exit delay begins immediately after arming your system in any arming mode and Custom Display touchpads display the message “You May Exit Now.” When “You may exit now” disappears, the system is fully armed. If programmed, a slow beeping will sound throughout the exit delay period. Exit Delay Restart. If you wish to open the entry/exit door to let someone in after arming STAY, you can re-start the exit delay at any time – simply press the [Q] key , then let that person in. This avoids having to disarm the system and then re-arm it again. (QWU\HOD\ Entry Delays give you time to disarm the system when you re-enter through the designated entrance door. But you must disarm the system before the entry delay period ends, or an alarm will occur. The touchpad beeps during the entry delay period, reminding you to disarm the system. There are two entry delays (if programmed). The first is for your primary entrance and the second can be used for a secondary entrance, where a longer delay is required to walk to the touchpad to disarm the system. You can also arm the system with no entry delay at all by using the INSTANT arming mode. This mode provides greater security while on the premises or while away for extended periods of time. See your installer for your delay times. Partition 1 __________________________________________________________ Exit Delay: seconds Entry Delay 1: seconds Entry Delay 2: seconds NOTE: Entry/Exit times set for partition 1 also apply to the common zone. Partition 2 __________________________________________________________ Exit Delay: seconds Entry Delay 1: seconds Entry Delay 2: seconds
– 13 – (QWU\([LWHOD\V&RQWLQXHG ([LW$ODUPV Whenever you arm the system, the exit delay begins. If an entry/exit door or interior zone is faulted when the exit delay ends (e.g., exit door left open), the system sounds an alarm and starts the entry delay timer. If you disarm the system before the entry delay ends, the alarm sound stops and the message CANCELED ALARM or CA is displayed on the touchpad, along with a zone number indicating the faulted zone. No message is sent to the Customer Care Center. To clear the exit alarm condition, the open zone must be made intact; to clear the display, enter your code plus OFF. If you do not disarm the system before the entry delay ends, and an entry/exit door or interior zone is still open, the alarm sound continues and an exit alarm message is sent to the Customer Care Center. The message EXIT ALARM or EA is displayed on the touchpad, along with a zone number indicating the faulted zone. To stop the alarm, the system must be disarmed (your code plus OFF); to clear the display, enter your code plus OFF a second time. An “exit alarm” also results if an entry/exit door or interior zone is faulted within two minutes after the end of the exit delay. Your system may have been programmed for this feature to minimize false alarms sent to the Customer Care Center. Ask your installer if Exit Alarm is active in your system. If so, check this box. &KHFNLQJ)RU2SHQ=RQHV 8VLQJWKH>*@.H\ Before arming your system, all protected doors, windows and other protection zones must be closed or bypassed, otherwise the touchpad will display a Not Ready message. Use the READY key to display all faulted zones, making it easier for you to identify and secure any open zone. 1. Press [* ] (do not enter code first) to display faulted zones. 2. Secure or bypass the zones displayed. 3.The touchpad’s READY indicator lights when all protection zones have been either closed or bypassed. 4. Arm the system as desired. Custom Display: (-7%61)( 46)77 * 83 7,3; *%9087 English Display: Zone no. and “NOT READY”
