Wolf Cinema Projector Dcx 1500i User Manual
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B-2 DCx Projector serial Communications Protocol: baud Rate: 115200 Data bits: 8 Parity: None stop bits: 1 flow Control: None Controls: Power Command string ON (PWR 1) OFF (PWR 0) Input select Command string Channel 1 (CHA1) Channel 2 (CHA2) Channel 3 (CHA3) Channel 4 (CHA4) Channel 5 (CHA5) Channel 6 (CHA6) Channel 7 (CHA7) Channel 8 (CHA8) Channel 9 (CHA9) Channel 10 (CHA10) Channel 11 (CHA11) Channel 12 (CHA12) Channel 13 (CHA13) Channel 14 (CHA14) Channel 15 (CHA15) Channel 16 (CHA16) Channel 17 (CHA17) Channel 18 (CHA18) Channel 19 (CHA19) Channel 20 (CHA20) ------To------ ----To---- Channel 99 (CHA99) Quick start Appendix B ► Serial Communications

B-3 overview This document describes how to use ASCII text communications to control one or more of the following Wolf Cinema projectors from a remote location:DCX-500i • DCX-500FD • DCX-1000i • DCX-1000FD • DCX-1500i • DCX-1500FD • ConneCTIon and Use: Once you have connected your computer to either the Rs232 In or Rs422 In port (depending on which standard is supported by your computer) or to the eTheRneT port on a projector listed above, you can remotely access projector controls and image setups, issue commands or queries, and receive replies. Use these bi-directional\ messages to: Control multiple projectors • Obtain a projector’s status report • Monitor sequences of events • Diagnose performance problems • noTes: 1) Refer to the User’s Manual provided with the projector for all cable requirements and other connection details. 2) Some commands are operational only when projector is powered up. Understanding Message format All “remote control” information passes in and out of the projector as a simple text message consisting of a three letter command code and any related data. Opening and closing round brackets (parentheses) surround each message as shown below. Messages can be a command to set a projector parameter at a specific level, such as changing to a certain channel. Or the controller can request information, such as what channel is currently in use—the projector then returns the data in a reply message. Regardless of message type or origin, all messages use the same basic format and code as shown here. ( Code Code Data Code Data! ( ( ) ) ? ) SET (set channel to 24) REQUEST (whats current channel?) REPLY (channel is 24) Function From Controller From Projector Figure 1. The 3 Message Formats (SHADED MESSAGE IS FROM PROJECTOR)Message Format (CHA 24)or (CHA24) (CHA?) (CHA!24) Examples Where applicable, a message may expand to include additional parameters of related details. And, if desired, you can choose to include optional information such as acknowledgements, checksums, and network addressing. 2. Understanding Message format 1. overview Appendix B ► Serial Communications

B-4 2.1 basic Message structurebasIC Message sTRUCTURe The following component fields comprise a standard ASCII message. Optional fields, such as extra characters for special modes, restrictions or added functionality, are shown in shaded areas. sT aRT anD enD of Message: Every message begins with the left “(“character and ends with the right “)“ character. Note that if the start character is received before an end character of the previous message, the partial (previous) message is discarded. PREFIX CHARACTERS (OPTIONAL): For acknowledgement that the projector has responded, and/or to maximize message integrity, insert one or two special characters before the 3-character function code: $ Acknowledgment. See 2.4, Maximizing Message Integrity & Checksum. See 2.4, Maximizing Message Integrity fUnCTIon CoDe: The projector function you wish to work with, such as channel selection or gamma, is represented by a three-character ASCII code (A-Z, upper or lower case). This function code appears immediately after the leading “(“ that starts the message. In messages sent to the projector, a space between the function code and the first parameter (or special character) is optional. ReQUesT/RePl Y sYMbols: If the controller is requesting information from the projector, a “?” question mark appears directly after the function code. If the projector is replying, a “!” exclamation mark appears directly after the function code. For set messages to the projector, neither of these characters appear—the code is followed by the data i\ tself (see next). OTHER SPECIAL FUNCTIONS (OPTIONAL): To add functionality to the current message, include one or more of the following special characters between the function code and first parameter. If more than one (M SP), add in any order. A Auto Mode adjustment (rare—for video standard selection only). See \ 2.6, Other Special Functions E Enable Control Inquiry. See 2.6, Other Special Functions G Global Control Inquiry. See 2.6, Other Special Functions H Return the Help text for a control. See 2.6, Other Special Functions I Used as an index for controls containing many values. See 2.6, Other Spe\ cial Functions K Keypad emulation. See 2.6, Other Special Functions L Return a list of options for ‘list’ controls. See2.6, Other Special Functions M Find min/max adjustments (i.e., range). See 2.6, Other Special Functio\ ns N Return the name of the control. See 2.6, Other Special Functions S Adjust a specific source setup only. See 2.6, Other Special Functions T Return the type of control (i.e. Slidebar etc.). See 2.6, Other Specia\ l Functions P Adjust image in PIP window. See 2.6, Other Special Functions Da Ta: The value for a given projector state, such as “on” or “off”, appears in ASCII-decimal format directly after the request/reply symbol. You can add an optional space after the symbol— i.e., before the data—in a set message, but data in replies follow the “!” symbol without a space. Other details to remember about data: All values returned by the projector (reply messages) have a fixed length of either 3 or • 5 characters regardless of the actual value—the value is padded with leading zeros as necessary. Data in set messages to the projector does not require padding with zero\ s. • For any given parameter, data is always the same number of characters. E.g., the • shutter value, which is either “on” (1) or “off” (0) is always 3-digits: 001 or 000. Appendix B ► Serial Communications

