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Wolf Cinema Projector Dcx 1000fd User Manual

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Page 111

3.7  aPW
auto Power Up
3.8  aRo
aspect Ratio overlay
3.9  asR
auto source
3.10   asU
Quick setupaPW   aUTo PoWeR UP
Set APW to automatically power up (1) or remain off (0) after a power failure. 
aRo   asPeCT Ra TIo oVeRla Y 
This is a function used when setting up the projector. When turned on (1), it overlays a number 
of common aspect ratio boxes on top of the source image. Turning off the overlay (0), will return 
to your source image. 
asR   aUTo soURCe 
Use ASR to automatically select a...

Page 112

blb  blUe blaCKleVel 
Set	or	request	the	blue	Blacklevel	(0-511)	for	a	specific	source	setup.	
blD  blUe DRIVe 
Set	or	request	the	blue	Drive	(0-511)	for	a	specific	source	setup.	
bog  blUe oDD gaIn 
Set	or	request	 the	blue	 Odd	Gain	 (0-255)	 for	a	specific	 source	setup.	You	can	set	an	Odd	 Gain	
value	 for	two	 separate	 analog	input	paths.	 The	first	input	 path	is	Input	 1	(BNC	 connectors).	 The	
second input path is one of: Input 2 (DVI-A connector), or Input 5 or Input 6 (one of the analog...

Page 113

P1 = Where to adjust? 
or (if Wolf WARP and 
no other parameters)P1 
= Which type of White 
Field Uniformity 0 = Overall
1 = Left
2 = Right
3 = Top
4 = Bottom 5 = Top Left
6 = Top Right
7 = Bottom Left
8 = Bottom Right
If Wolf WARP and no P2 or P3 parameters, P1=
0 = Disable
1 = Enable normal White Field Uniformity
2	–	4	=	User-defined	White	Field	Uniformity	(requires	s/w	v1.1	or	
P2 = Which color to adj. 0 or R = Red 1 or G = Green
2 or B = Blue
P3 = Setting 0 – 255 for...

Page 114

P9 White y 
P10  Magenta x 
P11  Magenta y 
P12  Cyan x 
P13  Cyan y 
P14  Yellow x 
P15  Yellow y 
(CCA?)           = What is the current color adjustment?
(CCA 1 661 341 332 575 144 93 320 330)   = Set “Max Drives” to these x/y coordinates 
CCC  CoMPRehensIVe ColoR CleaR 
The  CCC  command  will  copy  the  data  from  one  of  the  comprehensive  color  setups  into  the 
currently selected user setup (USER1-4).  See CCS for a list of possib\
le selections. 
CCI  ColoR TeMPeRa TURe 

Page 115

3.32 CRM
Chroma / luma DelayCRM  ChRoMa / lUMa Dela Y 
Use CRM to set the time delay (20-50) between the chroma and luminance\
 in decoded signals. 
CsP  ColoR sP aCe 
CSP 	specifies	which	color	space	the	input	signal	uses.	0=RGB,	1=YprPb,	2=YPbPr	(HDTV).	
Def  f aCToRY  DefaUl Ts 
Use  DEF  to  reset  all  parameters  in  the  projector  to  factory  defaults—all  source  setups  are 
deleted,	 all	factory-defined	 color	palettes	 are	restored,	 and	all	user	 adjustments/preferences	 are	
set to...

Page 116

   P6 = input polarity & routing 
      Bits 2-0 // horizontal sync source 
        0 = no sync 
        1 = horizontal on vertical input 
        2 = horizontal on horizontal input 
        3 = horizontal on green input 
        4 = horizontal on red input 
        5 = horizontal from Vid1 input 
        6 = horizontal from Vid2 input 
      Bit 3 // set if composite sync (H & V on same wire) 
      Bit 4 // set if horizontal sync has negative polarity 
      Bit 5 // set if vertical sync has...

Page 117

3.39  DTl Detail
ReaDIng PRefeRenCe seTTIngs 
Settings	for	projector	preferences	are	either	 Transferable	or	Projector-specific:	
   Transferable: Valid for any projector of the same model. Single DTA parameter = T. 
   Projector-specific: Unique to an individual projector. Single DTA parameter = P. 
    ($DTA? T) = Request for all preferences that can be used in other  
           projectors of the same model 
    (BDR! 09600)
    (LPI! 00345)
    ($DTA? P) = Request for...

Page 118

Parameter ValueDescription
P1 1-16 
(P1: 1-9 = blend edge/zone brightness) 
(P1: 10-13 = edge zone width) 
(P1: 14-16 = color components of overall black level)  1 = Center 
2 = Top 
3 = Bottom 
4 = Left 
5 = Right 
6 = Top Left 
7 = Top Right 
8 = Bottom Left 
9 = Bottom Right 
10 = Left Width 
11 = Right Width 
12 = Top Width 
13 = Bottom Width 
14 = Black Red Level 
15 = Black Green Level 
16 = Black Blue Level
P2 When P1 = 1-9, P2 = 0-247
When P1 = 10-13, P2 = 0-255
When P1 = 14-16, P2 = 0-255...

Page 119

    (EBL 2 0 15)  Set width of top blend to 15 
    (EBL?)    What is the current status of Edge Blending—on or off? 
    (EBL! 1)   Edge Blending is currently enabled 
ebo  eDge blenDIng oVeRlaP
Use EBO in conjunction with Edge Blending to simplify the aligning of edge-blended projectors. 
Enabling  EBO  (1)  sets  the  blend  region  to  a  uniform  gain  of  25%  and  the  rest  of  the  image  to 
100%. Disable EBO (0) to restore previous gain settings. 
ebs  eDge blenDIng seleCT...

Page 120

noTe: The 65535 signifies the port address of the controller receiving the message. 
SYNC no longer responding (65535 00030ERR 001 "System Error: SYNC no longer  
Attempt to delete the current source  (65535 00030ERR 002 "System Warning: The current  
        source cannot be deleted")
(BDR38900)      (65535 00030ERR 003 "BDR: Invalid parameter 1")
(BLB 25 25)      (65535 00030ERR 004 "BLB: Too many parameters")
(ASR S10)      (65535...
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