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AdderView DDX CAM Manual

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    The Configure pages
    The Configure menu option expands when clicked to reveal three sub-sections: 
    • Central Switch - settings related directly to the DDX switch.
    • Consoles - settings related to the DDX-USR modules and their connected peripherals. 
    • Computers - settings related to the DDX-CAM modules and their host computers.
    Central Switch > General
    Basic settings for the DDX switch. Description/Location are most useful when multiple DDX 
    installations are being managed; labelling each installation as you go is a good habit to get into:
    • System Default EDID - determines the default EDID to use for the installation.
    • Ignore Firmware Mismatch - when set to On, this overrides the checks that are made to 
    ensure all modules are running compatible firmware versions. This override should be used in 
    exceptional circumstances only.
    • Firmware Version  - shows the firmware version of the DDX switch. 
    • Recovery Version - shows the version of the DDX switch recovery image.
    • Admin  UI Version - shows the version of the DDX Matrix admin user interface.
    • Manage time automatically – when set to ON the current time and timezone will be obtained 
    via the configured NTP & DHCP servers.
    • Use Current PC Time - when managing time manually, the system time will be synced to that 
    from the local computer.
    • Timezone - when managing time manually or running without DHCP, allows you to declare 
    which timezone you are in.
    • DHCP - allows you to use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration 
    Protocol) to automatically determine all network settings or set them 
    manually. When set to On, the next three options are not editable.
    • IP Address - set the IP address for the switch.
    • Net Mask - set a subnet mask to accompany the IP address.  
    • Gateway - optionally define a suitable address for a gateway device.
    • MAC Address - displays the unique (and fixed) MAC address for the 
    • Web Server Protocol - allows a change to the use of insecure HTTP for 
    web admin - switch reboot required. IMPORTANT: Do not set this 
    option to HTTP when the switch is connected to external 
    • Network Service Discovery - when set to Disabled, the switch will not 
    announce its presence on the network and will not be discoverable using 
    the Windows network browser on a network-connected computer.
    • DHCP NTP Address - when DHCP is On, this area lists the addresses of 
    time servers being used.
    • Manual NTP Address - allows you to enter the static IP addresses of up 
    to five NTP servers (an average of the time feeds from the servers are 
    These items are shown only when the Maintenance > Settings > Web UI Mode is set to Advanced.
    Central Switch > Network
    All of the key settings for the network capabilities of the DDX switch are here:   
    Central Switch > OSD Settings
    Options related to the on screen display are presented in this section:
    • Thumbnails - when set to Off, this option will hide the thumbnail views of each computer within each user’s OSD main 
    • Auto Layout - when set to Off, this option will maintain a 5x5 grid for the displayed computers within the OSD main 
    page, regardless of the number of available computers. When set to On, the OSD view grid will be re-scaled accordingly.
    • Use Full Grid - when set to On, if you have 4, 9 or 16 computers connected, the OSD will use the bottom right portion 
    of the screen as a square computer thumbnail, instead of reserving it for the system information. A small tab appears 
    in the top right corner of the OSD if “Show System Info” is On, showing the IP address and an icon denoting any 
    compatibility issues (green tick for no issues, yellow warning for upgrade recommended and a red warning for upgrade 
    Note: This option will be hidden if Auto Layout is set to Off.
    • Display System Info - when set to On, the current IP address and firmware version details for the DDX switch will be 
    shown in the lower right corner of the OSD, or the IP address and firmware icon in the top right corner of the OSD.  
    Note: Disabling ‘Display System Info’ will remove the IP address from the OSD. When ‘Use Full Grid’ is enabled, this option will also 
    suppress all firmware version mismatch warnings. 
    • Display Date and Time - when set to On, the current date and time are displayed on the OSD menu.
    • Background Brightness - determines the brightness of the OSD thumbnail views when the mouse is not hovering over 
    them. Five settings are available, from 100% down to 20%. If set to 100% then all thumbnails remain at full brightness all 
    of the time. Whereas, at 20% all thumbnails will darken until the mouse hovers over one of them, at which point it will 
    come to full brightness to clearly highlight it against all the others.    