B-5 Within each message, multiple parameters of data must be separated by one “ • space” character. Data pertaining to a source setup other than the current source setup is preceded by: the • letter “S”, the source setup number (i.e., channel), and a space. This is similar to an “extra” parameter P0. Text parameters such as channel names are enclosed in double quotes following the data, • as in “Name”. TexT P aRaMeTeRs: Most data is simply a numerical value, however some messages also require text. For example, a channel naming message typically includes a text-based name after the channel number—enclose this text in double quotation marks, as in “Tilt the Wagon”. Use all characters as desired except for the following special characters shown in the left column below—these require a 2-character combination as shown: special Characters for Text If you want this...enter this... Description \ Backslash “ \“ Quote ( \( Left bracket ) \) Right bracket 0x01 \b Start of binary message (control code) 0x0a New line - if the text can be displayed on more than one line, this will set the line break. 0x1b \x Control code (ESC) 0x0e \e End of binary message (control code) 0x11 \g Xon (control code) 0x13 \s Xoff (control code) saMPlIng Messages anD TheIR MeanIng Desired action Message Description Get current Chan# (CHA?) Request by controller for current channel # Chan# reply from proj. (CHA!24) Reply from proj. that current channel is 24 Set Chan# (CHA 24) Switch to the first channel on the TPC Get on-screen display status (OSD?) Request by controller for OSD state. On-screen display is disabled. (OSD!000) Reply from proj. that menus are not displayed Set on-screen display to ON (OSD 1) Turn the menu system on. 2.2 sampling Messages and Their Meaning Appendix B ► Serial Communications

B-6 (( ( ( $ $( ( ( Code Code Data Code Dest. Ad dr. Data Code Code Code Dest. Ad dr. Dest. Ad dr. Dest. Ad dr. Dest. Ad dr. Checksu m Data Data Data Code Code Code (002 005CON!064) Code (5 2con?) ($5 2con?) Src. Src. Src. Data (5pwr1 ) ($5pwr1) Data Data ? ! ( ( ( $ & $ ) (con64) ) ) (Con?) ? ) (CON!064) ) ($con64) ) (&CON64 240) ) ) ) )SET (set contrast to 64 ) SET (turn proj.#5 on) REQUEST ( whats current contrast?) REPL Y (contrast is 64 ) REQUEST (get contrast from proj. #5 to controller #2 ) SET AND ACKNOWLEDGE MESSAGE (message processed?) SET AND ACKNOWLEDGE MESSAGE (is message from controller #2 processed by proj. #5?) REPLY (from proj. #5 to controller #2: contrast is 64 ) SET WITH CHECKSUM space s pace s pace s pace • For Single Projector • For Broadcasting • For Specific Projector Within a Networ k • 1 Controller Present • For Specific Projector Within a Networ k • Multiple Controllers Presen t Examples E xamples E xamples Function Function Function Message Format Message Format Message Format SET AND ACKNOWLEDGE MESSAGE (message processed? ) WhaT Is aCTUall Y senT In a Message Although you will send and read messages as strings of ASCII characters, the actual message travels as a sequence of bytes. Each character in this sequence requires 1 byte. See example below, which illustrates a “lamp limit is 2000 hours” reply from the pr\ ojector. ASCII = HEX = ( LP L! 20 00 ) 0x4c 0x28 0x50 0x28 0x210x32 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x29 ASCII as Hex 2.3 What is actually sent in a Message Appendix B ► Serial Communications

