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Yamaha Rx 7 User Manual

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    							3. T o restart  playback  from where it  was stopped,  press
    STOP/CONTINUE  again. Pressing  START instead re-
    commences  playback from  the beginnin g of  the  Song.
    4.  Afte r having  stopped playback, you can  select any other
    Song  with the numeric keys.
    *  Tempo  adjustments  can be made  as explained  for Patterns.
    *  Click  can be used  but must  be set in  the Pattern Mode.
    In  order  to make  room for the  inserted  Part in an  existing
    song,  the RX7  shifts al l subsequent  Parts forward.  Example:
    To  inser t a  Part  consisting  of Patter n 99  between  Parts 02
    and  03, select  Part 03 for insertion.
    FUNCTIO NContinuously  repeat a selected  Song.
    1. After  selecting  the desired  Song, or  during  playback  of
    that  Song,  press the SWING/REPEAT  button. The
    display  will show
    2 . You  can now  turn the repeat  function on and  off with
    the  - 1/NO  and + 1/YES  keys.
    FUNCTIO NCreate or alter  Song s by  combining  Patterns.
    1. Selec t the  desire d Son g number (memory  location) and
    1. Selec t th e Part  of th e Son g where you wish  to inser t a
    new  Part  and press  STEP WRITE/INSERT.  The prompt
    mark  “**”  will appear, asking  you to  input  the contents
    o f the  inserted  Part.
    2 . Inpu t either  a Pattern  or any other of the  possibilities  -
    a  repeat symbol,  a tempo  or volume change  command
    or  a  searc h mark.
    To cancel data entry, press - 1/NO.
    2. Input  the number  of the  Pattern  you want to  use fo r
    Part  1 with  the numeric  keys.
    3 . Switc h to  the  next Part  (and then forward/backward
    between  Parts a s necessary ) with  the - 1/NO and
    +  1/YES  keys.
    4.  Input  the contents  of the  following  Parts - i.e. a  Pattern,
    a  repeat  symbol,  a tempo or  volume change command
    or  a search mark.
    Other  practica l Edit  Song functions  you can now  use are
    Insert,  Delete  and Pattern  Copy.
    FUNCTIO NErase Parts  of a Song .
    Delete  is complementary  to Insert - al l Parts after  the deleted
    Part  are moved  backwards.
    1. Selec t the Part  of the  Song  you wish to delete and  press
    QUANTIZE/DELETE.  The display  will ask you  to
    FUNCTIO NInsert new Parts  in a Song. 2
    . Press  + 1/YES  to confirm.
    The  display will show the  contents of th e next Part,
    which  now has  the number  of the  deleted  Part.
    To cancel delete operation instead, press - 1/NO.
    1 7 
    FUNCTIO NEnters Repeat  commands  in a Song for re-
    petition  of specified  Parts.
    Instead  of entering  the same  Pattern numbers  over and over
    again  in a Song,  you can use Repeat  commands.  Specified
    Parts  or groups  of Parts  can be repeated up  to 99 times , and
    “nesting”  (repetitions  within repetitions)  on up to  ten levels
    i s  als o possible .
    There  are two  Repeat  commands,  Begin Repeat  and End
    Repeat,  which are input  at the beginning  and end of the  Part(s )
    to  be repeated.
    The  number  of repetitions  can be specified  within the End
    Repeat  command.  Remember  that this number  is always
    ONE  LES S than  the actual number  of times  you hear  the
    specified  section (which =  1  playback  + N  repetitions). 5
    . You  can now input the desired number  of repetitions
    with  the numeric  keys and then continue  editing.PART COPY
    FUNCTIO NCopy a  specifie d number  of consecutive  Parts
    to  any subsequent  location in a Song.
    NOTE : Any  Parts following the  copy destination point will
    be  erased . In  effect,  this means  you can copy onl y
    to the end  of a  Song .