    Add EDID 
    If additional EDID definitions are required for 
    your installation, you can clone new definitions 
    from connected video displays and add these to 
    the list of available definitions.
    Click the [+] icon to begin collecting a new EDID 
    from a display attached (via a DDX-USR module) 
    to one of the switch ports. 
    Click the EDID dropdown list and choose the 
    appropriate receiver (DDX-USR module) from 
    which you wish to clone a new EDID profile. Then 
    click the Add EDID button.
    For details about applying an EDID to a particular 
    computer, see Configure > Computers > 
    Central Switch > Manage EDIDs
    This page lists the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) 
    profiles that are currently available:
    • EDID - shows the resolutions and refresh rates for all profiles 
    that are currently stored.
    • Type - indicates where each EDID profile originated: Fixed 
    EDIDs are included within the switch firmware and cannot be 
    removed. User EDIDs are those that have been cloned from 
    particular video displays attached to DDX-USR modules - 
    these can be deleted if required. On the main Central Switch 
    > General page you can select the ‘Default System EDID’ 
    from the list of fixed and user EDIDs.
    • Originating Port - indicates which switch port supplied each 
    user EDID.
    • Active Transmitter  Ports - indicates which transmitters (if any)
    are currently using each EDID.
    Note: The DDX switch will modify the EDID, if a Dual link monitor 
    is connected, to list only the video resolutions that it is capable of 
    Configure > Consoles
    A Console is a collective term for a set of peripheral devices arranged around one or more 
    DDX-USR modules. This page lists all registered consoles: 
    In addition to the Name and Description, other columns provide the following details and 
    options for each console entry:
    • Ports - each DDX-USR module connects to a single port on the DDX switch. This 
    column lists the port(s) used by the DDX-USR module(s) associated with each 
    console. Two or more DDX-USR modules can be combined to form multi-head 
    consoles, each connecting to separate ports.  
     Note: For consoles with multiple displays (multi-head), additional user console ports are 
    required. If there are no spare user console ports available then any unused computer ports 
    on the rear panel can be deleted in order to free them up as spares. See Reallocating ports.
    • OSD Mouse Launch - when set to On, allows the console user to invoke the on Screen 
    Display by holding down their center mouse button and then clicking the right button.
    • Connected Computer - shows to which computer the console is currently connected.  
    • Current Access  Mode - indicates how the console is currently connected to the listed 
    computer:  = View only,  = Shared access,  = Exclusive,  = Private  
    • Tick box - Allows you to tick all required console entries and then remove them 
    collectively using the Delete Selected button.
    Add new
    Click the [+] icon to begin adding a new console, either before or after 
    connecting the DDX-USR module(s):
    • Name - the main identifier for the new console.
    • Description - a further opportunity to add more information. 
    • OSD Mouse Launch - (see description left).
    • Por t - add the port number (located on the main DDX switch) used by the 
    DDX-USR module associated with this console. For multi-head consoles, 
    ensure that the port used by the primary DDX-USR module (the one that 
    has the primary display and peripherals attached) is the first one to be 
    defined. If a chosen port is already used, a warning will be displayed, see 
    Reallocating ports.
    • Access Permissions - click the [+] button to select one or more computers 
    that this console will be permitted to access. For each computer choose 
    the appropriate access permissions (see Access permissions) :   = View 
    only,  = Shared access,  = Exclusive,  = Private
    • Add Console - click to save your settings. 
    Click an entry to view/edit its details. See Configure > Consoles > Edit an entry
    Click a heading to reorder the whole list in ascending or descending order according  to the entries within the chosen column.   
    Configure > Consoles > Edit an entry
    Click on an entry within the Configure > Consoles list to display this page. Here you can  
    edit the configuration details for a chosen console.  
    • Name - the main identifier for the console.
    • Description - a further opportunity to add more information about the 
    • OSD Mouse Launch - when set to On, allows the console user to invoke 
    the on Screen Display by holding down their center mouse button and 
    then clicking the right button.
    • Ports - shows the user port number(s) (located on the main DDX switch) 
    used by the DDX-USR module(s) associated with this console. For 
    multi-head consoles, ensure that the port used by the primary DDX-USR 
    module (the one that has the primary display and peripherals attached) is 
    the first one to be defined. If a chosen port is already used, a warning will 
    be displayed, see Reallocating ports.