B-7 2.4 Maximizing Message IntegrityMaxIMIzIng Message InTegRITY For additional reassurance and/or maximum message integrity, you can insert one or two special characters: aCKnoWleDgMenTs: If you want assurance from the projector (or group of projectors) that a set message has been processed, request this simple acknowledgment by inserting a “$” just after the start code “(“. When the projector executes the required action (such as a source switch, for example), the projector will send a “$” (only) back. This is a quick way to confirm success with set messages, and is particularly useful with long-distance communication links or where the projectors and/or images are not visible from the controller. Acknowledgements can also be a type of flow control. Note that requesting an acknowledgement serves no purpose when included in a request message, since the acknowledgement will be redundant to the actual reply from the projector. However, if requested, the “$” acknowledgement from the projector will follow the reply. CheCKsUMs: For maximum message integrity, add a checksum character “&” just after the “(“ as shown below. You must then also include the correct checksum total (0-255) just before the “)” end code. Make sure to add a space before the calculated checksum to separate it from the last data parameter: (&con64 240) The checksum is the low byte of the sum of the ASCII values of all characters between the “(“ and the beginning of the checksum. Calculate the checksum for the above “set contrast to 64” command as follows: CheCKsUM exaMPle = & + c + o + n + 6 + 4 + ‘space’ = 26h+63h +6Fh +6Eh +36h +$34h +$20h = 01F0h = F0h when only the low byte is used = 240 The projector collects all of the message bytes as defined in the first byte of the message, then creates its own checksum value for comparison with the checksum included in the controller’s message. If the values match, the message is considered to have been correctly received— otherwise the message is discarded. noTes: 1) ‘h’ indicates a hex number. 2) If a “request” message has a checksum so will the reply. 3) If using both “acknowledge” and “checksum”, either character can occur first. Message Processed Message from Controller Code) Simple Acknowledge from Projector (Data Next Message from Controller Code)$Data( $$ $ Appendix B ► Serial Communications

B-8 2.5 Accessing Specific source setupsaCCessIng sPeCIfIC soURCe seTUPs For ASCII messages described in this document, it is assumed you are adjusting the current source setup (channel) rather than a different specific one. However, for several commands (for example, ASR, Auto Source) you can direct the message to particular source setup. To do this, insert an “s” and a source# (such as “S5”) before the parameter value—the source setup number can be thought of as a “P0” parameter prior to the first parameter, and can be preceded with an optional space. For example: (ASR S25 1) = Turn Auto-Source on for source setup #25 Use “S0” if your setting should be applied to all source setups (\ channels): (ASR S0 1) = Turn Auto-Source on for all source setups The “S” source setup function cannot be used for parameters affecting the projector as a whole such as projector address. Other Examples: (ASR 1) = Turn ASR on for the current source setup (ASR? S5) = What is the ASR status for source setup #5? (ASR!S005 001) = ASR is on for source setup #5 (ASR? S7) = What is the ASR status for source setup #7? (ERR 006 "ASR: Source does not exist") = Source setup #7 does not exist (ASR?) = What is the ASR status for current source setup? (ASR!000) = ASR is off for current source setup oTheR sPeCIal fUnCTIons To add functionality to a message, include one or more of the following special characters directly after the start code “(“. If you add more than one, they can be i\ n any order. P aRaMeTeR lIMITs: For single-parameter projector function codes, you can find out the current range of adjustment by adding the letter “ M” to your request message. For example: (lPl?M) What is the minimum and maximum lamp limit? (lPl!M000 5000) Minimum lamp limit = 0, maximum lamp limit = 5000. Ranges cannot be determined in this manner if the function has multiple parameters. Note also that for text-based parameters, the “M” values represent the shortest and longest text strings possible. “aUT o” MoDe: For certain projector functions, you can add the letter “a” to your set message if you want software to choose the appropriate setting. A reply with an “a” indicates that the choice was auto-selected. For example: (sTD a ) Set the video standard to the most appropriate option. (sTD?) What is the current video standard? (sTD!a4) The video standard was automatically set to option 4 (such as PAL-M). Note that in these projectors, auto mode is supported only for selecting a video standard. Although other functions (such as Motion Filter) may offer an “Auto” choice in its list of options, a reply message from the projector will not include “A” to indicate that “Auto” it is selected—auto is simply an option chosen like any other. aDjUsTIng a PIP IMage: When there are two images on screen, all messages affect the primary image—that is, the larger “background” image. To direct a message to the PIP window instead, add the letter “P” to your set message. For example: (Con P47) In the PIP window, set contrast to 47. (sTD? P) What is the current video standard used in the PIP window? 2.6 other special functions Appendix B ► Serial Communications