    * Input  of the  Repeat  commands  is often  easies t when  done
    in  combination with Insert, after  having programmed  the
    Song  without repetitions.
    1. Selec t the  Part  of the  Son g from  which  you want repe-
    tition  to commence,  and pres s SWING/REPEAT.  The
    displa y will  ask you to  select the  Begin  or End  Repeat
    2. Press  numeric key  1 to  input a  Begin Repeat  command,
    then  continue  editing (entering  Parts) until  your reach
    the  location  for the End  Repeat command.
    3 . Pres s SWING/REPEAT. The  display will again ask you
    to  selec t the  Begin or  End Repeat  command.
    4 . Pres s numeric  key 2 to input an End  Repeat command.Original Part s following  copy destinatio n ar e cleared .
    1. Selec t the  Part  of the  Son g to which  you wish  to cop y
    to  (= cop y destination)  and press  COPY . The  upper  line
    o f the  LCD  will ask you  to specify the first  and final
    Parts  of the  section you  want to  copy:
    							2. Enter  the three-digit  numbers of the  first  and final Parts
    o f the  sectio n to be  copied , then  press  + 1/YES  or EN-
    TER  to complete  data input.
    Copying  is completed,  and the LCD  will displa y the
    number  of the  empty Part location  now following the
    end  of the  copied  section .
    *  Should  you make  a mistake  in specifying  the sectio n to
    b e copied,  one of the  following  error message s will  appear
    and  copying will  be canceled .
    a ) I f the  number  of the  first  copie d Part  is larger than  that
    o f the  final  one, or  a copy  sectio n is specifie d that  includes
    the  destination  Part, the LCD  will show :
    b)  Should  you specify a  Part for  copying  that does not exist,
    the LCD  will show:
    2. Press  numeri c key  1 to  select  accelerando,  key 2 for ri -
    tardando .
    FUNCTIO NEnters Tempo  Change  commands in a  Song
    to  make  it gradually slower or  faster.
    Natural , gradual  changes  in tempo - accelerando (increase)
    or  ritardando  (decrease) -  can  be created with these  com-
    mands.  Both the value  (in quarter  notes/minute)  and the
    duration  (in quarte r notes)  of th e tempo  change  can be spe-
    By entering  a Tempo  Change command  within a repeated
    section,  you can cause  accelerando or ritardando  over longer
    passages  than the 99  quarter notes which  normally  is the limit
    fo r a single tempo  change.
    *  It  is generally  easiest to  input  tempo  changes  after having
    completed  a song,  by using Insert.
    NOTE : Unless  you balance  accelerandi with ritardandi,  your
    Song  will end in a  different tempo  than it started
    with.  If you  have not  set an  initial  tempo for  the
    Son g and start to play it  again immediately,  it will
    commence  at this  previous  final tempo.  It is there-
    fore  recommended that  you use Job  #04 to  specify
    an  initial  tempo.
    1. Selec t the Part  of the  Song  from which you want the
    tempo  to start  changing,  and press  CLICK/TEMPO
    CHANGE.  The display  will ask you  to select
    Accel(erando)  or Rit(ardando). 3
    . Inpu t th e value  of the  tempo  change  (i.e. by  how  much
    you  wan t the  tempo  to increase/decrease) as the  nu-
    merator  and the duratio n o f the  tempo  change  as the
    denominator  of the  fraction shown  on th e LCD,  using
    ACCENT  2 to switch  between the two.
    Sa y you  want  the tempo to  increase by  15 quarte r notes
    per  minute  over 4 measures. This means  you have to set
    tempo  change  (accelerando)  to +15/16,  because 4
    measures  correspond  to 16 quarte r notes.
    Instantaneous  tempo changes  can be achieved  by setting
    the  denominator  to 0.
    FUNCTIONEnters Volume  Change commands  at any lo-
    cation  in a Song,  to raise  or lower  level.
