ADT Security Services Ademco Vista 10 User Manual
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FEDERALCOMMUNICATIONSCOMMISSION(FCC)Part68STATEMENT ThisequipmentcomplieswithPart68oftheFCCrules.Onthefrontcoverofthisequipmentisalabelthatcontains,amongother information,theFCCregistrationnumberandringerequivalencenumber(REN)forthisequipment.Ifrequested,thisinformationmust beprovidedtothetelephonecompany. Thisequipmentusesthefollowingjacks: AnRJ31Xisusedtoconnectthisequipmenttothetelephonenetwork. TheRENisusedtodeterminethequantityofdeviceswhichmaybeconnectedtothetelephoneline.ExcessiveRENsonthetelephone linemayresultinthedevicesnotringinginresponsetoanincomingcall.Inmost,butnotallareas,thesumoftheRENsshouldnot exceedfive(5.0).Tobecertainofthenumberofdevicesthatmaybeconnectedtotheline,asdeterminedbythetotal RENs,contact thetelephonecompanytodeterminethemaximumRENforthecallingarea. Ifthisequipmentcausesharmtothetelephonenetwork?thetelephonecompanywillnotifyyouinadvancethattemporarydis- continuanceofservicemayberequired.Ifadvancenoticeisnotpractical,thetelephonecompanywillnotifythecustomerassoonas possible.Also,youwillbeadvisedofyourrighttofileacomplaintwiththeFCCifyoubelievenecessary. Thetelephonecompanymaymakechangesinitsfacilities,equipment,operations,orproceduresthatcouldaffecttheoperationofthe equipment.Ifthishappens,thetelephonecompanywillprovideadvancenoticeinorderforyoutomakethenecessarymodificationsin ordertomaintainuninterruptedservice. Iftroubleisexperiencedwiththisequipment,pleasecontactthemanufacturerforrepairandwarrantyinformation.Ifthetroubleis causingharmtothetelephonenetwork,thetelephonecompanymayrequestyouremovetheequipmentfromthenetworkuntilthe problemisresolved. Therearenousersewiceablecomponentsinthisproduct,andallnecessaryrepairsmustbemadebythemanufacturer.Otherrepair methodsmayinvalidatetheFCCregistrationonthisproduct. Thisequipmentcannotbeusedontelephonecompany-providedcoinservice.ConnectiontoPartyLineServiceissubjecttostate tariffs. Thisequipment ishearing-aidcompatible. Whenprogrammingormakingtestcallstoanemergencynumber,brieflyexplaintothedispatcherthereasonforthecall.Performsuch activitiesintheoff-veakhours:suchasearlvmorninaorlateevenina. -41-

WARNING! THELIMITATIONSOFTHISALARMSYSTEM Whilethissystemisanadvanceddesignsecuritysystem,itdoesnotofferguaranteedprotectionagainstburglaryorfireorother emergency.Anyalarmsystem,whethercommercialorresidential,issubjecttocompromiseorfailuretowarnforavarietyofreasons. Forexamde: l l . D . lIntrudersmaygainaccessthroughunprotectedopeningsorhavethetechnicalsophisticationtobypassanalarmsensoror disconnectanalarmwarningdevice. Intrusiondetectors(e.g.passiveinfrareddetectors),smokedetectors,andmanyothersensingdeviceswillnotworkwithoutpower. Batteryoperateddeviceswillnotworkwithoutbatteries,withdeadbatteries,orifthebatteriesarenotputinproperly.Devices poweredsolelybyACwillnotworkiftheirACpowersupplyiscutoffforanyreason,howeverbriefly. Signalssentbywirelesstransmittersmaybeblockedorreflectedbymetalbeforetheyreachthealarmreceiver.Evenifthesignal pathhasbeenrecentlycheckedduringaweeklytest,blockagecanoccurifametalobjectismovedintothepath. Ausermaynotbeabletoreachapanicoremergencybuttonquicklyenough. WhilesmokedetectorshaveplayedakeyroleinreducingresidentialfiredeathsintheUnitedStates,theymaynotactivateor provideearlywarningforavarietyofreasonsinasmanyas35%ofallfires,accordingtodatapublishedbytheFederalEmergency ManagementAgency.SomeofthereasonssmokedetectorsusedinconjunctionwiththisSystemmaynotworkareasfollows. Smokedetectorsmayhavebeenimproperlyinstalledandpositioned.Smokedetectorsmaynotsensefiresthatstartwheresmoke cannotreachthedetectors,such asinchimneys,inwalls,orroofs,orontheothersideofcloseddoors.Smokedetectorsalsomay notsenseafireonanotherlevelofaresidenceorbuilding.Asecondfloordetector,forexample,maynotsenseafirstflooror basementfire.Moreover,smokedetectorshavesensinglimitations.Nosmokedetectorcansenseeverykindoffireeverytime.In general,detectorsmaynotalwayswarnaboutfirescausedbycarelessnessandsafetyhazardslikesmokinginbed,violent explosions,escapinggas,improperstorageofflammablematerials,overloadedelectricalcircuits,childrenplayingwithmatches,or arson.Dependinguponthenatureofthefireand/orthelocationsofthesmokedetectors,thedetector,evenifitoperatesas anticipated,maynotprovidesufficientwarningtoallowalloccupantstoescapeintimetopreventinjuryordeath. PassiveInfraredMotionDetectorscanonlydetectintrusionwithinthedesignedrangesasdiagramedintheirinstallationmaflUal. PassiveInfraredDetectorsdonotprovide~olumetricareaprotection,They docreate-multiplebeamsofprotection,andintrusioncan onlybedetectedinunobstructedareascoveredbythosebeams,Theycannotdetectmotionorintrusionthattakesplacebehind walls,ceilings,floors,closeddoors!glasspartitions,glassdoors,orwindows.Mechanicaltampering,masking,paintingorspraying ofanymaterialonthemirrors,windowsoranypartoftheopticalsystemcan reducetheirdetectionability.PassiveInfrared Detectorssensechangesintemperature;however,astheambienttemperatureofprotectedareaapproachesthetemperaturerange of90°to105°F(32°to40”C),thedetectionperformancecandecrease. (continued) -42-

