Whirlpool Adp 750 Wh Instruction Manual
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9 For best performance of the dishwasher, follow these loading guidelines. Features and appearance of baskets and cutlery baskets may vary from your model. Attention before or after Loading the Dishwasher Baskets Scrape off any large amounts of leftover food. Soften remnants of burnt food in pans. It is not necessary to rinse the dishes under running water. Place objects in the dishwasher in following way: 1.Items such as cups, glasses, pots/pans, etc. are faced downwards. 2.Curved items, or ones with recesses, should be loaded aslant so that water can run off. 3.All utensils are stacked securely and can not tip over. 4.All utensils are placed in the way tha t the spray arms can rotate freely during washing. Very small items should not be washed in the dishwasher as they could easily fall ou t of the baskets. Bowl M Bowl L() () GlassesDessert plateSaucers Cups Front(Eg g) Gravy la dle Loading the Upper Rack Th e upper ra ck is de s igned to ho ld mo re d elicate a nd lighter dis hwa re s uch as g lass es, coffee and tea cup and saucers, as well as plates, small bowls and shallow pans (as long as they are not too dirty). Position the dishes and cookware so that they do not get moved by the spray of water. Upper wheels Lower wheels Adjusting the Upper Basket The height of the upper basket can be adjusted in order to create more space for large utensils both for the upper/lower basket. The height of the upper basket can be adjusted by placing the wheels on different height of the rails. Long items, serving cutlery, salad servers and knives should be placed on the shelf so that they do not o bstruct the rotation of the spray arms. The shelf can be fold ed back or be removed when not required for use.

Loading the Lower Basket We recommend that you place large items which are most difficult to clean into the lower basket: pots, pans, lids, serving dishes and bowls, as shown in the figure to the right. It is preferable to place serving dishes and lids on the side of the racks in order to avoid blocking therotationofthe topsprayarm. Pots, serving bowls, etc. must always be placed top down. Deep pots should be slanted to allow water to flow out. The bottom basket feature fold down tine rows so that larger or more pots and pans can be lo aded . 1. Cutlery basket 2. Dessert plates 3. Soup plates 4. Dinner plates 5. Oval platter 6. Saucer 10

11 Cutlery Basket For washing in th e dishwashe r the following cutlery/dishes Cutlery with wooden, horn china or mother-of-pearl handles Plastic items that are not heat resistant Older cutlery with glued parts that are not temperature resistant Bonded cutlery items or dishes Pewter or cooper items Crystal glass Steel items subject to rusting Wooden platters Items made from synthetic fibres Do not put in items that are dirty of cigarette ash, c andle wax, lacquer or paint. If you buy new dishes please make sure that they are suitable for dishwashers.Some types of glasses can become dull after a large number of washes Silv er a nd alum inum par ts h ave a tendenc y to discolour du ring washin g Gla zed patt erns may fade if machine washed freq uen tly P lea se d o no t ove rloa d y our d ishw ash er. T here is o nly spac e fo r 9 s tand ard dishe s. Do n ot use dish that is no t suitable for dishwa shers. This is important for good resu lts and for reasonable energy consume. Before loading the dishes, you should: Remove large left-over Softe n re mnants of burnt food in pans Dishes and cutlery must not impede the rotation of the spray arms Load hollow items such as cup s, glass es, pans etc. with the opening downwards so that water cannot collect in the con tain er or a deep base NOTE: NOTE: Are not suitable Are of limited suitability Loading cutlery and dishes When loading the dishes and cutlery, please note: Cutlery should be placed in the cutlery basket with the handles at the bottom. If the rack has side baskets, the spoons should be loaded separately into the appropriate slots, especially long utensils should be placed in the horizontal position at the fron t of the uppe r basket as s hown in the picture. Always load sharp utensils with the sharp point down! 1 2 3456 7 3553 1551 3553 3553 1561 3213 3244 1244 2244 2214 1214 7274 1.Tea spoons 2.Dessert spoons 3.Soup spoons 4.Forks 5.Knives 6.Serving forks 7.Serving spoons Do not leave any item extend thro ugh bottom. Knives and other utensils with sharp points must be loaded in th e basket with their points down or placed in an horizontal posit ion. It is dangerous to open the door when washing, because the hot water may be scalded to you. The door should not be leftintheopenpositionsincethiscouldpresentatrippinghazard.