    Any  volume change within  the voice level limits  (0 ~  63 ) is
    possible.  By entering  several Volume  Change commands  in
    subsequent  Parts or using  them in repeated  sections,  gradual
    volume  changes  can be achieved  (e.g. for  climaxes,  fade-in
    or  fade-out).
    1. Selec t the Part of  the Song  where  you want  the volume
    to  change, and  press EDIT PATTERN/VOLUME
    CHANGE.  The display will  ask you to selec t Up(ward)
    or  Down(ward)  change.
    							2. Press  numeric  key 1 to  selec t Up  or key  2 fo r Down.
    3 . Input  the degree  (value) o f volume  change with the  nu-
    meric  keys.
    FUNCTIO NCopy entire  Songs to  another  location.  Useful
    when  you want  to alter  a Son g while  retaining
    the  original  version.
    1. Selec t the  SONG  you want  to cop y and  pres s COPY .
    The  LCD  will ask  you to input the  copy destination
    number  (new Song location).
    2 . Enter  the destination number with  the numeric keys, then
    press  + 1/YES  to copy.
    Th e message  “completed!”  shows that copying has been
    carried  out.
    *  Shoul d you  decid e to  copy a  different  Song after  having
    specifie d the  copy  destination, move the  cursor to the
    upper  LCD  line with  ACCENT  2 and  enter a different
    Song  number.
    *  I f the  specified  copy destination  already contains  a Song,
    thi s Son g will  be erased to make  room for the  new Song .
    T o avoid  mistakes,  the LCD  asks
    if  the  copy  destination  is occupied.  You can now  cancel
    Song  Copy  with the - 1/NO  key or execute  copying with
     + 1/YES  key.
    2. Press  + 1/YES . The  LCD  will ask
    3.    Press + 1/YES to confirm (or - 1/NO to cancel Song
    After  displaying  the message “completed!”,  the LCD
    will  show the  cleared Song location.
    The  Song functions  listed on the  extreme  left of the  front
    panel  Job Menu under SONG and  EDIT SONG  are selecte d
    by  entering  the respective  Job number,  i.e. by  pressing  JOB
    and  then  inputtin g a  two-digit  number with the numeric  keys.
    Except  for Job  #01 , Mark Search,  which is als o available in
    Song  Selectio n mode, these  Jobs can only be accessed  during
    Edit  Song  mode.
    FUNCTIONInstantly locate a specified point  in a Song.
    A  very  useful  feature  both for playback  and
    editing,  this lets you instantly  locate any Part
    in  a  Song or  a location marked  according to
    Job  #02.
    1. Selec t Job  #01 .
    The  lower  line of the  displa y will  ask you  to input the
    Pattern  or Mark  you want to  locate.
    2 . a : PART  SEARCH
    If  you  are looking  for a  certain  Part, enter  its
    three-digit  number with the numeric keys.  As soon
    a s the  first  digit  is input,  the display  will change  to
    FUNCTIO NErase entire  Songs.
    *  I t i s als o possible to  clear all 20 Songs simultaneously
    with  UTILITY  Job #06.
    1. Selec t the  Song  you wan t to erase and  press CLEAR.
    Afte r all  three  digits have  been entered  correctly,
    the  Part  you were  looking for will  appear  on the
    							Should you make  a mistake  during number  entry
    (for  instance  forgetting to  start with  a zero for
    numbers  under 100), the  display  will show
    If  this  occurs,  select Job #01  again and carefully
    enter  the right  number.
    2 . b : MARK  SEARCH
    I f  you  are looking for a  certain Mark previously
    input  with  Job #02, enter  the Marks  name using
    the  alphabet keys  (= Instrument  keys) and numeric
    keys  as explained  for Job  #02 below.
    After  the entire  Mark name has been entered  cor-
    rectly,  the marked  location you were  looking  for
    will  appear  on th e display .
    If  you have made a mistake during Mark name entry,
    the  LCD  will show
    If this  happens,  select Job  #01 again  and carefully
    enter  the correct Mark  name.