B-9 helP TexT: To have the Help Text for a specific command returned as a reply from the projector, add the letter “h” to your request message. For example: (Con?h) What is the help text for the Contrast Control? (Con! “The Contrast is crushed”) Reply from the projector. global InQUIRY: Add the letter “g” in your request message to find out if the control is global. A reply of “001” is returned if the control is global. For example:\ (bDR?g) Is BDR a global control? (bDR!001) BDR is a global control. InDex V alUe: When a control uses indexes for multiple values, insert an “I” into your request message to fin out the specific value of the index parameter. For example: (bRU? I22) What is the value for White Field Uniformity specified by index 22? (bRU! 123) The value is 123 for index 22. aCCessIng a lIsT: For a control with a list of available options, add the letter “L” to your request message to get a reply of the available options in that list control in the order they appear in the menu. The reply message includes the following four parameters: P1=1, item selectable P2=1, item displayable P3=value of item P4=text for item examples: (sTD?l) What are the list options for the STD list control? (sTD!l001 001 00008 “auto”) (sTD!l001 001 00007 “nTs C”) (s TD!l001 001 00003 “nTsC4.43”) (sTD!l001 001 00000 “P al”) (sTD!l001 001 00004 “P al-M”) (sTD!l001 001 00005 “P al-C”) (sTD!l001 001 00006 “P al-60”) (sTD!l001 001 00002 “seCaM”) (sTD!l001 001 00009 “?”) (sTD!l111 “—enD—”) The end of the list is marked with P1=111. You can also access the text for a specific item in that list by adding the value of that item after the l. For example: (sTD?l4) What is the text for item for in the Video Standard list? (sTD!l001 001 00004 “P al-M”) ConTRol naMe: To find out the name of the control you are using, add the letter “n” to your request message. If the control uses indexes for multiple values, insert the index number after the “n” to read the name of the index. For example: (Con?n) What is the name of the CON control? (Con! “Contrast”) (bRU?n2) What is the name for index parameter 2 for BRU? (bRU! “left side, R”) (b RU?n 6) What is the name for index parameter 6 for BRU? (bRU! “Top left Corner, R”) ConTRol TYPe: To find out the type of control it is that you are using, add the letter “T” to your request message. If indexes are being used for control with multiple values, insert the index parameter after the “T” to find out the type of control that the index is. For some slide bar or number controls, an additional parameter may be returned to specify the number of decimal places the control uses and if the control is to be displayed as a percentage (0=min and 100=max). If the reply message does not contain the letter “ T”, than this function is invalid for that control. Appendix B ► Serial Communications