Wash Cycle Table 12 Meaning: need to fill rinse into the Rinse-Aid Dispenser.() *En50242: This program is the test cycle, the rinse-aid dispenser setting is recommended to be set to position 6. Daily Int ensiv e EN 50242 5/22g Fo r normally soiled loads, such as , plates,glasses and lightly soiled pans. Standard daily cycle.pots For the heaviest soiled loads, such as pots, pans, casserole dishes and dishes that have been sitting with dried food on them for a while. A shorter wash for lightly soiled loads that do not need drying. Pre -wash For lightly so iled loads, such as glasses, crysta l and fine china. Delicate Pr e- w ash 5 0 -wash Wa sh ( 60 ) Rinse Rinse (70 ) Drying() ℃ ℃℃ Pr e Rinse Pre -wa shWash (40 ) Rinse (70 )℃ ℃ DryingPre-wash Wa sh (50 ) Rinse (60 ) Drying℃ ℃ Wash (40 ) Rinse (45 )℃ ℃171 0.81 173 1.4 28 0.35 11 8 0.8 18.4 13.0 Eco. 22gFor lightly soiled loads,such as plates,glasses,bowls and ligh tly so iled pans.Pre -w ash Wash (45 ) Rinse (60 ) Drying℃ ℃11 1 0.7 11 . 0 Fo r dishes that need to be rinsed and dried only. Sani rinse Was h( 4 5 )℃Rinse (70 ) Drying℃98 0.88.0 7.0 11 . 0 5/22g To rinse dishes that you plan to wash later that day.Pre-w ash11 0.016.0 Express 15g 15g 15g Daily Eco. Int ensiv e 3in1 3in1 For normally soiled loads, such as , plates, glasses and lightly soiled pans. standard daily cycle.po ts For lightly soiled loads,such as plates,glasses,bowls and lightly soiled pans. F or the h eaviest soil ed loa ds , such as pots, pans, casserole dishes and dishes that have been sitting with dried food on them for a while.Pre-wash 60 Wash (70 ) Rinse Rinse Rinse (70 ) Drying (℃) ℃ ℃ Pre-wash Wash (50 ) Rinse (70 ) Drying℃ ℃ Pre-wash Wa s h (4 5 ) Rinse (70 ) Drying℃ ℃ 148 1.0 128 0 .8 161 1.515. 1 12.7 12.7 3in1 3in1 3in1 3in 1+ + + + + +

WARNING!It is dan gero us to ope n the do or when was hing , because the hot wate r ma y s cald you. Whe n the wo rking cyc le h as fi nish ed, the buzz er of the dishwas her will soun d fo r 8 s ec onds, the n sto p. Turn off the appliance using the ON/OFF button, shut off the water supp ly and open the door of the dishwasher. Wait for a few minutes before unlo ading th e dishwasher to avoid ha ndlin g the dishes and utensils while they are still hot and more susceptible to break age. The y will also dry better. Switch Off the Dishwasher The program has ended, only if there appears a 0 in the digital display (remaining program time). 1.Switch off the dishwasher by pressing the ON/OFF button. 2.Turn off the water tap! Open the door carefully. Hot dishes are sensitive to knocks. The dishes should therefore be allowed to cool down around 15 minutes before removing from the appliance. Open the dishwashers door, leave it ajar and wait a few minutes before removing the dishes. In this way they will be cooler and the drying will be improved. Unloading the dishwasher It is normal that the dishwasher is wet inside. Empty the lower basket first and then the upper one. This will avoid water dripping from the upper Basket onto the dishes in the lower one. Turning On the Appliance Change the Program... Forgot to Add a Dish? will working after 10 seconds.continue If you open the door , the machine will pause. When you close the door , the machineduring a wash cycle AttheEndoftheWashCycle 13 Starting a cycle wash 1 Draw out the lower and up per b asket, load the dishes and push them back. It iscommendedtoloadthelowerbasketfirst,then theupperone(seethe sectionentitled Lo a ding the Dish was he r ). 2 P our in th e de tergent (se e the sect ion e ntitled Salt , De terg en t and Rins e Ai d ) . 3 Insert the plug into the socket. The power supply is 220-240 VAC /50 HZ, the specification of th e socket is 10A 250VAC. Make sure that the water supply is turned on to full pressure. 4 Clo se the doo r, pr ess the ON/OFF butt on, a nd t he O N/O FF light will t urn o n. P re s s the pro gram b utton to select a desired wash cycle, After 3 seconds, the machine will work. “” “” Premise: 1 A cycle that is underway can on ly be modified if it has on ly been running fo r a short time. Otherwise, the d etergent may have already b een released, and the a ppliance may have alread y drained the wash water. If this is the case, the detergen t dispenser must be refilled (see the section entitled Loading the Detergent ). 2 Wh en you press the start/reset button mo re than 3 sec onds, you can cancel the running programme and select other programmes (see the section entitled Starting a wash cycle. . . ). 3 Wh en you select Intensive/Normal/Eco.Programmes, you can select the 3in1 fu nction. A forgotten dish can be added at any time before the detergent cup opens. Load the forgotten dishes. Close the door, the dishwash er will sta rt ru nning again after 10 seconds. After t he spray arms stop wo rking ,you can open the door compl etely. 2 Open the door a little to stop the washing.13 4