    JOB #02: MARK  SET
    Lower  case letters can  be input by holding  down
    SHIFT/COMPARE  while pressing  a letter  key.
    The cursor  is moved backward and forward with the - 1/NO
    and  +1/YE S keys.
    *  Note  that Mark  names  can not  begin with a numeral.
    3 . When  you have completed name  input, press  ENTER.
    The  display  will change  to
    indicating  that a Marker  with the displayed  name has
    been  entered in  the indicated  Part location.
    JOB #03: SONG  NAME
    FUNCTIO NName or rename a  Song.
    1. Making  sure that the Son g you  want  to name  is selected
    an d Edit  Song mode  entered, access Job  #03 .
    The  lower  line of  the display will  ask you  to input  the
    Son g name.
    FUNCTIO NName a specific  point in a Son g for  later  in-
    stantaneous  location.
    Any  point in  a Son g can be  given a name  consisting of up
    t o  si x characters (letters and  numerals). This “Mark”  is useful
    both  for making  the structure  of the  Son g clearer  (by entering
    names  such a s “INTRO” or  “1.MELO”) as wel l a s for later
    instant  location at any time using  Job #01 explained  above.
    A  Mark  is als o counted  as a  Part.
    1. Making  sure that  the Edit  Song mode  is entered,  select
    Job #02.
    The lower  line o f the  displa y will  ask you  to input  the
    Mark  you want  to name.
    2 . Input  a name of up  to six characters  using the Instrument
    keys  and numeric keys.
    *  In  addition  to the  Instrument  keys, ACCENT  1 and  2 are
    use d to  input  Y and  Z. EFFECT  enters  a space , and
    DAMP  a period. 2
    . Input  a Son g name  of up  to eigh t characters  as explained
    above  for Mark name  entry.
    *  Unlike  Mark names,  Song names may  begin with a nu -
    3. When  you have  completed  input of the  Song  name,  press
    The  LCD  will revert to  normal Edit Song display,  indi-
    catin g that the  Song name  has been  entered.
    *  This  function  can also b e used  to rename  Songs, i.e . alter
    their  present  name.
    Th e Song s current name  will be displaye d when  the Son g
    Name  Job is calle d up,  and  can then  be changed  in the
    sam e way  as entering  a new name.
    FUNCTIO NSet the initial  tempo of a  Song.
    Allows  you to determine  the tempo  with which a  Song will
    always  start during  playback.  (Tempo changes within the
    Son g remain valid).
    Tempo  can still be  altered  manually  at any  time.
    The Chain Mode lets you
    *  Create  a maximum of 3  Chains  consisting  of up  to 90 Son gs (Steps ).
    *  Selec t a  Chain and play it at the desired  tempo.
    *  Erase  (clear) a Chain.  Onthe RX7,  the word “Chain” refersto a combination  of Song s, ordered as “Step s” within  the Chain.
    You  can thuscreate accompaniment sequences for whole groups of Song s, either  forlive performance or recording.
    * To use Chain  functions, always enter Chain Playback Mode  first bypressing CHAIN. Select other Jobs  by then pressing Job
    and entering  the Job number.
    FUNCTIO NPlayback of select ed  Chain.
    1. After pressing CHAIN,  select the  desired  Chain with
    numeric  keys0, 1 or  2.
    2 . Pre ss START  or STOP/CONTINUE The RUN
    LED  will light,  and the display  will change to
    FUNCTIONCombining Songs to form a newChain,  or
    altering  existing  Chains.
    Creating  a Chain from Songs (Steps)  is basically  the same
    a s creating a So ng out of Patterns and other Parts. Maximum
    St ep  number is  90 .
    1. After pressing CHAIN, selectthe  desired Chain with
    numeric keys 0, 1  or  2, then access Job  #02.