(continued) WARNING! THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM l Alarm warning devices such as sirens, bells or horns may not alert people or wake up sleepers if they are located on the other side of closed or partly open doors. If warning devices sound on a different level of the residence from the bedrooms, then they are less likely to waken or alert people inside the bedrooms. Even persons who are awake may not hear the warning if the alarm is muffled from a stereo! radio, air conditioner or other appliance, or by passing traffic. Finally, alarm warning devices, however loud, may not warn hearing-Impaired people or waken deep sleepers. l Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a premises to a central monitoring station may be out of service or temporarily out of service. Telephone lines are also subject to compromise by sophisticated intruders. l Even if the system responds to the emergency as intended, however, occupants may have insufficient time to protect themselves from the situation. In the case of a monitored alarm system, authorities may not respond appropriately. l This equipment, like other electrical devices, is subject to component failure. Even though this equipment is designed to last as long as 10 years, the electronic components could fail at any time. The most common cause of an alarm system not functioning when an intrusion or fire occurs is inadequate maintenance. This alarm system should be tested weekly to make sure all sensors and transmitters are working properly. Wireless transmitters (used with some systems) are designed to provide long battery life under normal operating conditions. Longevity of batteries may be as much as 4 to 7 years, depending on the environment, usage, and the specific wireless device being used. External factors such as humidity, high or low temperatures, as well as large swings in temperature, may all reduce the actual battery life in a given installation. This wireless system, however, can identify a true low battery situation, thus allowing time to arrange a change of battery to maintain protection for that given point within the system. Installing an alarm system may make one eligible for lower insurance rates, but an alarm system is not a substitute for insurance. Homeowners, property owners and renters should continue to act prudently in protecting themselves and continue to insure their lives and property. We continue to develop new and improved protection devices. Users of alarm systems owe it to themselves and their loved ones to learn about these developments. -----m-m-_- -------- - -- - -- SERVICING INFORMATION Your local authorized service representative is the person best qualified to service your alarm system. Arranging a regular program with that person is advisable. Your local service representative is: NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: -43- --

ADEMCO ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Alarm Device Manufacturing Company, a Division of Pittway Corporation, and its divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates (“Seller”), 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New York 11791, warrants its security equipment (the “product”) to be free from defects in materials and workmanshtp for one year from date of original purchase, under normal use and service. Seller’s obligation is limited to repairing or replacing, at its option, free of charge for parts, labor, or transportation, any product proven to be defective in materials or workmanship under normal use and service. Seller shall have no obligation under this warranty or otherwise if the product is altered or improperly repaired or serviced by anyone other than the Seller. In case of defect, contact the security professional who installed and maintains your security equipment or the Seller for product repair. WARRANKES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE FACE HEREOF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES MADE This one ear Limited Warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties obligations or liabilities. THERE ARE NO EXPREbS BY SELLER IN’CONNECTION WITH THIS PRODUCT, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY’OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE. ANY ACTION FOR BREACH OF ANY WARRANTY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, MUST BE BROUGHT WITHIN 12 MONTHS FROM DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE. IN NO CASE SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR UPON ANY OTHER BASIS OF LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, EVEN IF THE LOSS OR DAMAGE IS CAUSED BY THE SELLER’S OWN NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT. Some states do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Seller does not represent that the product may not be compromised or circumvented; that the product will prevent any personal injury or property loss by burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise; or that the product will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. Buyer understands that a properly installed and maintained alarm may only reduce the risk of a burglary, robbery, frre or other events occurring without providing an alarm, but it is not insurance or a guarantee that such will not occur or that there will be no personal injury or property loss as a result. CONSEQUENTLY, SELLER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR OTHER LOSS BASED ON A CLAIM THE PRODUCT FAILED TO GIVE WARNING. HOWEVER, IF SELLER IS HELD LI- ABLE, WHETHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE, REGARDLESS OF CAUSE OR ORIGIN, SELLER’S MAXIMUM LiABlLlTY SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, WHICH SHALL BE THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINST SELLER. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. No increase or alteration, written or verbal, to this warranty is authorized. A Division of Pittway Corporation 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New York 11791 Copyright 0 1994 PITfWAY CORPORATION N7229 7194 c