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Acu-Rite Control System MILLPWRG2 User Manual

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6.2 Folders
Importing a DXF drawing
Save any running programs. Locate the folder containing the DXF 
If a program is loaded, save the open program, it does not have to 
be cleared.
From the PGM screen, press the Program Functions soft key.
When a DXF drawing is not located in the current folder, select the 
location of the DXF drawing using the Folder View soft key, and 
Change Window soft key as needed. 
Verify that DXF Drawing is selected in the Program Type popup...

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1226 Programming
6.2 Folders
G-code programs
G-code editing capabilities
G-code programs have basic editing capabilities. The value of an 
existing g-code address can be changed.
There are no soft keys available for editing, all navigation is done using 
the ARROW keys. Use UP and DOWN ARROW keys to move the cursor to the 
line that needs to be edited. And press ENTER to edit the line.
Use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys to move from address value to 
address value within the line. Enter the new value for...

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6.2 Folders
Loading a G-code program
MILLPWRG2 has the ability to read and run G-code programs.  Basic 
editing is also possible. It is important to fully test the G-code program 
before machining a part.
A G-code program can be loaded into MILLPWR
G2 in the same 
manner as MILLPWRG2 programs. Once loaded, MILLPWRG2 will 
indicate with an x the first error regardless of the cursor location. An 
error message also appears in the message line indicating that the line 

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1246 Programming
6.2 Folders
Using the tool table
Each T block refers to the corresponding number in the Tool Table. 
For example, T1 will cause MILLPWR
G2 to retrieve the tool length 
offset from tool 1 of the Tool Table. MILLPWRG2 will then offset the 
spindle by this amount. T2 will cause MILLPWRG2 to retrieve the tool 
length offset from tool 2 of the Tool Table, etc.  See chapter 4.1 Tool 
Table on page 68 for a complete description about using the Tool 
It is very important not to have any...

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6.2 Folders
G-code and M-Code definitions
The following is a list of supported, and unsupported G-codes.  
† Represents supported G-codes.
G-code listing 
G0 † Linear Interpolation (Rapid)
These commands generate table/quill motion.  The motion command 
applies to current and subsequent blocks containing at least one X, Y, or 
Z coordinate.  The default motion command is a linear move at feed (G1). G1 † Linear Interpolation (Feed)
G2 † Circular...

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1266 Programming
6.2 Folders
Return to Home ReferenceMILLPWR
G2 does not have a method for establishing a “home” 
position.  If one or more coordinates are specified in the block, the table/
quill will rapid to that location.  Program execution will continue with the 
next program block. G30
G40 † Cancel Cutter Compensation MILLPWR
G2 supports automatic cutter compensation.  Enable cutter 
compensation using G41 (left) or G42 (right).  Disable compensation 
using G40...

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6.2 Folders
G61 † Set “stop” Path Mode
These commands set the path mode.  The setting applies to current and 
subsequent blocks.  The default is G64 (continuous).
G64 † Set “continuous” Path Mode
G70 † Set Program Units (INCH)
Same functions as G20 and G21. These commands set the unit of 
measure.  The setting applies to current and subsequent blocks.  The 
default is G70 (INCH). 
G71 † Set Program Units (MM)
G80 † Cancel Motion ModeThis command cancels the...

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1286 Programming
6.2 Folders
G87 † Chip Break CycleThis is the chip-breaker peck-drilling cycle, generally used to :
Peck-drill medium to deep holes. The cycle feeds from the begin depth 
to the first peck depth in Z, rapid retracts the chip-break increment (W), 
feeds to the next calculated peck depth (initial peck less J), and 
continues this sequence until it reaches a U depth, or until final hole 
depth is reached. The peck distance is never more than I or less than K.

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6.2 Folders
M-Code definition
The following is a list of available M-Codes.  Be advised that many 
M-codes are machine dependant, and often machine manufacturers 
will add, and/or remove some M-Codes.
† Represents supported M-codes.
M-Code list 
M* † All other M codes not listed will generate a run-time error.
M0 † Program Stop This command pauses the program.  Press GO to resume.
M1 † Optional Program StopThis command pauses the program if the Optional...

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1306 Programming
6.2 Folders
M48Enable Speed/Feed Override It is not possible to disable feed rate override on MILLPWR
G2.  These 
commands are ignored.
M49Disable Speed/Feed Override
M60Program Stop w/ Pallet ShuttleMILLPWR
G2 does not support control of a pallet changer.  This code has 
the same effect as M0. 
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