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Adept Technology AnyFeeder UG User Manual

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Page 31

Serial Command Codes
Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A  31
Set Feed + Flip 
Forward repetitions 
and execute flip 
forwardSet number of 
repetitions for flip 
forward and execute 
motion> ab[3]=[turns]_x=3Sets repetitions and 
executes motionStandard 
Set Feed + Flip 
repetitionsSet number of 
repetitions for flip 
backward> ab[4]=[turns]Sets repetitions No response
Set Feed + Flip 
repetitions and 
execute flip 
backwardSet number of 
repetitions for flip 
backward and...

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Chapter 3 - Using the AnyFeeder with Serial Communications
32 Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A 
Set Feed + Flip 
Forward speedSet speed of flip 
forward operation> ab[19]=[speed]_x=19Sets speedStandard 
Set Feed + Flip 
Backward speedSet speed of flip 
backward operation> ab[20]=[speed]_x=20Sets speedStandard 
Set Flip speedSet speed of flip 
operation> ab[21]=[speed]_x=21Sets speedStandard 
Set Dispense speedSet speed of 
dispense operation> ab[22]=[speed]_x=22Sets...

Page 33

Serial Command Codes
Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A  33
Adept AnyFeeder Responses
After receiving a command, the Adept AnyFeeder will respond with specific characters to 
indicate the status of each motor in the mechanism.
Motor 1: The “flip” drive, located to the front of the AnyFeeder, under the feed surface
Motor 2: The “dispense” drive, located to the rear of the AnyFeeder, under the bulk 
i = the drive number (1 or 2) that is reporting
x = the status of the...

Page 34

Chapter 3 - Using the AnyFeeder with Serial Communications
34 Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A Standard Responses
During normal operation, the responses you should expect to see from the AnyFeeder are 
as follows.
AnyFeeder Command Parameters Default Values
Table 3-7 shows the default values for the AnyFeeder command parameters. Note that 
whenever the AnyFeeder ’s firmware is reset, the parameters return to these default 
values.Table 3-6: Standard Responses
Motors 1 and 2 may report back in...

Page 35

Serial Command Codes
Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A  35
Serial Dialog Examples
This section provides some examples of serial communication streams for basic Adept 
AnyFeeder operations.
Initializing the AnyFeeder
Table 3-8 shows responses to the 
Init command (x=16).
Feeding Parts Forward
Table 3-9 shows responses to the 
Feed Forward command (x=1).
Changing the Feed Forward Repetitions and Execute
Table 3-10 shows responses to the Feed Forward Repetitions and Execute command 
ab[1]=10 x=1).Table...

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Chapter 3 - Using the AnyFeeder with Serial Communications
36 Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A Set Feed/Flip Forward Turns and Execute
Table 3-11 shows responses to the Feed/Flip Forward Turns and Execute command 
ab[3]=6 x=3).
AnyFeeder not Initialized
Table 3-12 shows responses to the 
Feed Forward command before the AnyFeeder has been 
Flip Drive has a Servo Problem
Table 3-13 shows responses to the 
Flip command when the flip drive has a servo problem 

Page 37

Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A  37
Using the AnyFeeder with
Digital I/O4
4.1 Digital I/O Wiring Assignments
To use the Adept AnyFeeder system with digital I/O communications, refer to Table 4-1 
for the cable pin/wire assignments.
Table 4-1. Digital I/O Wiring Assignments
FunctionPin #
DSUB 25Wire ColorPower Supply 
+24 VDV 25 WH / BK +24 VDC
+24 VDC 13WH / GN +24 VDC
0 VDC 24 BN / RD 0 VDC
0 VDC 12 RD / BU 0 VDC
OUT 1 14 BN / GN IN 1
OUT 2 1 WH IN 2
OUT 315 WH / YE IN 3
OUT 4 2...

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Chapter 4 - Using the AnyFeeder with Digital I/O
38 Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A 
4.2 Digital I/O Communications
This section describes the Adept AnyFeeder system digital I/O communications. 
Signal Handshake
Communication works on the basis of a master/slave relationship. For a given situation, 
the master sends the Adept AnyFeeder a command, the Adept AnyFeeder confirms 
reception of the command, executes it, and reports the status back to the master (whether 
the command completed successfully...

Page 39

Digital I/O Communications
Adept AnyFeeder User’s Guide, Rev. A  39 Figure 4-1. Digital Inputs and Outputs
The handshake for the command cycle works as follows:
1. Master outputs the binary representation of a command’s decimal value to cmd 
bits 0 thru 4.
2. Master outputs the binary representation of a parameter ’s decimal value to data 
bit 0 through 5.
3. Master sets the STROBE signal to HIGH, to tell the Adept AnyFeeder that a valid 
command and parameter can be fetched from the corresponding Adept...

Page 40

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