    The  display  continues  to change,  showing  the current
    position in the Chain and the  current Song(Step) until
    playback  stops at  the end of the  Chain.
    3 . To stop  playback  at any time,  press STOP/CONTINUE.
    The  RUN LED  will go out, and the  firstmeasure appears
    again  on the  LCD.
    4. To restart  playback from where it  was stopped, press
    STOP/CONTINUE  again. Pressing START instead re-
    commences  playbackfrom thebeginning  of the Chain.
    5 . Aft er having  stopped playback,  you can select another
    Chain with numeric  keys0 to  2.
    *  Tempo adjustments  canbe made as explained  for Patterns.
    *  Click  can be  used but must be set in th e Pattern Mode. (
    I f you  are altering an existing  Chain, the first  Song
    number will appear  inplace o f the  prompt marks “**”.)
    2 . Selec t the  Song  to be used for Step  1 by  entering  its
    location withthe numeric  keys.
    3 . Pre ss +  1/YES to input the selected  Song and  switch  to
    the  next Step.
    (The  - 1/NO  and + 1/Y ES keys  can be used to switch
    between  existing Steps.)
    Continue this process until  you have  programmed the
    entire  Chain.
    *  The  INSERT and DELETE keys can  be usedas during
    Ed it Son g.
    JOB  #03: CHAIN  NAME
    FUNCTIO NNaming orrenaming Chains.
    1. Either callup the  Chain  Playback displayorselec t Job
    #03 .
    							2. Input  a Chain name  of up  to eight  characters  as explained
    above  for Mark  name entry.
    Pressing  ENTER  after writing  the Chain name  returns
    you  to the Chain  Playback display.
    FUNCTIO NErasing entire Chains .
    1. Selec t the  Chain  you want  to eras e and enter  Job #04.
    2 . Press  + 1/YES . The  LCD  will ask
    3 . Press  + 1/YES  to confirm  (or -  1/NO  to cance l Chain
    Afte r displaying  the message  “completed!”,  the LCD
    will  show  the cleared  Chain location.
    							EDIT VOICE
    The Edit  Voice mode lets  you:
    *  Edit  (alter)  parameters  such as pitch,  level or pan position  for any  voice.
    *  Create  special effects for individual voices,  including pitch bends,  vibrato and  tremolo.
    *  Store  edited data in the internal memory.
    *  Reset  an edited voice  to its original  values.
    The  character  of individual  instruments  can be changed dramatically  with Edit Voice,  particularly  by adjusting a  combination  of
    parameters,  such as e.g . decay  rate, pitch  bend rate/range and pitch.
    Edit  Voice  allows  you to set the basic  values of certain  parameters which  can be additionally altered  according to Key Assign  (see
    below)  and, on a  note by note  basis, with Edit Pattern  as explained  above. Changes  made with Edit Voice  also affect  instruments
    in  existing  Patterns.
    Press  EDIT  VOICE  to enter  this mode.  The display will show the  voice and  editing  Job last selected .
    T o specify any other  Job, press  JOB. The lower  line of the  LCD  will ask you to input  the numbe r of  th e desired Job:
    Enter the Job number with the numeric keys. Data is input with the - 1/NO and + 1/YES keys and the DATA entry slider
    As  soon  as any  data  is altered,  the “E” in “Edit  Voice” will  change to lower  case.
    You  can compare  this altered  value with the  previous one  by pressing  SHIFT/COMPARE  (= STOP/CONTINUE  key), in which
    cas e a  bar will  appear over  the “e” in  “edit” and  the original  value will be displayed.
    Data  cannot be  altered during the  “e-bar” display. (The cursor disappears).  To continue  editing, press SHIFT/COMPARE  again.
    FUNCTIO NSelect any voice  for editing  or for checking
    it s parameter settings.