    • Access Permissions - choose which computers this console is permitted to 
    access. For each computer choose one or more of the four icons to set 
    the access permissions: 
    •   View only - console user can view a computer’s output but not 
    alter it, 
    •   Shared access - console user can view and control a computer 
    along with other consoles, 
    •   Exclusive - multiple console users can view a computer but 
    only one can control it, 
    •   Private - console user can view and control the computer 
    privately while other users are locked out. 
     For further details, see Access permissions.
    When you have made your changes, click the Update button at the foot of 
    the page.   
    Configure > Consoles > Receivers
    At the heart of each console (the collective term for a set of peripherals connected to 
    the DDX system) is a receiver called a DDX-USR module.
    This page shows various details for each DDX-USR module:
    • Firmware - the current internal software version for each DDX-USR module.
    • Monitor No - an index number for each video display. The first monitor for any console will be 
    indexed as ‘1’. Where a console has more than one video display associated with it (by using 
    additional DDX-USR modules), this column will show ‘2’, ‘3’, etc. against the secondary, tertiary, etc. 
    DDX-USR module(s).
    • Monitor model - indicates the video display model as reported to the DDX-USR module to which it is 
    • Unique ID - (shown only when the Maintenance > Settings > Web UI Mode is set to Advanced) this 
    column displays the unique identifier hardwired into every DDX-USR module. 
    Click a receiver entry to view the configuration details of the 
    DDX switch port to which it is connected.
    Within this page it is possible to reboot and/or recover a receiver.
    Recovering a receiver
    This option (shown only when the Maintenance > Settings > Web 
    UI Mode is set to Advanced) is used to reprogram a receiver that 
    has failed during a firmware upgrade. Once the Recover Receiver 
    button is clicked, you will be asked to power cycle the respective 
    receiver, whereupon it will boot up into recovery mode. Then 
    you will asked to click a Reprogram button to commence the 
    Click a heading to reorder the whole list in ascending or descending order according  to the entries within the chosen column.   
    Add new
    Click the [+] icon to begin adding a new computer, 
    either before or after connecting the DDX-CAM 
    • Name - the main identifier for the new computer.
    • Description - a further opportunity to add more 
    information about the computer. 
    • Computer Number - provides a list of the remaining 
    vacant computer numbers that you can associate 
    with your new entry. The chosen number will 
    determine the position of this computer in the 
    OSD screen and also the hotkey (Ctrl+Alt+n) 
    used to access it.  You can swap the number used 
    with other computers within the edit page.  
    • Ports - Add one or more port numbers used by 
    the DDX-CAM module(s) associated with this 
    Configure > Computers
    This page lists the computer systems that are connected to the DDX switch unit via 
    individual DDX-CAM modules: 
    In addition to the Name and Description, the columns also provide the following useful details for each 
    computer entry:
    • Port(s) - each DDX-CAM module connects to a single port on the DDX switch. This column lists the 
    port(s) used by the DDX-CAM module(s) associated with each computer.  Two or more DDX-CAM 
    modules can be combined to support extra displays (multi-head), each connecting to a separate port. 
    Three of the user console ports (21 to 23) can be changed into computer ports, if there are fewer 
    user consoles within your installation. See Reallocating ports.
    • Thumbnail - indicates whether a thumbnail image of the computer’s video output will be shown on the 
    OSD screen for each user. If disabled (unticked), a black image will be shown in the OSD screen.
    • Primary Console - indicates the console that currently has control of the computer.
    • Connected Consoles - lists all consoles to which each computer is attached.  
    • Current Access  Mode - indicates how the computer is currently being accessed by the listed console: 
     = View only,  = Shared access,  = Exclusive,  = Private 
    • Tick box - Allows you to tick all required computer entries and then remove them collectively using 
    the Delete Selected button.
    Click an entry to view/edit its details and options.  
    See Configure > Computers > Edit an entry
    Click a heading to reorder the whole list in ascending or descending order according  to the entries within the chosen column.   
    Configure > Computers > Edit an entry
    This page allows you to edit the configuration details for a chosen computer. 
    • Name - the main identifier for the computer.
