Williams Joust Usa Upright Instructions Service Manual
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16P-3006-101REVISION ADecember, 1982INSTRUCTION MANUALFORUPRIGHT GAMESIncluding procedures for…· Operation· Auditing· Adjustment· DiagnosticsFor service…NOTE NEW TOLL-FREETELEPHONE NUMBERS:800-621-1253In Illinois call:800-572-13243401 N. California Av.Chicago, IL 60618Cable Address: WILCOIN, CHICAGO(312) 267-2240

No 16-3006-101-AMT-1October 1982MANUAL AMENDMENTMANUAL AFFECTED:16P-3006-101 and 16P-3006-101 TKeep This Sheet With Your Instruction ManualPURPOSE:To Update JOUST ROM SummaryROMPART NO.DESCRIPTIONJOUST 1BA-5343-09961-APROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 2BA-5343-09962-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 3BA-5343-09963-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 4BA-5343-09964-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 5BA-5343-09965-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 6BA-5343-09966-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 7BA-5343-10150-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 8BA-5343-09968-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 9BA-5343-09969-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 10BA-5343-10153-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 11BA-5343-09971-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELJOUST 12B A-5343-09972-BPROM, 4Kx8, GREEN LABELDecoder ROM 4 A-5342-09694PROM, 512x8(Horizontal)Decoder ROM 6A-5342-09821PROM, 512x8(Vertical)Video Sound ROM 4 A-5343-09973ROM, 4Kx8Special Chip 1A-5410-09911Special ChipNOTES:· Current JOUST games use green-label ROMs. Earlier games have either yellow or red-label ROMs, which areinterchangeable and may be mixed in the same game. DO NOT attempt to mix green-label ROMs with red or yellow-label ROMs.· Boards with green-label ROMs should include jumpers W1 and W3 only. Boards with red or yellow-label ROMssubstitute jumpers W2 and W4.3401 N. California Av. Chicago, IL 60618

1ROM SUMMARYROMPART NO.DESCRIPTIONJOUST 1AA-5343-09961-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 2AA-5343-09962-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 3AA-5343-09963-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 4AA-5343-09964-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 5AA-5343-09965-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 6AA-5343-09966-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 7AA-5343-09967-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 8AA-5343-09968-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 9AA-5343-09969-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 10AA-5343-09970-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 11AA-5343-09971-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELJOUST 12AA-5343-09972-APROM, 4Kx8, YELLOW LABELDecoder ROM 4 A-5342-09694PROM, 512x8(Horizontal)Decoder ROM 6A-5342-09821PROM, 512x8(Vertical)Video Sound ROM 4 A-5343-09973ROM, 4Kx8Special Chip 1A-5410-09911Special ChipPOWER TURN-ONCAUTION - This game must be plugged into a properly grounded outlet to prevent shock hazard and to ensure propergame operation. DO NOT use a cheater plug to defeat the ground pin on the line cord, and DO NOT cut off the groundpin.WHEN THE GAME IS FIRST TURNED ON it produces a sound. Simultaneously general illumination should come onand a moment later a scanning “rug pattern” indicating the RAM test should appear on the screen. Next the rug shouldbecome stationary as the ROM test is performed. In a correctly running game the rug pattern will be followed by themessage INITIAL CHECKS INDICATE ALL SYSTEMS GO. If RAM or ROM failure messages come up on the screeninstead, refer to Power-Up Tests in TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES.GAME OPERATIONGAME START - Insert coins; a random sound is produced and credits are displayed on the CRT. With two or more creditsdisplayed, pressing 2-player start initiates a 2-player game where each player gets five* mounts (turns).*Adjustable Feature