– 14 – $UPLQJWKH6\VWHP 6WD\0RGH$UPV3HULPHWHU2QO\(QWU\HOD\2Q · Used when you want to arm the system with persons staying inside (or if you have pets that are moving throughout the premises). · The perimeter sensors are armed, but interior sensors are left disarmed. · Exit delay begins (you can leave through the entry/exit door, if desired). · An alarm sounds immediately if any protected perimeter window or non-entry/exit door is opened. · You may otherwise move freely within the premises. · Persons entering later can enter through an entry/exit door without causing an alarm, but they must disarm the system within the entry delay period to avoid sounding an alarm. 1LJKW6WD\0RGH$UPV3HULPHWHU2QO\3OXV6HOHFWHG=RQHV · Use Night-Stay mode to provide increased security while staying inside. · Arms same as Stay mode, but also arms pre-selected interior sensors (programmed by your installer), while other interior sensors are left disarmed. · Persons entering later can use an entry/exit door but must not violate any of the programmed interior zones to avoid sounding an alarm. ·IMPORTANT: When Night-Stay mode is on, the selected interior zones are armed and cause an alarm if anyone enters those areas (e.g., waking in the middle of the night). To avoid sounding an alarm, you must disarm the system before any activity takes place in those interior zones. ,QVWDQW0RGH$UPV3HULPHWHU2QO\(QWU\HOD\2II · Used when staying inside and do not expect anyone to use an entry/exit door. · Arms same as Stay mode. · An alarm sounds immediately if any protected perimeter window or any door is opened, including entry/exit doors. ·IMPORTANT: Arming the system in this mode greatly increases the chance of false alarms. Use extreme care in selecting this mode of arming. $ZD\0RGH$UPV(QWLUH6\VWHP(QWU\HOD\2Q · Used when nobody will be staying inside (including pets). · The entire system (interior and perimeter) is armed. · Exit delay begins letting you leave through the entry/exit door. · An alarm sounds if a protected window or any door is opened, or if any movement is detected inside your premises. · You can reenter through an entry/exit door without causing an alarm, but you must disarm the system within the entry delay period to avoid sounding an alarm.
– 15 – $UPLQJWKH6\VWHP $UPLQJ&RPPDQGV Before arming, close all perimeter doors and windows and make sure the Ready to Arm message is displayed. Mode Press these keys… Touchpad Confirms By… Stay security code + [3] (STAY) · three beeps · armed STAY message displayed · red ARMED indicator lights Night-Stay security code + [3] + [3] · three beeps · NIGHT-STAY message displayed · red ARMED indicator lights Instant security code + [7] (INSTANT) · three beeps · armed STAY message displayed · red ARMED indicator lights Note that entry delay is turned off. Away security code + [2] (AWAY) · beeping for duration of exit delay · armed AWAY message displayed · red ARMED indicator lights Leave the premises through an entry/exit door during the exit delay period to avoid causing an alarm. The touchpad beeps rapidly during the last 5 seconds of the exit delay to warn you that it is ending. Quick Arming If Quick Arming was programmed by the installer, the [#] key can be pressed in place of the security code when arming the system. However, the security code must always be used to disarm the system. Function Key Arming For any arming command, a function key may have also been programmed for your system. If so, you can press and hold the appropriate function key for 2 seconds to arm the system. See your installer for the designated functions (see Single Button Arming section). Refer to the Accessing Other Partitions section for information on multi-partiion arming.
– 16 – $UPLQJWKH6\VWHP 6LQJOH%XWWRQ$UPLQJ The “A”, “B”, “C”, and/or “D” keys on your touchpad may have been programmed for single-button arming. Note that while it will not be necessary to use a security code for arming, a security code must always be used to disarm the system. If Single-Button Arming is programmed: · A function key has been assigned to a specific type of arming: STAY mode, Night-STAY mode, AWAY mode, or STEP-ARMING (see Step-Arming paragraph). · You DO NOT need to enter your user code before pressing the function key (you always need your user code to DISARM the system). Before arming, close all perimeter doors and windows. 1.Press and hold the assigned function key for 2 seconds (no code is required). Function keys are shown below. 3 2 1 6 5 4 9 8 7 # 0 *READY INSTANTOFF CODE AWAY TEST CHECKSTAY BYPASS A B C D ADT3000-007-V0 (-7%61)( 6)%(= 83 %61 English Display: READY 2. The touchpad begins beeping and displays the armed message. The red ARMED indicator also lights.%61)(%;%= =39 1%= )
