Wolf Cinema Projector SDC-10 1 Specifications
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SDC 10\b08 0p DILA 3D Front Pr ojector \fo lf Ci ne ma ÕsÒPUPÓ 3DCinem aPro jector Wo lf C in em aproud lyint roduc esthe latest membe rof our expa nding lineup –the modelSD C\b 0. Affec tio na te ly kn ow n as th e“PU P,” th e SD C\b 0is an advanced homecin em aplatform equipped to de live rso me of finest exper iences in bot h2D and 3D view ing. Suitabl efor the ater screens upto\b2 Õwi de, the SD C\b 0is built around a\b080p three chip, DILA ®[Di rect Dr ive Ima geLight Ampl ifi er] light engi ne.DILA technolog y,de veloped bythe Vic tor Co mpan yof Japan [JVC], produces stunningfilmlikeimaging with deep cont rast levels and natur alcolo rrendit ions.The syst em iscomplem entedbycustom WolfCinem avid eo pr oc essing and advanced optics thatdel iver srazor sharp images from toda yÕs most de mandi ngHD source s. New for thisye ar isthe integ rated Wol fCi nema VariScope ™lens mem orysy stem. This uniq ue te chno log yenabl esquick accessto thre eprefer redaspec trat ios –ex., \b.7 8:\b, \b .8\f :\band 2. 3\f :\b – all w itho utan external anamorphi clens. This provides for full 2:3\f :\bCinem aScope ™ wides cree nview ingwithout thoseunw anted top/bottom “blac kbar s”on appropriate screen s. Andfor true film aficionado s,two precis ionVariS cope™FXfixed anamor phiclens assem blies a re also ava ilable –es pecial lyuseful when taking advanta geofthe fullinstallation rang eof the primar yoptics . TheSDC\b 0is deli ver ed in an elegant highgloss blackcabinet, which als o incorpo rates a highl yefficie nt ther mal design for extende dprojector andlamp life.Multiple whisp erfan s keep thelig ht engi ne at opti mum runnin gtempe rat ur es by routin gairin area rto fro nt des ign , fa ci lit at ing amuc hwider range ofinsta llati on options .Dual HDMI \b.4 inputs, onesetof co mpone ntvideo plusfullsyst emIR remo tecont rol,LAN andRS2 32 control capab ilities are inc luded for eas eof connecti vity and usage. Last butnotleast, optim ized Wolf Cinem a3D shut ter glass es and the3Dsignal emitter remainkey accessories, available whenever one desires the very fine stin 3D view ing expe riences. SDC 10 \bea ture s •DI LA ®th reechip, 19\f 0x10 80 [1080p] hom ecinema projector •On board VariScope ™lens mem orysystem [three custom preset s]for 1\b78, 1\b85 and \f\b35: 1fil m aspec trat ioview ing • Ad vanc ed real time \fDto3D conversi on •\f\f0 W lamp, 1300 ANSI, ~70,000:1 CRperformance •Ultrahi ghcontrast chipset with nex tgen home cinema iris • Hand calibrat edfor both \fD and 3Dviewing • 6cust ompreset view ing mod es,3col orspac e mem ories andscreen surface compensat iondriver •Extended rangeprimary lens : 1\b45: 1to \f\b78:1 TD •Inp uts: HDMI 1\b4a (\f), Component (1) •IR Remote Controlinclu ded plus LAN, RS\f3 \fsys tem con trol capabi lities • Two optional Vari Scope FX ™ fixed anamorphic len s asse mbl ies •Elegant glossblackcabi net with black anodiz edfront and re ar bez el •Op timiz edthermal desi gn for ex tended projectorand lamp lif e • Op tional 3Dstarter pack inc ludes 3Dsignal emitter andtwo pairs ofacti ve glas ses; ad diti onal glasses available •Op tional WCP MMceilin g mou ntkit
SDC10 \folfCinema \f431 F ifthSt\bBer keley .CA 9471 0 Tel:51 0\b843\b 4500 \bFa x : 51 0\b843\b71\f0 www\b wo lfcin ema\b com©\f01 \fWolf Cinema Specifi cat ions Disp layPanel/Size DILA devi ce *1 *\f 0\b 7” (19\f 0pixels x108 0pixel s) x3 (total no\bofpixel s: ap prox \b6 \b\f \f m illion) Pro ject ion Lens \f\b0xpo wer zoom lens(1\b4 5:1 to\f\b7 8:1 )(zoom/f ocus:power) Va riSco pe ™Three useradj ustable lens presets 1\b7 8:1, 1\b8 5:1 and \f\b35:1 asp ect ratios [N OT E:p rojec torthro w distance when utiliz in g the int ern alVari Scop efea ture is ap px\b1\b 45:1 to \f\b1:1xSW] [exter nalVar iScope FX ™anamor phiclen ssu pp ort alsopr ovi ded ] Ligh tSour ceLamp \f\f0WUltrahigh pressure mercurylamp [Part No\bW CLPU \f\f0] Aver age Lifespan \f0003000 hours (normal mode) Perfo rm ance 1300ANSI,~7 0,000 :1CR performance Resolution 19\f0dotsx1080 dots \fD>3 DAlgorithm Realtime conversion ofstandard \fD images int o3D Pro ject ion Dist ance Approx\b 1\b8mto 1\fm Analo gVideo InputFormats 480i,480p, 576i, 576 p,7\f0p/ 50Hz,7 \f0 p/6 0Hz, 1080i/50 Hz,1 080i/60 Hz Digit alVideo InputFormat s480i,480p, 576i, 576 p,7\f0p/ 50Hz,7 \f0 p/6 0Hz, 1080i/50 Hz,1080i/60 Hz,1080p/\f4 Hz, 1080p/50 Hz,10 80p/6 0Hz Vid eo Inp ut 1syst em, RCA pinjack(x3), Y:1\b0Vp p,75 Ù, Pb/C b,Pr/ Cr:0\b7Vp p,75Ù *Als osu pports R/G /B Sync onG,H D MI 1\b4 a(x\f), HDCP compliant O ut put s 3\b5mm DCtrigger, 3Dsynchro emitterjack(mi niDIN 3p in ) C on tro lTe rminal RS\f3\fCterminal1syst em, Dsub 9pin(m ale) x1(ext ernalcontrol) *3 Pow er Re quirement s AC110V \f40V 50/60Hz Pow er Consumpt ion 330W(3\b\fA) (standby mode:0\b8W) O pe ratio n Environme ntTemperatur e: 5ºC to 35 ºC Hu midity :\f 0% to 80% (nocondensa tion) (st ora ge tem pera ture: 10C to 60 C) Insta llat ion Height Recommendedbelow500 0ft (1 5\f 4m)\b (Hig haltitu de operatin gmod eavailable) Dimensio ns(WxHxD ) 19\b5x8\b8 x\f\f\b5 in\b, 496 x\f\f 4x57\f mm Weight 60lbs\b, \f8 kg\b net /75 lbs\b, 34 kg\b shipping *1 D ILA istheab brevia tionfor Dire ctD rive Image LightAmpl ifier\b *\f DIL Adevic esare manufactured usi ng extrem elyhigh preci sion tech nology \bPi xel effect iveness is99\b99% \b Only 0\b0 1% or les sof the pixel sm ay be off or permanentl ylit an dstil lb e wi thin spec\b * 3 Eth ern et is not suppo rted\b •Fe atu re s, de sig ns and specif icatio ns are subj ect tochang ewi thout prior noti ce © 2012 Wolf\binema DI\fA isatrademark ofthe Victor \bompany ofJapan (JV\b)