Voigtlander Vito C Instructions For Use
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l-\ ttla\I lNsrRucnoNs FoR usEEV- E www.orphancameras.com
vtTo c a24 x36 - 35 mm , I Aperture ring wiih lever 2 Bqck lock 3 Dislqnce scqle with 3-point setting 4 Depth of field scqle 5 Shutter speed ring with shuiter speed scole 6 Shutler releqse 7 Film indicqtor to show the type of film looded in the comero 8 Coble releqse socket 9 Flosh sockel l0 Self-timer ll Tripod bush 12 Film counter wiih setting button www.orphancameras.com
RG HT HERE is the most importont piece of odvice in this corefullyprepored booklet: pleose reod il thoroughly beforeyou do onything else. Prociice mokes perfect: so tryout the vorious comero controls without o film inthe comero. Remember olso thot the VITO C, though very robust,is on opticol ond mechonicol precision instrument.It iherefore needs gentle ond sensible hondling. Thecornero will repoy coreful treotment with perfeclpictures for mony yeors to come. v0t6TtIit0ER A. 6. ERAUNscH}Y Et6 www.orphancameras.com
Confenfs: Poge Preporing lhe comero 2 Unlooding . chonging portly exposedfilms 3 Setting the exposure . ... . .. : .. . . 4 Aperture ond depth of field 5 Setting the distonce . ... Finder . releose . ropid winder 7 Self-timer flqsh shots . &- 9 Focorlenses .....; 10-ll Filters . .. . .. 12 www.orphancameras.com
Gel*ing the Camers Reody . o . wirh Every New Film I Inserting lhe film. Press.together the lockingcotches (2i ond open the comero bqck. Push the f ilm reversing lever (.|5) to the left, ond f u lly pu ll out therewind knob (.|3) which springs up (see illustrotion 3). Push the film leoder intothe slit of the toke-up spool qnd qnchor it to the hook (20 und 24) witho perforotion hole. Drow ihe cossette qcross the film trock, insert it in thecossefte chomber (15) ond fully push bock the rewind knob. The rewind shoft(22) must engoge in the centre spool of the cossette, ond the lower sprocket ofthe tronsport shqft (23) should engoge the film perforotions (see illustrotion 4)Close the cqmero bqck. I Seiling the film counler. Turn the milled knob (12) until the diomond t mqrk(for o 36-exposure cossette) or the O mork (with o 20-exposure cossette) isopposite the red dot. Alternotely operote the ropid wind ing lever ond thereleose button until the film counter indicotes No. 36 or No. 20 respectivelyfor the first exposure.While you ore ot it, set olso the film indicotor fl) before loqding the film - while therewind knob .is pulled out. Turn the indicotor disc occordingly: td : block-ond-white film; &t: doylight type colour film; ond€: ortificiol light type colour film.-2- www.orphancameras.com
I Unlosding the Camersqfter the lqst Exposure Rewinding qnd removing fte film. Push the reversing lever (.|5) to the left,f etting the rewind knob (21) iump up. Turn the knob in the direction of theorrow until the I or the O mork reoppeqrs in the film counter window. Thenopen the comero bock, fully pull ouf the rewind knob, ond remove the cossette. Changing Partly Exposed Films With the VITO C you con olwoys remove o portly exposed film ond chonge itfor onofher one (for instonce to switch over from block-ond-white to colourfilm) without the need for o dqrkroom.Moke o note of the number of the lost exposed frqme, ond rewind the portly exposedfilm into its cossette. When relooding this portly exposed film loter on, proceed osolreody, described.As soon os the I oppeors in the film counter window, depress the releose button, ondhold it down in this position. Keep on pulling out the ropid winding lever os for os itwill go until the film counter ogclin indicotes the number of the frome you noted before.Now let go of the releose, work the ropid winding lever once more, qnd you concorry on shooting. I -3- www.orphancameras.com
Seffing the Exposure. . . Shutter Speed ond Aperture I Sefiing the shuller speed. Rotote the shutter speed ring (5) until the red lineclicks into posiiion opposite the required exposure time. The exposure times from 1/zso second Io 1/so second ore outomoticolly timed bVthe shutter. When set to B the shutter remqins open qs long qs you keep thereleose depressed. For such time exposure (support the comero firmly ormount ii on o tripod) use q coble releose which screws into the socket (B). I Seiling the operluFe. Rotote the operture ring by the lever (1) until the requiredoperture figure is opposite the triongulor A index mork. See olso poge 5 fornotes on qperture ond depth of field. I With some experience you con eosily estimote the correct shutter speed ond oper- I ture required. The leoflets enclosed with most films olso give useful hints. To beI reolly sure, however, use o photo-electric exposure meter. -4- www.orphancameras.com
Aperture ond DePth of Field The depth of field zone depends on the operlur.e setting, gn{ covers thot port oi th subiect qreo in front of, qnd behind the focused distonce, which is reproduced on the film with occeptoble shorpness. Note thot: lorge operlures (e.g. tn.B yield limited depth of field; smqll opertures (e.g. tl16) yield greoler depth of field. . I neoaing off the depth of field. - After hoving set the distonce (see next pcge) hold th; comero so thot you con reod the operture mqrks on the depth of field scole (4) os well os the distonce scole (3) ot the some time. The depth of field extends from the distonce figure obove ony given left-hond operture number to the distonce figure obovJ the corresponding operture number of the right side of the A mork. I Consider the depth of field when you odiust the. op.ertqrg lq motch o preselectedI ;i;ii;; ;p;;d.li-t;r; tubil.r oiii foio sreoter depih of field zone thon obtoinobleI ;i]h; correct operture s-d*ing,. io, moy-hove to $re-set o longer exposure time in I order to orrive of o smoller operture. _ 5 _ www.orphancameras.com
Seffing the DisfonGe . . . by Simple Symbols The distonce scole (3) corries the following red symbols for three-point distoncesettings between the distonce figures: o :- PORTRAITS - subiect distqnce 4tlcfeet Y = GROUPS - subiect distonce 11 feet C = VIEWS - subiect distonce 33 feet. According to your subiect, set the distonce scole simply to one of these threesymbols. This gives yoU, qmong olhers, the following depth of field Zoo€s: Apertureo (4rln feet)V (11 feet)C (33 feet) f t5.6flBf t11 3r/a to 5 ft.3r/rto5r/+ft.Srloto 6 ft. 8r/t to 16t/, ft.71lz to 23 ft.6rl, Io 40 ft. 16t1, ft. to oo13, /, ft. to ool0 ft. to oo distqnce scole. Here theYou con of course set individuol subiect distonces on theoccessorv Voigtlcinder rongefinder is o greot help. -6- www.orphancameras.com