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AdderView DDX CAM Manual

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    The Users page
    This page lists all registered users and allows the admin user to add, edit and delete 
    entries, as required.
    Note: When changes are made to user details, you are recommended to make a backup file. 
    Add new
    Click the [+] icon to begin adding a new user.
    Click a user entry to edit its details.
    Note: It is not possible to delete the Administrator account if it is 
    the only administrator account remaining.   
    The Maintenance pages
    The Maintenance section contains three pages: Diagnostics, System Operations and 
    Maintenance > Diagnostics
    This page provides important feedback on power inputs (and switch Temperatures). The 
    temperature information is displayed only when the Maintenance > Settings > Web UI 
    Mode is set to Advanced.
    These items are only shown when  Settings > Advanced Mode On is chosen. 
    This section indicates the current temperature readings within the DDX switch for the following:
    • The processor core,• The internal case area,• The main circuit board,• The red, green and blue video switches.  
    This section indicates the status of the mains power input(s).
    This section lists the currently active ports, their uptime and status.   
    Maintenance > System Operations
    This page provides a selection of important system operations that may be required at 
    various times.  
    Reboot SystemPerforms a complete reboot of the entire DDX system, including the switch and all modules. Confirmation is required once this button is clicked.
    Sync Tx/Rx  FirmwareUpgrades the firmwares of all connected modules to match that of the main switch. Confirmation is required once this button is clicked. 
    Note: Be sure that the DDX switch has the latest firmware installed before using this option.
    Upgrade FirmwareUpgrades the firmwares of the DDX switch and all connected modules to the latest version. Confirmation is required once this button is clicked.
    BackupSaves a copy of the DDX Matrix system configuration to a file. Backup files are stored on the computer viewing DDX Matrix.
    RestoreRestores the DDX Matrix system configuration from a backup file. A file dialog will be displayed to allow you to choose the filename and location.
    Factory ResetReturns all DDX system configuration settings back to their factory defaults.
    Recovering an unresponsive 
    transmitter or receiver
    If a firmware upgrade to a transmitter 
    or receiver has failed, the unit may 
    become unresponsive. If so, please 
    follow the advice provided in other 
    sections of this guide:
    • Recovering a transmitter
    • Recovering a receiver    
    Maintenance > Settings
    This page provides options related to the user interface. When you make a change, you 
    need to click the Update button to save it.
    Web UI Mode
    When this option is set to Advanced, extra details are shown on 
    certain pages, such as:
    • Configure > Central Switch > General
    • Configure > Consoles > Receivers
    • Configure > Computers > Transmitters
    • Maintenance > Diagnostics
    Auto Refresh
    When this option is set to On, the Dashboard, Control and 
    Diagnostic pages will automatically update their contents every 
    few seconds.
    Click this button to save and enact any changes made to options.    
    There may be rare occasions when the main switch or a module needs to be given a hard reset. The DDX switch 
    and DDX-USR module both have concealed reset buttons for this purpose. You need to use a narrow implement 
    (e.g. a straightened-out paper clip) to press-and-hold the recessed reset button on the front panel:
    DDX switch > Boot into recovery image
    This procedure may be necessary if an attempted firmware upgrade has failed. The 
    switch will load the factory default configuration, requiring you to log-in using the factory 
    default username/ password and a freshly determined IP address (see Accessing DDX 
    Matrix). You will be required to accept a new temporary SSL certificate when accessing 
    the web interface. Note: All configuration data (e.g. users, consoles, computers, networking, etc .) 
    will be retained. 
    1 Press-and-hold the recessed reset button for ten seconds until the STS (Status) 
    indicator begins to flash slowly.
    2 Release the reset button. The STS indicator will go out and the switch will boot itself 
    using the recovery image. The STS indicator will now begin to flash again to indicate 
    that it is running from the recovery image (a red banner will also be shown at the top 
    of the DDX Matrix screen).
    3 When you are sure of operating conditions, such as having good power stability, 
    proceed once again with the firmware upgrade.  
    DDX switch > Reset
    This procedure may be necessary if the switch has become unresponsive. Note: All 
    configuration data (e.g. users, consoles, computers, networking, etc .) will be retained.
    1 Press-and-release the recessed reset button. The switch will reboot.  
    DDX switchDDX-USR module
    DDX-USR module > Boot into recovery mode
    This procedure may be necessary if an attempted firmware upgrade has failed. For such 
    a situation the DDX-USR module always retains a recovery image that will return the unit 
    to a working condition, prior to reattempting a firmware upgrade.  
    1 Press-and-hold the recessed reset button for ten seconds until the PWR indicator 
    begins to flash quickly.
    2 Release the reset button.
    3 When you are sure of operating conditions, such as having good power stability, 
    proceed once again with the firmware upgrade.  
    DDX-USR module > Reset
    This procedure may be necessary if a DDX-USR has become unresponsive. 
