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Addonics Technologies Storage Tower ST55HPMXU user guide web
Addonics Technologies Storage Tower ST55HPMXU user guide web
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Technical Support If you need any assistance to get your unit functioning properly, please have your product information ready and contact Addonics Technical Support at: Hours: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm PST Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: http://www.addonics.com/support/query/ v8.1.11 T E C H N O L O G I E S www.addonics.com User Guide Storage Tower V (ST55HPMXU)

www.addonics.comTechnical Support (M-F 8:30am - 6:00pm PST) Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/ Removing Cover o f S to rag e T ower V Loosen the 3 screws at the back o f the t ower using a Philips screwdriv er by t urning counter-cloc kwise. S eparat e the met al casing of t he tower from the housing by lifting up the casing. Installing dr ives int o th e S to rag e T ower S tep 1 S crew the hard drives int o the optional mount ing bracke ts or slide in 5.25” devic e s int o the tower . Other types o f enc losures like the 5S A disk array can also be mount ed. Mount ing one 5S A disk array and anot her one 3S A dis k array allows y ou t o mount a maximum of 8 S ATA drives. S tep 2 U sing 3.5” S ATA Hard Disk Drives Connect the internal SATA dat a cable to t he dat a port o f t he hard drive then connect t he 15-pin SATA power connect or t o the power port on the hard drive. S tep 3 S ecure the hard disk by using screws provided. Repeat the above procedure for addit ional hard drives. Screws Hard Disk

www.addonics.comTechnical Support (M-F 8:30am - 6:00pm PST) Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/ Dip Switch S ettings Enable ERR Buzzer Function Auto- Rebuilding to Spare Drive Port Multiplier Mode Raid Mode 1 2 3 4 5 Individual Drive(Factory Default)OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON 0 1 and 10 3 5 Clone Large R AID Setting B utto n Dip S witch e S ATA Host Po rt (P ort 5) S ATA P ort 2 S ATA Port 1 S ATA Port 0 S ATA Port 3S ATA P ort 4 D riv e a cti vity LE D J umper B lock (J 1 ) E rror LE D J umper B lock (J 3 ) F loppy P ower Connect or

www.addonics.comTechnical Support (M-F 8:30am - 6:00pm PST) Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/ Default fact ory D IP Swi tc h sett ing: SW 1 – R AID S ett ing DIP Swi tc h BZS – Error b uzze r fu nctio n EZ – Automa tic rebuilding to s pare dri ve (one o f th e dri ve s o n th e raid is se t a s a spare) . If EZ is EN ABLE D anda drive failure occurs , th e spare will automa ticall y a ct a s a drive replacemen t and rebuilding will a utoma tically sta rt. M 2 – RAID mode 2 M 1 – RAID mode 1 M 0 – RAID mode 0 1 . Error b uzze r fu nction is E N ABLE D ( BZS ) when dip s w it c h is in OFF posit io n 2 . Auto-rebuilding to s pare dri ve is D ISAB LE D ( E Z) 3 . Indi vidual dri ve mode is E N ABLE D (M0 ~M 2) N ote: W hen t h e d efaul t f a ctory R AID s e tting is used , independen t dri ve c o nfigura tion and o ptical drive are s uppor te d only when c onne cting to con trollers w it h S ilicon I mage Sil3124 , Sil3132 chip se t or co ntroller s th at are Port Mul tiplier (P M ) compa tible . S imul taneous D VD wri ting was te ste d using th e Nero B urning Rom . LE D Pin Header J1 – D riv e Act iv it y L ED P 5 – Activ ity LE D fo r e S ATA h ost por t ligh ts up when it is conne cte d to a SATA con troller card . P 0, P 1, P 2, P 3 & P 4 - A ctiv it y L E D s fo r por t 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 & 5 ligh t u p when a dri ve is connec te d and blink s when there ’s drive a ctiv it y . J 3 – E rro r L ED P 5 – error L E D fo r e S ATA h ost por t P 0, P 1, P 2, P 3 & P 4 - error L E D fo r por t 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 & 5 J 3 J1 E rro r L ED Act iv it y L ED P4 P3 P2 P1 P0 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P0 P5 1 2 3 4 5SW 1 BZS EZ M2 M 1 M 0 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF

www.addonics.comTechnical Support (M-F 8:30am - 6:00pm PST) Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/ Sett ing or M odi fy ing th e R AID M ode U sing th e J M ic ro n H W R AID M an ag er U tili ty P ro gram : 1. For W indow s u sers , in stall th e J M ic ron H W R AID Manager lo ca te d o n th e SATA Con troller C D. In th e C D, g o to Con figura tion U tili tie s > JM B393 . T his manager can b e use to crea te and moni to r th e s ta tu s o f th e R AID volume . It is r e commended to u se th e d efaul t fa cto ry R AID D IP s w it c h s e tting when using th e J M ic ron H W R AID Manage r. 2 . Modify th e R AID mode o n th e 5-por t H PM -X U u sing D IP swi tc h Recommended to b e u se d o n opera ting s y ste m w it hou t JMicron H W R AID Manager s uppor t lik e Linu x, Mac & Solaris. Window s u se rs can a ls o u se th e procedure belo w. N ote: S te p s A t o D n eed t o be p erf orme d eac h t im e t h e r a id mode is m odi fie d . a . Set th e D IP swi tc h to fa cto ry d efaul t s e tting . b . Pre ss th e R AID s e tting b utto n w it h a ball poin t pen . c . While pre ssing th e R AID s e tting b utto n turn o n th e sys te m power where th e H PM is connec te d. T he b uzzer will s ound while holding th e RAID s e tt ing b utto n. Release it a fte r a t leas t 5 seconds fo r hardware initiali za tion . A s ingle beep will b e heard to indi ca te ini tiali za tion is complete d. T he above s teps a ct a s a rese t. d . Power o ff th e s ys te m powe r. 1 2 3 4 5SW 1 BZS EZ M2 M 1 M 0 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF

www.addonics.comTechnical Support (M-F 8:30am - 6:00pm PST) Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/ e. On the DIP s witch , change (M0 to M2) s etting t o the desired RAID mode using t he diagram below. A ll settings on the diagram shows • Error buzzer f unction is EN ABLED • EZ function is DISABL ED . 1 2 3 4 5SW1 BZS EZ M2 M1 M 0 RAID 0 M ode 1 2 3 4 5SW1 BZS EZ M2 M1 M 0 Clone M ode 1 2 3 4 5SW1 BZS EZ M2 M1 M 0 RAID 1& RAI D 10 Mode 1 2 3 4 5SW1 BZS EZ M2 M1 M 0 Larg e M ode 1 2 3 4 5SW1 BZS EZ M2 M1 M 0 RAID 3 M ode 1 2 3 4 5SW1 BZS EZ M2 M1 M 0 Individual Dri ves Mode 1 2 3 4 5SW1 BZS EZ M2 M1 M 0 RAID 5 M ode OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF

www.addonics.comTechnical Support (M-F 8:30am - 6:00pm PST) Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/ f. Press the RAID setting button with a ball point pen. g. While pressing t he RAID setting button t urn on the syst em power where t he HPM is c onnected. T he buzzer will sound while holding t he RAID setting button. Release it a fter at least 5 seconds f or hardware initializ ation. A single beep will be heard t o indic ate init ializ ation is complet ed. h. Verif y if the RAID array is det ected by t he syst em. i. If the 5-port HPM-X U is connected t o the mot herboard onboard SATA, on the CMOS se tup utilit y, the raid array will display as “A ddonic s H /W RAID5” if se tup as a R AID5 array. j. If the 5-port HPM-X U is connected t o an eS ATA host cont roller card, on the RAID BIOS, the raid array will display as “A ddonics H/W RAID0” if set up as a R AID0 array. k. If boot ed into W indows, in Disk Drives under Device Manager , the raid array will display as “A ddonics H/W LA R GE” if se tup as a L A R GE array . l. Once raid array is verified, you c an set the buzzer either O N or OFF . 1 2 3 4 5SW1 BZS EZ M2 M1 M 0 RAID 1& RAI D 10 Mode 1 2 3 4 5SW1 BZS EZ M2 M1 M 0 Clone M ode W hen 2 drives are c onnected t o the HPM-X U, and DIP switch is se t to this setting, the 2 drives will be conf igured as a 2-driv e R AID1 array. Clone’ s act ion is similar t o R AID1. Howev er, all of the hard drives will be mirrored. Clone mode is usef ul especially when users like t o copy data from a source hard drive t o the drives c onnected t o the HPM-X U. RAI D S etting Notes: W hen 4 driv es are c onnect ed to the HPM-X U, the 4 driv es will be conf igured as a 4-drive RAID10 array.

www.addonics.comTechnical Support (M-F 8:30am - 6:00pm PST) Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/ Note s on S pare D rives u sing th e E asy R AID S etting (E Z) W hen EZ f unction is E N ABLE D , th e a uto-rebuilding to spare dri ve is a utoma tic . T he degraded R AID group will s ta rt rebuilding a utoma tic ally b y using th e exis ting spare drive . * S pare driv e can b e e it her plugged b efore R AID building o r a new drive can b e plug a s th e spare drive when R AID rebuild is required . A . Whic h p ort act s a s a s p are d riv e ? The las t dri ve will a utoma ticall y become th e spare dri ve . For a 3-drive R AID 5 w it h spare : Drives connec te d to S ATA por ts 1 ~ 3 belong to th e a ctiv e R AID 5 array and dri ve c onne cte d to por t 4 is th e spare . For a 4-drive R AID10 w it h spare : Drives connec te d to S ATA por ts 1 ~ 4 belong to th e a ctiv e R AID10 array and dri ve c onne cte d to por t 5 is th e spare . For a 2-drive R AID 1 w it h spare : Drives connec te d t o S ATA por ts 1 & 4 belong to th e a ctive R AID 1 array and dri ve c onne cte d to por t 5 is th e spare . B . When will re build action start ? • When th e raid fail s and EZ is enabled , th e H PM -X U will automa tic ally rebuild th e R AID group using th e spare . • When th e raid fail s and EZ is d is abled , th e H PM -X U will N O T rebuild th e raid group unless you ins tall a good drive to replace th e failed dri ve . C onn ecting th e P ow er C ab le a nd Sto ra g e T o w er to th e C om pute r a . Connec t th e power cord provided from th e wall o utle t to th e back o f th e towe r. b . Make s ure th e power is o ff (power L E D light should b e o ff ) . c . Connec t th e e S ATA o r U SB3 cable fr o m th e b ack o f th e t ower to th e m atc hin g port o n th e compu te r. P ow er on/ off c o ntr o l a. A main power swi tc h is lo ca te d a t th e back of th e towe r. T urn th e s w it c h o n. A nother auxiliary swi tc h is loca te d o n th e fron t o f th e towe r. b . Make s ure th e power is o ff o n th e a uxiliar y sw it c h (power L E D ligh t should b e o ff ) . c . Power o n th e towe r. P owe r Conne cto r P owe r S w it c h P owe r S w it c h B ack B otto m F ro nt HDD L E D s

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