The filter prevents larger remnants of food or other objects from getting inside the pum. The residues may block the filter, in this case they must be removed. The filter system consists of a coarse filter,a flat (Main filter) A nd a microfilt er(Fine filter ). Food and soil particles trapped in this filter are pulverized by a specia l jet on the lower spray arm and washed down to drain. La rge r ite ms, such as p iece s o f bon es o r gla ss, that c ou ld b lock the drain are trapped in the coarse filter. To remove the items caught by the filter, gently squeeze the tap on the top of this filter and lift out. This filter holds soil and food residues in the sump area and prevents it from being redeposit on the dishes during wash cycle. Main filter1 Coarse filter2 Fine filter3 2 3 1 Filtering System Filter assembly The filter efficiently For best performance and results, the filter must be cleaned re gularly. this reason, it is a goo d idea to remove the larger food particles trapp ed in the filter after e ach was h cycle by rinsing the semicircular filter and cup under runnin g water. To remove the filter device, pull the cup handle in the upward d irection.re mo ves food particle s from the wash water, allowing it to be recycled during the cycle. For WARNING! T he d ishw ash er m ust nev er b e u s ed with o ut th e fi lters . Improper replacement of the filter may reduce the performance level of the appliance and damage dishes and utensils. Step 1 Turn the filter in anti-clockwise direction, then lift it u p.: Step 2 lift the Main filte r up: Step 3 lift the Fine filter up: 14 When following th is procedure from step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed; when following it from Step 3 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.

The control panel can be cleaned by using a lightly dampened cloth. After cleaning, make sure to dry it thoroughly. For t he exter ior, use a g o od a pplia nce pol ish w ax. Never use sharp objects, scouring pads or harsh cleaners on any part of the dishwasher. Protect Against Freezing 1.Cut off the electrical power to the dishwasher. 2.Turn off the water supply and disconnect the water inlet pipe from the water valve. 3.Drain the water from the inlet pipe and water valve. (Use a pan to catch the water) 4.Reconnect the water inlet pipe to the water valve. 5.Remove the filter at the bottom of the tub and use a sponge to soak up water in the sump. please take frost protection measures on the dishwasher in winter. Every fter washing cycles, please operate as followstime a : Caring for the Dishwasher - Inspect the filters for blo cking a fter e very time the dishwa sher has been used. - By unscrewing the coarse filter, you can remove the filter system. Re move any foo d remna nts and clean the filters under running water. Remarks: Cleaning the Filter Cleaning The Door To cle an the coar se fi lter and the f ine f ilter, use a c lea ning b ru sh. R eass emb le th e fi lter p arts as s how n in the figu res on the last page and reinsert the entire assembly in the dis hwa sher, positio ning it in its seat and pressing dow nwards. The entire filter assembly should be cleaned once a week. When cleaning the filters, dont knock on them. Otherwise, the filters could be contorted and the performance of the dishwasher could be decreased.WARNING! To clean the e dge around the door, you should use only a soft warm, damp cloth. To avoid pene tration o f wa ter into the door lock and electrical components, do not use a spray cleaner of any kind. WARNING! Never use a spray cleaner to clean the door panel as it may damage the door loc k and electrical components. Abrasive agents or some paper towels shou ld not be used becau se of the risk of scratch ing or le avin g spots on th e s tainl ess ste el su rfac e. Cleaning the Spray Arms It is necessary to clean the spray arms regularly in order to remove the accumulation of scale from the hard water and thus prevent blocking of spray arm jets and bearings. We Suggest to poke the blocked spray arm jets with a needle to ensure good washing effect. 15 If your dis h wa s her ca n not work bec ause of t he ice, p leas e co ntac t profes sion al se rvic e pe rson s. Unscrew