    1 Press-and-release the recessed reset button. The DDX-USR module will reboot.  
    Recovering an unresponsive transmitter or receiver
    If a firmware upgrade to a transmitter or receiver has failed, the unit may become 
    unresponsive. If so, please follow the advice provided in other sections of this guide:
    • Recovering a transmitter
    • Recovering a receiver    
    The DDX system is designed to be transparent in operation. A simple OSD (On Screen 
    Display) interface allows each user to view and select from the available host computers.
    Note: In order to view the OSD, the user’s video display must be using 1920 x 1080 resolution. 
    To view the OSD, either:
    • From a console keyboard, press CTRL + ALT + M, or
    • From a console mouse, press and hold the middle button and then press the right button. 
    The OSD will be displayed (1920 x 1080 resolution must be used) : 
    Thumbnail images
    The outputs of the available host computers will be displayed within live 
    thumbnail images. 
    Note: If video is not available for a computer, or the Thumbnails option has been 
    set to OFF, a black image will be shown. See Central Switch > OSD Settings. 
    Choosing a computer
    To choose a computer using the mouse
    1 Display the OSD from your console using either of the methods shown left.  
    2 Hover the mouse pointer over the required screen image. A set of popup connection 
    icons will be displayed:
    •   View only - you can view a computer’s output but not alter it, 
    •   Shared access - you can view and control a computer along with other    
    •   Exclusive - multiple users can view a computer but only one (the first to    
     make connection) can control it,  
    •   Private - you can view and control the computer privately while other users   
     are locked out. 
     For more details, see Access permissions. 
     Note: If an icon is grayed out, that access method is not available.
    3 Click the required connection method. The video output from the chosen computer 
    will be displayed full screen and you can use it as normal.  
    Note: When viewing the OSD, you can also click outside a computer thumbnail to return to your 
    previous computer (with your last access permissions if still available).\
    To choose a computer using hotkeys (without viewing the OSD)
    • Press and hold Ctrl + Alt and type the number of the required computer. The video 
    output from the chosen computer will be displayed full screen and you can use it as 
    Note: Shared access mode is always used when the computer choice is made via hotkeys.
    Switch information
    The additional information in the lower right corner, including the current IP address 
    setting, firmware version and any current firmware upgrade warnings/errors, is displayed 
    within the OSD screen, providing the Display System Info option is set to ON.  
    See Central Switch > OSD Settings. 
    The DDX system fully supports stereo audio, with all audio devices being presented 
    at the linked host computer as USB audio devices. There are slight differences in audio 
    operation between DDX devices acting in a simple extender arrangement (without the 
    use of a DDX switch) and a full DDX matrix installation.
    Using audio in a simple extender installation  
    The audio is presented to the computer’s operating system as a USB headset with 
    controls for input level, input mute, input AGC, sidetone level, sidetone mute, output 
    level, output mute and output balance. The audio device is permanently presented to the 
    computer when the DDX-CAM module powers up.
    You can adjust the audio features using all of the standard operating system controls.
    Note: Due to the architecture of the Codec , adjusting the input (microphone) level or muting the 
    input (microphone) will also affect the sidetone level and mute.
    Using audio in a full DDX matrix installation
    Audio functionality is enabled by default on all computers. For multi-head computers, 
    audio is only enabled for the primary transmitter, although two audio devices will be 
    presented to the computer, one for each transmitter. For multi-head consoles, audio is 
    only enabled for the primary receiver.
    Managing audio in multi-user situations
    • In all connection modes, the audio output of the computer is routed to the receiver 
    from the transmitter.
    • In View Only and Shared modes, the receiver input audio is ignored.
    • In Exclusive and Private modes, the receiver input audio is routed to the transmitter.
    Note: The above is equivalent to routing the output audio as per the video and the input audio 
    as per the USB (except in View Only and Shared modes, where the input audio stream is 
    When viewing the OSD selection screen, input and output audio is suppressed.
    The user who is currently in control of a computer can adjust the audio levels using the 
    standard operating system audio features; their changes will affect the audio for all other 
    users viewing the same computer. Additional users connected in View Mode, or additional 
    Shared Access users who don’t have control, can listen to the audio but at the volume 
    dictated by the main user. As a user switches between machines, their audio levels are 
    automatically adjusted to match their current connection. 
    USB Improvements
    Version 2.0 of the DDX Switch firmware has the following improvements in USB 
    support over the original v1.03:
    • Touchscreens that advertise compatibility with windows 8 are now supported. Any 
    touchscreens that use proprietary drivers or do not declare windows 8 support are 
    not supported. Multiple touchscreens are now merged into the combined HID device 
    that the transmitter reports.
    • You can use the touchscreen within the OSD display however you still need to type a 
    hotkey sequence currently Ctrl+Alt+M in order to raise the OSD. It is not possible to 
    use a touchscreen gesture to raise the OSD.
