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Wolf Cinema Projector Dcx 500i User Manual

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Page 51

aUTo InPUT  leVel – Temporarily enter a checkmark  only if you are an experienced user and 
you  have  an  unusual  source  that  you  feel  needs  further  color  temperature  and/or  input  level 
adjustment. This compensates for incoming out-of-range drives (white) and black levels (black) 
that  would  cause  “crushing”  of  light  and  dark  colors  in  the  image. After  entering  a  checkmark, 
wait for the six slide bar values to stabilize, then delete the checkmark and exit. The Auto Input...

Page 52

noTes: 1) Input levels apply for the current source only, but for any color temperature used.  2) 
Assuming  that  color  temperature  has  been  set  up  based  on  the  internal  test  patterns,  you  can 
then set up input levels for a given source so that it matches the color temperature of the internal 
test patterns.
PeaK DeTeCT oR – The	Peak	 Detector	 is	a	tool	 to	assist	 with	defining	 individual	 input	levels,	
enabling  you  to  accurately  set  the  Input  Levels  for  any  particular...

Page 53

aDVanCeD  IMage  seTTIngs 
— sUbMenU 
Use  the Advanced  Image  Settings 
submenu  to  make  the  adjustments 
necessary  for  lesser-used  but  more 
specialized  applications  on  your 
gaMMa Table  — This control applies a 
default  video, graphics  or simple  gamma 
table or “curve” to your images, controlling 
the  intensity  of  mid-level  colors  and 
producing maximum contrast, brightness 
and  color  performance.  As  shown  at  right,  the  graphics  curve 
is	 a	modified	 power...

Page 54

ColoR  TeMPeRaTURe —	Adjust	 to	apply	 a	specific	 and	accurate	 color	temperature	 to	all	
displays. Color temperatures are expressed in degrees Kelvin (3200-9300K), and utilize different 
combinations  of  the  projector’s  original  native  color  primaries  to  produce  a  “coloration”  or  cast 
(reddish	 or	bluish)	 in	images—the	 lower	the	temperature,	 the	more	 reddish	 the	cast;	 the	higher	
the  temperature,  the  more  bluish  the  cast.  Note  that  the  slide  bar  is  enabled  only...

Page 55

aDVanCeD IMage seTTIngs - sUbMenU (ConTInUeD)
MoTIon  fIlTeR  —  This  control  is  most  useful  for  smoothing  out  moving 
images  from  interlaced  sources.  In  most  cases  the  proper  Motion  Filter  setting 
is  automatically  determined  according  to  the  type  of  incoming  source  signal. 
However, if your source is jittery and/or tearing you may wish to “force” a setting 
to  ensure  stable  processing  for  this  source—if  desired,  override  the  default 
“Auto”	setting	by...

Page 56

Use  the Display  Setup  menu  to 
define	 general	 operating	 parameters	
and  communications  with  other 
projectors  and  equipment,  and  to 
access other advanced processing 
and  image  adjustments  affecting 
overall  performance.  In  addition, 
the  Display  Setup  menu  provides 
access  to  diagnostics,  calibration 
tools  and  the  Service  submenu 
Keep in mind that settings in the  Display Setup menu (and its submenus) are typically “global” 
settings	 applied...

Page 57

MenU PRefeRenCes — sUbMenU
Use the options in this submenu to adjust the appearance, content and/or location of on-screen 
menus and messages.
laRge MenU  fonT — Enter a checkmark to enlarge menus and their text. You may have to 
adjust “Menu Location” to accommodate the increased menu area.
MenU  loCaTIon	 —	Use	 the	pull-down	 list	to	choose	 a	pre-defined	 default	or	customized	
location for the display of all on-screen menus. 
To create a custom menu location quickly, choose a preset that is...

Page 58

Settings	in	the	 Communications	 submenu	define	and	control	 how	single	 or	multiple	 projectors	
are linked with each other and with a controlling device.
baUD Ra Tes
The baud rate setting determines the speed of communication to and from the projector on the 
RS232	 or	RS422	 links.	The	maximum	 rate	for	the	 RS232	 is	115200;	 for	RS422	 it	is	 19200.	 Set	
the baud rate to match that of your controlling device, such as your PC. If you are unsure about 
what  baud  rate  to  choose,  refer  to...

Page 59

Section	3	►	Operation
Rs232 anD Rs422  joIneD: Messages originating from an RS232 or RS422 controller will be 
relayed to all RS232or RS422 ports. Any Ethernet communication, however, will not.
Rs232  anD eTheRneT  joIneD: Messages to and from the RS232 ports will also be relayed 
to the Ethernet port, and vice versa. Any RS422 communications will be isolated.
all  joIneD: All messages reach all ports, regardless of type.
eTheRneT seTTIngs - sUbMenU
noTe:  Recommended for network administrators...

Page 60

bRoaDCasT KeY
Enter  a  checkmark  if  you  want  keypad  commands  sent  to  one  projector  to  be  relayed  to  all 
projectors in a serial network. Note that the   key will temporarily “override” the effect of a broadcast 
setting	and	allow	 you	to	control	 a	specific	 projector	 when	necessary.	 Disable	the	setting	 for	all	but	
one (any) projector in a network.
Toggle the built-in keypad lighting on/off.
fRonT IR / baCK IR
As needed for your application, set to “any” so that the...
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