2PLAYER CONTROLSThe Joystick sends the gladiator and his ever stalwart mount (ostrich or stork) boldly to the left or to the right.The Flap Button causes the hero’s mount to spread its robust wings.GAME PLAYAT SOME FAR-DISTANT TIME two fantastic gladiators meet and square off for battle. Each is mounted on a fancifulbird of prey (ostrich or stork) who’s wings can carry it from the cliftops to the mouth of the abyss and hopefully back . . . orthe bubbling lava below will increase it’s toll.While your mount is a skilled flyer, your opponent is a shrewd gladiator. You must prove you are his better. Stealthily youmust pilot your mount above him, and cleverly you must stalk him . . . to strike at the moment he least suspects you! Andalways remember this rule: In every Joust, the highest lance wins!Of course your opponent will resist your attempts, all the while pursuing his own designs on you. Each gladiator has five*mounts. Every time you’re toppled you must mount a new bird for the next joust. The gladiator who scores the mostdismountings is the winner.YOUR PATH MAY SEEM CLEAR and your work cut out, but just them a flock of vicious Buzzard-Riders will ambushyou! Ruthless even as they are dismounted, these wily Buzzard-Riders instantly lay their eggs. You must pick up the eggsor they will soon hatch into even more persistent and antagonistic foes!Fortunately at 20,000* points (should you make the grade) you will be awarded another bird to mount against the loyalopposition.Joust is designed for either one or two players.HIGH SCORE SIGNATURESelect letters with the joystick. Push right to move forward through the alphabet; push left to move backward. Then pushthe FLAP button to lock in the letter.BOOKKEEPING AND EVALUATION TOTALS1.In Game-Over Mode, open the cashbox and depress the cashbox advance switch. The advance switch located on thecoin door can also be used. The CRT should indicate all bookkeeping and evaluation totals. If so, go to step 3. Ifthe CRT display comes up in the ROM test, perform step 2.AUTO-UPHIGHSCORERESETMANUALDOWNADVANCEFigure 1. Coin Door Button Switches2.Continue to depress the cashbox advance switch, stepping the game through test programs for ROMs, RAMs, CMOSRAMs, color RAMs, sounds, switches, and then CRT test patterns, of which there are five. The fifth test pattern,color bars, directly precedes the CRT display of the bookkeeping and evaluation totals.3.The bookkeeping and evaluation totals appear on the displays as in Figure 2.* Adjustable feature

3CLEARING BOOKKEKPING TOTALS1.Depress ADVANCE to display Game Adjustments.2.Operate PLAYER 1 joystick to position cursor on CLEAR BOOKKEEPING TOTALS.3.Push PLAYER 2 Joystick.4.Depress ADVANCE.Figure 2. Bookkeeping displayGAME ADJUSTMENTSIn the Game-Over Mode open the coin door with AUTO-UP/MANUAL-DOWN switch set to AUTO-UP, and depress thecoin door ADVANCE switch twice to cause a CRT display as shown in Figure 3.To select and then set functions to the desired values, use the PLAYER 1 joystick (push right to move arrow down, left tomove arrow up) then, making sure the coin door is open, use the PLAYER 2 joystick to increase or reduce the value of theselected function.The number of turns (men) per 1-credit game can be set anywhere from 1 to 99 (5 recommended). Difficulty is factory-programmed at 5 (moderate). It can be custom-programmed (0-9, with 9 conservative) as desired.Game pricing is selected with standard settings or with custom settings as shown in Tables 1 & 2. Table 1 lists somecommon pricing schemes and directs the reader to the proper entry in Table 2, which shows what the CRT display shouldlook like to accomplish the desired pricing. Note that free play can be elected by entering the code number 9 at thePRICING SELECTION function (see Tables 1 and 2).For standard settings you need change only the PRICING SELECTION. For custom settings, first set PRICINGSELECTION to zero and then set the remaining values according to Table 2.BOOKKEEPING TOTALSLEFT SLOT COINS 167CENTER SLOT COINS 0RIGHT SLOT COINS 426PAID CREDITS 593FREE MEN 221TOTAL TIME IN MINUTES1038TOTAL MEN PLAYED2000TOTAL SINGLE PLAYER 101TOTAL DUAL PLAYER 492TOTAL CREDITS PLAYED 593AVERAGE TIME PER CREDIT 1:45