    • The Adder Free-Flow mouse reported by the CCS-PRO4 is now merged so as only 
    one Free-Flow mouse is reported by the transmitter. Previously, if four receivers 
    were connected to the CCS-PRO4, four different Free-Flow mice would be reported 
    meaning that no other non-emulated USB device could be connected to the receivers.
    • Up to five non-emulated USB HID devices can be connected to the transmitter. The 
    transmitter can support up to seven USB devices, but will always report a combined 
    HID device for keyboard/mouse and touchscreen support, and an Audio device for 
    speakers and microphone support.
    Additional adjustments for VGA inputs
    When video inputs are fed from analog VGA sources (via a DDX-CAM-VGA) it may be 
    necessary to perform minor adjustments to achieve the best possible image.
    To adjust the image from an analog VGA input
    1 Display the OSD from your console.  
    2 Select the appropriate computer.
    3 Press the following hotkey combination: CTRL + ALT + C
    4 Then:
    • To change position of screen image: Use the keyboard arrow keys.
    • To adjust the brightness: Use the + and – keys.
    • To adjust the clock phase:  Use the < and > keys.
    • To reset to the default settings: Press the R key.   
    5 To return to normal operation: Press the Escape (Esc) key. Any changes made will be 
    stored for this computer within your console and will be reapplied each time the 
    computer is revisited.   
    The DDX switches, the DDX-CAM and DDX-USR modules contain various indicators 
    to provide you with status information. 
    DDX switch - Red front panel status indicators
    The red status indicators on DDX switch front panels provide various key power and 
    operation feedback:
    DDX switch - Green and amber network status indicators
    The green and amber status indicators on the network link port provide further 
    status information: 
    GreenOff:  No link
    Flashing: Network activity
    On:   Quiescent link
    AmberOff:  10 or 100Mbps
    On: 1000Mbps
    Power  input AThis indicator will be on when power is supplied to power socket A
    STS (Status)On:  Running primary firmware image
    1Hz flash:  Running backup firmware image
    2Hz flash:  Upgrade mode engaged
    ERRFlashing:  Either, 
    Power input failed or internal error - refer to the Maintenance > Diagnostics page for details
    A firmware mismatch has been detected with one or more connected devices - refer to the Dashboard page for details 
    Power input BThis indicator will be on when power is supplied to power socket B   
    DDX-CAM module - Green and amber status indicators
    The green and amber indicators on the link port of each DDX-CAM (computer) 
    module provide the following status information: 
    GreenOff:    No power
    Slow flashing: Power present but no data link 
    Fast flashing:  A firmware upgrade is being forced by either the DDX switch or a DDX-USR
    On:     Power present and link established
    AmberOff:   No power
    Slow flashing: Power present but no video
    On:   Power present and video locked
    DDX-USR module - Green and amber status indicators
    The green and amber indicators on the link port of each DDX-USR (console/
    user) module provide the following status information: 
    GreenOff:  No power
    Flashing: Power present but no data link 
    On:   Power present and link established
    AmberOff:     No power
    Slow flashing: Power present but either no video or video not locked
    On:     Power present and video locked
    LNKOff: No power or no link
    Flashing:  Switch refused link connection due to incompatible firmware versions
    On:  Link established
    VIDOff: No power present or the video is not locked
    On: Power present and video locked
    PWROff: No power present
    Slow flashing: A firmware upgrade is being forced by the DDX switch
    Fast flashing: Receiver in USB recovery mode 
    On:  Power present 
    USBOff: No power or no active USB connection
    Flashing:  USB connection is contended in shared mode (keyboard LEDs also flash)
    On:  USB is routed to a DDX-CAM module, either via the DDX switch or directly, in a simple extender installation
    DDX-USR module - Red front panel status indicators
    The red indicators on the front panel of each DDX-USR (console/user) module 
    provide the following status information: 
    Special condition
    Amber flashing and Green off: Software fault requiring the DDX-CAM module to be recovered. See Configure > Computers > Transmitters.  
    Special condition
    PWR on, Amber flashing and Green off: Software fault requiring the DDX-USR module to be recovered. See Configure > Consoles > Receivers.     
    This chapter contains a variety of information, including the following:
    • Getting assistance - see right
    • Appendix 1 - Link cable interference protection
    • Appendix 2 - Firmware upgrades for basic extender installations
    • Safety information
    • Warranty
    • Radio frequency energy statements
    If you are still experiencing problems after checking the information contained within this 
    guide, then we provide a number of other solutions:
    • Online solutions and updates – www.adder.com/support
     Check the Support section of the adder.com website for the latest solutions and 
    firmware updates.
    • Technical support – www.adder.com/contact-support-form 
     For technical support, use the contact form in the Support section of the  
    adder.com website - your regional office will then get in contact with you. 
    Further information
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