    1. Select  Job #01. 2
    . Selec t the  voice  you wan t to  edit or  check by tapping
    its  Instrumen t key  or entering  the voic e numbe r directly
    wit h the  numeric keys.  (See Voice  List in th e BASIC
    							* Selecting  a voice  currently not  assigned to any  Instrument
    key  displays “key-”  on the  upper right.  Such voices may
    be  edited,  but you  can only  hear  the results  if you  play
    the  corresponding  key on a connected  and appropriately
    assigned  MIDI keyboard.
    3 . Continue  by selecting  one of the  following  editing Jobs.
    NOTE : Edited  values have to be stored  (Job #07) to become
    permanent.  If you  have edited  a voice  but do not
    perform  Voice Store,  the first  “e” of “edit  Voice”
    will  remain lower  case, and  all edited  values will
    by  los t i f a  different  voice is selecte d (or  the  same
    one  specified  again) with Job #01.
    Therefore,  pay attention  if you  enter  Voice  Select
    mode  and the first  “e” o f “edit  Voice ” i s lower  case.
    (Lost  data can be retrieved  from the edit recall  buffer
    with  Job #09.)
    JOB  #02: PITC H
    FUNCTIO NSets basi c pitch  of selecte d voice .
    • Range:  -3600  ~ +2400  cent (in 10-cen t steps)
    ( =  -3  to +2 octaves)
    (10 0 cent  = 1  semitone)
    1. Selec t Job  #02.  The lower  display  line will show
    2 . T o adjust  the pitch  upward or downward  in semitone
    (100  cent)  steps,  use the DATA  slider or  -1/NO  and
    +  1/YES  keys.
    For  finer  adjustments  in 10-cent  steps, hold  down  the
    numeric key 0 and press - 1/NO or + 1/YES.
    JOB  #03: DECAY
    FUNCTIO NSets basi c decay  rate of selecte d voice .
    • Range : Deca y Rate  = 01 ~  31
    Think  of the  “decay”  of a  sound  as the  spee d with  which  it
    die s out.  The  faster  the decay  (= the  HIGHER  the Decay
    Rate  value),  the SHORTER  the sound. The slower  the decay
    (  =  the  lower  the Decay  Rate value),  the longe r the  sound.
    Try  changing the  Decay Rates of various  voices to get  a feeling
    fo r the  influence  of this  setting on  the sound  characteristics .
    *  The  Decay  Rate setting  has no effect on “reverse”  voices.
    1. Select Job #03. The lower display line will show 2
     To  lengthe n o r shorte n th e decay  (= lowe r or raise  the
    Decay  Rate value) , use  the - 1/N O and  + 1/YES  keys
    o r DATA slider.
    JOB  #04: BEND
    FUNCTIO NSets bend  parameters of selected  voice.
    •  Range:  Bend  Rate =  0 ~ 60
    Bend  Range  = -60  ~ +6 0
    The  expression  “bend” as used  for th e RX 7 r efers  to linear
    pitch bend effects which automatically raise or lower the pitch
    o f a  note  while  it i s being  played.
    Two  parameters  can be adjusted  - Bend  Rate,  which  deter-
    mines  the speed  of the pitch  bend,  and Bend  Range, which
    determines  how great the change  in pitch will be.
    1. Select  Job #04. The  lower  display line  will show either
    o f the  following  display types.  To switch  between them.
    press numeric key 1 (       Rate) or 2 (       Range).
    1 :
    The  Bend Rate  can be set between  0 and  60 (unit:  10 cent
    per  10 microseconds).  Increasing this value  speeds  up the
    pitch  bend effect.
    The  Bend Range  can be se t between  - 60 and  + 60  (unit:
    10 0 cent  = 1  semitone). Raising  this value  increases  the pitch
    difference  between the beginning  and the end  of the  bend
    JOB  #05: VOICE  LEVEL
    FUNCTIO NSets basic volume  of selected  voice.
    •  Range:  Voice  Level = 0 ~ 63
    1. Selec t Job  #05. The lower  display line will show
    2 6 
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