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Acer Aspire 6935g Service Guide

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Page 51

Chapter 241
NOTE: The system information is subject to different models.
CPU Type This field shows the CPU type and speed of the system.
IDE1 Model Name This field shows the model name of HDD installed on primary IDE master.
IDE1 Serial Number This field displays the serial number of HDD installed on primary IDE master.
IDE2I Model Name This field displays the mofel name of devices installed on secondary IDE master. 
The hard disk drive or optical drive model name is...

Page 52

42Chapter 2
The Main screen displays a summary of your computer hardware information, and also includes basic setup 
parameters. It allows the user to specify standard IBM PC AT system parameters.
NOTE: The screen above is for your reference only. Actual values may differ.
InsydeH2O Setup Utility                    Rev. 3.0 
Information    Main      Advanced        Security        Boot       Exit  
  Item specific Help 
System Time: [09:00:00] , , or 
System Date: [01/01/2003]  selects field...

Page 53

Chapter 243
The table below describes the parameters in this screen. Settings in boldface are the default and suggested 
parameter settings.
NOTE: The sub-items under each device will not be shown if the device control is set to disable or auto. This is 
because the user is not allowed to control the settings in these cases.
System Time Sets the system time. The hours are 
displayed with 24-hour format.Format: HH:MM:SS 
(hour:minute:second) System Time
System Date Sets...

Page 54

44Chapter 2
The Advanced screen displays advanced settings in BIOS.
The table below describes the parameters in this screen. Settings in boldface are the default and suggested 
parameter settings.
Serial port Displays the settings of the serial port
Enabled or Disabled
Parallel port Shows the settings of the parallel port
Enabled or Disabled 

Page 55

Chapter 245
The Security screen contains parameters that help safeguard and protect your computer from unauthorized 
InsydeH2O Setup Utility                    Rev. 3.0 
Information.     Main     Advanced        Security      Boot        Exit 
  Item specific Help 
Supervisor Password Is Clear 
User Password Is   Clear Supervisor Password controls 
HDD Password Clear access to the whole setup 
  utility. It can be used to boot 
Set Supervisor Password [Enter] up when Password on boot is...

Page 56

46Chapter 2
The table below describes the parameters in this screen. Settings in boldface are the default and suggested 
parameter settings.
NOTE: When you are prompted to enter a password, you have three tries before the system halts. Don’t forget 
your password. If you forget your password, you may have to return your notebook computer to your 
dealer to reset it.
User Password is Shows the setting of the user 
Clear or Set
Supervisor Password is Shows the...

Page 57

Chapter 247
Setting a Password
Follow these steps as you set the user or the supervisor password:
1.Use the w andy keys to highlight the Set Supervisor Password parameter and press the e key. The Set 
Supervisor Password box appears:
2.Type a password in the “Enter New Password” field. The password length can not exceeds 8 
alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, not case sensitive). Retype the password in the “Confirm New 
Password” field.
IMPORTANT:Be very careful when typing your password because the...

Page 58

48Chapter 2
Changing a Password
1.Use the w and y keys to highlight the Set Supervisor Password parameter and press the e key. The Set 
Password box appears:
2.Type the current password in the Enter Current Password field and press e.
3.Type a password in the Enter New Password field. Retype the password in the Confirm New Password 
4.Press e. After setting the password, the computer sets the User Password parameter to “Set”.
5.If desired, you can enable the Password on boot parameter.
6.When you...

Page 59

Chapter 249
This menu allows the user to decide the order of boot devices to load the operating system. Bootable devices 
includes the distette drive in module bay, the onboard hard disk drive and the CD-ROM in module bay.
InsydeH2O Setup Utility                    Rev. 3.0 
   Information     Main      Advanced      Security       Boot       Exit 
  Item specific Help 
Boot priority order:   
1. IDE 0: ST960821A 
3: USB FDD: 
4. Network Boot: Realtek Boot Agent 
5. USB...

Page 60

50Chapter 2
The Exit screen contains parameters that help safeguard and protect your computer from unauthorized use.
The table below describes the parameters in this screen.
Exit Saving Changes Exit System Setup and save your changes to CMOS.
Exit Discarding 
ChangesExit utility without saving setup data to CMOS.
Load Setup Default Load default values for all SETUP item.
Discard Changes Load previous values from CMOS for all SETUP items.
Save Changes Save Setup Data to CMOS....
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