It is recommend that you run a wash cycle with the dishwasher empty an d the n remove the plug from the socket, turn off the wa ter supply and leave the door of the a ppliance slig htly op e n. This w ill h elp the d oor seals to last longer and prevent odours from forming within the appliance. If the appliance must be moved, try to keep it in the vertical position. If absolutely necessary, it can be positioned on its back. Oneofthefactorsthatcauseodourstoforminthe dishwasher is food that remains trapped in the seals. Periodic cleaning with a damp sponge will prevent this from occ u rrin g. Ensure the voltage and frequency of the power being correspond s to those on the rating plate. Only in sert the plug into an electrica l socke t which is earthed prop erly. If the electrical socket to which the appliance must be connected is not appropriate for the plug , replace the socket, rather than using a adaptors or the like as they could cause overheating and burns. Plea se look at the rating label to know the rating voltage and connect the dishwasher to the appropriate power supply. Use the required fuse 10 amp , time delay fuse or c ircuit breaker recommended and provide separate circuit serving only this appliance. This app lianc e mu st b e ea rthed . In the e vent o f a malfunct ion o r bre akdo wn , earthing will redu ce th e ris k of electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for the electric current. This applian ce is equippe d with a cord having an equipment-earthing conductor and an earthing plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and earthed in accordance with a ll local standards and requirements. Position the appliance in the desired location. The back should rest against the wall behind it, and the sides, along the adjacent cabinets or walls. T he dishwasher is equipped with water supply and drain hoses th at can be positioned either to the righ t or the left sides to facilitate proper installation. Once the appliance is positioned for levelling, the height of the dishwashe r may be altered via adjustment of the screwing level of the feet. In any case, the applia nce should not be inclined more than 2 . Positioning the Appliance About Power Connection WARNING! for personal safety: DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD OR AN ADAPTER PLUG WITH THIS APPLIANCE.DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, CUT OR REMOVE THE EARTHING CONNEC TION FROM TH E PO WER CORD. After every wash, turn off the water supply to the appliance and leave the door slightly open so that moisture and odours are not trapped inside. Before cleaning or performing maintenance, always remove the plug from the socket. To clean the exterior and rubber parts of the dishwasher, do not use solvents or abrasive cleaning products. O nly use a clo th w ith warm so apy water. To remove spots o r stains from the surface of the interior, use a cloth dampened with water an a little vinegar, o r a cleaning pro duct mad e specifically for dishwashers. After Every Wash Remove the Plug No Solvents or Abrasive Cleaning Moving the Appliance Seals When not in Use for a LongTime 16

for personal safety: DO NOT USE AN EXT ENS ION CORD OR A N A DAPTER PLU G W ITH THIS AP PLIA NCE. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, CUT OR REMOVE THE FROM THE POWER CORD.EARTHING CONNECTION Connect the cold water supply hose to a threaded 3/4(inch) connector and make sure that it is fastened tightly in place. If the water pipes are new or have not been used for an extended period of time , let the water run to make sure that the water is clear. This precaution is needed to avoid the risk of the water in let to be blocked and damage the a ppliance. Th e water supply to the appliance can also be connected to the house hold hot water line (such as, central system, heating system),as long as it does not exceed a temperature of 60 C. In this case, the wash cycle time will be shortene d by about 15 minutes and the wash efficiency slightly reduced. Th e co nnection must be made to the hot water line following the same procedures as described in the section for the connection to the cold water line. Insert the drain hose into a drain pipe with a minimum diameter o f 4 cm, o r let it run into the sink, making sure to avoid bending or crimping. Use the special plastic support that comes with the appliance. The free end of the hose must be at a height between 40 and 100 cm and must not be immersed in water. WARNING!Improper connection of the equipment earthing conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly earthed. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance. If the plug does not fit properly to the outlet, please have a qualified electrician to install a proper outlet. In order to avoid that there is more water staying in the inlet hose, please close the hydrant after using.(Not applicable to appliances without aqua-stop.)WARNING! Water Outlet Connect the water drain hose. The drain hose mu st be correctly fitted to avoid water leaks. Ensure that the water inlet hose is not kinked or squashed. Water Connection 17

18 The following things should be checked before starting the dishwasher. Syphon Connection The waste connection must be at a height of be tween 50 cm (minimum) and 100 cm (maximum) from the bottom of the dish. T he water drain hose should be fixed by a hose clip. StartofDishwasher The content of this manual is very helpful to the users. After installation, please make sure to keep this manual. Extension Hose If you need a drain hose extension, make sure to use a similar drain hose. It must be no longer than 4 metres; otherwise the cleaning effect of the dishwasher could be reduced. 1The dishwasher is level and fixed properly 2The inlet valve is open 3There is a leakage at the connections of the conducts 4The wires are tightly connected 5The power is switched on 6The inlet and drain hoses are knotted 7All packing materials and printings should be taken out from the dishwasher