    • Description - a further opportunity to add more information about 
    the computer. 
    • Computer Number - displays a list of computer numbers (used and 
    vacant) that you can associate with this entry. The chosen number 
    will determine the position of this computer in the OSD screen 
    and also the hotkey (Ctrl+Alt+n) used to access it.  If you choose a 
    computer number that is already used by another computer, then 
    it and the existing number held by this computer will be swapped 
    o v e r. 
    • Port(s) - shows the one or more port numbers used by the DDX-
    CAM module(s) associated with this computer. For multi-head 
    computers, ensure that the port used by the primary DDX-CAM 
    module (the one linked to the primary video output) is the first 
    one in the list. Three of the user console ports (21 to 23) can be 
    changed into computer ports, if there are fewer user consoles 
    within your installation. See Reallocating ports.
    • Thumbnail - indicates whether or not a thumbnail view of this 
    computer’s video output should be shown OSD screen for each 
    • Primary Console - indicates the primary console that is connected to 
    this computer. 
    • Connected Consoles - indicates other consoles that are also 
    connected to this computer.
    • Current Access  Mode - indicates the access mode (e.g. View Only, 
    Shared, Exclusive, etc.) that is currently being used for this 
    • Transmitters - lists the transmitters (DDX-CAM modules) that are 
    serving this computer.
    When you have made your changes, click the Update button.   
    Configure > Computers > Transmitters
    Each computer connects to a DDX-CAM transmitter module. This page lists each  
    DDX-CAM module and their key details:
    This page lists various details for each DDX-CAM module:
    • Computer Name - the given name for each connected computer.
    • Firmware - the current internal software version for each DDX-CAM 
    • Monitor No - an index number for each video display port. The first port for 
    any computer will be indexed as ‘1’. Where a computer has more than one 
    video display connected it (by using additional DDX-CAM modules), this 
    column will show ‘2’, ‘3’, etc. against the secondary, tertiary, etc. DDX-CAM 
    • Unique ID - (shown only when the Maintenance > Settings > Web UI Mode 
    is set to Advanced) this column displays the unique identifier hardwired 
    into every DDX-CAM module. 
    Applying a different EDID
    If a computer needs to use an EDID profile that 
    differs from the one being used as the default 
    System EDID, use these steps:
    1 If necessary, clone the required EDID - see 
    Add EDID.
    2 View the Configure > Computers > 
    Transmitters page and click on the required 
    computer entry (to show the page above). 
    3 Select the appropriate entry from the EDID 
    drop down list.
    4 Click the Update button.
    Recovering a transmitter
    This option (shown only when 
    the Maintenance > Settings > Web 
    UI Mode is set to Advanced) is 
    used to reprogram a transmitter 
    that has failed during a firmware 
    upgrade. Once the Recover 
    Transmitter button is clicked, you 
    will be asked to power cycle the 
    respective transmitter, whereupon 
    it will boot up into recovery mode. 
    Then you will asked to click a 
    Reprogram button to commence 
    the operation.     
    Click a transmitter entry to view the configuration details of its port on the DDX switch.  
    Within this page it is possible to reboot and/or recover a transmitter.
    Click a heading to reorder the whole list in ascending or descending order according  to the entries within the chosen column.   
    Reallocating ports
    By default the DDX switch provides 10 user console ports on its front panel and 20 
    computer ports along its rear panel, however, these designations are not fixed. If your 
    installation requires a greater number of computers or has a need for more user 
    consoles, you can alter the allocation of these standard ports to suit: 
    • Any of the 20 rear panel computer ports can be reallocated as user console ports, or 
    • Three of the front panel ports (labeled 21 to 23) can be used as computer ports.
    To reallocate a port that is already being used
    1 While creating (or editing) a computer or console entry, choose the required port.
     If the port is already being used, when you click the Update button, you will be 
    presented with a warning such as the following:
    2 Click the Confirm button. The chosen port will first be de-allocated from its existing 
    relationship and then paired to your device. The device that originally used the port 
    will be left without a port allocation and will need separate attention. 
     Note: If you reallocate any port from a multi-head computer/console this will cause all ports 
    associated with that computer/consoles to be de-allocated.   
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