4Figure 3. Game AdjustmentHighest Score SignatureThe number of letters allowed the highest scoring player for entering his name can be varied from 3 to 20 and isrecommended as 3. If objectionable words are entered as the signature name, you can change the lettered entry leaving thehighest score the same. See Setting Highest Score Name.Restore Factory Settings1.Position the cursor on RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS.2.Push PLAYER 2 joystick to the right.3.Depress ADVANCE switch twice.Resetting High Score Table1.Position the cursor on RESET HIGH SCORE TABLE.2.Push PLAYER 2 joystick to the right.3.Depress ADVANCE.Setting Attract Mode Message1.Position the cursor on SET ATTRACT MODE MESSAGE.2.Push PLAYER 2 joystick to the right.3.Depress ADVANCE.4.Enter up to two lines of your message following instructions onthe screen5.Depress ADVANCE to terminate process.NOTE:To restore the Williams attract mode message, itis necessary to perform steps 1 through 3 and thenturn the game OFF then ON.Setting High Score Name1.Position the cursor on SET HIGHEST SCORE NAME.2.Push PLAYER 2 joystick to the right.3.Depress ADVANCE.4.Enter new signature; depress ADVANCE to terminate process.NOTE:An alternate, simpler method enters the factoryhighest score signature. In the game over mode,hold HIGH SCORE RESET Depressed. After afew seconds a sound is produced and the factoryhighest score signature has been activated.GAME ADJUSTMENTEXTRA MAN EVERY20000MEN FOR 1 CREDIT GAME 5HIGH SCORE TO DATE ALLOWED YESPRICING SELECTION 31/QUARTER 4/DOLLAR LEFT SLOT UNITS 1 CENTER SLOT UNITS 4 RIGHT SLOT UNITS 1 UNITS REQUIRED FOR CREDIT 1 UNITS REQUIRED FOR BONUS CREDIT 0 MINIMUM UNITS FOR ANY CREDIT 0FANCY ATTRACT MODE YESDIFFICULTY OF PLAY 5LETTERS FOR HIGH SCORE NAME 3RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS NOCLEAR BOOKKEEPING TOTALS NOHIGH SCORE TABLE RESET NOAUTO CYCLE NOSET ATTRACT MODE MESSAGE NOSET HIGH SCORE NAME NOUSE ‘PLAYER 1 MOVE’ TO SELECT ADJUSTMENTUSE ‘PLAYER 2 MOVE’ TO CHANGE THE VALUEPRESS ADVANCE TO EXIT

5Table 1. Pricing SchemesCOIN DOORMECHANISMCREDITS/MONEYTABLE 2STANDARDSELECTION/CUSTOM KEYTwin QuarterQuarter, Dollar, Quarter1/25¢, 5/$12/50¢, 5/$11/25¢, 4/$12/50¢, 4/$11/50¢, 3/$1, 4/$1.251/50¢, 3/$1, 7/$21/50¢, 3/$1, 6/$21/50¢AB3CDE151DM, 5DM1/1DM, 6/5DM220-Cent, 50-Cent1/20¢, 3/50¢F1 Franc, 5 Franc1/2F, 3/5F425 Cent1/25¢, 4/1G61 Guilder1/25¢, 5/1GG5 Franc1/5F, 2/10F710 Franc1/10F81 Franc, 2 Franc2/1F 5/2F2100 Lire, 200 Lire1/200 Lire8Twin Coin1/1 Coin1/2 Coins1/3 Coins, 2 5 Coins35H1 Unit, 5 Unit1/2, 3/51/1, 5/51/3, 2/54IJFREE PLAY-9Table 2. Pricing SettingsCUSTOM KEYDISPLAYFUNCTIONSSTANDARD SELECTIONABCDEFGHIJPricing SelectionLeft Slot UnitsCenter Slot UnitsRight Slot UnitsUnits per CreditUnits for Bonus CreditMinimum Units for Credit114124026011003141100411662005141200610410071021008102200914110001411400141142014110203123415001248121496240601550001041400202500010510002010500

6TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESCertain types of game malfunctions may inhibit the gamesdiagnostic or display faculties. Troubleshooting proceduresfor most of these types of malfunctions as well asmalfunctions that permit self-diagnosis are covered below.Our troubleshooting algorithm begins with Power-Upand continues until Game Over Mode. All procedurescan be performed with minimal test equipment or merelyby observing the game itself.POWER-UP TESTSNO GENERALILLUMINATIONNO INITIAL VIDEO(RUG PATTERN)CHECKING POWERSUPPLY BOARD(1) Check fuse F2 on power supply board.(2) Check for proper installation ofjumpers W1, W2, W3 and/or resistorR27. (Some machines DO NOT have anR27. Refer to your drawing set.)(3) Check 4P1/J I, 4P3/J3, 6P2/J2 and6P3/J3.(4) If all the above dont turn up theproblem check power supply board.(1) Open back doors(2) Press reset button on CPU Board.(3) Try RAM and ROM tests (see below).(4) If all the above dont turn up theproblem, check power supply board.(1) Swap power supply board with one fromknown-good game.(2) If game plays, problem is on powersupply board.(3) If game doesnt play, check powertransformer with voltmeter.(4) If known-good power supply isunavailable for tests above, check +5V, – 5Vand + 12V outputs on power supply in game.Each MUST BE within 2% of rated outputwith less than 0.1% AC hum.MORE POWER-UP TESTSTESTROM BOARDLEDsRECOGNIZECONDITIONROM BOARDLEDsIDENTIFYCHIPSVIDEOREMEDYGENERAL“0” means allpower-up testspassed-(1) Scanning rug pattern(2) Stationary rug pattern(3) INITIAL CHECKS INDICATE ALLSYSTEMS GO(4) Game-Over ModeIf any video (see left) is missing orerror message is displayed, proceedto Diagnostic Mode tests.“0” means testspassed-“HIGH SCORE TABLE RESET”“BOOKKEEPING TOTALS CLEARED”“ADJUSTMENT FAILURE”“RESTORE FACTORY SEITINGS BYOPENING FRONT DOOR ORTABLETOP AND TURNING GAMEOFF AND ON”(1) Open coin door and turn poweroff and on.CMOS(SeeAppendix A)“0” means testspassed-“FACTORY SEITINGS RESTORED”(2) Press ADVANCE. Game shouldreturn to Game-Over Mode.BATTERY(SeeAppendix A)“0” means testspassed-“HIGH SCORE TABLE RESET”“BOOKKEEPING TOTALS CLEARED”“ADJUSTMENT FAILURE”“RESTORE FACTORY SEITINGS BYOPENING FRONT DOOR ORTABLETOP AND TURNING GAMEOFF AND ON”(1) Open coin door and turn poweroff and on. Or press ADVANCE.In either case, game should returnto Game-Over Mode.(2) Check AA alkaline cells onCPU Board.(3) If problem persists proceed withCMOS RAM test by putting thegame into its Diagnostic Mode (seeSELF-DIAGNOSTICS).MEMORYPROTECTINTERLOCK(SeeAppendix A)“0” means testspassed-“HIGH SCORE TABLE RESET”“BOOKKEEPING TOTALS CLEARED”“ADJUSTMENT FAILURE”“RESTORE FACTORY SEITINGS BYOPENING FRONT DOOR ORTABLETOP AND TURNING GAMEOFF AND ON”(1) Making and breaking coin doorinterlock switch, check with VOMand replace if faulty.(2) Replace if faulty: Memoryprotect gates 6E, IC1, Ql, or CMOSRAM 1C.SPECIALCHIP“0” means testspassed-(1) Scanning rug pattern.(2) Blank screen instead of “INITIALTESTS INDICATE: OPERATIONAL”(3) High score table with no scores.(4) Intro blank or program crash.(1) Turn power off.(2) To find bad chip replace 2special chips one at a time withknown good chips.(3) Turn Machine on after eachreplacement and run throughPower-Up Tests.

7+5v DC ADJUSTMENT (R10 & R24)Before adjusting the voltage output, always check the output at the supply for AC hum. This hum should never riseabove 0.005v on the +5v DC supply. If it does, consult your schematic drawing set for proper DC voltages throughout thecircuit. Test for these with the DC setting of your multimeter. Make a second check using the AC setting. Pay particularattention to readings at TP5 (top of capacitor C10). If the voltage here is too low (less than +11v DC) or you find excessiveripple (more than 700mv rms), replace the capacitor.Table 3 Voltage Adjustments to +5v Dc SupplyWHICH RESISTORSSUPPLY HAS . . .NeitherR10 onlyR24 OnlyR24 & R10TO INCREASE VOLTAGEIF UNDER 4.25v DC . . .Add R24Remove R10 oradd R24-Remove R10 oradd R24TO DECREASE VOLTAGEIF OVER 5.25v DC . . .Add R10-Remove R24 oradd R10Remove R24 oradd R10SELF DIAGNOSTICSIf RAM or ROM failure messages are displayed on the CRT after the “rug pattern” proceed with self-diagnostics. Self-diagnostic procedures are controlled by the AUTO-UP/MANUAL-DOWN and ADVANCE switches in the coin door. Setthe AUTO-UP/MANUAL-DOWN switch to the MANUAL-DOWN position and depress the ADVANCE pushbutton. Thegame is now in its Diagnostic Mode and a ROM test is performed. With ROM test results present on the CRT display,depressing the ADVANCE pushbutton initiates the RAM test. Further tests (CMOS, sound, switch, color RAM, monitortest patterns) are encountered one after the other as the ADVANCE pushbutton is depressed (once more for each subsequenttest).MONITOR TEST PATTERNS - For ease in monitor adjustments, the monitor may be slid back and the screen viewed inthe CRT mirror provided on the inside-top of the cabinet. Remove the two bolts and carefully slide the monitor back in itsshelf; secure the monitor in the extended position by inserting the two bolts though holes in the monitor base and monitorshelf provided at the left side of the monitor.AUTO CYCLE MODE - From the color bar pattern (or Game Over with the switch set to AUTO-UP) depress ADVANCEtwo times to display GAME ADJUSTMENTS.1.Position the cursor on AUTO CYCLE with the MOVE Joystick and push the FIRE joystick up.2.Depress ADVANCE.3.The system will now sequence through ROM, RAM, and CMOS RAM tests repeatedly. The coin door must be openduring the Auto Cycle test. If an error is detected, the test is terminated and the failure indication is displayed on theCRT.4.To terminate the Auto-Cycle test, turn the game OFF and ON.Figure 4. RAM Location and Numbering on the CPU Board