B-10 The parameters for control types are: 0 = special format 5 = Text 1= slide bar 6 = “Reserved Control” 2 = Checkbox 7 = Date 3 = list 8 = Time 4 = number 9 = IP (dotted quad) examples: (sTD?T) What type of control is STD? (sTD! T003) STD is a List. (Con?T) What type of control is CON? (Con! T001 %000) CON is a slidebar that is currently at 0%. (ebb?T8) What type of control is index parameter 8 of EBB? (ebb! T004 237) EBB is a number control and it’s current value is 237. enable InQUIRY: Add the letter “e” in your request message to find out if the control is enabled in the current context. A reply of “001” is returned if enabled. If the control has and index for multiple values, that index should be used to read the enable status\ . (sTD?e) Is STD enabled in the current context? (sTe!e001) STD is enabled. KeYP aD eMUla TIon: Add the letter “K” in your set message to change to a quick “keypad mode” within the message. The next value in the message now represents the adjustment of the parameter. K0 Stop the adjustment K1 Toggle check box state K2 Start decreasing a value, or moving the current image left/up K3 Start increasing a value, or moving the image right/down examples: (lho K2) Start moving the image left (lho K0) Stop moving the image horizontally (fRz K1) Freeze or unfreeze the image on the active window Keypad emulation is required in APR, FCS, LHO, LVO and ZOM messages set messages. floW ConTRol Normally messages can be sent to the projector before processing of earlier messages is complete—the projector will just store messages in a buffer until ready to process. However, if a series of messages is sent it is possible that the projector may not be able to process them as fast as they arrive and the buffer will become full. If this happens, the projector will send the 13h (Xoff) code to instruct the controller (or any devices preparing to transmit) to cease transmission. At this point, the controller must respond immediately and send no more than 10 extra characters or they may be lost (i.e., the projector is able to accommodate the receipt of up to 10 more bytes after it sends 13h [Xoff]). When the buffer is once again available, the projector will send a 11h (Xon) command to resume transmission. noTe: Xon and Xoff controls apply to both directions of communication. The projector will not send more than 3 characters after it has received a 13h (Xoff) code. floW ConTRol WITh “aCKnoWleDge”: If the controller waits for each message to be acknowledged before sending the next and the controller does not send a message that is longer than 20 characters, then the projector will never send an Xoff and the controller does not have to handle them. If the projector has not received an Xon after receiving an Xoff code, after a time out it will assume that the Xon was lost and start transmitting again. If the controller has received an Xoff and no Xon within a reasonable time, it can assume that the Xon was lost. These two time outs are projector-specific and are in the range of 3s-60s. 2.7 flow Control Appendix B ► Serial Communications

B-11 3. asCII CodesasCII Codes This section lists all ASCII message codes for controlling the projectors listed on page 3. To fully understand how an adjustment works or what it does in the projector and/or image, always consult the User’s Manual provided with your projector. general notes to Remember: When a parameter for a specific source setup is accessed (see 2.5 Accessing Specific • Source Setups) an “S” is inserted between the command code (spac\ e) and P1 (no space The smallest increment for adjusting any parameter is always 1. • For some controls (Contrast, e.g.), the value displayed on the screen is a percentage while • the actual hardware has a range of 0-255. In these cases, remember that ASCII values are correlations to the screen values, and will not match numerically (ASCII 0 = 0%, ASCII 128=50.2%, etc.). aCe aUTo ColoR enable Use to automatically project a specific color or colors when working with controls such as Input Levels, Odd Pixel Adjustment, Color Temp Adjust adjustments, etc. aDR PRojeCT oR nUMbeR ADR identifies or sets the projector’s assigned number (0-999) so that it can be controlled separately within a group of linked projectors. To change the Ethernet IP address via ASCII, see XIP. agC aUToMa TIC gaIn ConTRol AGC automatically tracks the sync amplitude of the incoming signal. aIl aUT o InPUT leVels AIL allows the projector to continuously monitor the input signal levels and make adjustments as necessary to prevent crushing. aPj aCTIVe PRojeCT oR Use APJ to temporarily disable (0) or enable (1) the IR and Wired Keypad inputs to a specific projector in a network of projectors. APJ is essentially the same as using the Proj key, and is best understood as a way of changing a projector’s listening status even though and Proj still work. noTes: 1) APJ does not affect the built-in keypad. 2) An APJ to disable the keypad does not change the state of the Communications menu checkboxes for Front IR, Rear IR, Wired Keypad—these will remain checked (on). 3) The keypads revert to “enabled” after a power- down, or if the projector is unplugged and plugged in again. aPR IRIs Used APR to adjust the Iris size from 0-9. Raise to improve contrast, lower to improve brightness. (APR K2) - start increasing the aperture size (higher brightness) (APR K3) - start decreasing the aperture size (higher contrast) (APR K0) - stop changing the aperture size To “nudge” the aperture size, script in a delay between (APR K3) and (APR K0). Depending on your application, a delay of at least 20-30 milliseconds may be sufficient. 3.1 aCe auto Color enable 3.2 aDR Projector number 3.3 agC automatic gain Control 3.4 aIl auto Input levels 3.5 aPj active Projector 3.6 aPR Iris Appendix B ► Serial Communications