Double Your Broiler
Production With The
Anets Over-Under
Save up to 50% in fuel costs using one
set of burners for two broiling
operations, char-broil on upper grid
section, infra-red broil on roll-out
lower grid section. Each grid can be
adjusted to five different broiling levels.
Control flare-ups with the Anets Flame-
Flare Control. Flame-Flare Control
provides a controlled, uniform supply
of fresh heated air above each burner
and across the entire broiling area to
minimize flare-up and assure...
CFW / FRI-CRISP Anets Crispy Food Warmer and Fri Crisp
ANETS INC PO BOX 501, CONCORD, NH 03302-0501
509 ROUTE 3A, BOW, NH 03304 TEL: 603-225-6684, FAX:603-225-8497
L10-518 R3
We reserve the right to change specifications without notice and without incurring any
Obligation for equipment previously or subsequently sold.
ANETS Crispy Food Warmer and Fri-Crisp Station Keeps Your Food Crisp, Hot and Fresh...