8DIAGNOSTIC MODE RAM AND ROM TESTSTESTROM BOARDLEDsRECOGNIZECONDITIONROM BOARDLEDs IDENTIFYCHIPSVIDEOREMEDYROM“2” means ROMerror.2-digit ROM chipnumber“ROM ERROR” and ROMchip number.(1) Turn power off.(2) Replace suspected chip.RAM“1” means RAMerror.Bank number first,then chip number inbank (see figure 3)“RAM ERROR” followedby RAM bank number andchip number (Note: withmultiple RAM failures thisdisplay may not appear)(1) Check for normal voltages onindicated RAM chip: -5v/pin 1,+12v/pin 8, +5v/pin 9.(2) Turn power off.(3) Replace suspected chip.(4) With multiple RAM failuresalways check power supply. SeePOWER-UP TESTS.CMOS(SeeAppendix A)“3” meansCMOS RAMerror-“CMOS RAM ERROR ORWRITE PROTECTFAILURE”(1) Check pin 22 of CMOS RAM for+3.2VDC minimum. If present,replace CMOS chip 1C. If absentreplace AA alkaline cells.(2) With new alkaline cells, check for+3.8VDC. If still absent, replacediodes D9 and D10.(3) Upon power-up and re-entry intodiagnostics if CMOS error messagepersists check CMOS RAM memoryprotect and address decoding circuitswith a logic probe.Tests 4 and 7 provide sequential subtests. To stop automatic cycling set switch to MANUAL-DOWN.Depress advance in MANUAL-DOWN to step through subtests. LED indications are not made for these tests.TEST & PROCEDURESVIDEOREMEDY OR ADJUSTMENTMissingCheckSOUND(Test 4)“SOUND LINE 1”“SOUND LINE 2”“SOUND LINE 3”“SOUND LINE 4”“SOUND LINE 5”“SOUND LINE 6”(These appear one at a time)123456All2P4/lOP3 Pin 32P4/10P3 Pin 22P4/10P3 Pin 52P4/10P3 Pin 42P4/10P3 Pin 72P4/10P3 Pin 6Perform Sound BoardDiagnostics (see below)CRT indicates AUTO-UP closed and any stuckswitches. CRT Display for Each Switch . . .Coin DoorPlayer PanelSWITCH TEST(Test 5)(1) Set switch to MANUAL-DOWN and clear any stuckswitches.(2) CRT should indicate noswitches closed.(3) Operate switches andcheck for display of switchname.ADVANCEAUTO-UPHIGH SCORE RESETLEFT COINCENTRE COINRIGHT COINSLAM SWITCH1- PLAYER START2- PLAYER STARTMOVE 1FLAP 1MOVE 2FLAP 2(1) COIN DOOR SWITCH STUCK:Disconnect 2P3(2) PLAYER PANEL SWITCHSTUCK: Disconnect 3P2 or 3P3(3) COIN DOOR SWITCH DOES NOTOPERATE: Ground corresponding pinof 2P3.(4) PLAYER PANEL SWITCH DOESNOT OPERATE: Ground correspondingpin of 3P2 or 3P3SYMPTOM REMAINS SAME . . .ROM Board or Interface Board Faulty.SYMPTOM CLEARS UP . . .Problem is in switches or wiring