– 17 – 8VLQJWKH.H\VZLWFK 8VLQJWKH.H\VZLWFK Your system may be equipped with a keyswitch for use when arming and disarming. Red and green lights on the keyswitch plate indicate the status of your system as follows: Green Light:Lights when the system is disarmed and ready to be armed (no open zones). If the system is disarmed and the green light is off, it indicates the system is not ready (one or more zones are open). Red Light:Lights or flashes when system is armed in AWAY or STAY mode. See your installer for the meanings of the lit red light: Lit Steady = system armed AWAY or system armed STAY and exit delay has expired Flashing = system armed STAY and exit delay timer active Rapid flashing = an alarm has occurred (memory of alarm). Before arming, close all perimeter doors and windows. To arm in the AWAY mode: Turn the key to the right for 1/2 second and release. Touchpads beep twice and the red indicator lights or flashes. To arm in the STAY mode: Turn the key to the right and hold for longer than 1 second, then release. Touchpads beep three times and the red indicator lights or flashes. To disarm the system: Turn the key to the right and release. The red light turns off GREEN RED
– 18 – LVDUPLQJDQG6LOHQFLQJ$ODUPV 8VLQJWKH>2))@NH\ The OFF key is used to disarm the system, silence alarm and trouble sounds, and clear alarm memories. IMPORTANT: If you return and the main burglary sounder is on, DO NOT ENTER, but CONTACT THE POLICE from a nearby safe location. If you return after an alarm has occurred and the main sounder has shut itself off, the touchpad will beep rapidly upon your entering, indicating that an alarm has occurred during your absence. LEAVE AT ONCE, and CONTACT THE POLICE from a nearby safe location. 1. + 1 (Security Code)OFF The “READY” indicator light will be lit if all zones are secure, and the touchpad will emit a single tone to confirm that the system is disarmed. (-7%61)( 6)%(= 83 %61 English Display: 2.To Silence a Burglary Alarm and Clear a Memory of Alarm Enter your security code and press the OFF key to silence the alarm (or warning tones of a Memory of Alarm). Note the zone in alarm on the touchpad display, and make that zone intact (close door, window, etc.). Now enter the security code plus OFF sequence again to clear the touchpad’s Memory of Alarm display. Note the zone in alarm on the touchpad display, and make that zone intact (close door, window, etc.). Now enter the security code plus OFF sequence again to clear the touchpad’s Memory of Alarm display. 3. To Silence a Fire Alarm and Clear Memory of Alarm Simply press the OFF key to silence the alarm. Then enter the security code plus OFF sequence to clear the touchpads Memory of Alarm display. See the Fire Alarm System section.
– 20 – %\SDVVLQJ3URWHFWLRQ=RQHV 4XLFN%\SDVV If programmed, Quick Bypass allows you to easily bypass all open (faulted) zones without having to enter zone numbers individually. This feature is useful if, for example, you routinely leave certain windows open when arming at night. 1. + 6 + [#] (Security Code)BYPASS In a few moments, all open zones will be displayed and automatically bypassed. Make sure that only those zones that you wish to leave unprotected are bypassed, and that there are no other zones unintentionally left open. (-7%61)( 46)77 83 7,3; *%9087 English Display: NOT READY 2.Wait for all bypassed zones to be displayed, then arm the system as desired.(-7%61)( &=4%77 6)%(= 83 %61 English Display: BYPASS Ask your installer if Quick Bypass is active for your system, and if so, check here: &KLPH0RGH CHIME mode alerts you to the opening of a perimeter door or window while the system is disarmed. When Chime mode is activated: · Three tones sound at the touchpad whenever a perimeter door or window is opened. · Interior zones do not produce a tone when they are faulted. · Pressing the READY key will display the open protection points. · Chime mode can be used only while the system is disarmed. To turn Chime Mode on: + 9 (Security Code)CHIME The CHIME message will appear. Perimeter zones will cause a tone when faulted. (-7%61)( 6)%(= 83 %61 English Display: READY To turn Chime Mode off: + 9 again (Security Code)CHIME The CHIME message will disappear. (-7%61)( ,-1) 6)%(= 83 %61 English Display: CHIME